Special Educator Program SpEd 625 Brownbridge Winter 2011 Informal Mathematics Assessment Report Submitted by: First & Last Name of Candidate Phone Number: Candidate’s Phone Number including area code E-mail: Candidate’s e-mail address Informal Mathematics Assessment Report Identifying Information: Student: Highlight This & Type Age: years, months Grade: School: Student Background Information: After you’ve read this paragraph, highlight the entire paragraph and write a thorough summary of information available to you about the student you will be assessing. BE SURE to address the reason for testing and the student’s previous educational history. Provide as much detail as necessary/possible to give the reader an adequate understanding of the student. This section of the Report should be about 1 page in length. Be sure to change the font color to black. SpEd 625 p. 1 Informal Mathematics Assessment Report Test Results Assessment(s) Administered & Rationale for Use The following mathematics subtests were administered; they were based on the following sources. Source: Stein, M., Silbert, J., & Carnine, D. (1997). Designing effective mathematics instruction: A direct instruction approach (3rd ed.). Merrill/Pearson Publishing. Stein, M., Kinder, D., Silbert, J., & Carnine, D. (2006). Designing effective mathematics instruction: A direct instruction approach (4th ed.). Merrill/Pearson Publishing. Subtest(s) Administered Description Rationale for Use Subtest Name & Number For each measure listed on the left, highlight this text & describe the informal measure used: subtest(s) administered; skills/concepts assessed; oral/silent measure; timed/untimed; recall/recognition task; number of items; etc.; be sure to change the text color to black For each measure listed on the left, highlight this text & describe why the measure was used; be sure to change the text color to black Subtest Name & Number For each measure listed on the left, highlight this text & describe the informal measure used: subtest(s) administered; skills/concepts assessed; oral/silent measure; timed/untimed; recall/recognition task; number of items; etc.; be sure to change the text color to black For each measure listed on the left, highlight this text & describe why the measure was used; be sure to change the text color to black Subtest Name & Number For each measure listed on the left, highlight this text & describe the informal measure used: subtest(s) administered; skills/concepts assessed; oral/silent measure; timed/untimed; recall/recognition task; number of items; etc.; be sure to change the text color to black For each measure listed on the left, highlight this text & describe why the measure was used; be sure to change the text color to black Subtest Name & Number For each measure listed on the left, highlight this text & describe the informal measure used: subtest(s) administered; skills/concepts assessed; oral/silent measure; timed/untimed; recall/recognition task; number of items; etc.; be sure to change the text color to black For each measure listed on the left, highlight this text & describe why the measure was used; be sure to change the text color to black Assessment Results 1. Total Reading-Writing Numbers & Counting Below is a graphic/picture of a table from the 00_Informal Math.xlsx file. You need to find the actual table pictured below in the spreadsheet noted, and then Copy and Paste/Paste Special/Link it into this report. To do that, (a) go to the 00_Informal Math.xlsx spreadsheet and Copy the table that looks like the one below, (b) then click back on this report and click on the graphic/picture below and when the picture placeholders appear, hit the Delete key; (c) then Paste/Paste Link the table into the space below; (d) resize the table so it fits within the margins and will print properly; and (e) when finished, delete this row of red text by clicking in this cell, then you can (1) go to the Word top menu bar and pull-down the Table menu, choose Delete and then Rows, or (2) right click in this cell and select Delete Rows – this row will disappear. Correct Possible % age 420 420 100.0% 108 108 100.0% Reading Numbers with 1- to 9-digits 54 54 100.0% Writing numbers with 1- to 9-digits 54 54 100.0% 312 312 100.0% Total Reading-Writing Numbers & Counting Reading & Writing Numbers (1- to 9-digits) Counting Orally & in Writing Student Behavior During Test Describe the student’s behavior during testing; highlight all of the blue text in this section and be sure to change this text color to black Test Results The student demonstrated the following strengths, weaknesses and error patterns on this subtest; highlight all of the blue text in this section and be sure to change this text color to black Strengths SpEd 625 Weaknesses Error Patterns p. 3 2. Total Basic Facts, Computation & Word Problems Below is a graphic/picture of a table from the 00_Informal Math.xlsx file. You need to find the actual table pictured below in the spreadsheet noted, and then Copy and Paste/Paste Special/Link it into this report. To do that, (a) go to the 00_Informal Math.xlsx spreadsheet and Copy the table that looks like the one below, (b) then click back on this report and click on the graphic/picture below and when the picture placeholders appear, hit the Delete key; (c) then Paste/Paste Link the table into the space below; (d) resize the table so it fits within the margins and will print properly; and (e) when finished, delete this row of red text by clicking in this cell, then you can (1) go to the Word top menu bar and pull-down the Table menu, choose Delete and then Rows, or (2) right click in this cell and select Delete Rows – this row will disappear. Correct Possible % age 566 566 100.0% All Basic Facts 400 400 100.0% All Computation 127 127 100.0% Addition Computation 39 39 100.0% Subtraction Computation 36 36 100.0% Multiplication Computation 16 16 100.0% Division Computation 36 36 100.0% 39 39 100.0% Addition & Subtraction Word Problems 19 19 100.0% Multiplication & Division Word Problems 14 14 100.0% Multi-step Word Problems: +n, -n, xn, ÷n 6 6 100.0% Total Basic Facts, Computation & Word Problems All Word Problems Student Behavior During Test Describe the student’s behavior during testing; highlight all of the blue text in this section and be sure to change this text color to black Test Results The student demonstrated the following strengths, weaknesses and error patterns on this subtest; highlight all of the blue text in this section and be sure to change this text color to black Strengths SpEd 625 Weaknesses Error Patterns p. 4 3. Fractional Numbers Below is a graphic/picture of a table from the 00_Informal Math.xlsx file. You need to find the actual table pictured below in the spreadsheet noted, and then Copy and Paste/Paste Special/Link it into this report. To do that, (a) go to the 00_Informal Math.xlsx spreadsheet and Copy the table that looks like the one below, (b) then click back on this report and click on the graphic/picture below and when the picture placeholders appear, hit the Delete key; (c) then Paste/Paste Link the table into the space below; (d) resize the table so it fits within the margins and will print properly; and (e) when finished, delete this row of red text by clicking in this cell, then you can (1) go to the Word top menu bar and pull-down the Table menu, choose Delete and then Rows, or (2) right click in this cell and select Delete Rows – this row will disappear. Correct Possible % age 93 93 100.0% Identifying & Drawing fractions 6 6 100.0% Reading & Writing fractions 18 18 100.0% Comparing fractions 6 6 100.0% All Computations with fractions 42 42 100.0% Adding fractions 11 11 100.0% Subtracting fractions 10 10 100.0% Multiplying fractions 12 12 100.0% Dividing fractions 9 9 100.0% Solving word problems with fractions 10 10 100.0% Finding Factors 11 11 100.0% Total Fractional Numbers Student Behavior During Test Describe the student’s behavior during testing; highlight all of the blue text in this section and be sure to change this text color to black Test Results The student demonstrated the following strengths, weaknesses and error patterns on this subtest; highlight all of the blue text in this section and be sure to change this text color to black SpEd 625 p. 5 Strengths Weaknesses Error Patterns 4. Decimal Numbers Below is a graphic/picture of a table from the 00_Informal Math.xlsx file. You need to find the actual table pictured below in the spreadsheet noted, and then Copy and Paste/Paste Special/Link it into this report. To do that, (a) go to the 00_Informal Math.xlsx spreadsheet and Copy the table that looks like the one below, (b) then click back on this report and click on the graphic/picture below and when the picture placeholders appear, hit the Delete key; (c) then Paste/Paste Link the table into the space below; (d) resize the table so it fits within the margins and will print properly; and (e) when finished, delete this row of red text by clicking in this cell, then you can (1) go to the Word top menu bar and pull-down the Table menu, choose Delete and then Rows, or (2) right click in this cell and select Delete Rows – this row will disappear. Correct Possible % age 72 72 100.0% Recognizing & writing decimal numbers 31 31 100.0% Adding & Subtracting decimal numbers 6 6 100.0% Multiplying & Dividing decimal numbers 23 23 100.0% Rounding decimal numbers 12 12 100.0% Total Decimal Numbers Student Behavior During Test Describe the student’s behavior during testing; highlight all of the blue text in this section and be sure to change this text color to black Test Results The student demonstrated the following strengths, weaknesses and error patterns on this subtest; highlight all of the blue text in this section and be sure to change this text color to black Strengths SpEd 625 Weaknesses Error Patterns p. 6 5. Percentage Below is a graphic/picture of a table from the 00_Informal Math.xlsx file. You need to find the actual table pictured below in the spreadsheet noted, and then Copy and Paste/Paste Special/Link it into this report. To do that, (a) go to the 00_Informal Math.xlsx spreadsheet and Copy the table that looks like the one below, (b) then click back on this report and click on the graphic/picture below and when the picture placeholders appear, hit the Delete key; (c) then Paste/Paste Link the table into the space below; (d) resize the table so it fits within the margins and will print properly; and (e) when finished, delete this row of red text by clicking in this cell, then you can (1) go to the Word top menu bar and pull-down the Table menu, choose Delete and then Rows, or (2) right click in this cell and select Delete Rows – this row will disappear. Correct Possible % age 24 24 100.0% Recognizing & writing percentages 17 17 100.0% Solving word problems with percentages 7 7 100.0% Total Percentage Student Behavior During Test Describe the student’s behavior during testing; highlight all of the blue text in this section and be sure to change this text color to black Test Results The student demonstrated the following strengths, weaknesses and error patterns on this subtest; highlight all of the blue text in this section and be sure to change this text color to black Strengths SpEd 625 Weaknesses Error Patterns p. 7 6. Time Concepts Total Time Concepts Recognizing & writing the time shown on analog clocks Correct Possible % age 15 15 100.0% 15 15 100.0% Student Behavior During Test Describe the student’s behavior during testing; highlight all of the blue text in this section and be sure to change this text color to black Test Results The student demonstrated the following strengths, weaknesses and error patterns on this subtest; highlight all of the blue text in this section and be sure to change this text color to black Strengths Weaknesses Error Patterns 7. Money Concepts Total Money Concepts Recognizing & writing money concepts SpEd 625 Correct Possible % age 34 34 100.0% 34 34 100.0% p. 8 Student Behavior During Test Describe the student’s behavior during testing; highlight all of the blue text in this section and be sure to change this text color to black Test Results The student demonstrated the following strengths, weaknesses and error patterns on this subtest; highlight all of the blue text in this section and be sure to change this text color to black Strengths Weaknesses Error Patterns 8. Measurement Concepts Total Measurement Concepts Recognizing & writing measurement concepts Correct Possible % age 48 48 100.0% 48 48 100.0% Student Behavior During Test Describe the student’s behavior during testing; highlight all of the blue text in this section and be sure to change this text color to black Test Results The student demonstrated the following strengths, weaknesses and error patterns on this subtest; highlight all of the blue text in this section and be sure to change this text color to black Strengths SpEd 625 Weaknesses Error Patterns p. 9 9. Graphs, Charts, Statistics Total Graphs-Charts-Statistics Concepts Reading and Interpreting graphs, charts, maps & statistics Correct Possible % age 29 29 100.0% 29 29 100.0% Student Behavior During Test Describe the student’s behavior during testing; highlight all of the blue text in this section and be sure to change this text color to black Test Results The student demonstrated the following strengths, weaknesses and error patterns on this subtest; highlight all of the blue text in this section and be sure to change this text color to black Strengths Weaknesses Error Patterns 10. Geometry Concepts Total Geometry Concepts Recognizing geometric figures, angles and calculations Correct Possible % age 43 43 100.0% 43 43 100.0% Student Behavior During Test Describe the student’s behavior during testing; highlight all of the blue text in this section and be sure to change this text color to black SpEd 625 p. 10 Test Results The student demonstrated the following strengths, weaknesses and error patterns on this subtest; highlight all of the blue text in this section and be sure to change this text color to black Strengths SpEd 625 Weaknesses Error Patterns p. 11 Informal Mathematics Assessment Report Assessment Summary The informal assessment results above indicate that <Student’s ID> has the following strengths, weaknesses and error patterns in the following areas of written expression. After you write the summary for the appropriate sections below, write a brief summary statement that addresses the student’s strengths and weaknesses in the appropriate sections below. Emergent Mathematics Skills Highlight this text & summarize the student’s strengths, weaknesses and error patterns for this skill. Be sure to change the text color to black Counting Highlight this text & summarize the student’s strengths, weaknesses and error patterns for this mathematics skill. Be sure to change the text color to black Symbol Identification & Place Value Highlight this text & summarize the student’s strengths, weaknesses and error patterns for this mathematics skill. Be sure to change the text color to black Basic Facts (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division) Highlight this text & summarize the student’s strengths, weaknesses and error patterns for this mathematics skill. Be sure to change the text color to black Written Problem Solving Highlight this text & summarize the student’s strengths, weaknesses and error patterns for this mathematics skill. Be sure to change the text color to black Fractions & Decimals Highlight this text & summarize the student’s strengths, weaknesses and error patterns for this mathematics skill. Be sure to change the text color to black Percent & Ratios Highlight this text & summarize the student’s strengths, weaknesses and error patterns for this mathematics skill. Be sure to change the text color to black Functional Math Skills: Time, Measurement, Money Highlight this text & summarize the student’s strengths, weaknesses and error patterns for this mathematics skill. Be sure to change the text color to black Annual Goals & Objectives Based on the reading assessment results, the following annual goals and objectives are being proposed for <Student’s ID>. Remember, you must address three areas of mathematics. Be sure to change the font color of this paragraph to black. Long-term Goal # 1 and Short-term Objectives Number Goal LG1 Number Objective SO1.1 SO1.2 Long-term Goal # 2 and Short-term Objectives Number Goal LG2 Number Objective SO2.1 SO2.2 Long-term Goal # 3 and Short-term Objectives Number Goal LG3 Number Objective SO3.1 SO3.2 Recommendations School After reading this, highlight this blue text and write appropriate recommendations for the school. Suggestion: for each goal & objective set, specify at least one recommendation that focuses on the instruction that should continue/follow, content that should be taught, techniques that might be effective, amount & frequency of practice, further assessment and rationale. Be sure to change the font color of this paragraph to black. SpEd 625 p. 13 Parents After reading this, highlight this blue text and write at least 2 appropriate recommendations for the parent(s). Be sure to change the font color of this paragraph to black. What Did YOU Learn from this Term Project? After reading this, highlight this blue text and evaluate your performance and what you learned from the Informal Mathematics Project. Be sure to change the font color of this paragraph to black. SpEd 625 p. 14 Special Educator Program Appendices 1-A. Informal Mathematics Probe 1 1-B. Informal Mathematics Probe 2 SpEd 625 p. 15 SpEd 625 p. 16 Special Educator Program Appendix 1-A Informal Mathematics Probe 1 Record Form(s) Scoring/Analysis Sheets SpEd 625 p. 17 Special Educator Program Appendix 1-B Informal Mathematics Probe 2 Record Form(s) Scoring/Analysis Sheets SpEd 625 p. 18