September - Storrington Public School

Storrington Public School – School Advisory Council
LDSB Trustee Suzanne Ruttan or
Home: (613) 353-6439
Minutes for September 23, 2015
In Attendance: Liz Suriyuth-Principal, Kim Clark –Chair, Abby Gauthier-Secretary,
Michelle Watson, Sarah Kauffman, Erin LeHeup, John Beskers, Leslie Hunter, Nicole
Ball, Kathy Pennock, Tamara Best, Christie Jones, Carrie-Lynn McPherson, Karen
Norman, Amanda Sonneveld, Tanya Bertrim, Nancy Wood, Catherine Reynolds
Meeting Called to order by Kim Clark at 6:30pm
Amanda Pantry from the Pumpkin Festival spoke to the group about needing adult
volunteers to help man the areas at the Festival for this year.
1. Approval of Agenda 1st-Tamara Best, 2nd-Michelle Watson
2. Approval of minutes from June 8/15 1st-Michelle Watson, 2nd-Tamara Best
3. Chair’s Report
a) Sign has been repaired. Thank you to the Board for doing this.
b) Community Garden clean-up day October 4th at 10am. Possibility of getting a
garden club in the community that may want to help out with this next year.
c) Banks Family has finished the track renewal/line painting.
d) PRO Grant-granted the $1000. More details to unfold soon.
e) Book Fair-Possible November date. We could combine with the Open
House/PRO Grant night. There is a need for volunteers to man the Book Fair
during the day since the school is without a librarian.
4. Treasurer’s Report-tabled until October’s meeting when paperwork can be
5. Elections for 2015-16 year: Communications Officer: Abby Gauthier (1st-Christie
Jones, Michelle Watson), Secretary: Abby Gauthier/Michelle Watson (1 st-John
Beskers, 2nd-Tamara Best), Treasurer: Sarah Kauffman (1st-Nicole Ball, 2ndChristie Jones), Chair: Kim Clark (1st-Carrie-Lynn McPherson, 2nd-Karen
6. Principal Report
a) Cross Country team starting up-divisional meet on Tuesday
b) Soccer team divisional meet on Monday
c) New staff: Danielle O’Neill (ECE), Erin Bond-yard supervisor for an hour a
d) Roots of Empathy program will be starting in Grade 1 and possibly in
Kindergarten. Looking for a baby around 2-3 months if there is any families in
the area that anyone knows about.
e) School photos will be September 29. There will be an opportunity for retakes
on November 5th for the cross country team members if they are not there.
7. Round Table Discussion/New Business
a) Meeting dates for this year on 2nd Wednesdays at 6:30: October 14,
November 11, December 9, January 13, February 10, March 9, April 13, May
11, June 9.
b) Startup costs for teachers. It is decided they will need to use it by November
or the money will go to technology. Approved by 1 st Amanda Sonneveld, 2nd
Michelle Watson
c) Ski Trip again?-It needs to be separate from the school and parent council
now. It is still a good idea but needs to be an outside discussion and
d) Grade 8 year end trip committee: Sub-committee will meet with Liz. All money
raised will benefit every child in the class. Fundraisers will be organized
between parent council so they are not happening all at the same time.
e) Back to the Future Dance: Subcommittee: John Beskers, Christie Jones.
Divisional Baskets: Primary: Rainy Day (Grades K-3), Cooking Basket (Grade
4-6), Relax Basket (Grade 7-8). Note will go home requesting items for each
f) Wilton cheese: Still an interest to continue but will keep it to before Christmas
and Easter. Kathy Pennock willing to take it on again.
g) Craft Sale-Leslie Hunter willing to organize a craft sale at the school, money
can be paid on table rental, admission, canteen, bake sale etc. Possible Date:
December 5th from 9-3.
h) Kingston Frontenac game fundraiser for the school-maybe after Christmas
(Abby Gauthier)
i) Boston Pizza Fundraiser: Possible school dinner night out or hot lunch
program. (Amanda Sonneveld). All fundraising ideas to be brought to the
table for the October meeting.
8. Adjournment. 1st-John Beskers, 2nd-Sarah Kauffmann
Next Meeting-October 14th, 2015