Welcome to Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church Sharing God’s Love with All! Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost August 23, 2015, 9:00 am Praise Team Sunday Welcome and Announcements Confession and Forgiveness P: We gather in the name of the Father, +the Son, and the Holy Spirit. C: Amen. P: We know we are not perfect. We have sinned by not loving and trusting God with all our heart, all our mind, all our soul, and all our strength. We have sinned by not loving others as Christ loves us. Let us confess our sin, so God can create in us a fresh start, a new and clean heart. Heavenly Father, C: We confess that we have sinned against you in thought, word and deed. We have thought better of ourselves than others. We have told lies and said hurtful things, acted in ways we wish we could take back, and looked the other way when action was needed. In your mercy, O God, forgive us, repair the brokenness within us and between us for the sake of Jesus, Our Savior. Amen. P: In anyone in Christ, there is a new creation; everything old has passed away; everything has become new! In Christ you are a new creation: your sins are forgiven. This marks a new beginning for you. Be kind to one another, forgive one another as God in Christ has forgiven you. C: Amen. Gathering Hymn……………………………...…Great is the Lord Great is the Lord, He is holy and just. By His power we trust in His love. Great is the Lord, He is faithful and true. By His mercy He proves He is love. Great is the Lord and worthy of glory. Great is the Lord and worthy of praise. Great is the Lord now lift up your voice, now lift up your voice. Great is the Lord, great is the Lord. Greeting and Prayer of the Day P: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. C: And also with you. P: Let us pray. Holy God, your word feeds your people with life that is eternal. Direct our choices and preserve us in your truth, that, renouncing what is false and evil, we may live in you, through your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen. Special Music………………Your Name……….…Praise Team Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. ~Philippians 2:9-11 First Reading……………………....……. Joshua 24:1-2a, 14-18 Psalm………………………………………………...Psalm 34:15-22 15 The eyes of the LORD are up- | on the righteous, and God’s ears are open | to their cry. 16 The face of the LORD is against those | who do evil, to erase the remembrance of them | from the earth 17 The righteous cry, and | the LORD hears them and delivers them from | all their troubles. 18 The LORD is near to the | brokenhearted and saves those whose spir- | its are crushed. 19 Many are the troubles | of the righteous, but the LORD delivers them from | every one. 20 God will keep safe | all their bones; not one of them | shall be broken. 21 Evil will bring death | to the wicked and those who hate the righteous | will be punished. 22 O LORD, you redeem the life | of your servants, and those who put their trust in you will | not be punished. Second Reading…………….………….…….Ephesians 6:10-20 Gospel……………………………….………………….John 6:56-69 Sermon……………………………..……Pastor Yvonne Marshall Hymn of the Day….............What a Mighty Word God Gives What a mighty word God gives! What a mighty word God gives! When he speaks, our faith is fed. Give us, Lord our daily bread. What a mighty word God gives! What a mighty word God gives! What a mighty word God gives! God sent us the only Son, who for us the Vic-try’s won. What a mighty word God, what a mighty word God, what a mighty word God gives! Apostles Creed…………………………………………..Page 105 Prayers (each petition will end with either “Lord, in your mercy” C: Hear our prayer; “Let us pray” C: Have mercy, O God; or “Hear us O God” C: Your mercy is great.) Sharing of the Peace Offering Offering Hymn…..Lord, I Lift Your Name on High…….#857 Lord, I lift your name on high; Lord, I love to sing your praises. I’m so glad you’re in my life, I’m so glad you came to save us. You came from heaven to earth to show the way, from the earth to the cross, my debt to pay, from the cross to the grave, from the grave to the sky; Lord, I lift your name on high. Offering Prayer P: God of mercy and grace, C: The eyes of all look to you, and you open your hand in blessing. Thank you for the gifts we have received: our life, our abilities, all that we have. Receive our offering as a gesture of thanksgiving for the blessings you have given. Use what we have offered to help those in need. Lord, bless the meal we are about to receive, that we may be nourished in faith and strengthened for service. May our lives bring glory to your holy name. Amen. Words of Institution The Lord’s Prayer………………………………….………Page 134 Holy Communion We believe this is the Lord’s meal offered to the family of the faith. All are welcome to share in this meal we call Holy Communion. We believe Christ is present with us in this meal. Gluten free wafers and non-alcoholic wine may be requested from the server. If you are unable to come forward, let an usher know and communion will be brought to you. You are invited to come forward to receive a blessing if you choose not to receive communion. Communion Hymn………..…Amazing Grace……….…..#779 Some sat in darkness and the deepest gloom, prisoners suffering in iron chains, for they had rebelled against the words of God and despised the counsel of the Most High…Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress. He brought them out of the darkness and the deepest gloom and broke away their chains. ~Psalm 107:10-14 Communion Prayer P: Lord, we thank you that at your table you have fed us again with the food of everlasting life. Send us with your blessing to share your love with all in the name of Our Savior, Jesus Christ. C: Amen. Benediction Sending Hymn………………………..……I Will Sing, I Will Sing I will sing, I will sing a song unto the Lord. (Repeat x 3) Alleluia, glory to the Lord Chorus: Alleluia, alleluia, glory to the Lord (Repeat x 3) Alleluia, Glory to the Lord. We will come, we will come as one before the Lord (Repeat x 3) Alleluia, glory to the Lord. (Chorus) In His name, in His name we have victory (Repeat x 3) Alleluia, glory to the Lord. P: Go in peace. Share God’s Love with All! C: Thanks be to God! ******************************************** Pastor: Pastor Yvonne Marshall Email: pastoroslcwh@gmail.com Cell Phone: 712-308-6741 Office Phone: 715-538-4334 Church Website: oslcwhitehall.org Church Email: osluthwh@gmail.com Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10am-1pm; Tuesday and Thursday 7am-1pm Assisting in Worship today: Accompanist: Sue Kohnert Ushers: Karl and Donna Fernholz Communion Servers: David and Linda Schaefer Videographers: Stephens Family Lector: Mike Anhorn Quilting: Our Saviour’s Lutheran Quilting group will begin meeting again on Tuesday, September 15th, 2015 at 8:30 am. If you have any questions feel free to contact Nancy Lyngen at 608-989-2749. Everyone is welcome to join! God’s Work - Our Hands: Mark your calendars for September 13th, 2015 as we will be coming together to help those in need. We will be stripping and painting a homebound member of our congregation’s house. We will also be making fleece blankets and cloth tote bags for foster care children. There will also be a picnic of hot dogs, chips, and ice cream after all of our hard work. Come and help to “Share God’s Love with All!” Happy Birthday: Wishing a happy birthday this upcoming week to: Jean Briggs, Michelle Davis, Chad Foss, Goodwin Anderson, Marie Clatt, Olin Fimreite, Shylana Goplin, Nicholas Lewis, Barbara Mathson, Donna Fernholz, Matthew Peters, Korine Solberg, Brady Giese, Leslie Laehn, Ervin Thompson, Cole Demulling, Hensel Gilbertson, and Lori Ives. Please pray for the following: Barb Harms, Karl Fernholz, Lois Everson, Don Johnson, Roy Arneson, Bob Nelson, Joanne Foss, Maynard Clipper, David Sobotta, Hensel Gilbertson, Ivan Semb, Nancy Martinovici, Sara Staff, Laura Schansberg, and Pastor Lewis Thompson.*If you or someone you know would like to be added or removed from this list, please contact the church office. Coming up this week: Monday - Property and Finance Meeting 6:00pm Thursday - Friday - WELCA retreat at Luther Park