Greensburg City Council July 06, 2009 County Meeting Trailer

Greensburg City Council
July 06, 2009
County Meeting Trailer
Mayor Bob Dixson called the meeting to order at 6pm on July 6, 2009. Council present: Matt
Christenson, Gary Goodheart, Mark Trummel and Erica Goodman. Brandon Hosheit was absent. Pledge
of Allegiance was said and the invocation given by Pastor Jeff Blackburn.
Additions/Deletions to Agenda
Administrator Steve Hewitt requested to add business license application for TAP Industries and delete
Ordinance #957 due to Carmen Stauth’s absence. Councilman Christenson made a motion to accept the
agenda with those changes. Councilman Trummel seconded. Motion passed 4-0.
Mayor/Council Report
Mayor Bob Dixson reported on his recent travels to Spokane Washington and also to the Green Summit
in Austraila. He visited the town of Flowerhead which had been devastated by brush fires.
Mayor Dixson presented a donation to the City of Greensburg from Pioneer. Lee Dirks is the company’s
representative in the area. Mayor Dixson expressed his appreciation for the donation.
Administrator’s Report
Administrator Hewitt gave Council preliminary budget numbers and asked for input for the next
meeting. He asked the Council to consider what level of services that we, as a City, want to provide.
Kiowa County Chamber President Kim Alderfer presented Jeanette Siemens an appreciation gift from
the Chamber and Economic Development group for her work with their groups over the past two years.
Mayor Dixson also presented Jeanette with a plaque from the City in appreciation of her efforts.
Consent Agenda
Councilman Christenson asked for a correction of the June 15, 2009 minutes to clarify that Administrator
Hewitt was directed to obtain bids for demolition and to strike the words, “Hewitt was directed to
demolish”. Councilman Trummel asked if we were done with paying RDH on the electrical cleanup
project. There is still another outstanding pay request not yet submitted by the engineer. Councilman
Trummel moved to approve the consent agenda (minutes June 15, 2009 and appropriations #1812 of
$1,180,419.17) with those changes. Councilman Goodheart seconded. Motion carried 4-0.
Approval of Block Party-Baptist Church
Administrator Hewitt presented a request from the Baptist Church for a block party on August 7th.
Councilwoman Goodman made a motion to approve the request. Councilman Christenson seconded.
Motion passed 4-0.
Public Building Commission Bylaw Review
Attorney Gordon Stull reviewed the process with the Council. The Council had already passed a
resolution giving them the right to establish a public building commission. It can be made up of 3-9
members and the Administrator and City Attorney may assist the commission. The Council needs to
appoint members and then they need to have an organizational meeting. The Commission will be
subject to open records and open meetings act. It was the consensus of the Council to have 5 members
including a council member.
Sales Tax Initiative Information
Administrator Hewitt presented Council with information on the sales tax initiative and asked for input
from the Council. Councilman Christenson doesn’t see the City cutting any services. Councilman
Goodheart stated that there is a need for funds for future projects but we needed to be careful not to
raise too high. Council requested more information from Administrator Hewitt for next meeting
Approval of Purchase of Concrete Saw & Jackhammer Attachment for Bobcat
Administrator Hewitt presented Council with a request to purchase two equipment items which will be
needed for our street repairs. Councilman Christenson made a motion to approve the purchase as
presented. Councilman Goodheart seconded. Motion passed 4-0.
Business License-TAP Industries
Councilman Trummel made a motion to approve the business license for TAP Industries. Councilman
Christenson seconded. Motion passed 4-0.
Public Comments
No comments.
City Attorney Report
City Attorney Stull had no report.
Executive Session-Attorney Client Privilege
Councilman Trummel made a motion to go into executive session for 15 minutes until 7:15pm.
Councilman Goodheart seconded. Motion passed 4-0.
Councilman Trummel made a motion to return to open session at 7:15pm. Councilman Goodheart
seconded. Motion passed 4-0.
Executive Session-Non-Elected Personnel
Councilman Christenson made a motion to go in to executive session for non-elected personnel for 20
minutes until 7:35pm. Councilman Trummel seconded. Motion passed 4-0.
Councilman Christenson made a motion to return to open session at 7:35pm. Councilman Trummel
seconded. Motion passed 4-0.
There being no further business, Councilman Goodheart made a motion to adjourn at 7:38pm.
Councilman Trummel seconded. Motion passed 4-0.
Robert A. Dixson, Mayor
Steve Hewitt, City Administrator