Stage 1 – Desired Results Established Goals: 1.) Students will be able to use the definition of congruent triangles to prove congruence. 2.) Students will be able to use triangle congruence postulates to prove congruence. 3.) Students will be able to use triangle similarity postulates to prove similarity. 4.) Students will be able to use proportions to solve similar triangles. Standards: M11.A.2 – Understand the meanings of operations, use operations and understand how they relate to each other. M11.B.2 – Apply appropriate techniques, tools and formulas to determine measurements. M11.C.1 – Analyze characteristics and properties of two- and three- dimensional geometric shapes and demonstrate understanding on geometric relationships. M11.A.2.1.2 – Solve problems using direct and inverse properties. M11.A.2.1.3 – Identify and/or use proportional relationships in problem solving settings. M11.C.1.3.1 – Identify and/or use properties of congruent or similar polygons or solids. G. – Write, analyze, complete, or identify formal proofs (e.g., direct and/or indirect proofs/proofs by contradiction) Big Ideas: 1.) Properties 2.) Postulates 3.) Proportions 4.) Reasoning and Proof Essential Questions: 1.) How can we describe relationships between shapes and use these relationships to better understand the properties of shapes? 2.) How can we model real-world situations using the properties of similar and congruent triangles? 3.) How is congruence related to similarity? Enduring Understandings: 1.) Mathematical statements can be justified through deductive and inductive reasoning and proof. 2.) Congruent and similarity properties can help us solve real-world situations. 3.) Similar relationships between objects are a form of proportional relationships. 4.) Stage 2 –Assessment Evidence Performance Task: Benchmarks Goal 3: Students will be able to use triangle similarity postulates to prove similarity. Goal 4: Students will be able to use proportions to solve similar triangles. Address the facet of learning Application Task Using a hands-on approach to similar triangles, students will be finding the heights of four different objects in the classroom by applying the concepts that they have learned throughout the unit. Communication Device Completed graphic organizer Completed sheet of computations 2 minute presentation to the class Other Forms of Assessment: Quizzes o Check students’ ability to prove congruence, prove similarity, use the postulates, and solve using proportions. Think-Pair-Share o Solving problems in class Facilitated Debates o Explanations and reasoning Participation in everyday lessons Journaling o Bell work problems Stage 3 – Learning Activities Learning Activities: Math Journaling Power Point Presentation Graphic organizers Think-Pair-Share Word Chain Word Toss Interactive Lectures Cornell Notes Guided Practice Homework Double Entry Journal Read With a Pencil Facilitated Debate Computer Lab Exit Slips Two-Minute Writes Worksheet One Word Summary Get One, Give One Performance Assessment 3-2-1 Similar Triangles Performance Assessment Rubric Chart 5-Chart is complete and accurate. Zero mistakes are made. 4-Chart is complete and almost accurate. One mistake is made. 3-Chart is complete but not very accurate. Two mistakes are made. 2-Chart is complete but not accurate. Three mistakes are made. 1-Chart is complete but has more than three mistakes. 0-Chart is not complete. At least one measurement is missing. Work 5-Computations are complete, clear, and correct. 4-Computations are complete and clear, but they have minimal errors. 3-Computations are complete and clear, but they have multiple errors. 0-Computations are either incomplete or illegible. Accuracy 5-Heights of all four objects are correct. 4-Heights of three objects are correct. 3-Heights of two objects are correct. 2-Height of one object is correct. Working in Class 5-Student has been working diligently in class and has been respecting others. 4-Student uses most of their time to work on the project and has been respecting others. 3-Student has been off-task but has respected others. 0-Student has been off-task and has not been respecting others. Presentation 5-Student presents their findings, explaining the process and problems faced while creating it. Student shows he/she has prepared. 4-Student presents their findings, explaining the process and problems faced while creating it. Student needs to be guided through the presentation. 3-Student presents their findings, explaining the problems faced. Student has trouble explaining the process used. 2-Student presents their findings, but does not explain the process or problems. 0-Student does not present. Score:_______ X 4 = _________/100 _______% A B C D F Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Day 1: Properties of Triangles Day 2: Similarity Postulates Day 3: Similarity Day 4: Postulates Proportions •Math Journal to practice Pythagorean Theorem •Use a Power Point Presentation to define vocabulary •Students will take notes using a graphic organizer •Think-PairShare used for guided practice •Word Chain to summarize the new vocabulary •Word Toss to practice the vocab from yesterday •Interactive Lecture •Cornell Notes •Guided practice individually to practice the postulates •Homework to practice vocab and postulates •Word Toss to practice vocab and postulates •Interactive Lecture •Double Entry Journal will be used for notetaking •Think-PairShare used for guided practice •Read With a Pencil to organize a word problem •Facilitated Debate will be used to help students reach the correct answer for the word problem •Math Journal to practice proportions •Interactive Lecture •Double Entry Journal for note-taking •Think-PairShare used for guided practice •Word Problems Worksheet •Two-minute write •Homework to practice solving similar triangles using proportions Friday Day 5: Proportions •Review Homework •Computer Lab to review vocab, postulates, and solving using proportions •Exit Slip Day 6: Congruence Postulates Day 7: Congruence Postulates Day 8: Reasoning and Proof Day 9: Reasoning and Proof Day 10: Reasoning and Proof •Quiz on properties, postulates, and solving using proportions •Interactive Lecture •Cornell Notes •Think-PairShare used for guided practice •Two-Minute Write •Get One, Give One •Congruence Worksheet in groups •Facilitated Debate to help students check their answers on the worksheet •One Word Summary •Math Journal to review postulates •Interactive Lecture •Double Entry Journal to create a proof •Facilitated Debate to show students that congruence is a special similarity •Two-Minute Write •Homework to practice creating proofs •Review Homework •Interactive Lecture •Think-PairShare used for guided practice •Double Entry Journal to create proofs •Two-Minute Write •Math Journal to practice writing a proof •Guided Practice to review similarity and congruence postulates •Homework – finish guided practice Day 11 Day 12 •Introduce Performance Assessment •Work on Performance Assessment •Homework – finish performance assessment if needed & prepare presentation of findings •Presentation of Performance Assessments •3-2-1 Sensory Register Student Teacher Candidate: Katelyn Downey Lesson Subject(s)/Title: Similar and Congruent Triangles Lesson Date(s): Day 4 of calendar Course & Grade(s): Geometry – 10th grade STM LTM Focus Attention Connections Organization Recognition Elaborations Rehearsal Perception Meaning Visualization INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: -Guided Practice – Similar Triangles Word Problems ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS/ SUBSIDIARY QUESTIONS: 1.) How can we describe relationships between shapes and use these relationships to better understand the properties of shapes? 2.) How can we model real-world situations using the properties of similar and congruent triangles? PURPOSE: The purpose is for students to learn how to formulate and solve proportions in order to solve for unknowns on similar triangles. SPECIFIC LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Students will set up proportions from similar triangles after being given a “perfect model.” Students will solve proportions to find unknowns on similar triangles after being given a “perfect model.” Students will sketch similar triangles to reflect those described in a word problem. STANDARDS: M11.B.2 – Apply appropriate techniques, tools and formulas to determine measurements. Facets of Understanding 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Explanation Interpretation Application Perspective Empathy Self-Knowledge Multiple Intelligences 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Linguistic [words] Visual [pictures] Mathematical [numbers & reasoning] Kinesthetic [hands-on] Musical [music] Interpersonal [social] Intrapersonal [self] Naturalist [nature] Multiple Exposures [4 x 2] 1. 2. 3. Dramatization Visualization Verbal M11.A.2.1.3 – Identify and/or use proportional relationships in problem solving settings. Complex Interactions ANTICIPATORY SET: Math Journaling – I will put two proportions on the board, and students will solve them independently in their math journals. After, I will model solving the first problem, asking students for input. Then, I will ask a random student to explain to me how to solve the second problem. I will then tell students that this topic that they learned in previous math classes will be used to determine if triangles are similar as well as solving for an unknown. INPUT/ ACQUIRE NEW KNOWLEDGE: Chunk 1 – Using Double Entry Journals I will draw two triangles that appear to be the same but without any labels and ask students if the two triangles are similar. They should be able to answer that it is unknown unless there are labels based on the postulates that they learned the previous days. If not, I will lead them to the correct answer by asking how they reached their answer. I will then add labels to the triangles. (Lengths: 3,4,5 and 6,8,10). I will model how we can determine if two triangles are similar by creating a proportion. I will remind students to be writing the solving process as well as any notes that they feel are important in the right-hand column of their notes. 1. 2. Discussion Argumentation Bloom’s Taxonomy 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Knowledge [Verbatim] Comprehension [Own Words] Application [Problem-Solving] Analysis [Identify components] Synthesis [Combine information] 6. Evaluation [Decisions] Aspects of the Topic 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Facts Compare Cause/Effect Characteristics Examples Relationships 9 Effective Strategies 1. 2. 3. 4. Similarities and Differences Summarization and Note Taking Reinforcing Effort and Providing Recognition Homework and Practice I will give the students a similar example. (Lengths: 5,8,12 and 10,13,17). They will use the Think-Pair-Share strategy to solve and compare answers. I will then clear up any misconceptions. I will then model solving for an unknown on similar triangles. (Lengths: 4,7,X and 8,14,20). I will then give students a similar example to solve using the Think-Pair-Share strategy. (Lengths: 3,6,9 and 12,X,36). I will then clear up any misconceptions. Chunk 2 I will write the following word problem on the board: A tree with a height of 4m casts a shadow 15 m long on the ground. How high is another tree that casts a shadow which is 20 m long? I will model solving the problem, reminding students to write the process in the right-hand column of their notes. APPLY/ DEEPEN NEW KNOWLEDGE: Chunk 3 I will pass out the guided practice, which is a worksheet of word problems similar to the one I solved in chunk 2. Students will work in pairs. I will go over the answers with them, asking them to explain their answers and thought processes. CLOSURE/ASSESSMENT: Two-Minute Write – I will ask the students to write a summary of what they learned. HOMEWORK: (Purpose- Practice) 2 problems of solving for unknowns 3 word problems EVALUATION/ASSESSMENT OF STUDENTS: Think-Pair-Share Monitoring word problems Explanations of solving word problems Two-minute write Similar Triangles: Word Problems 1. A statue, honoring Ray Hnatyshyn (1934–2002), can be found on Spadina Crescent East, near the University Bridge in Saskatoon. Use the information below to determine the unknown height of the statue. 2. A tree 24 feet tall casts a shadow 12 feet long. Brad is 6 feet tall. How long is Brad's shadow? (draw a diagram and solve) 3. Triangles EFG and QRS are similar. The length of the sides of EFG are 144, 128, and 112. The length of the smallest side of QRS is 280, what is the length of the longest side of QRS? (draw a diagram and solve) 4. A girl 160 cm tall, stands 360 cm from a lamp post at night. Her shadow from the light is 90 cm long. How high is the lamp post? 160 cm 90 cm 360 cm Sensory Register Student Teacher Candidate: Katelyn Downey Lesson Subject(s)/Title: Similar and Congruent Triangles Lesson Date(s): Day 7 of calendar Course & Grade(s): Geometry – 10th grade INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: -Congruence Worksheet ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS/ SUBSIDIARY QUESTIONS: 1.) How can we describe relationships between shapes and use these relationships to better understand the properties of shapes? 2.) How can we model real-world situations using the properties of similar and congruent triangles? PURPOSE: The purpose is for students to practice the congruence postulates. SPECIFIC LEARNING OBJECTIVES: With 90% accuracy, students will complete the congruence worksheet. STANDARDS: M11.C.1.3.1 – Identify and/or use properties of congruent or similar polygons or solids. ANTICIPATORY SET: Get One, Give One - I will ask students to write a list of the postulates that they can remember. After a minute, I will tell the students to use the Get One, Give One strategy to complete their lists. I will then ask students to give me a postulate until my list is complete. I will then allow for students to make any corrections. APPLY/ DEEPEN NEW KNOWLEDGE: Chunk 1 I will pass out the congruence worksheet and explain to students that they will be working in groups of 3-4. I will remind them that participation is part of their assessment, so they should be working diligently and cooperatively. LTM Focus Attention Connections Organization Recognition Elaborations Rehearsal Perception Meaning Visualization Facets of Understanding 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Explanation Interpretation Application Perspective Empathy Self-Knowledge Multiple Intelligences 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Linguistic [words] Visual [pictures] Mathematical [numbers & reasoning] Kinesthetic [hands-on] Musical [music] Interpersonal [social] Intrapersonal [self] Naturalist [nature] Multiple Exposures [4 x 2] 4. 5. 6. Dramatization Visualization Verbal Complex Interactions 3. 4. Students will work on their worksheets in groups. I will be walking around to monitor their progress and answer any questions. Chunk 2 Facilitated Debate - We will go over the answers by having a member of each group give their answer for a question. If two groups don’t agree, I will play the devil’s advocate to create a debate between the two groups. I will create questions to get students, not only those in the groups that don’t agree, to give input. I will then help students reach the correct answer. We will continue this process until all of the questions have been answered. STM Discussion Argumentation Bloom’s Taxonomy 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Knowledge [Verbatim] Comprehension [Own Words] Application [Problem-Solving] Analysis [Identify components] Synthesis [Combine information] 12. Evaluation [Decisions] Aspects of the Topic CLOSURE/ASSESSMENT: One Word Summary – I will ask students to write down a one word summary to capture how they feel about proving congruence. I will call on a few random students to give me their answer so that I can determine their thoughts about their abilities. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Facts Compare Cause/Effect Characteristics Examples Relationships HOMEWORK: None. 9 Effective Strategies 10. 11. 12. 13. Similarities and Differences Summarization and Note Taking Reinforcing Effort and Providing Recognition Homework and Practice EVALUATION/ASSESSMENT OF STUDENTS: Get One, Give One Monitoring of congruence worksheet Facilitated Debate One Word Summary Sensory Register Student Teacher Candidate: Katelyn Downey Lesson Subject(s)/Title: Similar and Congruent Triangles Lesson Date(s): Day 8 of calendar Course & Grade(s): Geometry – 10th grade STM LTM Focus Attention Connections Organization Recognition Elaborations Rehearsal Perception Meaning Visualization ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS/ SUBSIDIARY QUESTIONS: 1.) How can we describe relationships between shapes and use these relationships to better understand the properties of shapes? 2.) How can we model real-world situations using the properties of similar and congruent triangles? 3.) How is congruence related to similarity? PURPOSE: The purpose is for students to learn how to create a mathematical proof using the postulates that they have learned in previous lessons. They will then have a facilitated debate that will help them reach the understanding that congruence is a special form of similarity (essential question #3). SPECIFIC LEARNING OBJECTIVES: After being given two perfect models, students will create a mathematical proof in pairs. Students will participate in a facilitated debate. STANDARDS: M11.A.2 – Understand the meanings of operations, use operations and understand how they relate to each other. G. – Write, analyze, complete, or identify formal proofs (e.g., direct and/or indirect proofs/proofs by contradiction) ANTICIPATORY SET: Math Journaling – I will give students two examples of triangles. Students must state if the triangles are congruent or not and why. We will then discuss their answers, and I will clear up any misconceptions. INPUT/ ACQUIRE NEW KNOWLEDGE: Chunk 1 I will tell students to set up their notes in the Double Entry Journal format. I will then model proving two triangles to be congruent using SAS. I will then model another proof, but this time I will use SSS. Again, I will remind students to use the Double Entry Journal when creating a proof. Chunk 2 I will give students two examples to create proofs of individually. I will be monitoring their progress and answering any questions. Once students have finished, they will check their answers with a partner. *These examples will prove that if two triangles are congruent, they are also similar. Some students may have noticed this before, but this will prove it.* Facets of Understanding 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Explanation Interpretation Application Perspective Empathy Self-Knowledge Multiple Intelligences 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Linguistic [words] Visual [pictures] Mathematical [numbers & reasoning] Kinesthetic [hands-on] Musical [music] Interpersonal [social] Intrapersonal [self] Naturalist [nature] Multiple Exposures [4 x 2] 7. 8. 9. Dramatization Visualization Verbal Complex Interactions 5. 6. Discussion Argumentation Bloom’s Taxonomy 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Knowledge [Verbatim] Comprehension [Own Words] Application [Problem-Solving] Analysis [Identify components] Synthesis [Combine information] 18. Evaluation [Decisions] Aspects of the Topic 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. APPLY/ DEEPEN NEW KNOWLEDGE: Facts Compare Cause/Effect Characteristics Examples Relationships 9 Effective Strategies 19. 20. 21. 22. Similarities and Differences Summarization and Note Taking Reinforcing Effort and Providing Recognition Homework and Practice Facilitated Debate – I will ask students if they could infer anything from the two examples that they just proved. I will play the devil’s advocate to create a better understanding. I will also lead students to the correct answer by asking questions such as: Are these two examples essentially the same? What is the difference between the two examples? What can you infer from the two proofs? CLOSURE/ASSESSMENT: Two-Minute Write – I will ask students to write a summary about what they were able to infer from the two examples. HOMEWORK: (Purpose- Practice) 2 mathematical proofs EVALUATION/ASSESSMENT OF STUDENTS: Monitoring of creating proofs Facilitated Debate Two-minute write