MATH 0106: Basic Mathematics Instructor Guide This MATH 0106 Instructor Guide contains (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Course Syllabus Course Orientation EagleOnline Course MATH 0106 Worksheets Credits Mathematics Your HCCS Campus Math 0106: Basic Mathematics CRN ##### – Semester/Year Class location| Meeting times | Meeting days (Ex. Mon and Wed) 1 hour lecture course / 16 hours per semester/ # of weeks (REVISED AUGUST 2014) Catalog Description: Topics include fundamental operations fractions and decimals, percents, ratios, and proportions. All students who enroll in this course are expected to complete MATH 0409 in the following consecutive semester before attempting either MATH 0312 or MATH 1332. A comprehensive Departmental Final Exam will be given in this course. Credits: 1 credit hour (1 Lecture). Prerequisites: TSIA ABE Levels 3−4 TSIA Math Score 323 – 335 or TSIA Math Score 336 – 347 with Elementary Algebra Score 0−4. Audience: This course is for students who require state mandated remediation. Course Goal This course provides students with the basic arithmetical skills enabling them to proceed to the next level mathematics course. It is also designed to strengthen many of the skills that an individual must demonstrate or master in order to achieve college readiness. It is also intended for those students who are reasonably adept at performing the simple mathematical operations needed in every day affairs, but become quite confused when confronted with the same operations in the context of a mathematics class. Course Student Learning Outcomes (SLO): 1. Correctly choose and apply the four basic arithmetic operations with decimals and fractions to estimate and solve application problems. 2. Apply “Proportional Reasoning” to solve related problems including ratios, rates, proportion, and percent. Learning outcomes Students will: 1.1 solve problems by estimating and rounding. 1.2 find the least common multiples of two or more whole numbers. 1.3 add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions. 1.4 add, subtract, multiply and divide with decimals and percent. 2.1 solve problems involving ratio and proportion. Textbook: None Course Outline: Instructors may find it preferable to cover the course topics in the order listed below. However, the instructor may choose to organize topics in any order, but all material must be covered. Mathematics Your HCCS Campus Math 0106: Basic Mathematics CRN ##### – Semester/Year Class location| Meeting times | Meeting days (Ex. Mon and Wed) 1 hour lecture course / 16 hours per semester/ # of weeks CONTENTS (Approximate Time) SECTION NUMBERS TOPICS 1 FRACTIONAL NOTATION: MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION (4 hours) This unit addresses multiples of a number, divisibility tests for 2,3,5,6,9,10; factoring an integer; identifying prime numbers from 1 to 100; prime factorization of composite numbers; identification of numerator and denominator; simplifying fractions; problem solving using fractional multiplication; determining whether two fractions are equivalent; working with the reciprocal of a number; addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of fractions and mixed numbers. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Multiples and Divisibility Factorizations Fractions and Fraction Notation Multiplication of Fractions Simplifying Multiplying, Simplifying, and More with Area Reciprocals and Division RECOMMEND QUIZ I: COVERS SECTION 1 2 FRACTIONAL NOTATION: ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION (0.5 hours) (2 hours) This unit consists of finding the LCM of two or more numbers; converting from mixed numerals to fraction notation; converting from fractional notation to mixed numbers; addition and subtraction of fractions; using fractions in problem solving situations. 2.1 2.2 2.3 Least Common Multiples Addition, Order and Applications Subtraction, Equations, and Applications RECOMMEND QUIZ 2: COVERS SECTION 2 (0.5 hours) Mathematics Your HCCS Campus Math 0106: Basic Mathematics CRN ##### – Semester/Year Class location| Meeting times | Meeting days (Ex. Mon and Wed) 1 hour lecture course / 16 hours per semester/ # of weeks 3 DECIMAL NOTATION (4 hours) This unit provides coverage of writing word names for decimal notation; converting between fractions and decimals; comparing decimal numbers; rounding and estimating decimals; addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of decimals,. The unit concludes with by problem solving that requires an application of decimals. 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Decimal Notation, Order and Rounding Addition and Subtraction of Decimals Multiplication of Decimals Division of Decimals Using Fractional Notation with Decimal Notation Estimating Applications and Problem Solving RECOMMEND QUIZ 3: COVERS SECTION 3 4 PERCENT NOTATION (0.5 hours) (6 hours) This unit covers finding fraction notation for ratios; giving the ratio of two different measures as a rate; determining whether two pairs of numbers are proportional; solving proportions; solving application exercises involving ratios; writing three kinds of notation for a percent; converting between percent notation and decimal notation; converting from fraction notation to percent notation; converting from percent notation to fraction notation; translating percent problems to percent equations; solving basic percent problems; translating percent problems to proportions; solving basic percent problems; solving applied problems involving percent; solving applied problems involving percent of increase or decrease. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Ratio and Proportion Percent Notation Percent and Fraction Notation Solving Percent Problems Using Proportions Applications of Percent RECOMMEND QUIZ 4: COVERS SECTION 4 (0.5 hours) REVIEW FOR FINAL EXAMINATION: COVERS SECTIONS 1 − 4 (1 to 1.5 hours) COMPREHENSIVE FINAL EXAMINATION: COVERS SECTIONS 1 − 4 (1 to 1.5 hours) Mathematics Your HCCS Campus Math 0106: Basic Mathematics CRN ##### – Semester/Year Class location| Meeting times | Meeting days (Ex. Mon and Wed) 1 hour lecture course / 16 hours per semester/ # of weeks System-Wide Policies: 1. Each instructor must cover all course topics by the end of the semester. The final exam is comprehensive and questions on it can deal with any of the course objectives. 2. Each student should receive a copy of the instructor’s course syllabus during the first week of class. 3. A minimum of three in class quizzes and a comprehensive final departmental examination must be given. All students must take the final examination. 4. The final exam must count for at least 50 percent of the final grade. 5. A System-Wide Final Examination must be passed with a score of at least 60%. No D− grades or IP−grades are allowed. 7. The final course average will be computed using a ten point scale (90–100 "A", 80–89 "B", 70–79 "C", 60-69 or below "F"). Note: The grades of W or IP are no longer available instructors to assign. 8. Neither an open book nor a take home major test or quiz may be given at the discretion of the instructor. 9. Any review sheet(s) should be comprehensive and the student should not feel that classroom notes, homework, and quizzes might be ignored in favor of the review sheet for any examination. 10. No calculators are to be used on graded course work and in particular all examinations. Resource Materials: All course materials are available within the EagleOnline 2.0 Course Management System. Instructors must complete basic training before they are given access to these materials. Students may also choose to purchase a course pack at their local bookstore. Any student enrolled in Math 0306 at HCC has access to the Learning Resource Center (LRC) where they may get additional help in understanding the theory or in improving their skills. The LRC is staffed with mathematics faculty and student assistants, and offers tutorial help, videotapes and computer assisted drills. Suggested Methods: It is helpful to begin each class with questions related to previous material discussed and assigned homework problems. It is recommended that allowing the students to work on examples in class follow lectures and new material. Students should be encouraged to work the review exercises at the end of each chapter and prompted to use the Learning Resource Center at their respective college. Mathematics Your HCCS Campus Math 0106: Basic Mathematics CRN ##### – Semester/Year Class location| Meeting times | Meeting days (Ex. Mon and Wed) 1 hour lecture course / 16 hours per semester/ # of weeks Final Examination: The final examination is departmental and consists of 25 multiple-choice problems. The problems cover only the material required in this course. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): Persons needing accommodations due to a documented disability should contact the ADA counselor for their college as soon as possible. Identify all documented disabled students and insure them that your class will be structured to comply with their disabilities. It is recommended that you put a clause in you course syllabus that addresses the disabled student. In addition, this course has an associated EagleOnline Model course. The instructor is expected to use the EagleOnline model course. Your class should be listed as web−enhanced within Peoplesoft so that your students will have access to the EagleOnline model course. For more information on how to use the EagleOnline Model course, please complete the Faculty Training Module found on the Virtual Faculty Lounge at Select Specialized Training, and then Training for Developmental Math Faculty. The Teaching and Learning Program course numbers are TL1310 Developmental Math Faculty Training – MATH 0106 TL1320 Developmental Math Faculty Training – MATH 0409 Course Orientation The Course Orientation is a PowerPoint presentation which is available within your EagleOnline Course under Instructor Resources. To access the PowerPoint, follow each of these steps: 1. 2. 3. Log into EagleOnline: Open your course Open the Instructor Resources tab from the Course Menu A modified copy of the Orientation is provided on the next few pages. You will need to fill in material that is specific to your campus and course. EagleOnline Course Your course should have an EagleOnline course shell available. You can copy the Master Course by using one of the following methods: (1) Follow the instructions on the following document: stall_model_courses.pdf (2) Download the model course backup file and use it to Restore your course. (a) Copy the url for the MATH 0106 Model Course Backup (b) Paste the link in your browser window (c) Download the file to your computer. (d) Log into your EagleOnline Math 0106 course (e) Use the Restore option to upload the MATH 0106 Model Course Backup Link to Math 0106 Model Course Backup: Home Page Be sure to turn the editing on so that you can input your information. Then select Topic Settings, make changes, and Save your changes. Start Here You may want to replace the course orientation audio with one of your own. Replace the syllabus link and instructor information links with your own information. Course Layout Each week is broken up into topics. Week 1: Fractions Week 2: Decimals Week 3: Ratios and Percents Week 4: Review and Final Exam Week 1: Fractions The topics consist of links to videos and links to worksheets. You can replace any of these links with your own. You can use these within your class time or you can require your students to complete these outside of class. Flash Card Activity Quiz Each section has a quiz. You can modify the quiz settings to make this required or practice. You may want to quiz within the classroom using a paper and pencil quiz. You can add questions or change the questions that are currently assigned. The current quiz settings are: Attempts: 1 Timing: Always available Layout: All questions show up on the same page Question Behavior: Shuffled, deferred feedback Review Options: Student can review after submitting each quiz The quiz items are selected randomly from the question bank and contain a combination of multiple choice, open−ended, and matching items. Selections for Week 1 Fractions Quiz are based upon the following categories: One quiz that results from this selection is shown below: Feel free to modify these however you wish. If you wish, you could allow your students to have multiple attempts at each quiz. Because the questions are drawn from a test bank, it is highly unlikely that the student will see the same question twice. Also, many of the questions are algorithmic, such as item 3, shown above. If the items are not algorithmic, it is highly likely that there is a paired item within the test bank. The test items were written by HCC faculty. Although we try to keep the test bank error−free, it is possible that you may come across an error. If so, please notify the MATH 0106 team so that corrections can be made to the Model Course. The layout for Week 2 and Week 3 are similar to that of Week 1. Week 4: Review and Final Exam The course final exam contains 33 multiple−choice items. Students must score at least 60% on the final exam in order to receive a grade of A, B, or C in the course. This section of the EagleOnline course contains a review for the final exam. Students should complete the review before taking the final exam. You may give the students up to 5 additional points on the course final exam for completing the Final Exam Review. MATH 0106 Worksheets The MATH 0106 worksheets are available within the EagleOnline course under Instructor Resources. The worksheets can be printed and used within the classroom or can be assigned to be completed at home. The answer key is included. Therefore, please do not give your students access to the entire workbook. Worksheets are provided for the following topics: Geometric Formulas 1 Decimal Notation – Order and Rounding Algebraic Formulas 2 Adding and Subtracting Decimals Statistical Formulas 3 Multiplying Decimals 20 Syllabus Quiz 4 Dividing Decimals Student Information Sheet 5 Multiples and Divisibility 7 Prime Factorization 10 11 24 Solving Percent Problems and Applications 26 Review of Order of Operations Worksheet 29 Getting Ready for Factoring Polynomials 1 30 14 Least Common Multiples Percent Notation Order of Operations 28 12 Multiplying Fractions 13 Dividing Fractions 21 Ratio and Proportion 23 Prime Factorization − Practice Reducing Fractions 19 Using Fractional Notation with Decimal Notation 22 9 Understanding Fractions 18 15 Adding and Subtracting Fractions – Common Denominators 16 Adding and Subtracting Fractions – Unlike Fractions 17 Getting Ready for Factoring Polynomials 2 31 Week 1 Quiz 32 Week 2 Quiz 35 Week 3 Quiz 38 Credits Please contact the course designers for additional information or comments. Math Design Clen Vance Jack Hatton Curriculum Design Brian Baldwin Laura Bozeman