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Salete M. Newton, Ph. D.
Associate Research Professor
Molecular Membrane Biology
Vaccine Biotechnology
TonB-Dependent Outer Membrane Transport
B.S. in Biology, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1981
Ph.D. in Biochemistry, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1981
Postdoctoral study in Molecular Biology and Vaccine Biotechnology, Stanford University, Stanford,
CA, 1986-9
Email address:
Phone number (optional):
Research website: Under Construction
Descriptive title of your research activities
Molecular Biological Approaches to Bacterial Transport Mechanisms.
Statement of research interests and ongoing studies:
My research typically involves genetic engineering of target genes to create novel constructs that
illuminate biochemical transport mechanisms. My experience with these approaches involves
several different bacterial membrane transporters, including LamB, FepA, FhuA and TonB among
Gram-negative bacterial outer membrane proteins, the Escherichia coli lactose permease inner
membrane transporter, and the Listeria monocytogenes cytoplasmic membrane iron ABCtransporters for ferric siderophores and heme/hemoglobin. We use molecular genetic techniques
to delete genes of interest, to introduce novel vaccine epitopes into cell envelope carrier proteins,
to place biophysical probes at strategic places in membrane transport systems, and to create
chimeric proteins that reveal new insights into the biochemical processes that underlie cell
envelope physiology. Often these transport systems relate to bacterial pathogenesis in humans
and animals, and our research attempts to find new targets for antibiotic compounds with the
potential to prevent bacterial disease.
Immune response to a cholera toxin epitope inserted in Salmonella flagellin. Newton, S.M.C.;
Jacob, C.O. & Stocker, B.A.D. 1989. Science 244:70-72.
Double mutagenesis of a positive charge cluster in the ligand-binding site of the ferric enterobactin
receptor, FepA. Newton, S.M.C., J.S. Allen, Z. Cao, Z. Qi, X. Jiang, c. Sprencel, J.D. Igo, S.B.
Foster, M.A. Payne, & P.E. Klebba. 1997. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences. USA 94: 4560-4565
Effects of loop deletions on the binding and transport of ferric enterobactin and colicins B and D by
FepA., Newton, S.M.C., J.D. Igo, D. Scott & P.E. Klebba. 1999. Molecular Microbiology. 32:
Direct measurement of the outer membrane stage of ferric enterobactin transport: post-uptake
binding. Newton, S.M.C., V. Trinh, H. Pi and P.E. Klebba. 2010. Journal of Biological Chemistry.
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