ISMA Meeting Minutes: August 22, 2013 Woodside International

ISMA Meeting Minutes: August 22, 2013
Woodside International School
5:30 pm
Board Members Present:
David Zimmerman
Briana R-K Bers
Susannah Wise
Brendan Wolf
Jessica Driscoll
Board Members Absent:
Dave Zimmerman, Pacific Union
Adam Greenfield, ISPN
Donnie Oliveria
Treasury Report:
Beginning Balance: $38,165.85
Ending Balance: $35,771.93
Membership Update:
Loving Hut
ISPN Update (Adam):
-Inner Sunset Sundays dates confirmed for 2013: 10/13 & 12/8
-ISPN has been talking to the merchants one on one and have received positive feedback
regarding the changes made for the 2013 events
- booths will be in the middle of the street facing out rather than on the curb facing in
so as to open up traffic to the businesses rather than blocking it
-Perilla & Paxtis will be doing the food this year
-The location of the Porta-Potties has not been confirmed
-Several of the businesses on Irving between 9th and 10th are closed Sundays and therefore
not affected by the street fair.
Holiday Lighting Project:
-Potential area: Irving between 8th and 10th, 9th between Lincoln and Judah
-Proposal from the company that the Noe Valley Merchants Association uses:
-approximately $7500 for lights and installation (regardless of how long they stay up)
to light the tops of the buildings and 75% of the trees on each block
-we will need to get permission from all owners who would be affected
-this is a bigger deal than we anticipated
-we need to reach out to the merchants to see if they are interested
-Should we ask the merchants to contribute a small amount? $50?
-Could we just light the trees and not the buildings?
-Alternative holiday ideas (if needed):
- Wrap meters (which could potentially include a larger footprint)
-use that money to host something for ISPN’s holiday event such as:
-complimentary gift wrapping for gifts purchased locally (with receipt)
-cider & goodies
CBD Update:
-Tight boundaries: Irving between 7th and 11th, 9th between Lincoln and Judah
-Tax assessment applies only to commercial properties, no private residences will be
-Tax will be approximately $700-1000 annually (depending on the property) and will
not change
-How can we get the benefits across to property owners and how do we get them to care?
*photos of successful CBD neighborhoods (Noe, Marina, Fillmore)
*Marketing/advertising (similar to what the new CBD on Broadway is doing)
*Get a few anchor businesses (possibly SanFranPsycho or Ambiance?) to help
*Find out what property owners care about and focus on that
Ex: they are collecting rent regardless of how successful the businesses are,
but may be swayed by information about how their property value will
*Remind owners that depending on their lease agreement it may be possible to pass
the tax to the tenant
*Get tenants on board by enforcing the benefits and ask them to reach out to their
-Action items:
*split surveys between board members and hand them out in pre-designated areas
*promote the next meeting and encourage property owners to come as Marco (CBD
consultant) will be attending and discussing the project
-2013 Inner Sunset Guides have arrived and need to be distributed
-4 major distribution spots (and who will reach out to them):
UCSF: Dave Zimmerman
Travel SF at Powell Station: David Zimmerman
The De Young Museum: Briana R-K Bers
California Academy of Sciences: David Zimmerman
-Additional distribution: *include CBD surveys, ISMA stickers, & stands*
- Brendan & Jessica: Irving between 6th & 8th, plus outlying businesses (ex: Martha
-Briana: 9th between Irving & Judah
-Susannah: 9th between Lincoln & Irving
-David: Irving between 9th & 11th
-Riza (Underdogs): extras??
-Final numbers: Income from advertising – cost of printing = $217.11 profit
Guest (Donnie from Eco Districts):
-Eco Districts aim to reorient neighborhoods toward community driven sustainability with a
focus on innovative uses of public space. They are interesting in pursuing the Inner Sunset
as a pilot neighborhood and will provide more information in the near future. This visit
served as an introduction.
Website Update:
Nothing to report
Minutes/Secretary Report:
Nothing to report
Meeting adjourned at 6:20 pm