The Art of Short Fiction: Character and Conflict in Miniature

Spring 2013 Honors 200: The Shaping of the Modern Mind (Hu)
The Art of Short Fiction: Character and Conflict in Miniature
Sem 010: T&Th 11-12:15; HON rm. 180
Sem 012: TuTh 12:30-1:45; HON rm. 195
Instructor: Dr. Oody (Arlene) Petty
Office: Honors rm. 125; email:
Office Hours: TuTh 1:45-2:30 and by appt.
Course Description:
Legend has it that Ernest Hemingway wrote a story in just six words (“For sale: baby
shoes, never worn.”), which illuminates Hemingway’s mastery of bare-bones storytelling. The
appeal of short fiction seems to have flourished in recent years. Many literary publications, both
print and online, have shifted their focus to include shorter works, more easily read on a
computer screen. “Flash Fiction” (also known as Sudden Fiction, Short Shorts, Micro-fiction,
Quick, and Skinny Fiction) is an increasingly popular genre enjoyed by audiences at open mic
venues across the country. Short fiction, however, offers its readers much more than brevity.
In this class we will study a smorgasbord of short fiction, from the traditional short story
to flash fiction. Fiction elements such as character, conflict, setting, and point of view will be
examined along with metaphor, symbol, and tone to help us investigate deeper structures and
themes in these short, fictional forms. Emphasis will be on developing the individual student’s
critical reading of the text and appreciation for the craft of short fiction. The class will take the
form of discussion rather than lecture.
Required Materials:
James H. Pickering, ed. Fiction 100: An Anthology of Short Fiction ISBN -10 020565034 (avail.
at Panther Bookstore; 12th edition also available at 36.99)
Course reader: Available at Clark Graphics 2915 N Oakland Ave. (near Locust) 414-962-4633
(approx. 8.00)
Writer’s manual of your choice (online or print)
Course Requirements:
Students are expected to attend regularly and to have all reading and written assignments done
on time. Attendance, preparation, and participation in class discussion, including selecting and
leading the discussion of at least one story will count toward 30% of the final grade. There will
be frequent informal writing assignments (10%) and a series of three medium-length analytical
essays, two of which can be revised (20% each). (note: final essay may be creative with
permission from instructor).
Learning Process:
This course will be run as a discussion seminar. Therefore, it will depend upon everyone’s active
participation, which includes communicating your ideas as well as listening to others
communicate theirs. For some of us, speaking out might come easier than thoughtful listening;
for others active listening could feel more natural than speaking one’s thoughts. This course will
ask you to develop both abilities. It will demand a high level of engagement and attentive,
supportive involvement. We will rely upon one another to make the experience of this course
worthwhile and enjoyable. Each of us should do what we can to assure that everyone leaves this
course with good memories as well as enhanced knowledge and skills. It is important to do your
best for your classmates, who should in turn give their best to you. I encourage you to challenge
ideas, offer comments, and speak what is on your mind, as long as it is presented in a civil and
non-confrontational way. An open, caring spirit is contagious! We will be forming and
sustaining a supportive intellectual space and learning community, and will strive to be generous
toward each other and ourselves in all aspects of the learning process. You will be expected to
come to class fully prepared to discuss the assigned material, to turn in all written assignments
on time, to facilitate class discussion, and be an integral part of your own learning experience.
Since we have a great deal to do in each class period, I expect you to be on time and be present
during the entire period of class.
I expect you to grapple with material that may be new, unexpected, and sometimes
disconcerting. Please, if you find yourself in difficulty with the course materials, or in
completing your assignments, or with any other aspect of the course, let me know as soon as
you’re able in case I can help. Many students find themselves in difficulty with a course but
mistakenly believe that their professors will not care or be able to help them. Often, we can find
some solution by talking about it together.
Learning Objectives: In addition to learning about the elements of short fiction, I expect that
you will increase your ability to read to read closely and with discrimination, to think carefully
and analytically, to listen with respect and comprehension, to discuss openly and honestly in
class discussions and presentations, to work efficiently and productively both alone and in
groups, to express yourself articulately both in writing and in conversation, and to give adequate
attention to detail while also showing appropriate creativity in your writing. That’s a lot! (But
there’s more ). We will develop critical thinking through the following: exploring sometimes
difficult, controversial and ambiguous topics; understanding and responding to different
interpretations and views; and formulating and challenging our own evolving understanding of
the topics. The work that we do in this class should help lead, in one way or another, to
furthering these learning objectives.
Course Policies:
Attendance: Because this course includes a great deal of in-class work and participation,
attendance is mandatory and the course has a strict attendance policy. Ideally, students would
attend every class. But illness and other emergencies are part of life, and I consider two absences
without penalty reasonable. If you save them for times when an absence is absolutely
unavoidable, you should be fine. After two absences, your credibility and commitment are called
into question, and your role in and responsibility to the learning community are compromised.
Therefore, each subsequent absence, for whatever reason, lowers your grade. There are no
excused absences. If for reasons of work or other conflicts students are habitually absent or late,
they should drop the class. Lateness and Leaving Early: I consider lateness and leaving early
forms of absence. Not only is it rude to come in late, but also missing parts of class causes a
distraction for everyone else. Accumulated absences like this will count toward your absence
limit. Generally speaking, a combination of two or three of these sorts of absences will equal one
regular absence. If you come to class after roll is taken, it is your responsibility to make sure I
mark you present after that class. Chronic lateness is unacceptable. Make-up Work: You cannot
make up work that we do in class when you are absent.
Writing Format and Submission of Assignments:
Written assignments should be typed or word-processed, double spaced, and should have
reasonable margins (1”) and fonts (Times New Roman, 12 pt. font). Your name, course and
section number, date, etc. should be typed in the top left hand corner of the first page per MLA
(no title pages please). E-mailed papers/work/writing will not be accepted. Students should keep
copies of their writing as lost or stolen papers are your responsibility. If you must be absent on a
day that written work is due, you may place your assignment into our course D2L drop-box to
show that it was done on time, but must then provide a hard copy the next class period. Late
assignments: All assignments are due on time, that is, at the beginning of class on their due
date. Late work will affect the grade you earn for that assignment. Additionally, if you turn
in an assigned essay paper after the due date, it will not be commented on and therefore you
will not benefit from my comments to help you with revision!
Essay Writing Help: Although I will provide you with written feedback on your writing, and
suggestions for revising your essays, as an Honors College student you should also take advantage of the
Honors College Writing Specialist Lydia Equitz. Additionally, you might consider the English
Department’s Writing Center located in Curtin Hall and in the UWM Library. You can also make
appointments online 24/7. The Writing Center welcomes writers at all skill levels, inexperienced through
advanced, freshmen through graduate students. No matter where students are in a task, whether still
exploring a reading, brainstorming, drafting or revising, they can benefit from talking to one of the wellqualified and trained tutors.
Assuming you turn in work and assignments on time, and have prepared for all class activities, the
following is a general summary of my grading policy:
A= the majority of the assigned work is excellent; active, thoughtful, and engaged participation (effort,
contributions); maximum of two absences.
B=the majority of the assigned work is above satisfactory; active, thoughtful, and engaged participation
(effort, contributions).
C=the majority of assigned work is satisfactory; active, thoughtful, and engaged participation (effort,
contributions); no more than four absences.
A Word About Plagiarism:
I encourage you to work together with your classmates to get the most out of this course. However, any
student discovered plagiarizing materials (turning in the work of others under her/his own name, without
proper attribution) runs the risk of receiving a failing grade. Plagiarism is when you copy someone else’s
work and pass it off as your own. This is in violation of university policy and absolutely unacceptable,
both in the academic community, and in the world at large. When you make use of someone else’s ideas
or language, you need to cite him or her using an appropriate footnote or in-text citation. Similarly, if you
quote a source directly, you must use quotes, attribute that quote, and cite the work. Finally, if you
summarize or paraphrase, you also need to use a citation. If you are at all unclear about this policy or
whether or not you are plagiarizing, please ask me for help. Note: students who are caught plagiarizing an
assignment can expect to fail the assignment and may be brought up on plagiarism charges through the
UWM regards plagiarism--the use of another's writing or ideas without properly documenting
sources(s)--as a form of academic misconduct that carries with it severe penalties. You should be
aware that if you cooperate with another person – give him/her a copy of something you have written,
and he/she borrows from it without proper documentation, you are equally as guilty of plagiarism.
For more information about this, please consult UWM’s policies on Academic Misconduct at
Student Accessibility Center:
If you work with an advisor at the Student Accessibility Center, please bring your VISA to me within the
first week of class. If you are concerned that you may have a learning disability, visit their office in 112
Mitchell Hall.
Note on cell phones ,texting, iPods and the like:
If you bring a cell phone to class, you need to turn it off before you enter the classroom. Laptop
computers or other personal technologies can be distracting and/or disruptive, so are not allowed unless
part of the planned activities for the day.