1000 St. Albans Drive, Suite 270 Raleigh, NC 27609 P: 919.855.0882 F: 919.855.0753 Patient Toll Free Line: 800.524.7139 info@nw6.esrd.net www.myskc.org INVOLUNTARY DISCHARGE PACKET (revised 10/14/2013) Involuntarily discharging a patient is a last resort solution. Note that the Federal Conditions for Coverage for ESRD facilities do not recognize “non-compliance” or “non-adherence” as an acceptable reason for discharge. Non-compliant patients are at higher risk for morbidity and mortality. Prior to considering an involuntary discharge, the interdisciplinary health team must conduct a thorough assessment of the patient’s care and situation and exhaust other, more moderate solutions. The Southeastern Kidney Council is available to assist facilities in identifying alternate strategies. In the case of the patient’s immediate and severe threat to others, the Conditions for Coverage do provide for an abbreviated discharge process. This packet contains vital information pertaining to the Involuntary Discharge process. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Facilities “Conditions for Coverage” explains the acceptable criteria for the involuntary discharge of an ESRD patient to another outpatient dialysis facility. A dialysis facility must: Complete the entire packet for all involuntary discharges. Submit the completed packet to Southeastern Kidney Council (SKC) / ESRD Network 6. In cases of “immediate and severe threat”, when your facility has decided to discharge patient with minimal or no advance notice, submit the completed packet within 24 hours of the incident/discharge. In cases of non-payment of fees, ongoing and disruptive behavior, facility ceases to operate, and/or facility can no longer meet patient’s medical need, submit the completed packet within the first two (2) business days after you have given (or mailed) a patient your facility’s 30-day-notice of discharge letter. Example: If the patient’s discharge letter has the date of May 15, you should submit the completed packet to the Network within two (2) business days of May 15. Retain a copy of the completed packet within the patient’s medical record. CMS Conditions for Coverage: http://esrdnetwork6.org/utils/pdf/Final%20Rule%20ESRD%20Conditions%20for%20Coverage.pdf Interpretative Guidance regarding CMS Conditions for Coverage: http://esrdnetwork6.org/utils/pdf/Interpretive%20Guidance%202008.pdf The mission of the Southeastern Kidney Council is to improve the lives of people with or at risk for End Stage Renal Disease by promoting and advancing quality of care. § 494.180 Condition: Governance (f) Standard: Involuntary Discharge and Transfer Policies and Procedures The governing body must ensure that all staff follows the facility’s patient discharge and transfer policies and procedures. The medical director ensures that no patient is discharged or transferred unless: (1) The patient or payer no longer reimburses the facility for the ordered services; (2) The facility ceases to operate; (3) The transfer is necessary for the patient’s welfare because the facility can no longer meet the patient’s documented medical needs. (4) The facility has reassessed the patient and determined that the patient’s behavior is disruptive and abusive to the extent that the delivery of care to the patient or the ability of the facility to operate effectively is seriously impaired, in which case the facility medical director ensures that the patient’s interdisciplinary team: (i) Documents the reassessments, ongoing problem(s), and efforts to resolve the problem(s), and enters this documentation into the patient’s medical record; (ii) Provides the patient and the local ESRD Network with a 30-day notice of the planned discharge; (iii) Obtains a written physician’s order that must be signed by both the medical director and the patient’s attending physician concurring with the patient’s discharge from the facility; (iv) Contacts another facility, attempts to place the patient there, and documents that effort; and (v) Notifies the State Survey Agency of the involuntary discharge or transfer. (5) In the case of an immediate and severe threat to the health and safety of others, the facility may utilize an abbreviated involuntary discharge. The mission of the Southeastern Kidney Council is to improve the lives of people with or at risk for End Stage Renal Disease by promoting and advancing quality of care. Page 2 of 8 Please remember to follow the time guidelines on page 1 when submitting your involuntary discharge packet to the Network! DEMOGRAPHIC INFORMATION Patient Name: __________________________________________________________________ Patient Date of Birth: __________/__________/__________ Name and Title of Individual completing this form (please print): ______________________________________________________________________________ Facility Name: __________________________________________________________________ Facility Medicare Provider Number (6 digits): _________________________________________ Facility Address: ________________________________________________________________ Facility Phone: _________________________ Facility Fax: __________________________ Name of Facility Medical Director: __________________________________________________ Name of Attending Physician: _____________________________________________________ Name of Facility Administrator: ____________________________________________________ Name of Regional Manager/Director: _______________________________________________ INVOLUNTARY DISCHARGE INFORMATION Please enter the appropriate dates: _____/_____/_____ Facility notified Patient of discharge. _____/_____/_____ Facility notified Network of discharge. _____/_____/_____ Facility notified State Survey Agency of discharge. _____/_____/_____ Facility’s anticipated date of discharge. _____/_____/_____ Expected date of patient’s last treatment at your facility. The mission of the Southeastern Kidney Council is to improve the lives of people with or at risk for End Stage Renal Disease by promoting and advancing quality of care. Page 3 of 8 REASON FOR DISCHARGE Please check one of the following and provide a brief description of the incident(s) that led to your facility’s decision to pursue involuntary discharge (attach all supporting documentation): o o o o o o Non-payment for services ordered/rendered (Conditions for Coverage) Facility ceases to operate (Conditions for Coverage) Unable to meet documented medical needs (Conditions for Coverage) Ongoing disruptive and/or abusive behavior (Conditions for Coverage) Immediate and severe threat to health and safety of others (Conditions for Coverage) Physician’s termination of doctor-patient relationship (CMS Conditions for Coverage does not allow patient discharge due to medical non-adherence. If the discharge is due to the physician terminating the relationship with the patient, include documentation of the facility’s efforts to place the patient with another physician and/or at another facility.) Brief description of incident(s)/issues leading to your discharge decision: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ The mission of the Southeastern Kidney Council is to improve the lives of people with or at risk for End Stage Renal Disease by promoting and advancing quality of care. Page 4 of 8 BEHAVIORAL HEALTH ASSESSMENT Please choose “yes” or “no” for each of the following items: Mental health condition reported by patient _____Yes _____No Mental health condition diagnosed/reported by qualified mental health professional _____Yes _____No Chemical dependency/abuse reported by patient _____Yes _____No Chemical dependency/abuse diagnosed/reported by qualified addictions professional _____Yes _____No Cognitive impairment/deficit reported _____Yes _____No If “yes” for any of the above items, please attach supporting medical documentation. PATIENT DISPOSITION Where did or where will Patient dialyze immediately after discharge? _______Unknown / to be determined _______Admitted to another outpatient facility: ______________________________________ (please provide the name of the facility to which patient has been admitted) _______Patient admitted to correctional facility _______Patient deceased _______No outpatient facility will accept (please explain): ______________________________________________________________________________ The mission of the Southeastern Kidney Council is to improve the lives of people with or at risk for End Stage Renal Disease by promoting and advancing quality of care. Page 5 of 8 REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION o Facility’s patient discharge letter/notice (and, if applicable, nephrologist’s termination of doctor-patient relationship notice that was given/sent to Patient) o Facility’s discharge & transfer policy/procedure o Facility’s patients’ rights/responsibilities document (and patient’s signed acknowledgment) o Signature/Approval of discharge by Medical Director, Attending Physician & Regional Manager/Director (See “Required Signatures” on page 8 of this packet.) o Signed physician order for discharge (to be signed by both Medical Director and Attending Physician on facility’s physician order form and will include the reason for discharge) o Documentation of problem(s) leading to discharge & efforts to resolve o Documentation of efforts to relocate Patient (copy of the list of dialysis facilities that was provided to patient and facility progress notes indicating that your facility made contact with other facilities) o Documentation of facility’s notification of State Survey Agency (copy of fax receipt/transmittal sheet or progress note w/date & time of call) o Facility’s financial policy & procedures (if facility’s reason for discharge is non-payment of fees) o Documentation of facility’s inability to meet patient’s medical need o Copies of patient’s interdisciplinary reassessments and care plans o Police Report o Any other documentation that will assist the Network in evaluating the discharge The mission of the Southeastern Kidney Council is to improve the lives of people with or at risk for End Stage Renal Disease by promoting and advancing quality of care. Page 6 of 8 CROWNWeb ENTRY When reporting an involuntary discharge in CROWNWeb, please remember to report the “discharge reason” as “Involuntary.” Do not list the reason as “Discontinue”, “Other” or “Transfer.” If you have submitted an involuntary discharge packet to the Network, you should still report the discharge reason as “Involuntary” even if you know that a patient was accepted at another dialysis facility. STATE SURVEY CONTACT INFORMATION GEORGIA Healthcare Facility Regulation Division GA Department of Community Health Phone: (404) 657-5850 Fax: (404) 657-8934 NORTH CAROLINA Health Service Regulation Division NC Department of Health & Human Services Phone: (919) 855-4620 Fax: (919) 715-3073 SOUTH CAROLINA Bureau of Certification SC Department of Health & Environmental Control Phone: (800) 922-6735 or (803) 545-4300 Fax: (803) 545-4563 The mission of the Southeastern Kidney Council is to improve the lives of people with or at risk for End Stage Renal Disease by promoting and advancing quality of care. Page 7 of 8 REQUIRED SIGNATURES APPROVAL OF INVOLUNTARY DISCHARGE We have reviewed and approved this document and all of the supporting documentation from the patient’s medical record. We concur with the involuntary discharge of ________________________________________. (Patient’s Name) PRINTED Name of Medical Director: ________________________________________________ Signature of Medical Director: _____________________________________________________ Date: _____/_____/__________ PRINTED Name of Attending Physician: _____________________________________________ Signature of Attending Physician: __________________________________________________ Date: _____/_____/__________ PRINTED Name of Regional Manager/Director (if your facility has one): __________________________________________________________ Signature of Regional Manager/Director (if your facility has one): __________________________________________________ Date: ____/____/________ FAX YOUR COMPLETED PACKET INCLUDING ALL REQUIRED SIGNATURES to: ESRD NETWORK 6 ATTENTION: PATIENT SERVICES FAX: (919) 855-0753 PHONE: (919) 855-0882 The mission of the Southeastern Kidney Council is to improve the lives of people with or at risk for End Stage Renal Disease by promoting and advancing quality of care. 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