Quarter 1 Requirements (rubrics)

Senior Narrative
Quarter 1 Requirements
A minimum of two (2) pieces of writing are due first quarter. One piece must be a “Where I’m From” poem and the other must be
another reflective piece (“I remember…”). Submissions beyond the two required pieces may be written in the genre of your choice.
Remember that in some way your submissions need to fit with the theme “From where do I/we come.”
“Where I’m From” POETRY RUBRIC
_____ Stimulating Ideas
The Writing…
 focuses on a specific memory, feeling, belief, idea or person.
 brings the subject to life.
 contains strong word images (puts down the image; shows rather than tells).
_____ Logical Organization
 forms a meaningful whole—an idea is creatively presented and developed
 ends with a final twist or deepening of meaning.
_____ Engaging Voice
 speaks in a voice that reflects the poem’s intent.
 maintains a consistent voice throughout.
_____ Original Word Choice
 contains specific sensory details.
 employs poetic devices (e.g. metaphors, repetition, alliteration, enjambment, etc.)
_____ Effective Sentence Style
 moves smoothly from one image to the next.
 sounds effective when read aloud.
 uses punctuation deliberately and thoughtfully to create/affect rhythm and tone.
_____ Correct, Accurate Copy
 adheres to the basic rules of spelling and grammar.
 follows the appropriate formatting guidelines (if it is a traditional poem).
 uses the white space in an effective and appealing way (if it is a free-verse poem).
 is typed.
Scoring Guide
5 = excellent
4 = good
3 = fair
2 = poor
1 = incomplete
Total: __________/30
_____ Stimulating Ideas
The Writing…
 focuses on a specific memory, feeling, belief, idea or person.
 brings the subject to life.
 contains strong word images (puts down the image; shows rather than tells).
 begins with a strong, engaging lead.
_____ Logical Organization
 includes a beginning, middle, and an end
_____ Engaging Voice
 speaks in a voice that reflects the narrative’s/essay’s intent
 maintains a consistent and authentic voice throughout
_____ Diction
 creates the desired tone and effect.
 uses language in careful, thoughtful and purposely placed manner.
_____Sentence Style
 varies sentence structure and length
 is mature with stylistic features such as parallel structure, transitional phrases, and literary devices
(e.g. simile, metaphor, irony, etc.)
 contains carefully chosen and placed punctuation that affects the tone and/or rhythm of the piece.
 shows rather than tells through vivid imagery or dialogue.
_____ Correct, Accurate Copy
 adheres to the rules of spelling and grammar.
 maintains a consistent verb tense.
 adheres to basic elements of story plot and convention (i.e. character development, title, conflict development, etc.).
 is typed.
Scoring Guide
5 = excellent
4 = good
3 = fair
2 = poor
1 = incomplete
Total: __________/30
For each piece you can earn up to 30 points. Therefore, these two pieces total 60 points (formative).
First piece: _______/30
Second piece: _______/30
Total: ________/60