Gulf Shore Home and School January Meeting

Gulf Shore Home and School
Meeting Date: Wednesday, January 21st
Meeting Time: 7:00pm
Meeting opened at 7:15
Both Agenda for Wednesday, January 21st and the minutes from our last Home & School meeting in
October were approved as distributed.
Business Arising from the minutes:
1. Minutes: Lisa Langdale (Home & School President) requested that minutes moving forward be
posted to the Gulf Shore School website under the Home and School Tab, this way
parents/guardians who were unable to attend can see what was discussed at that particular
meeting as well it gives parents/guardians an idea of what types of items are discussed at Home
& School meetings.
ACTION: Julie Walsh (VP) volunteered to have the Home & School minutes typed and posted to
the Gulf Shore School Website.
2. Wall Murals (Maurice Bernard): Mary Jane Ready (Principle) suggested that a committee be
formed in consultation with Heather MacNeil (teacher) to create a plan/proposal in order to
meet the Spring deadline for Parent Leadership Grant
ACTION: Lisa Langdale will meet with Heather M to discuss.
3. Sub Delivery Fee: Shannon Johnston (Treasurer) has been able to make headway with Sub Fee
delivery charges. The delivery charge has been waived and a cheque has been issued to
reimburse us for previous charges. Hooray and Thank-you Shannon!
1. Grade 7,8,9 English teacher, Kathryn Rajamanie is requesting a $150.00 grant for “Author’s
Night” to cover transportation cost of two Authors (Hugh Macdonald) whom have been invited
to participate in this night as well for food and drink. This event is targeted for the junior high
students to share their own writings and listen to guest authors.
Decision: The Home & School members that were present saw the benefit to our students and
approved Kathryn Rajamanie’s Request to help assist with the Authors Night.
2. Teresa Toombs presented a cheque of $122.25 from Geralda Gallant. She has donated her
winning from the 50/50 daily draw from the North Rustico Lions Club to the Gulf Shore Home &
ACTION: A Thank-you card to be sent to Geralda Gallant for her kind donation.
Treasurers Report:
1. Report: Treasurer’s report was read and circulated. Balance as of January 15th, 2015 is
2. Donation: Shannon did advise that Maurice Bernard had donated $60.00 to Gulf Shore School
Action: A Thank-you card to be sent to Maurice Bernard for his kind donation.
3. Handle With Care Program: Shannon suggested that we donate some funds to assist Mrs.
Brownlow with her Handle With Care Program, which will be offered again this coming Spring.
Louise Doucette will also be undergoing training in this program and will be assisting Mrs.
Decision: All Home & School members present approved the decision to help fund the Handle
With Care Program which is offered to parents/guardians.
4. Treasurers Year End: Shannon did ask the Home & School members present when they thought
the “books be closed off” for the year.
Decision: It was decided that the yearend will be June 30th.
Principals Report (Mary Jane Ready):
1. Zone of Regulation Program: Guidance Councellor Tammy-Jo Auld is running a program “Zones
of Regulation”. This aims to help children in the K-3 to become aware of their
behaviours/feelings and to learn to self regulate.
2. Astronomy Club: Keith Cooper from UPEI has gifted Gulf Shore a telescope. The Astronomy
Club will be offered to our school and to the entire Gulf Shore Community. Stay tuned to the
school website for next meeting (Random Acts of Astronomy).
3. PD Day: January 30th is the next scheduled PD day for Teachers there will be no school for
students. Topic for this day is how to help develop short term memory into long term memory.
4. Collaborative Team Day: Is scheduled for February 6th and will take place in Summerside.
There will be no school for students on this particular day.
5. Family Day – Is scheduled for February 16th, no school for students.
6. Family Fun Night – A tentative date of February 11th has been discussed. Mary Jane asking for
ideas/suggestions on activities for both students and parents/guardians to participate in. Ideas
suggested; mini yoga session offered by Mrs. Brownlow, UFit session, Just Dance 2015 etc.
Members present suggested calling it a “Family Wellness Night”!
7. Student Led Conferences – are scheduled for March 5th & 6th.
8. Display: Mary Jane advised she is working on a “nutrition display” for the school lobby.
9. Enrollment: Student enrollment at Gulf Shore School is now at 244.
New Business:
1. Food for Thought Cupboard – Teresa Toombs is looking for new food ideas for the “food for
thought cupboard”. Mary Jane (Principle) suggested a clipboard for fridge to track food’s
ACTION: Please send food ideas to Teresa Toombs for consideration.
2. Thank- You Cards: Cards to be sent out to Geralda Gallant for her donation of $122.25, Maurice
Bernard for his donation of $60.00 to the food for thought cupboard, Terry Smith (Robins
Donuts) for their $250.00 donation as well to Marsha Doucette and the North Rustico Lions Club
for their assistance and donations.
Decision: It was decided that the art classes be asked to create “thank-you cards” to have
available for such occasions.
3. Reminder: Teacher Appreciation Week is scheduled for February 9th-15th
Meeting adjourned at 8:35pm
Next Home and School Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 25th, 2015 at 7pm in the
Science Lab