Frequently Asked Questions Revisions for Educator Preparation and Accountability (REPA) The questions and answers that are included in this document are based on the most recent version of the proposed rules for licensing (LSA Document #09-481). The Advisory Board of the Division of Professional Standards voted to approve the revised rules on January 7, 2010. The rules do not become final until approved by the Attorney General and the Governor. The information below is an attempt to interpret the impact of the proposed rule on Purdue University candidates. The Office of Professional Preparation & Licensure continues to monitor changes at the state level and when more definitive answers are available will share them with our students, staff, and faculty. What is REPA? REPA stands for Revisions for Educator Preparation and Accountability. It is the proposed rule for the licensing system for all educators. If REPA successfully passes, it will replace Rules 2002. When would REPA go into effect? The proposed implementation date for REPA is July 31, 2010. There may be a phase in time for some of the changes, including changes in the testing requirements for licensure. Students currently enrolled in licensing programs have until August 2013 to complete those programs and December 2013 to apply for licensure with all licensure requirements completed. After those dates all initial licenses will be issued under the REPA rules. How will REPA affect current Purdue University Teacher Education candidates? Candidates who enroll in an approved teacher preparation program at Purdue University for initial licensure under Rules 2002 will have until August 31, 2013, to complete this program. Will I still be required to complete the tests? Yes. Praxis I and Praxis II are still required. The new rules do indicate that there may be changes in testing in the future but the current requirements will remain until at least July 1, 2011. There may be additional testing requirements for initial license applicants after August 2013. Will I still work through the licensing advisor to obtain my initial license? Yes. Candidates are still required to work through the licensing advisor to obtain their initial practitioner license, which is the name of your first license. At Purdue the license advisors are located in BRNG 3229. How long will my initial license be valid? The first license that you receive is your initial practitioner license. This is a license that is valid for a two (2) year period. This is unchanged from Rules 2002. Is the Limited Criminal History Report still required for licensing? No. A criminal history report is no longer required for licensure. However, an expanded criminal history report is required for employment. You will need to check with the school corporation where you are hired for the specific details and instructions regarding the expanded criminal history report. Schools do require the limited criminal history report before you begin your field experiences. Will the fees for licensing change? The fees for licensing will remain the same. The fee for an initial practitioner license is $35, plus a small processing fee for the online application. Will there be any changes in student teaching requirements? No. The rules will not have any impact on the student teaching. Will I still be able to use the online licensing application system? Yes. The online license application process has not been changed for initial license applications. The department has indicated that there will be some changes in the process. As noted below, license renewal recommendations will be handled by the district for currently employed educators after July 1, 2010. I am an undergraduate student. Will I still be required to complete my portfolio? Yes. Required assessments are still required prior to the completion of your Purdue University program. Am I still assigned a mentor after I receive my first teaching position? Beginning with the 2010-2011 school year, first year teachers must complete the Beginning Teacher Residency Program. The requirements of the program are determined by the school district. The district may include a school corporation sponsored mentoring program. Beginning teachers will have an initial conference with their building principal to discuss the requirements of the Beginning Teacher Residency Program at the beginning of the school year. Am I still required to complete a portfolio after I receive my first teaching position? The current portfolio assessment for beginning teachers has been eliminated. It has been replaced by an assessment completed by the school corporation. For details, go to What are the requirements one has to complete to obtain the five year proficient practitioner license? After July 1, 2010, the building principal serves as the decision maker on whether the beginning teacher successfully completes the Beginning Teacher Residency Program. An initial conference between the beginning teacher and the building principal will be held at the beginning of the school year to determine the requirements that the beginning teacher must complete to successfully meet the requirements of the Beginning Teacher Residency Program. When you secure your first teaching position, you should immediately contact your principal to schedule your initial conference. For additional details, visit Those not immediately employed may renew the initial practitioner two (2) times with an application directly to the state. If the person has not completed the residency program after six (6) years, s/he must complete the current content area exam to renew the initial practitioner license. What are the continuing education requirements for license holders under REPA? The educator must complete a Professional Growth Plan (PGP) that contains 90 points. The categories for those points are outlined in the rules. Six semester hours of college coursework are equivalent to 90 points. Activities and points are verified by the building principal. Candidates may still complete six (6) semester hours of college coursework as verified by the building principal. The licensing advisor no longer approves college coursework for renewal. If the educator is not employed at the time of renewal, then the Indiana Department of Education determines the appropriateness of the activities for renewal. Will a master’s degree still be required to obtain a principal’s license, as it is under current rules? The current proposal is that principals will have to complete an approved educator preparation program and a master’s degree is required to obtain the license. At the present time the only approved programs are the degree programs at the Indiana preparation programs. The Indiana Department of Education has indicated that they are working on a process for program approval but it will not be available until after rules adoption. Is teaching experience still required as a pre-requisite for a principal’s license, as it is under current rules (Rules 2002)? Yes. The proposed rules require two (2) years of teaching experience as a pre-requisite for a principal’s license. How will my master’s degree affect my license renewal? Currently, under Rules 2002, completion of any master’s degree qualifies you for a 10 year Accomplished Practitioner License. Under the proposed rules, the master’s degree must be related to the content area on your license. Will the emergency permit still be an option for beginning teachers? Yes. The emergency permit for teachers who are hired for positions for which they are not fully licensed will remain an option and the process for application is the same. The school corporation initiates and applies for the emergency permit. Emergency permits are only issued after the teacher is employed. The emergency permit for administrators also has been retained. Are there any changes with the requirements for a substitute permit? No. The application procedures will be the same. The application is made through each school corporation. If you want a substitute permit with different school corporations, you may need to apply for each one. The permit will still be valid for three (3) years. January 2010