IRL-Resident Mid-Term & Final External Examiners (Graduate Research School) - Flowchart for Process Mid-Term Examiner is nominated on PGR3 Application to Transfer to/Confirmation on the PhD Register form. Form signed by student and supervisor(s) and endorsed by Head of School. Submitted to College Head of Research. Final Examiner is nominated on PGR4A Notification of Intention to submit a Thesis for Examination form. Form signed by student and supervisor(s) and endorsed by Head of School. Submitted to College Head of Research. College Head of Research submits the PGR3 or PGR4A form to College Board for approval. Once approved at College Board, the form is sent to the Graduate Research School (GRS) Once approved, the GRS Administrator sends an appointment letter to the Examiner. Included are instructions and Graduate Research School Board approves the appointment on behalf of Academic Council IRL-Resident External Examiner/Asse ssor Payroll Form along with a P8 DIT External Examiner/Asse ssor Expense Claim Form and Fee Claim Form. The examiner immediately returns completed Payroll Form to GRS Administrator Note: A Terms of Information document is not required for the above categories of External Examiners/Assessors Payroll sets up CORE Pay record GRS Administrator completes an Appointment Form. This is signed by the Graduate Research School Head and is forwarded to Payroll, along with the completed IRL- Resident External Examiner/As sessor Payroll Form and any attachments. Once the viva voce examination has taken place, the Examiner may return the P8 DIT External Examiner/Ass essor Expense Claim Form and Fee Claim Form to the GRS Administrator IMPORTANT: claims will not be processed until Reports/Statem ents have been received Once all documentation is in order, fee is paid to examiner via Payroll and expenses are paid by Creditors (through CORE Expenses) via EFT IMPORTANT: claims will not be processed until Reports/Statements have been received The GRS Administrator gets the P8 DIT External Examiner/Assess or Expense Claim Form and Fee Claim Form endorsed by the Graduate Research School Head and forwards the Fee Form to Payroll and the Expenses Form to Creditors for payment Non-IRL Resident Mid-Term & Final External Examiners (Graduate Research School) - Flowchart for Process Mid-Term Examiner is nominated on PGR3 Application to Transfer to/Confirmation on the PhD Register form. Form signed by student and supervisor(s) and endorsed by Head of School. Submitted to College Head of Research. Final Examiner is nominated on PGR4A Notification of Intention to submit a Thesis for Examination form. Form signed by student and supervisor(s) and endorsed by Head of School. Submitted to College Head of Research. College Head of Research submits the PGR3 or PGR4A form to College Board for approval. Once approved at College Board, the form is sent to the Graduate Research School (GRS) Graduate Research School Board approves the appointment on behalf of Academic Council Once approved, the GRS Administrator sends an appointment letter to the Examiner. Included are instructions, a Pay Mandate Form, a P8 DIT External Examiner/Assess or Expense Claim Form and Fee Claim Form. The Examiner should return the completed Pay Mandate Form immediately to the GRS Administrator, who will forward it to Finance Operations, so the examiner can be set up as a one-time creditor Note: A Terms of Information document is not required for the above categories of External Examiners/Assessors Once all documentation is in order, fee and expenses are paid by Creditors to examiner via EFT, with a deduction from the fee at standard rate of tax for PSWT (Professional Services Withholding Tax). Once the viva voce examination has taken place, the Examiner may return the P8 DIT External Examiner/Assessor Expense Claim Form and Fee Claim Form to the GRS Administrator IMPORTANT: claims will not be processed until Reports/Statements have been received IMPORTANT: claims will not be processed until Reports/Statements have been received The GRS Administrator gets the P8 DIT External Examiner Expense Claim Form and Fee Claim Form endorsed by the Graduate Research School Head, then forwards them to Creditors for payment IRL-Resident Accreditation & Review Panel Members - Flowchart for Process School completes a Q2A Nomination of External Member for Programme Review or Validation form or a Q2B Nomination of External member to School Review Panel form, which is signed by the Head of Department & Head of School, then by College Director once approved at College Board. The College submits the Q2A or Q2B form to Academic Quality Assurance Committee for approval Payroll sets up CORE Pay record The Q2A or Q2B form is approved at Academic Quality Assurance Committee (A greater number of potential panel members are approved than is actually required, to account for diary availability and gender balance of panels) Quality Assurance Officer decides on appropriate panel composition and QA Administrator contacts them with potential dates Once panel members confirm availability, the QA Administrator sends an IRLResident External Examiner/Ass essor Payroll Form to each panel member for immediate completion and return to the QA Administrator. Note: A Terms of Information document is not required for the above categories of External Examiners/Assessors QA Administrator completes an Appointment Form. This is signed by the relevant Head of School and is forwarded to Payroll, along with the completed IRL-Resident External Examiner/Ass essor Payroll Form and any attachments. Once the review/accre ditation event is underway, the Panel member is given the P8 DIT External Examiner/Ass essor Expense Claim Form and Fee Claim Form, which can be completed on the day, or subsequently returned to the QA Administrator Once all documentation is in order, fee is paid to examiner via Payroll and expenses are paid by Creditors (through CORE Expenses) via EFT The QA Administrator gets the P8 DIT External Examiner/Assessor Expense Claim Form and Fee Claim Form endorsed by the relevant Head of School and College Manager, who confirm the budget code to be used. The QA Administrator forwards the Fee Form to Payroll and the Expenses Form to Creditors for payment Non-IRL Resident Accreditation & Review Panel Members - Flowchart for Process School completes a Q2A Nomination of External Member for Programme Review or Validation form or a Q2B Nomination of External member to School Review Panel form, which is signed by the Head of Department & Head of School, then by College Director once approved at College Board. The College submits the Q2A or Q2B form to Academic Quality Assurance Committee for approval The Q2A or Q2B form is approved at Academic Quality Assurance Committee (A greater number of potential panel members are approved than is actually required, to account for diary availability and gender balance of panels) Quality Assurance Officer decides on appropriate panel composition and QA Administrator contacts them with potential dates Once panel members confirm availability, the QA Administrator sends a Pay Mandate Form to each panel member for immediate completion and return to the QA Administrator, who will forward it to Finance Operations, so the examiner can be set up as a one-time creditor Note: A Terms of Information document is not required for the above categories of External Examiners/Assessors Once all documentation is in order, fee and expenses are paid by Creditors to examiner via EFT, with a deduction from the fee at standard rate of tax for PSWT (Professional Services Withholding Tax). Once the review/ accreditation event is underway, the Panel member is given the P8 DIT External Examiner/Assess or Expense Claim Form and Fee Claim Form, which can be completed on the day, or subsequently returned to the QA Administrator IMPORTANT: claims will not be processed until Reports/Statements have been received The QA Administrator gets the P8 DIT External Examiner/Assessor Expense Claim Form and Fee Claim Form endorsed by the appropriate School Head, then forwards them to Creditors for payment