s: A comprehensive review of Evolution

North Star Academy College Preparatory High School
Name: ______________________________
Date__________/Mr. McIntire
AP Biology
Evolution Wi(Re)…s: A comprehensive review of Evolution
1. Which of the following was NOT presented by Darwin as evidence for evolution?
a. Comparative anatomy
b. Fossils
c. Genetic mutation
d. Geographical distribution
2. The tonsils and the appendix are examples of
a. Vestigial structures
b. Balanced polymorphism
c. Divergent evolution
d. Homologous structures
3. In terms of comparative anatomy, select the structure that is NOT homologous to the arm of an
a. The wing of an insect
b. The flipper of a whale
c. The wing of a bird
d. The leg of a frog
Write your answers to the multiple-choice questions in the answer key below. DO NOT leave any blank.
Answer Key:
North Star Academy College Preparatory High School
4. In Darwin’s thinking, the more closely related two different organisms are, the
a. More similar their habitats are
b. Less similar their DNA sequences are
c. More recently they shared a common ancestor
d. Less likely they are to have the same genes in common
5. Species exhibiting evolution will never produce the perfect adaptation for the organism for all of
the following reason, EXCEPT
a. Adaptations are often compromises
b. Historical constraints
c. Offspring with poor adaptations frequently reproduce with each other
d. Lost alleles are not always ineffective
6. Acquired characteristics
a. Are not passed on to the subsequent generation
b. Are genetically inherited from parents who possessed those traits
c. Are explained by Darwin’s theories of evolution
d. Are the basis of modern genetics
7. Which of the following was NOT one of Darwin’s arguments for his theory of natural selection?
a. There is variation among individuals within a population
b. Much variation is heritable
c. Populations possess an enormous reproductive potential
d. Resources are abundant
8. The smallest group that can undergo biological evolution is
a. Species
b. Family
c. Population
d. Community
9. All of the following are true statements concerning mutation EXCEPT
a. They are changes in the DNA base sequence
b. The occur in germ cells and somatic cells
c. They drive evolution by creating mutation pressures
d. They are a source of variation for evolution
10. Over a long period of time, a significant shift has occurred in the genotype frequencies of a
reproducing population’s gene pool, but not in phenotype frequencies. This change is termed
a. Diversifying selection
b. Genetic drift
c. Macroevolution
d. Microevolution
North Star Academy College Preparatory High School
11. Given a population that contains genetic variation, what is the correct sequence of the following
events, under the influence of natural selection?
I. Well-adapted individuals leave more offspring than do poorly adapted
II. A change occurs in the environment
III. Genetic frequencies within the population change
IV. Poorly adapted individuals have decreased survivorship
II  IV  I  III
IV  II  I  III
IV  I  II  III
IV  II  III  I
12. Why are Hox genes important to the evolution of mammals and other animals?
a. Hox genes are easily mutated by abiotic factors
b. The gene sequence is highly conserved throughout many eukaryotes and prokaryotes
c. Hox genes are responsible for producing favorable traits
d. The gene sequence can be transplanted across different species
13. What is the ultimate result of repeatedly introducing insecticides on a species of insects that are
effecting the production of crops?
a. Death to the entire insect species
b. Mutations as a result of contact to the insecticide allows for survival of the entire
c. The creation of a new insect species
d. Natural selection of insects resistant to the insecticide
14. Molecular biologists cite as evidence for evolution similarities in
a. Amino acid sequences
b. Carbohydrate chains
c. Cellular components
d. Lipid composition
North Star Academy College Preparatory High School
Base your answers to questions 15-17 on the following experiment:
Two different types of the same species of mice (brown and white) are used in an experiment. Both
types of mice were exposed to snakes, which prey on mice. The laboratory environment alternated
between a brown covered floor and a white covered floor. Forty trials were conducted, with the results
listed in the table below.
Number of Mice Captured
White Floor
Brown Floor
15. What is the main purpose of the experiment?
a. Measure how well snakes find mice
b. Measure the escape capacity of mice
c. Compare the effects of coloration of coat
d. Kill off an overpopulated mice population
e. Determine which color mice are more intelligent
16. What concept does the experimental data validate?
a. Adaptation for the survival of species
b. Use and disuse
c. Postzygotic barriers of sexual reproduction
d. Competition
e. Overproduction of a species
17. How would the results change if a light grey covering were used in place of the brown covering?
a. The number of each type of mice captured would remain the same
b. The number of white mice captured would increase
c. The number of brown mice captured would increase
d. The number of brown mice captured would decrease and the number of white mice
captured would increase
e. The number of brown and white mice captured would decrease
North Star Academy College Preparatory High School
Base your answers to questions 18-20 on the following diagram:
18. Physical similarities between organisms in regions B and E provide evidence for
a. Convergent evolution
b. Homologous structures
c. Neutral selection
d. Ontogeny
e. Stabilizing selection
19. Though species from regions A and B evolved from the ancestral species whose fossils were
found in region D, the species from A and B are no longer physically identical to the ancestral
species from D. The best explanation for this is
a. Biogeographical influence on natural selection
b. Lack of limiting factors in each environment
c. Mutation rate in different environments
d. Similar food sources
e. Sympatric speciation
20. Recently exposed sedimentary rock in region D contains fossilized organisms that closely
resemble fossils in regions A and B. The fossils found in region D are older than those in region B
but are younger than those in region A. From this, it can be concluded that
a. Historical climactic events forced massive emigration of the fossilized species from
region A to region D
b. Organisms of this species emigrated from region C, reaching region A before region D
c. Region A separated from regions B and D before they separated from each other
d. Region E served as a land bridge between regions B and D
e. The species evolved separately in regions A, B and D