Module Code Module Name PLF100 POLISH FOR BEGINNERS Module Short Title ECTS 10 weighting Semester/term taught Contact Hours 3 hours per week Module Personnel Learning Outcomes Module The course aims to give students a basic knowledge of the Polish language, culture and Learning Aims contemporary Polish society. Module This is a practical language module for ab initio learners of Polish Content Recommended Małgorzata Małolepsza and Aneta Szymkiewicz, Po polsku 1 (Kraków: Prolog, 2011). Reading List Module Pre Requisite Module Co Requisite Assessment Details Continuous assessment 20% 15 minute oral exam 20% Three-hour written examination 60% Page 1 of 6 Module Code Module Name PLF104 POLISH LANGUAGE 1 Module Short Title ECTS 10 weighting Semester/term taught Contact Hours 6 hours per week Module Personnel Learning Outcomes Module The module aims to Learning Aims a) enable students to use spoken and written Polish inside and outside the classroom; b) develop students' understanding of how the Polish language works; c) develop students as autonomous and independent learners; d) foster in students the language skills necessary to pursue their interests through the medium of Polish e) foster an interest in and awareness of Polish society and culture. Module This is an intensive practical language module for ab initio learners of Polish Content Recommended Małgorzata Małolepsza and Aneta Szymkiewicz, Po polsku 1 (Kraków: Prolog, 2011). Reading List Module Pre Requisite Module Co Requisite Assessment Details • End-of-year three-hour written examination (50%), • Two-hour Listening comprehension examination (15%), • 15-minute oral (15%), • Continous assessment 20% Page 2 of 6 Module Code Module Name PLF200 LOWER INTERMEDIATE POLISH Module Short Title ECTS 10 weighting Semester/term taught Contact Hours 3 hours per week Module Personnel Learning Outcomes Module The module aims to further develop students’ knowledge of Polish language and culture, as Learning Aims well as reading and communication skills. Module This course consolidates grammatical and syntactical structures of the Polish language. Content Recommended Małgorzata Małolepsza and Aneta Szymkiewicz, Po polsku 1 (Kraków: Prolog, 2011). Reading List Module Pre Requisite Module Co Requisite Assessment Continuous assessment (20%), 15 min oral examination (20%) and 3 hour written examination Details (60%). Page 3 of 6 Module Code PLF207 Module Name POLISH LANGUAGE 2 Module Short NOT RUNNING 2012/2013 Title ECTS 10 weighting Semester/term taught Contact Hours 5 hours per week (4 hours per week -Polish Language and Polish Oral Proficiency 2; 1 hour per week Business Polish Intermediate) Module Personnel Learning Outcomes Module Polish Language and Polish Oral Proficiency 2. The module aims to Learning Aims 1) enable students to use spoken and written Polish inside and outside the classroom; 2) develop students' understanding of how the Polish language works; 3) develop students as autonomous and independent learners; 4) foster in students the language skills necessary to pursue their interests through the medium of Polish; 5) foster an interest in and awareness of Polish society and culture. Business Polish Intermediate. The module aims to 1) consolidate the existing level of language proficiency in both oral and written Polish; 2) develop oral and written business communication skills acquire a working vocabulary of 2500 words and expressions for business purposes; 3) develop an understanding of the current Polish business environment and social and economic development in Poland; 4) analyse critically and independently, in Polish and English, a variety of business related texts and documents. Module This module is designed to continue to consolidate the four language skills (listening, speaking, Content reading and writing) with the continued emphasis on the grammatical structures. Students continue their study of Polish language specialising in Business Polish, understanding of Polish economy and doing business in Poland. Recommended Agnieszka Burkat and Agnieszka Jasińska, Po polsku 2 (Kraków: Prolog, 2011). Additional Reading List materials for Business Polish Intermediate are provided by the Department of Russian and Slavonic Studies. Page 4 of 6 Module Code PLF703 Module Name POLISH AREA STUDIES 2 Module Short Title ECTS 10 weighting Semester/term taught Contact Hours 2 hours per week (one lecture, one seminar) Module Personnel Learning Outcomes Module The module aims to familiarize students with aspects of contemporary Polish society. Learning Aims Module Introduction to aspects of contemporary Polish society. Content Recommended Leonard A. Polakiewicz, Intermediate Polish. A Cultural Reader with Exercises (Lublin: Reading List Wydawnictwo UMCS, 1999). Other materials are distributed by the Department of Russian and Slavonic Studies. Module Pre Requisite Module Co Requisite Assessment Course examined by continuous assessment only: two Polish presentation (20%) (10% each Details presentation), two dossier (20%) (10% each), one 3000 word project (50%), participation (10%). Module Website Page 5 of 6 Module Code PLF707 Module Name POLISH AREA STUDIES 2 Module Short Title ECTS 5 weighting Semester/term taught Contact Hours 2 hours per week (one lecture, one seminar) Module Personnel Learning Outcomes Module The module aims to familiarize students with aspects of contemporary Polish society. Learning Aims Module Introduction to aspects of contemporary Polish society. Content Recommended Leonard A. Polakiewicz, Intermediate Polish. A Cultural Reader with Exercises (Lublin: Reading List Wydawnictwo UMCS, 1999). Other materials are distributed by the Department of Russian and Slavonic Studies. Module Pre Requisite Module Co Requisite Assessment Course examined by continuous assessment only: one Polish presentation (15%), one dossier Details (15%), one 3,000 word project (60%), participation (10%). Page 6 of 6