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Animalstars Pet Health
Helpful Hints - Emegency Treatments - Dogs, Cats, Hors
Homeopathic, Herbal Remedies to assist in Pet Healing
Pneumonia - Cancer - Urinary Tract - Bowel - Diarr
May we stress that we are NOT veterinarians. Always consult your veterinarian with your pet's health con
suggestions as far as Antibiotics that have proven exemplory in treating various causes of upper respirato
Also included are special discoveries such as vodka being used to save pets that drink Antifreeze, etc. The
information in treating your pet, or to hold you over until you can get to your vet or assist in treatments o
Be sure to tell your vet what you are doing to make sure it does not conflict with a regiment they may nee
You may need to act quickly with a home or local pharmacy based anecdote to help your pet until you can
quicklly if corrective actions aren't taken right away at the first signs of illness or distress.
For Poisonings, such as Antifreeze poisoning we address on this page, fast action is mandatory for any pet
ACTIVATED CHARCOAL POWDER or CAPSULES:For accidental ingestion of poison, drugs, and household chemicals
pulls toxins out of wounds when used as a poultice, stops stomach and intestinal gas, bad breath, ulcers...
Used for thousands of years. Harmless when it is accidentally inhaled, swallowed, or in contact with the skin. (But if en
allergies to it have been reported. But it is best not to take activated charcoal longer than 12 weeks without stopping.
Nature-Holistic-Health Has some terrific info on it including: It can adsorb lead acetate, strychnine, DDT, many dru
and inorganic substances (chlorine, lead, and mercury). Activated charcoal powder can adsorb thousands of times its o
chemicals; thus it renders them ineffective and harmless. It can adsorb intestinal gas and deodorizes foul-smelling gas
things because of its ability to attract other substances to its surface and hold them there. This is called “adsorption” (
charcoal is that it can adsorb thousands of times its own weight in harmful substances. Great for people and pets.
COLIC, GAS, BLOATING - A 1981 research study found that activated charcoal reduces the amount of gas produced
excess gas, along with the bacteria which form the gas.
BAD BREATH + Activated charcoal helps eliminate bad breath, because it cleanses both the mouth and the digestive
DIARRHEA - It relieves symptoms of nervous diarrhea, traveler’s diarrhea (turista), spastic colon, indigestion, and pe
between 1-1 1/2 tablespoons of powdered activated charcoal up to 3 times a day. Because food will reduce its effectiv
water and then drink it down; or mix it with olive oil and spoon it into your mouth. Same rules apply for pets, just size
WOUNDS, BITES ...- Application of a moist, activated charcoal poultice and compress which actually draw bacteria an
The article describes the use of activated charcoal compresses to speed the healing of wounds and eliminate their odo
warm for this healing process to occur. It is one of the best substances in poultices for mushroom poisoning, insect sti
types of snake bites, poison oak and poison ivy.
issues, from dogs with colitis to horses colic'ing. Horse owners, see horse musts a few paragraphs below.
It takes 20 minutes from the time you dose to the time you see dramatic changes in the pet's ease of pain and calmin
soothes the digestive tract and does a whole lot more... We dose all the pet water bowls with an eyedropper full to pre and The following information is taken from the AskAriel site - awesome info and a
for preventative as well as healing properties.
Very special and unique product. Easy to administer to pets—if you have difficulty with pills you will find this product e
health food store. Some researchers believe that Samento may be as much as 1000 times more effective than Cat’s C
and Cat’s Claw is that regular Cat’s Claw is an immune system stimulant and Samento is an immune system modulato
disorders such as allergies; this is not the case with Cat’s Claw.
Samento’s Cat’s Claw is a powerful immune system support product. It is beneficial for people and pets for the treatm
arthritis, allergies, intestinal disorders, candida, herpes and more. Samento is a rare, very pure form of Cat’s Claw tha
properties. Much clinical research has been done on this product and the benefits it can provide. For example, a Europ
increasing lymphocytic (white blood cell) activity. Samento is also a powerful anti-inflammatory which makes it very u
to increase T-lymphocyte and microphage production and can be used as a broad spectrum infection fighter.
The effectiveness of Samento’s Cat’s Claw has been researched for some time as viral diseases such as AIDs have bec
Some of the beneficial properties of Samento are attributed to the pentacyclic oxindole alkaloids (POAs) that are found
demonstrate powerful immune system modulating properties. SAMENTO does not contain the tetracyclic oxindole alka
disrupt central nervous system function and greatly inhibit the effects of the POAs.
Nutramedix Samento Cat's Claw clinically appears to cross the blood / brain barrier within 2 min.
MMS: Activated Chlorine Dioxide murders anaerobic (non air breathing) cells – pathogens, parasites, fungus, viruses,
breathing) cells. It kills malaria, pneumonia, colds, flu, food poisoning in just a few hours hours! Sodium Chlorite (MMS
3 min waiting (activation) = Chlorine Dioxide.
What Is - We make 5% MMS solution and 10% Citric Acid. The following info is if you're using the weaker
a cat, rabbit or small dog, use 1 - 2 DROPS of 5% Sodium Chlorite solution to 5 or 10 drops 10% Citric Acid solution -
Dioxide gas. It's a 1/5 ratio with the MMS always being the smaller number. Add enough water and a nice plop of hon
dose. For a kitten, mix the dose, then give 1/2 of it. Discard the rest, it will not remain active for long. For a 75 lb. dog
25 - 30 drops of citrus juice and activate. 1 teaspoon of citrus is approximately 40 drops.
The gas will live in the body for 1 - 2 hrs. and destroy any anaerobic pathogen - bacteria, virus, fungus, cancer cells, p
just the badies. We have found, working with our many rescues that intestinal attacks can almost always be stopped w
again just in case we missed any pathogens the following day. We use MMS as a preventative measure too - make a d
always better than a large dose which can cause your pet to throw up or feel worse! We've never seen a negative side
hours if needed.
COLLOIDAL SILVER is a safe Health Food store over the counter antibiotic that can be put in the nose, eyes, drinkin
amazing number of ailments, from skin problems to scratched eyes (make sure that the bottle says okay for eyes, not
areas. We use it orally to prevent a cat getting sick when we see the symptoms starting. Be sure not to contaminate t
a small amount to a sterile small eyedropper bottle and work from that instead, refilling as needed. Health food stores
Since it's a natural antibiotic, it's great for soothing and healing nasal, mouth or throat ulcers caused by the viruses.
Chronic stuffy heads and noses are eased with Colloidal Silver. With our sick cats, after the second dose of colloidal sil
Amazing results. They were given a drop in each nostril twice a day and two droppers a day orally until the sinus prob
VODKA: Add Baking Soda and Activated Charcoal - Immediate treatment for a pet that drinks radiator coolant - a
it. Deadly. Info on how to dose while you're getting your pet to emergency.
PSYLLIUM - PLAIN METAMUCIL: Psyllium can be used to prevent and to treat constipation, large bowel diarrhea, in
cats. Psyllium is made from the fibrous coating of a plant seed. It passes through the intestines undigested, and in the
softer in the case of constipation. It serves to absorb excess water in the case of diarrhea. The increased bulk in the c
May take 4 hours to start seeing effects. Has also been used to increase stool size to help with recurring anal gland pr
pressure on the glands so they express themselves. Other bulk forming laxatives include oat and rice bran as well as p
Horse owners - see next paragraph!
VICK'S VAPOR RUB: Inhaling the vapors can do wonders for pet stuffy heads. Found in just about everyone's medici
blanket with the open jar. Holding the kitty against you for warmth and security, the warmed air under the blanket inf
noses. Let the kitty fall asleep breathing the air if it wants to, the longer the better. Don't smear it on your cat, you do
Available at feed stores, drug stores,etc. Ear mite remedy - treat cracked paw pads on pets -
them a chance to heal.
Burdock root contains polyacetylenes, a chemical that kills disease-causing bacteria and fungi. It also reduces mucus
contains vitamin A and selenium, it can eliminate free radicals. Burdock has been used by the chinese and Ayurvedic h
Slippery Elm - the inner bark of Slippery Elm is rich in calcium, magnesium and vitamins A, B. C, & K, which soothes
Licorice root is used for many ailments including asthma, bursitis, canker sores, chronic fatigue, depression, colds an
gout, heartburn, HIV, viral infections, fungal infections, ulcers, liver problems, Lyme disease, psoriasis, sore throat, tu
contains many anti-depressant compounds and is an excellent alternative to St. John's Wort.
Hundreds of potentially healing substances have been identified in licorice as well, including compounds called flavono
therapeutic compound, glycyrrhizin (which is 50 times sweeter than sugar) exerts numerous beneficial effects on the b
ailments. It seems to prevent the breakdown of adrenal hormones such as cortisol (the body's primary stress-fighting
the body.
HORSE OWNERS: Keep Gas-X and Beeno on hand. A lot of colic is from gas, you can see the horses belly balooning
trick quite quickly if it's this type of colic. Put Beeno into treats before meals for several days if gas was the problem.
To prevent sand colic, be sure to dose a high grade Psyllium product for 7 days in a row each month - 2/3 - 1 cup a d
Slippery Elm Bark Powder in Chamomile Tea is terrific to ease the digestive tract. Slippery Elm Bark Powder is use
within the body. It will completely repair the mucus lining of any affected area and can be used in conjunction with Ch
the whole of the gastro-intestinal tract. A single daily dose for a period of 12 weeks will allow complete healing or any
Slippery Elm is rich in calcium, magnesium and vitamins A, B. C, & K, which soothes organs, tissues and mucus memb
scours is 1/3 cup powder mixed into a paste with a quantity of cold Chamomile Tea. This paste is given directly or add
We cut fresh elm tree limbs and branches from our surrounding elm trees for the horses regularly. They eat the leaves
Nutramedix Samento Cat's claw - one whole eyedropper in a syringe of water - 20 minutes, we've had colic's just
Another veterinarian that will give you consultation is Dr. Roni Hines. The fee is $26.00. You can send photos and lab
and solving problems with your pet. The site is a terrific source of information: 2nd Chance Info.
Just A reader told us about a site called Just She received excellent help from a vet or nu
questions. You leave a deposit, the lowest being $13.00 USD and if you're satisfied with the response you allow the de
Davis and Holistic veterinarianDr. David Gordon available for consultation. Consultations run $81.00 to $195.00 depen
consultation, be sure to check your email because they will contact you BY EMAIL regarding consultation times. Initial
--Emergency After Hours Appointment with Susan Davis, CCN $150
Initial Appointment with Susan Davis, CCN and Dr. David Gordon, holistic veterinarian $195
Recheck Appointment with Susan Davis, CCN $68.
Shirley's Wellness Cafe has a list of licensed Veterinarians who practice Holistic Medicine in the U.S. Many available
Alternative Therapies through Holistic Medicine with information on a host of issues from vaccination side effects
Stool Color Guide Any of the following requires IMMEDIATE medical attention
Bloody: red blood in stool might indicate panleukepenia (distempter).
Black: possible bleeding high in the bowel.
Mucous: slimy substance can indicate a severe bowel irritation.
White: possible serious bowel infection. High risk of death.
The following may require that you seek medical advice:
Orange: could be too much bile in stool.
Yellow: bacterial imbalance in bowel.
CHECK FOR DEHYDRATION: It is critical that your cat does not become dehydrated. Be sure they are drinking plent
and using a syringe, slowly squirt 1/2 unflavored PEDIALITE (grocery store - pharmacy) and 1/2 water down the th
go to fast and choke the kitten. To check for dehydration, pinch the skin over the shoulders. If the cat is well hydrated
that isn't eating NUTRIMALT PASTE available at vet offices and pet shops - to put in some calories and give energy.
drink a lot of water, be sure they have plenty available!
BACTERIAL INFECTIONS CAUSING CRONIC DIARRHEA: MMS - If you have it in your medicine kit - For a cat, rab
5 drops 10% Citric Acid solution - lemon juice - lime juice, activate 3 minutes, becomes Chlorine Dioxide gas. Add eno
dose, then give 1/2 of it. Discard the rest, it will not remain active for long. For a 75 lb. dog, we would dose 5 - 6 drop
juice and activate. 1 teaspoon of citrus is approximately 40 drops. They are now selling a 1:1 ratio kit that makes it su
or lime juice.
The gas will live in the body for 1 - 2 hrs. and destroy any anaerobic pathogen - bacteria, virus, fungus, cancer cells, p
just the badies. We have found, working with our many rescues that intestinal attacks can almost always be stopped w
again just in case we missed any pathogens the following day. We use MMS as a preventative measure too - make a d
always better than a large dose which can cause your pet to throw up or feel worse! We've never seen a negative side
hours if needed.
We have had excellent success with bacterial intestinal infection problems using AZITHROMAX ANTIBIOTIC, helping
your vet if your pet has an intestinal bacterial infection. Once your veterinarian has ruled out parasites as the cause fo
suggestions that have worked for us religiously. This antibiotic is often prescribed for human conditions, from skin pro
on hand through online pharmacies. Not cheap, but just a small amount does the trick, one dose lasts 7 days in cats a
Fry addresses this problem in an Ask the Veterinarian. The dose is 1/4 of a 250mg tablet for a 7 pound cat, 1/2 tablet
doses will do the trick.
ACTIVATED CHARCOAL (health food store in capsule form usually) is terrific at gathering up toxins, stopping diarrhe
medicine chest! Great for people and pets.
KITCHEN ELEMENTS - Diarrhea is often caused by food moving too quickly through the digestive tract. Our personal
OATMEAL and RICE BRAN. If you don't have either, you can substitute BROWN (much better) or WHITE RICE (not as g
the intestine.
Other great sources are: PUMPKIN PUREE and PSYLLUM (Metamucil no flavor at the pharmacy). Be sure to buy Pumpi
department as Metamucil (no flavor) - just mix a capsule in some canned food. Fiber is vital in controling diarrhea.
Our favorite protein to settle a kitten or puppy's stomach is WHOLE LIFE CHICKEN or TURKEY PURE MEAT TREATS, we
above. The pet can also snack on the dry meat treats if they like.
Support Vitamins - Minerals - Good Bacteria - We start adding just a dusting of MEGA C PLUS to this diet. Not too mu
built back up again. Keep the kitten on this diet for 5 days, then start adding a good quality canned food as described
eyedropper in a pet's water source to take away swelling in the intestine, removes pain and boost the immune system
an eyedropper of water for a cat or dog is terrific. PROBIOS or ACIDOPHILLUS will replace the good bacterial cultur
vital part of recovery. You can use any good grade (refrigerated) Acidophillus + formula, people versions are just fine
PLAIN PURE YOGURT with live culture, is a wonderful source of natural good flora and many cats love the taste. Jus
times a week to maintain.
Diarrhea can also be caused by irritation in the digestive tract. Vets go either way on this one. Some say it's a miracle
enhances the immune system, but it relieves inflammation in the digestive tract. Give a cat 1/2 ml to 1 ml (cc) twice d
constipation. Organically grown fresh cut leaf is the best source. A whole leaf can be processed in your food processor
food stores. You can also find it in a dry state. writes about it's effectiveness in many areas healing bird
digestion. Raw meats have enzymes that canned or dry don't have.
We don't use the Aloe Vera ourselves, but opt for the Samento Cat's Claw instead.
If you are feeding the pet some canned food, use chicken, turkey or beef, beef liver formula - 1 part canned, 1 part oa
Pumpkin Puree, Rice Bran or capsule of Psyllium.
URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS: Cats who don't drink enough or have diarrhea often develop problems urinating, yo
stressing and pacing. They may also try to pee in places you don't want them too if they feel that pee'ing in their box
Kidneys and bladder can fill to the point of rupture. These problems are excruciatingly painful for your cat. Usually see
These cats urethra's never developed to adult size. Crystals form in the urethra which is as thin as a needle and block
MMS - Dose to kill the bacteria causing the infection with an hour or two. See Medicine Chest above for dosing.
TAKE YOUR CAT TO THE VET AS SOON AS POSSIBLE so that they can drain his kidneys and bladder. If you have
away. They are available at Grocery and health food stores. You can empty the contents of a capsule mix with a small
few hours. You can also mix the contents of the capsule in a can of favorite cat food. Do wo twice a day. If the problem
causing an infection. Continue dosing during the day to keep the urinary tract clean. Cranberry doesn't allow bacteria
weekly deterrent to the build up of bacteria and prevent crystals from forming by creating an acidic enviroinment in th
ever having this problem. First is's CARPON, by the same makers of MEGA C feline vitamins we recomm
products through a link off of the Carpon information page. When the experts discovered that the offending crystals bl
phosphate, they developed the low ash concept - preventing FLUTD by reducing the magnesium in cat diets. Recently
magnesium chloride to cat diets. They found that is was not the magnesium in itself, but rather the alkaline quality of
alkaline) urine did not develop crystals. The acidic urine dissolved the crystals and prevented new ones from forming.
food. It is a natural urinary acidifier that has no toxic side effects. Another terrific product is PET NATURALS BLADDE
bladder muscle strength as well as bladder emptying and bladder health. They too have a number of other wonderful p
nutrition. This formula as well as others available on their site help elderly pets with urinary tract issues as well.
HYDRATION -NutraMedix Samento Microbial Defense 6 drops in an eyedropper of water, twice a day. It takes a
for our cats and kittens, puppies and dogs for anything from digestive to urinary and respiratory. This special Cat's Cla
spleen function, antibiotic and so much more.
Acidophilus from the health food store or PROBIOS can be dosed preventatively as well as during a problem to help e
WATER FOUNTAINS: There are water fountains on the market for cats. Many cats love the oxygenated water and drink
out of a stale bowl.
CONSTIPATION - SERIOUS PROBLEM: Veterenarians will tell you that mid life is a common time to see this problem
an all dry food diet or a poor quality dry food diet. Sometimes a cat's muscle contractions in their colon can slow and c
intestinal contractions and helps food to travel through the intestines.
Compaction is extremely serious. If you know your cat hasn't had a bowel movement in 24 - 36 hours, get the pet to
and prescribe the proper remedy. They may want to sedate the pet and give an enema. Don't do this at home yoursel
pet. A compacted colon can allow waste to reenter the body and cause a host of serious illnesses. Compaction is seriou
for too long. It can also be a very painful condition.
Make sure that the cat is in fact able to urinate. Especially neutered male cats can be straining to urinate because of a
remedies are not successful.
soften the stool in the intestines - PROBIOS powder or ACIDOPHILLUS in WATER as well as a CRANBERY EXTRACT wi
your cat a capsule of CRANBERRY EXTRACT opened up and the contents mixed into a small syringe of water will keep
or prevent one if the cat is not drinking enough water to wash out the tract. Redose every few hours.
FLEET BABYLAX suppository and MIRAMAX Stool softener and lubricator (grocery store / pharmacy) can be adminis
This can carry you overnight until your vet office is open or your pet's constipation is relieved.
FUR BALLS CAN BLOCK THE COLON, ODD ITEMS EATEN - Cats shed and groom themselves by lickin and ingestin
imipaction. If a cat eats a string of tinsel from a Christmas tree or a length of ribbon, such things can cause impaction
such items can be removed!
Dose with PETROMALT regularly and add RICE or OAT BRAN to the canned food. The Rice Bran will help to move the h
Give CANNED FOOD, WITHHOLD DRY FOOD or SOAK DRY FOOD IN WATER - Once the cat is normal again, slow
foods we suggest below in the Cat Colds section. Dry food can also be soaked in water and oils slipped in as well.
COD LIVER OIL and OTHER FATS - Taken orally, this is a gentle lubricant. Flax Seed Oil, Olive oil, Vegetable oil can
your cat would like the taste of. Butter or other animal fat may be appealing to other cats.
ACEDOPHILLUS and the related GOOD BACTERIA. We use PROBIOS horse supplement dispersible powder or aced
dry food. This good bacteria has to be alive and thriving throughout the intestines in order for humans, dogs, cats, ho
you won't live. Our bodies naturally reproduce this flora, but when a body is under stress or has been subjected to ant
reintroduce a new crop. Plain yogurt is also a useful source of this bacteria. The Probios is also a great thing to mix wi
down the throat with a syringe. The Probios masks the vitamin flavor very well.
NUTRIMALT PASTE available at pet shops is extremely helpful and easy to dose for cats that won't eat. It has an oil
METAMUSIL (or other pure psyllium product) or RICE BRAN. If your cat is just constipated, start by giving plenty of
water. If your cat could be blocked by fur balls or any other obstruction, don't administer the Psyillium. It won't help w
It can actually make matters worse.
PUMPKIN PUREE - Canned pure pumpkin puree, not pumpkin pie mix, can help to balance both diarrhea and constip
bit of milk can loosen up the system. Normally it's a no no for cats, but they do love the taste and it can loosen up the
EXERCISE - Many older cats don't exercise as often as the youngsters. Consider adopting a young cat or kitten would
to play and exercise. You can introduce your cat to wellness walks as described in the Cat Colds section below. Follow
will increase intestinal contractions naturally. Don't force a compacted or cat in pain to exercise. Leave your wellness w
love a stroll through the garden with their person, just remember the harness and leash and avoid any potential negat
MIRAMAX (Polyethylene glycol at the grocery store or pharmacy) is an Osmotic stool softener and aids in lubrication.
which can dehydrate the cat. Be sure to give extra water and do not use long term! This is a once in a blue moon eme
We administered a scant 1/4 teaspoon in water for a 12 lb. cat. This product can be given if the cat could be compacte
glob of Vaseline on the end and work very slowly so prevent tearing the delicate tissues. Once inserted, gently squeez
a small cat, you may need to go the narrow syringe istead of what is provided in packaging.
Put a small amount of glycerine or mineral oil into the syringe, covered the tip with Vaseline and slowly gently with alm
the small amount of glycerine was delivered ever so slowly. Get someone to help you keep the cat calm and quiet dur
VOICE, NO APPETITE OR ANY COMBINATION THEROF. Most of the kittens and cats we rescue from pounds and rescue
colds and more severe upper respiratory infections which also involve the cat's lungs. Kittens always suffer the most f
more developed immune systems that adult cats have. Cats that can not smell due to their stuffy heads, often times d
this from happening. Cats dehydrate quickly and it becomes more difficult to get a cat that has stopped eating to start
Painful ulcers can form on the cat's eyes, nose or in the mouth. In young kittens, pneumonia may result from an uppe
ANTIBIOTICS - 90% of colds and upper respiratory infections are viral in origin. No antibiotics work against viruses.
because these viral infections become complicated by secondary bacterial invaders. The antibiotics do work against ba
that is sensitive to the tetracycline family (such as doxycycline). When an antibiotics is prescribed, tetracyclines and th
permanently stain the teeth of immature animals, so often times they are not chosen for younger cats.
See *A LESS COMMON BACTERIAL CAUSE...below for a bacteria that does cause similar symptoms and can be kille
The only antibiotic we use for serious respiratory issues is - Zpak or Azithromycin. We find all the pink stu
respiratory problems. The herbs listed here
We go for the MMS and kill off any bacteria or virus right now, small doses repeated every 3 - 4 times a day for a few
everything. If you don't have MMS in your medicine chest, get it. If you do, dose it. A cold will be gone in a fraction of
gas that goes in and kills the pathogens only lives in the body 1-2 hours. Only dose vitamin C hours before or afte
Burdock Root, Slippery Elm, Licorice Root, MEGA C only when MMS isn't active in the body! Samento Microbial
Burdock root contains polyacetylenes, a chemical that kills disease-causing bacteria and fungi. It also reduces mucus
contains vitamin A and selenium, it can eliminate free radicals. Burdock has been used by the chinese and Ayurvedic h
Slippery Elm - the inner bark of Slippery Elm is rich in calcium, magnesium and vitamins A, B. C, & K, which soothes
Licorice root is terrific for a host of ailments including asthma, canker sores, depression, colds and flu, coughs, viral
* HERPES & CALICIVIRUS TO BLAME: Almost all feline upper respiratory infections are caused by either the feline
transmissible to humans or to other animals.
Most feline colds last for a week to 10 days regardless of treatment. In cats, these infections are permanent, the Herp
infections. In kittens Herpes infections are notorious for lasting a very long time. Stresses on their systems from thing
boarding, or a new feline in the family can bring about a new Herpes upper respiratory spell. These episodes may recu
become less and less severe and often may not even be noticeable to the owner.
A cat with the Herpesvirus is contagious to other cats for a couple of weeks after a stressful event. Cats infected with
do not appear to have recurrences the same way cats with Herpes do.
BARTONELLA HENSELAE - Severe cold symptoms like intense sneezing and thick mucus coughed out of the lungs, c
henselae bacteria. This is the same bacterium that causes "Cat Scratch Fever" in humans. It is found in multi cat envir
bacteria don’t exhibit any symptoms at all. You can ask your vet for a blood test for this infection that is not killed off
takes 5 to 7 days to get results. The treatment is three weeks on AZITHROMAX ANTIBIOTIC. It may take another w
clear up a cat with this far less common condition. Knowing of it's existence and asking your vet to check for it can sa
common antibiotics that won't help. Especially if you know that the cat comes from a shelter, pound or multi cat envir
CHLAMYDIA - Chlamydis is a common cause of Respiratory Tract Infections - 'RTI', and Upper Respiratory Tract Infec
runny eyes. RTI's affect the lungs and can cause pneumonia. Chlamydia is a major health problem for breeders. It cau
the nose and runny eyes, contributing to chronic runny eyes in cats. Researchers feel that it could easily be the cause
kittens stop feeding, develop a rattly chest and very often die from this condition. AZITHROMAX ANTIBIOTIC or Z P
chlamydia as well.
CHRONIC RHINITIS or SINUSITIS often responds to Zithromax as well. Veterinarian Jennifer Fry addresses this pr
tablet for a 7 pound cat, 1/2 tablet for a 10-12 lb cat. once weekly - many times 2 doses will do it.
We suggest you ask your vet about using Azithromycin - Zithromax also known as Z Pak instead of other antibiotics ri
henselae bacterial infections. The name brand drug is very expensive, but in most cases, one cat would need only a 1/
week, same dose the next.
Generic versions of the drug are far less expenisive. Ask your pharmacy if they carry the Generic version when filling a
that there are Canadian Pharmacies and we are sure many others who are simply middlemen, stock nothing and are s
product from India then through US customs is a month or so. If you can't get the drug immediately and are forced to
the pathogen causing the infection with MMS now, and storing the Z-Pak pills in your medicine chest for future need.
NOTE! You may have to hold off on any herbal products, vitamins minerals and other drugs or medications while your
sunshine as well while on Zithromax. Tell your vet / pharmacist what herbal products, vitamins minerals or drugs and
combination is safe. Azithromycin Drug Warning information.
AZITHROMYCIN - ZITHROMAX DOSING: Researchers say that the dose for cats is 20mg Zithromax per kg body we
Australia wrote about the findings in Zithromax - The Modern Treatment of Feline Chlamydia.
It is available in a syrup with 600 mg of Zithromax in 15 mls. An average size cat would be given 20mg 3 times = 60m
has no shelf life).
It is also available in 250 mg and 500mg tablets. The dose for an average 3kg cat would be 1/4 of a 250mg tablet - or
This also translates to: 1/4 of a 250mg tablet for a 7 pound cat, 1/2 tablet for a 10-12 lb cat. once weekly - many tim
trick for most illnesses.
A single dose quiets down the symptoms in badly affected cats, but they may recur in a few weeks. Zithromax remain
thus giving a single dose is like giving a seven day course of a shorter lived antibiotic. For cats with severe infections,
David Richardson suggests repeating the 20mg/kg dose seven days after the initial dose.
*CHECK FOR DEHYDRATION: It is critical that your cat does not become dehydrated. Be sure they are drinking plen
and using a syringe, slowly squirt 1/2 unflavored PEDIALITE and 1/2 water down the throat. This will help replace lost
kitten. To check for dehydration, pinch the skin over the shoulders. If the cat is well hydrated it should snap back. If n
*QUARANTINE: If only one cat is showing signs of illness, quarantine that individual from the rest of the cats in your
community just as quickly as colds travel through people communities.
*COMFORT: Make the cat as comfortable as possible. They are as miserable as you or I with a bad cold. Be sure they
them love and attention, but don't bother them too much, cats like to be quiet and alone or lay quietly in your arms w
can control drafts and heat.
MUSIC, VIDEO, TWINKLE LIGHT THERAPY: Playing Classical,New Age or Celtic, etc. music softly in your quarantin
Even a book being read on CD or Ipod. We have a Kitty DVD that plays squirrels and birds and their sounds that enter
entertainment. Above, Horus who came from the pound with the worst cold, watches his favorite DVD - VIDEO CATN
watching as he is, you may need to use a television monitor that can tolerate little paws batting the screen! We put tw
music, and watch the soft lights twinkle. Plenty of soft light - not bright sunlight if you are using antibiotics, Azithroma
If on Zithromax antibiotic, there is a drug warning to avoid sunshine! Shady walks for these kitties.
If not on antibiotics, we take our sick kids outside in the sunshine to absorb vitamin D and trigger the mental process,
be it a bird in the tree or a fly buzzing or a lizard running down a path. It becomes a highlight in their day. Make sure
jacket or towel and keep the cat or kitten warm and safe until you reach your garden spot. Always put a harness on th
Better safe than sorry! Just 10 - 15 minutes will make a world of difference to a sick cat's mood. Our lethargic sickly c
their rooms purring, drinking water, eating their food afterward, happy and ready for a nap after their big adventure.
These walks, taken twice daily if weather allowed, were responsible for Horus' gaining strength and endurance, a will t
day. He grew and put on weight during his illness as well. His lungs were pushed and filled with oxygen. name="ancho
*WARMTH - COOLING: Be sure your cat is warm. Make a nest in a sunny window, or one with a view if available. Be
and horses from his warm safe window nest.
With fevers, they can feel chilled or too warm. Provide warming as well as cooling areas so that your sick pet can be c
near a window glass.
To keep the kitty warm:
*Fleece blankets and soft knit afghans are favorites in our quarantine room.
* We use shearlings or sheepskin hides as well.They are incredibly comfortable and hold in heat, super cushioned and
cycle, cold water with Woolite, Downy softener in the rinse cycle. Spin out as much water as possible, shake out and d
heat, that includes sun. Between washings, comb or brush like a pet.)
*A safe room heater such as a portable oil furnace with temperature controls is terrific. You won't have to heat the en
*Purchase a microwaveable pet heating disk and put it in your pets bed. These last for many hours and offer wonderfu
initially too hot against the pet's skin. It will also soften the area over the hard disc.
*If you don't have a disc, a down jacket in a box or pet bed with the feather side up covered with a towel makes a ter
*A heating pad sandwiched between a blanket or towel below for cushioning and as well as on top works well too. Be
them or a kitten and the temperature isn't too hot.
*A reptile sun lamp is great hooked above a pet bed. Above, Horus hugs a toy as he basks under the heat of a lamp. H
heat directly on the head helps drain and comfort blocked nasal passages better than any other heat source. It will als
severe. The sheepskin or whatever you use to keep in heat helps capture the lamp's warmth and surround the pet in c
After resting under the lamp, we find that heads and lungs are loosened and pets sneeze and cough out mucus. Have
good 15 minute steaming in the bathroom first, then to his sun lamp for as long as he was willing to loosen stubborn m
Nefrette (right) is in a nest bed with an electric heating pad on low under a folded knit sheet.
Even health cats will gravitate toward heat sources like this. We have healthy cats that sleep for hours under a heating
three black cat pileup to get under one lamp on the right! Halogen lamps put off incredible heat, but are not safe left u
Sheepskin is naturally resistant to flame, but we only use these lamps for kitty heaters when they can be supervised.
*FEVER: If your cat has the chills, it probably has a higher fever. Vets have medication that controls a fever, howeve
may want to take the cat's temperature. To do this, use a small rectal thermometer or a human digital thermometer.
Allow to dry then apply petroleum jelly to the tip.
Have the cat stand or lay on it's side and gently subdue the pet.
Shake the thermometer until it is below 100. If using a digital thermometer, this does not apply. Insert the thermome
thermometer, a digital thermometer will give you a signal much more quickly.
Take the thermometer out and read it.
The average for a cat is 100.5 - 102.5 degrees.
If the cat has a fever, move up your vet appointment to the soonest possible time!
Lay a towel in the sink and lay the cat on it, cover the cat in another towel and put ice packs around the edges. Comfo
see a cat on a hot day or one that has a fever lay down in the cool sink to bring down their own temperature. This can
frozen food bags or boxes. Frozen peas packed around the pet's bed and under a towel the pet lays on will help lower
A damp wash cloth over the cat can help too. Don't wet down the cat. Don't rub him in alcohol.
DO NOT GIVE YOUR CAT TYLENOL, ADVIL and other HUMAN MEDICATIONS! If you can't physically get the cat t
emergency vet on the phone to get their input.
Some vets will tell you it's okay to give a cat 1/4 of a baby aspirin once every other or every three days. Other vets w
any way consider it a safe medication! Ask your vet if he she recommends it for your situation. We consider Aspirin a
and you can not get to a vet to help you.
EASY TRICK - INHALING VICK'S VAPORS: Found in just about everyone's medicine cabinet. Open a jar of Vick's a
the kitty against you for warmth and security, the warmed air under the blanket infused with the Vick's jelly aroma he
breathing the air if it wants to, the longer the better. Don't smear it on your cat, you don't want them licking if off and
*VAPORIZER - HUMIDIFYER: Bring your cat to a warm bathroom where a humidifier with some salt water solution
the unit!
Let the cat breathe the steam for 15 min. 2 or 3 times daily. Putting a favorite treat in with the cat will keep it occupie
We have several cats with colds at the same time, so they kept each other company and were perfectly content to sit
Some cats that are totally well now, still jump up to the steaming spot and wait for another session!
Below are Genghis Kahn left and Horus right enjoy a steaming session in a warm bathroom.
*NASAL SPRAY or DROPS - Opening stuffy heads and healing sore passages. Be sure to wipe noses often, kitties ca
helpful in clearing stuffed up passages.
OCEAN Saline Nasal Spray nothing with medication in it! 2 -3 drops in each nostril flushed open noses, flushes sinuses
breathe they smell and when they smell, they are stimulated to eat. The cats we have used it on do get used to it but
COLLOIDAL SILVER is a safe Health Food store over the counter antibiotic that can be put in the nose, eyes, drinkin
amazing number of ailments, from skin problems to scratched eyes (make sure that the bottle says okay for eyes, not
areas. We use it orally to prevent a cat getting sick when we see the symptoms starting. Be sure not to contaminate t
a small amount to a sterile small eyedropper bottle and work from that instead, refilling as needed. Health food stores
Since it's a natural antibiotic, it's great for soothing and healing nasal, mouth or throat ulcers caused by the viruses.
Genghis Kahn and Horus had chronic stuffed heads and noses for a month and a half. At this point, we introduced the
their nose, their breathing improved 50% overnight. Amazing results. They were given a drop in each nostril twice a d
cold symptoms were gone.
BENADRYL is an antihistamine some vets will prescribe. We think it is more effective for itchy allergy situations than
dosages. It is the anti-histamine (diphenhydramine).
Stops itching
Controls vomiting
Good for motion sickness
Can be used as a mild tranquilizer
Good for snake bites
Useful for vaccination reactions
Good for bee stings and insect bites
Be sure to use only the plain Benadryl capsule or pill form. formula. Giving Benadryl with other combination of meds c
Benadryl, it is too high in alcohol for pets. Suggested dosage, but please first ask your vet and make sure any medica
Dosage every 8 hours Dogs under 30 lbs and Cats : 10 mg
Dogs 30-50 lbs: 25 mg
Dogs over 50 lbs: 50 mg
*GROOMING: Sick cats don't usually bother to groom themselves and their coats become sickly looking as well. Take
brush and very gently brush your cat. It's very comforting and will often get some purrs and grooming attempts out o
too. You know how good it feels to have your own hair brushed!
*MASSAGE: Using your thumbs in an eyebrow to crown, left, right, left, right stroking pattern, massage the top of yo
Very gently, stroke with your thumbs from nose under the eyes out as well. Most cats will make relieved grunting soun
Massage their neck, chest, shoulders, legs and paw pads, then in between the paw pads. Massage down the spine and
fingertips. This will also aid in digestion.
To help open the air sacs in the lungs, with the cat either laying back up or on your lap supported between your legs,
side of the cat just behind the shoulders / legs, over the ribs where the lungs are. Cat's usually love this as well and it
colds from traveling down into the lungs.
PREVENTATIVE MEASURES: We useNutraMedix Samento Microbial Defense in the drinking water to boost the i
Colloidal Silver available at health food stores is great to dose orally and a drop in each nostril too . A dose of MMS w
Usually within a few days, the symptoms are gone and the cold doesn't catch on.
MMS kills 95% of known human pathogens. It is incredibly effective in destroying pathogens that are killing our pets a
FIP, Leukemia and other viruses that hide in the blood - Dose with MMS, 2-3 times a day. For a cat, work up to 3 drop
the health food store. There are enzymes that make the cells in the blood a selectively permiable membrane which all
digestive enzymes kills the virus as will the MMS. Before dosing the MMS, give the pet 4 breaths of the activated MMS
the MMS breaths. This is a very potent way of dosing MMS, but it gets it into the bloodstream the easiest and fastest.
Add MEGA C vitamins to canned food daily.
Add Samento Microbial Defense , Burdock Root and Licorice root to the diet daily.
Lots of fresh liver, fish, Eagle Pack canned and dry food are a great base.
APPETITE STIMULATION - NOT WANTING TO EAT: It is critical the cat or kitten eats. Pupppies and dogs are a bit
variety of foods.
In the case of colds and upper respiratory problems, once you have treated the cat or kitten with Azithromax and the
follow right away. We find that canned fish and canned raw or cooked liver will often get through to a sick cat. Canned
water intake as well as nutrition. Some cats are mad for raw or cooked liver, either beef or chicken liver seems to wor
liver and fish flavored crunch treats available in every pet shop and grocery store that has triggered many of our rescu
own, we have resorted to Baby food in a jar. Beachnut makes a few varieties of turkey and fish with various vegetable
powder or other cat and dog toxins in it. First see if the cat will eat it on it's own. I'm sure any brand will work as long
rice or vegetable like carrots. It's messy, but gets the pet eating. Often times a few spoons of food in the mouth will tr
Our vet perscribed 4 mg. CYPROHEPTADINE, an antihistamine that stimulates the appetite. 1/2 to 1 pill 2-3 times a
with the least and work up to the amount your cat needs. NUTRIMALT PASTE available at pet shops is extremely helpf
cats too, a skin and coat nutritional supplement. With the Nutrimalt paste, Squeeze out an inch or so on your finger fo
love the taste. If not, with paste ready on your pointer finger, use the other hand to draw up on the cats top jaw with
paste on the roof of the cats mouth behind the front teeth. You can also pinch the skin just behind the top of the head
for pills as well) close the mouth and keep it closed, stroke the throat in a downward motion and gently blow in the ca
to keep the kitten or cat energized. For non eaters, we use the Nutrimalt 3 - 4 times a day, a vitamin paste as directe
There are several good remedies for killing ear mites - these tiny parasites are very contageous, so do all pets at the s
One approach is a can of Bag Balm and cotton Swabs for little animals, balls of cotton for horses. Confine the pet and
the cotton swab. Should the pet struggle, be sure you swab is grasped half way so that you can't accidentally push too
great idea for this process. Ear mites cause extreme itching and with this, bleeding - not only are they sucking the blo
ears. You'll see a black (dried blood) discharge if you pet has mites.
Swirl the Swab or cotton ball in the bag balm and clean the ear - not a huge glob, just enough to dampen the canal an
help with the irritation and wounded skin. Repeat daily for 3 to 5 days. Wait a few, then repeat 3 more to be sure you
HYDROGEN PEROXYDE - put in a syringe and dose in the ears if you suspect an infection or to prevent a problem after
Should redness, mite infestation or any foul smell start or continue - go to the vet! You could have an infection.
Wash your pet's bedding - we sprinkle it with a bit of Sevin Dust vegetable insect repeller (available at home and gar
the pet won't be re-contaminated. This will also help kill fleas on the pet.
1) Allergies are cumulative. In other words, a pet may have both food and environmental allergies but the symptoms
doesn’t mean your pet doesn’t have allergic reactions all the time. It just means that the situation builds up similar to
may mean that all of a sudden your pet has hot spots or starts chewing on its paws or rear end during the hot summe
2)Cats and dogs may display allergy symptoms differently . Cats may have respiratory symptoms, vomiting and other
Dogs may have scratching, itching, chewing on fur, ear infections, scooting on their rear end and weepy eyes.
3) Most of the time, pets have BOTH food and environmental allergies. There is no one medication or supplement that
require a comprehensive effort. Using the following protocol for your pet can be helpful:Topical treatment in the form
natural sprays (If your pet is allergic to grass, try washing paws after going outside)
Special hypoallergenic diet—Keep the following ingredients out of your pet’s diet. There is no “one” allergy diet that w
few diets and/or learn how to prepare a homemade diet. We offer consultations via telephone or in-person at VCA Arro
Common Allergens in Pet Food:
Gluten (found in wheat, barley, spelt and other grains)
Milk Products
Casein (found in cheese)
Beef (problem for some dogs)
Chicken (problem for some cats and dogs)
Fish (cats can often be allergic)
Peanut Butter (big allergen!)
Air purifier—an air purifier can greatly help with environmental allergies. Try to get one that either has a hepa filter or
purifier even if doors and windows are frequently left open.
4) Use supplements to help your pet cope with allergy season to reduce inflammation and overall discomfort. Be sure
bioflavanoids such as quercetin, digestive enzymes and an effective probiotic. There are also some homeopathic and C
symptoms. Ask Ariel has a full spectrum of products available to assist pet with allergies.
5) Finally, if your pet is suffering from allergies, please be advised that there is usually no “quick fix”. Medications such
short-term relief but a comprehensive holistic protocol can help heal your pet for the long-term. Before using any holis
This is because skin issues can be a sign of an underlying endocrine condition such as hypothyroidism or Cushing’s dis
need to be addressed as well. A veterinarian exam, blood test and doctor’s diagnoses regarding the type of infections
combination of both conventional and holistic veterinary medicine seems to deliver the best results for dogs and cats w
ANTI FREEZE EMERGENCY - DEADLY!: Each year more than ten thousand dogs and cats are accidentally poisoned
- including people, and one of the top ten poisons in dogs and cats in the United States. Ethylene glycol is the toxic ele
sip of antifreeze to poison your pet. Cats are approximately four times as sensitive to the poison as dogs. One to two t
enough to kill a medium size dog.
One shot of vodka will not really do it, but in a pinch, vodka can be used, even IV. Antifreeze is a common cause of po
the American Association of Poison Control Centers it is the second most common cause of fatal poisonings in animals
in dogs and with a higher mortality rate in cats. Early diagnosis and treatment of animals ingesting antifreeze is critica
Antifreeze is a commonly used solution, has a pleasant taste, and ingestion of only a small amount causes toxicity. To
corresponding to the increased use of antifreeze.
The key is to get them treated before their liver and kidneys are destroyed. You can read about the Symptoms, Diagn
2ndchance info.
Don't wait GET TO A VET AS QUICKLY AS YOU CAN! This information may also help your vet in treating your pet. T
toxins out as possible.
Vodka, Bicarbonate of Soda (baking soda), activated charcoal has been used very successfully in treatment.
If you are more than minutes from getting to the vet, give the dose of vodka, baking soda and activated charcoal oral
to flush the poison. Continue adding a 1/8 - 1/2 tsp of baking soda to the syringes of water to help keep the urine alka
three hours. Add the elements below as well. Fast action is the way to save your pet.
GET TO THE VET AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE! Remember to give your vet the information on this page as well, it is
your pet.
The recommended dose is 2.5ml of twenty- percent (forty proof) ethanol per pound of body weight diluted in IV fluids
and then over eight hours for four more treatments. At the same time we give them sodium bicarbonate to reduce the
of bicarbonate to give by monitoring the acidity of the urine. In dogs, but not in cats, a drug, 40MP (4-methylpyraxole
The activated charcoal will adsorb toxins - attact the poison to itself and safely remove it from the body. Dr. Belfield, i
that he had terrific results using Vitamin C in healing Renal Failure. He suggests 500 mg of Sodium Ascorbate twice a
can't find it right away and get the pet started on it, then order his Mega C Plus and switch to his vitamins once they
Go easy with the E, it's stored in the organs and is a fat soluable vitamin. Give 100 mg or so daily to help with healing
We suggest the treatment includes: Activated Charcoal Capsules to help absorb the poison and Cranberry Extrac
The Cranberry is acidic unfortunately, but the baking soda will help make the urine alkaline. Both are available at the h
more years in China very successfully in healing patients with renal failure. Ask your health food store for capsules tha
Nutramedix Samento Microbial Defense would also be incredibly benefitial in healing the liver and kidneys as well
rush cases, just call in your order and tell them your crisis situation. This product is awesome for people as well!
We have seen pets in full renal failure make an unbelievable recovery with vitamins, healing herbs and Samento. Your
negative. Believe their bodies are healing. Our thoughts and visualization can play huge part in a pet's healing process
your pet is getting well, VISUALIZE YOUR PET WELL . We all play a part in a pet's recovery from illness: the vet, yo
your posive thoughts play a huge role in a pet's recovery. Your pet reads your emotions like a book, they know when
energy you can give to help them heal.
CANCER IN PETS: Step one is to believe that your pet is going to get better. Be positive and surround the sick pet w
very well and know how we feel toward them.
Our experience with cancer in pets is with our dog named Magnum, an 85 lb. Presa Canario. He had broken his leg jus
putting in a rod and screws to repair the severe break. So, with electrolisis in the leg, he ended up with the worst poss
was made mush by the cancer, everything beneath the metal plate and it had spread up into his shoulder bone.
To make things worse, Magnum was 11 years of age. The vets gave him two weeks to live after amputating the front
organs and bloodstream. We began the regement as below and Magnum slept almost constantly for 3 months. He em
taped magnets to his bandaging to help with his balance and healing, he also was now missing a front leg. The magne
months, he woke from his fog and began walking with his pack. Soon he was playing and running again. A year after t
passed away an old man without any sign of cancer.
We chose against putting him through Chemo, since it was not even recommended by his vets at this stage of the can
RAW SALMON, as well as alternating LIVER and STEW MEAT, CHICKEN or TURKEY daily.
Carbs feed cancer, so limit the carbs to only vegetable sources. No added rice, no wheat, no corn and never raw potat
Use BROCOLLI and DARK GREEN LEAFY VEGIES as well as CARROTS, COLORFUL ROOTS, you can lightly steam turnip
start with steamed and work towards raw. The more saturated the color of the vegetable, the better it is for healing. S
Adding veggies to cat diets is tricky. Try using capsules of kelp and other sources of chlorophyll and greens.
If you want to use the veggies, try whipping them in a blender with some raw meat as well as canned food to make su
EAGLE PACK Fish base dog food for a dry basic food and their canned food to help settle the stomach and make sure y
MMS - CANCER FIGHT MUST - kills anaerobic pathogens which includes cancer cells and parasites - if you believe the
inventor Jim Humble has a entire cancer killing protocol. They also combine DMSO and use MMS to kill skin cancers. T
observe a pet - not dose too much and cause nausea, a sure sign to back off or certainly not increase the dose.
Serious Illness Suggestions Using DMSO Severe Cancer Treatm
MycoMedicinals HOST DEFENSE - CANCER FIGHT MUST - a mega powerful mushroom complex. Taken on an empt
down a dog's throat. Cat's are tricky with this one. You may have to open them up and dump out the contents, If so, p
the head with claws facing AWAY from you!
COLLOSTRUM - CANCER FIGHT MUST - from the health food store or TRANSFER FACTOR just sprinkle on food for d
PAU D'ARCO TINCTURE or CAPSULES we bought ours through Ebay Auctions, just type "Pau d'Arco " and in the se
incredible cancer fighting helpers. We use the tinctures, put a few drops into a small amount of water in a syringe and
is recommended. Adjust dosing to your needs, it works as a laxative as well.
GREEN WALNUT COMPLEX (from Black Walnut Tree)
This site - included this information about the product:
Dr. Hulda Clark made this formula famous in her book "The Cure For All Cancers". She says that many cancer patients
The adult fluke lives in the small intestine where it can cause ulcerations. The female produces eggs that hatch in the
the fluid. After a short period, the tails drop off so that the flukes can encircle themselves with a protective cocoon, fo
weeks to insure that the parasite is gone. It isn't something to continue for a long period of time.
According to Dr. Hulda Clark, this stage of development produces a thick shell that propyi alcohol and other solvents in
their life cycle. She says that they stimulate a growth factor called ortho-phosphotyrosine (OPT), one of 25 recognized
weakened by stress to go into unlimited division. Unless the body gets rid of this parasite-spawning chemical, excessiv
This parasite does'n have to stay in the intestines, but can be swept along in the bloodstream to lodge inside weakene
metals. They grow fat in their new locations and stimulate cancer cell division. The 3herb combination can help kill the
Nutramedix Samento Microbial Defense - CANCER FIGHT MUST - 15 drops twice a day also best on an empty stom
DOSING NOTE - Activate your MMS and lime juice for 3 minutes, a dollop of honey in a touch of hot water to activate
syringe. They're not going to love it, the honey will hide a lot of the nasties, but make it quick right down the hatch an
ACIDOPHILLUS - tasteless, just sprinkle on food
HIDING BAD TASTING SUPLEMENTS - Roll out a slab of CREAM CHEESE on a plate or marble, or wax paper spread
cutting off rings and feeding in sliced mouthfuls. If your pet likes the taste of the cod liver oil, open the capsule or sim
more of the taste. This works well for dogs, cats are another story most of the time. We can hide the more bland elem
sometimes well whipped greens in canned food. You'll have to see what you can hide and what you will have to syring
RESVERATROL mega immune vitamin from the health food store.
MEGA C PLUS CANCER FIGHT MUST - vitamin and mineral powder
COD LIVER OIL and FLAX SEED OIL capsules from the health food store
BEE PROPOLIS - CANCER FIGHT MUST - and ROYAL JELLY Available in table and other forms at health food stores.
This is a small bit of information found in an article from Natural Bloom: Anti-tumour/cancer Propolis and CAPE (exp
and to selectively destroy and to curb the proliferation of malignant cells of many different types of cancer. As recently
of a million dollars to investigate the therapeutic value of Propolis for cancer. Costas Koumenis the lead investigator fo
these compounds is that they have been shown to cause cell death in tumor cells but not in normal cells." This study a
the limelight in the field of cancer treatment.
...This is because of the potent anti-inflammatory properties of the propolis constituents in particular CAPE (Caffeic ac
activation. A paper by Marquez et al in 20046 evaluated this to mean that since T-cells play a key role in the onset of
this phenolic compound is a potent inhibitor of early and late events in T-cell receptor-mediated T-cell activation. Resu
worthwhile agent for reducing the severity of conditions associated with inflammation.
BEATING LIVER and KIDNEY FAILURE in PETS: Success with our horse:
We recently had a 20 year old Arabian horse in excellent health suddenly suffer liver failure. We don't know if the caus
a stressful night that resulted in his becoming constipated and that poisoning his system resulting in liver failure. The
listlessness, fever yet not willing to drink water. The vet was called out and gave him a saline IV with antibiotics and a
drawn to see what was happening. His liver numbers were off the charts. Levels that should have been at 20 were at 3
infection. We started him on liver detox herbs as well as vitamins and minerals that support liver function and heal the
formulas, about 4 x the human dose worked well for an 900 lb. horse.
The Liver Detox herbs come in two bottles, a day and night dose.
Artichoke 500 - 4 capsules twice a day.
20 drops of Pau d'Arco tincture twice a day and
Nutramedix Samento Microbial Defense 20 drops twice a day
Potassium supplement every day
B vitamins every day
Digestive Enzymes once a day
1 TB morning and night - Activated Charcoal – - removes poisons and toxins that cause it.
Burdock Root and Licorice Root – purifies blood, restores liver and kidney function. Aids in the elimination of uric a
antibacterial and antifungal properties as well.
1 TBL.MEGA C PLUS (from Dr. Belfield's online store) every morning
1 TSP. of ESTER C every evening
Our local feed store ordered for us:
Cellarator Turbo, an oral Electrolyte and Microbial Paste from Pet4mance Choice, LLC 1 877-788-4448 - one dose daily
keeping the potion liquidy so that we could push it easily down his throat.
ACIDOPHILLUS or PROBIOS, etc. - One scoop Daily - also available at our local feed store, or order online
All blended into Blueberry, Acai, Pomegranite juice, a blend or one of - a big spoon or two of honey to help mask the t
We used the largest syringe we could get from the feed store to dose him with.
In order to insure he was getting enough liquids because he wasn't drinking water, he was given all the carrots he wan
bread soaked in blueberry juice. He was eating 150 pounds of carrots a week from the second to the fourth week! He
hay with Molasses which we also soaked in water.
Initially his urine was dark brown because of the high bilirubin count. Within a week, the color was rich amber, a week
first few weeks, then began to slowly gain it back again. His energy levels started climbing after several weeks and in
corral, calling for food and feeling well! We continue to soak all fo his food daily, oat hay pellets and all of his supplem
continued with lots of carrots. At four weeks, he was back to his full energy, dancing at the gate to his corral, running
forced him to take it easy and limited play time to only 1/2 hour a day with his pals for another month. No riding for a
black fly mask over his eyes all day and let him go out into the field to eat only early morning and after the sun had g
after the initial illness, but we kept the mask on for good measure for an additional week.
KIDNEY FAILURE - Mega C Plus and switch to his vitamins once they arrive. He also suggests a Vitamin B complex
FOOD – Make your dog or cat a stew, mix up different combo’s
They will need Vitamin A, C, E and B’s to restore the kidneys. The Mega C Plus will take care of the vitamin needs.
and cook a ¼ with bones to flavor stew FISH (Herring, mackerel, rainbow trout, salmon and tuna are higher in omega
times a week reduces the incidence of cardiovascular disease and chronic kidney disease. Cod liver oil supplements wo
RICE CANNED PUMPKIN PUREE – (not pie filling) When feeding moistened dry food or wet canned food, add it – hi
SUPPLEMENTS = (health food store – human products) Nutramedix Samento Microbial Defense (VITAL IN HEAL
a day or a syringe. You can also just squirt a syringe full into a good size bowl of water and let the pet drink freely fro
ARTICHOKE capsules (protects kidneys against creatine)
DANDELION capsules (dandelion root to promote liver detoxification and dandelion leaves to support kidney function
ALFALFA – Just for Dogs, not good for cats - richest land source of trace minerals. Used since sixth century in China t
blood, liver and bowel and much more.
BURDOCK ROOT and LICORICE ROOT – purifies blood, restores liver and kidney function. Aids in the elimination of
antibacterial and antifungal properties as well.
CRANBERRY CAPSULES (highly effective in treating and preventing kidney, bladder, urinary tract infections) ACIDOPH
ACTIVATED CHARCOAL –stops diarrhea by removing the poisons and toxins that cause it.
3 1/2 YEAR OLD KIGER MUSTANG WITH EPIPHICITIS: Success with Sampson our Kiger Mustang Gelding. Epiph
horse that is not fully mature. It is usually seen in front knees and fetlocks. Usually happens with youngsters under a
Sampson in training - growing like a weed as a 3 1/2 year old .... Sampson rehabilitating 3 months since initial diagno
A brief history of the Breed Kiger Mustang - When the Conquistadors came to the New World - America in the 1600's,
ending up in the the badlands of upper Oregon. They became a breed unto themselves, all with the Dunn factor, many
Spanish gates, short backs, smooth gates and rock hard hooves. In the 1970's, when humans began herding with heli
done. They found that these horses were direct decendants of the ancient Spanish horses, with bloodlines from the Ta
We recently purchased a 3 1/2 year old Kiger Mustang horse. We thought it very strange that he would lay down 10 with or ridden at that point. He had been fed loose alfalfa his entire life.
After training him to ride and being given regular exercise, he grew a hand in not even 6 months! Very strange for a h
very slowly, much like Arabians. Upon purchasing him, we changed his diet to a much lower protein blend of feed. Mo
added - in pellet form. He was also receiving Oat hay and Molasses. We learned later that this was still far too much p
One morning, he came up injured and lame on one front fetlock. The bone was shooting forward, not being held back
said it looked like he had been kicked or injured it. Swelling and heat were around the area. We began icing his leg in
Two weeks later, the other fetlock shot forward as well. Another vet was called in. Because of his age, this vet could h
We knew his age exactly because we have his papers and know his breeder. No question that he was a 4 year old. Ver
With both fetlocks having the same tendon trouble now, it seemed very clear that he did in fact have Epiphicitis. We b
now include in the case.
Sampson had been in a 24 x 24 pipe corral with his buddy. We split it in half and put in another gate. No more full con
corral was kept a hard surface. We tried soft initially and it was far more painful for him. We raked it daily and kept it
piled shavings for him. He was laying down 10 - 12 hours every night to rest his legs.
Sampson is only second generation domestic horse. This means that he is meant to eat what his ancestors ate - in a n
low protein. The goal was to slow his rapid growth and allow the tendons to catch up to his bones. We also wanted to
and pressure on his joints as possible. He was fed plenty of very low protein feed, but nothing that would add bulk or
Mustang. No Molasses blends, no oats, no bran, no grain.
We talked about his problem with a formulating chemist - nutritionist for a large company that made equine formulatio
TRIPLE CROWN 12% SUPPLEMENT - 2 cups once a day.
HORSE GUARD (or a comperable )VITAMIN MINERAL SUPPLEMENT - one dose per day.
The above supplements are fortified with Copper, Zinc and minerals, Copper, Zinc and Biotin aid in the development o
wtih epiphicitis, contracted tendons, etc. 800mg per day is the maximum tolerated level of copper in horses. Copper is
connective tissue and the uptake and utilization of iron. Mares' milk is low in Copper and abnormal bone development
maximum tolerated level of Copper in horses is 800mg/kg of diet.
WHOLE HORSE HERBS TENDON SUPPORT - Chinese herbs blended to assist in the rehabilitation of tendon injuries
MSM POWDER - 2 TB per day. Anti Inflammatory,helps to prevent rheumatoid arthritis, joint damage, soothes muscl
Great information from these sites: Joint and Nutritional Supplements
OAT HAY PELLETS - 3 scoops, 1 1/2 per day (equivalent of a flake of baled hay twice a day)
TIMOTHY BALED HAY - one flake for lunch per day.
SHREDDED BEET PULP - Soaked in water until fully absorbed. This full fiber additive gave him a sense of being full w
pellets and dry goods are combined and soaked in water. Only the baled hay was given as a lunch snack in it's dry sta
accumulating in his intestines.
PSYLLIUM - As directed on the label.
FRESH CARROTS - 2 scoops per day.
We purchased two Ice Boots - quilted inside with pillows of fluid that freeze into ice, rugged nylon outside and velcro e
iced him for 1-2 hours every morning while he ate his breakfast. This helped a great deal in removing any swelling and
jutted out very far and snapped back and forth. The bones were trying to pop out sideways and the tendons were not
For the first 8 weeks, the first fetlock that had been sprained and badly bruised by a stall mate's kick was wrapped in
off with plain pads every other day since the wraps were kept on always except for the ice treatments. Over the cotton
Using boots worn backwards, we were able to brace the bones to a large extent over the top of the bandages. We swa
one area had too much pull. It was also very important to do this so that he did not develop any sores.
Every day the wraps were removed, legs iced, wraps replaced for the first two months.
He was able to walk in his stall comfortably after treatments. We did not hand walk him for the first two months, rathe
vets said not to walk him at all and the third said to walk him all we wanted, but slowly.
After the first 2 months, he began playing a bit each day in his corral. We stopped with the vet wrap and went to just
a Hand walk, then the ice boots, then rewrapping without the vet wrap to support the tendons during the day in the co
He spent hours every day stretching his fetlocks heals down, toes down, back and forth. He would love for us to help h
after ice boot sessions every morning. His heels had grown long, not wanting to put his legs back, which actually aided
off of the tendons. He definitely got more exercise because his pain decreased with the long heels. His beautifully shap
for the healing process.Our farrier did not change the shape of the front hooves during this time. This horse has alway
overall length only.
Hand walking - He had no problem going uphill, was very sensitive on the flat ground, but doable and his tendons pop
avoided the downhill. It began just a few blocks the first week, then slowly grew longer over time. If his legs trembled
popping too much, we stopped to rest, then went back to the corral.Boots were removed and legs iced while he ate br
the day.
4 months since the original injury to the first fetlock - we to into the corral one morning to find that his boots are loose
Glorious. All the time and effort and pain he endured had paid off, the first signs of success. He stops laying down at n
lay down flat out for 10-12 hours a night since we purchased him. He had always had the problem, always been in pai
Our Farrier came out and trimmed his heals down, it took two trimmings 8 weeks apart before we had his hooves back
half. We didn't want to be too dramatic and put an excessive amount of strain on these tendons that had just stretche
We remove the support boots all together and just do ice boot or run cold water from the hose treatments after exerc
each exercise session.
4 1/2 months after the initial injury - he is turned loose for the first time in a small round pen. He runs around, leaps
walk around in a controlled manner.
5 months after the initial injury - He goes for his first ride! Just a walk, about a 1/4 mile each way and back. We d
We had one vet tell us to do nothing, it may get better it may not.
Another vet tell us we needed to do introvenous tetracycline - total stall rest - feed him just enough to keep him healt
didn't work.
The third vet - the surgeon told us that surgery Did Not Work! Tetracycline Did Not Work! He also told us that diet did
heels stay long. He also said that we had one year for the legs to heal or he would have permanent joint damage and
No two vets agreed on how to treat the problem, so we took what made the most sense to us from each and added ou
Chinese Herbs, Copper and mineral balancing. We read a lot of articles, did all the research we could do and fortunate
Don't have a time table in your mind, don't rush the horse. Be calm, be positive, be excited and supportive and please
energy, let him now you believe he's going to get well!
Here is a very informative article about Minerals and horses from Horses and Horse Information, we have attached
Organic minerals are simply substances that are – via chemical reactions – bonded to an organic material. In the old d
you may now also see names such as proteinate, or simply a description of the organic mineral such as polysaccharide
usually referred to sulfates or oxides.
Minerals play a vital role in the horse’s health. Organic minerals properly supplied with a balanced diet prevent muscle
health issues. Problems may arise when the minerals are not adequately metabolized by the animal. This is rarely the
horses that convalesce, perform or are exercised regularly, or may be bred that are most affected by the benefits of th
any kind of activity does not show any difference in health.
Consider the fact that the goal of horse training is the development of a healthy muscle and skeletal system. While yo
to supply it with dietary minerals on a daily basis counteracts the benefits the horse has already experienced. Addition
have been proven to not only benefit your animal’s overall health but to also reduce cases of muscular problems. DOD
administration of copper proteinates; the inorganic compounds, copper sulfate, has little impact on the condition. Rese
cartilage in young horses, while organic zinc in addition to organic copper – oftentimes in conjunction with biotin and m
compounds do not show the same effect. Offer the animal zinc, copper, selenium and also manganese when stressed
Similarly, organic minerals have been shown to have a positive effect on the immune system of the animal. Proteinate
while decreasing the numbers of pregnancy losses. As a matter of fact, foaling rates on farms where proteinate has be
much as 20 percent.
Sampson, now 4 years old is completely healed and working pain free, without any sign of the injury - illness save for
began with. He's never shown any sign of lameness, soreness, heat, swelling, etc. after hours of hard work. 6 months
VOMITTING, UPSET STOMACH: In cats, vomiting is often caused by ingesting hair while grooming. PETROMALT is
digestive system. It is available at virtually all pet stores and websites.
When your pet vomits regularly, something else is wrong. Chronic vomiting often accompanied by diarrhea can be cau
or inflammatory bowel disease.
INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE can be caused by food allergies, bacteria and parasites. You can dose wtih MMS to k
within just a few hours. IF the IBD is caused by food allergies, it becomes a more difficult problem to treat and preven
Dr. Wendell Belfield has some terrific info in his pet health pages. He recommends lamb as the meat of choice
perpetuate inflammation and cause vomiting and diarrhea.
We dose Nutramedix Samento Microbial Defense in the pet's water daily to prevent intestinal swelling, sooth and
began the Cat's claw daily water dosing - for years now!
Be sure your pet is getting enough digestive enzymes and good bacteria. A good source of acidophillus and related int
digestive enzymes and Good digestive bacteria are avaible at the health food store.
the digestive tract of pets, helping to keep the intestines working properly. It also helps to remove hair - hairballs and
first items, 1 capsule of the psyllium hidden in canned food will work wonders.
Above is our mascot Tai-Pan. He was found in a parkinglot at 5 weeks of age dyin
His Dr. Hohne gave him two blood transfusions and he was carried with
and fed throughout the day in order for the little guy survive. But ju
treating, treatments for, cat colds, cat chest colds, cat head colds, cat colds, cat upper respiratory infections, cat pneu
cat constipation, antifreeze poisoning, epiphicitis, curing epiphicitis, horse epiphicitis, constipated cat, cat diarrhea, dog
respiratory infections, urinary tract infections, cat vomitting, feline lower urinary tract disease, inflammatory bowel dis
bronchitis in kittens, kitten pneumonia, cat allergies, dog allergies
Animalstars Pet Health Hints, holistic and herbal remedies, additives and food for cat upper resperatory infections, cold
diarrhea,constipated cats and allergies. Pet Treatments: Treating cat colds, upper respiratory infections, Azithromax antibiotic, inflammatory
lower urinary tract disease, allergies, treatment of cat, dog, pet diarrhea and constipation, antifreeze poisoning emerg