Procedure Ref: DPD/PCD/00 Page: 1 of Date: April 2011 Review Date: April 2012 Issue: 2 Approved SMT: Procedure Document Originator - Director of Employment & Skills Author - Health & Welfare Manager Associated Policy(s): Health & Safety Act This Procedure applies to: All students Date of Initial Impact Assessment: Date of most recent Impact Assessment: New April 2012 Title: Chronic Medical Conditions Management Procedure 1. Aim, Objective or Purpose of the Procedure 1.1 Cambridge Regional College is an inclusive community that aims to welcome and support learners with medical conditions. 1.2 Cambridge Regional College aims to provide all students who have medical conditions the same opportunities as others at college. The college will help to ensure learners can: Be healthy Stay safe Enjoy and achieve Make a positive contribution Achieve economic well being 2.0 Principles 2.1 All staff are confident in knowing what to do in an emergency. 3.0 Scope 3.1 Cambridge Regional College understands that certain medical conditions are serious and can be potentially life threatening particularly if ill managed or misunderstood. 3.2 Key staff to receive training on the impact medical conditions can have on students. 4.0 The Procedure 4.1 All staff understand what to do in an emergency for the most common serious medical conditions at Cambridge Regional College 4.2 CRC uses Risk Assessments to inform the appropriate staff (including agency staff and support staff) of students in their care who may need emergency help. 4.3 All staff understand and are trained in the Colleges general emergency procedures Page 1 Updated April 2012 Procedure Ref: DPD/PCD/00 Page: 2 of Date: April 2011 Review Date: April 2012 Issue: 2 Approved SMT: Procedure Document Originator - Director of Employment & Skills Author - Health & Welfare Manager Associated Policy(s): Health & Safety Act This Procedure applies to: All students Date of Initial Impact Assessment: Date of most recent Impact Assessment: New April 2012 Title: Chronic Medical Conditions Management Procedure 4.4 All staff should call 8888 in the event of an emergency. 4.5 Training is refreshed for all staff at least once a year. 4.6 If a student who is under 18 needs to be taken to hospital, a member of staff will always accompany them and will stay with them until a parent arrives. The College tries to ensure that the staff member will be one the student knows. 4.7 Staff are not to take students to hospital in their own car. 5.0 Cambridge Regional College has clear guidance on the administration of medication at College 5.1 Administration – emergency medication All students at CRC with medical conditions have easy access to their emergency medication. 5.2 All students carry their emergency medication with them at all times, except if they are controlled drugs as defined in the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971. This is also the arrangement on any off-site or residential visits. 5.3 Students who do not carry and administer their own emergency medication know where their medication is stored and understand the arrangements for a member of staff (and a reserve member of staff) how to access it and to assist in helping them take their medication safely. 5.4 All staff are aware that there is no legal or contractual duty for any member of staff to administer medication or supervise a student taking medication unless they have been specifically contracted to do so. 5.5 The Health & Welfare Manager has been specifically contracted to administer medication. 5.6 Training is given to all staff members who agree to administer medication to students, where specific training is needed. Page 2 Updated April 2012 Procedure Ref: DPD/PCD/00 Page: 3 of Date: April 2011 Review Date: April 2012 Issue: 2 Approved SMT: Procedure Document Originator - Director of Employment & Skills Author - Health & Welfare Manager Associated Policy(s): Health & Safety Act This Procedure applies to: All students Date of Initial Impact Assessment: Date of most recent Impact Assessment: New April 2012 Title: Chronic Medical Conditions Management Procedure 5.7 All college staff have been informed through training that they are required, under common law duty of care, to act like any reasonably prudent parent in an emergency situation. This may include taking action such as administering emergency medication. 5.8 In some circumstances medication is only administered by an adult of the same gender as the pupil, and preferably witnessed by a second adult. 5.9 If a trained member of staff, who is usually responsible for administering medication, is not available CRC makes alternative arrangements for medication administration. This is always addressed in the risk assessment for off-site activities. 5.10 If a student misuses medication, either their own or other students. These students are subject to CRC's usual disciplinary procedures. 6.0 Cambridge Regional College has clear guidance on the storage of medication at College 6.1 Safe storage – emergency medication Students at CRC carry their own emergency medication securely on them at all times. 6.2 Safe storage – non-emergency medication All non-emergency medication is kept in a secure place. 6.3 Medication that is stored at the College and is only accessible to those for whom it is prescribed. 6.4 Safe storage – general The Health & Welfare Manager ensures the correct storage of medication at college. 6.5 All controlled drugs are kept in a locked cupboard and only named staff have access, even if students normally administer the medication themselves. 6.6 Three times a year the Health & Welfare Manager checks the expiry dates for all medication stored at college. Page 3 Updated April 2012 Procedure Ref: DPD/PCD/00 Page: 4 of Date: April 2011 Review Date: April 2012 Issue: 2 Approved SMT: Procedure Document Originator - Director of Employment & Skills Author - Health & Welfare Manager Associated Policy(s): Health & Safety Act This Procedure applies to: All students Date of Initial Impact Assessment: Date of most recent Impact Assessment: New April 2012 Title: Chronic Medical Conditions Management Procedure 6.7 All medication is supplied and stored, in its original containers. All medication is labeled with the student’s name, the name of the medication, expiry date and the prescriber’s instructions for administration, including dose and frequency. 6.8 Some medication for students at CRC may need to be refrigerated. All refrigerated medication is stored in an airtight container and is clearly labeled. Refrigerators used for the storage of medication which is in a secure area in the Health Care Centre. 6.9 All medication is sent home with students at the end of the college year. Medication is not stored in College during the summer holidays. 7.0 Safe disposal Students with medical conditions taking medication at CRC will be asked to take home out-of-date medication. 7.1 Sharps boxes are used for the disposal of needles. All sharps boxes In CRC are stored in a locked cupboard unless alternative safe and secure arrangements are put in place on a case-by-case basis. 7.2 If a sharps box is needed on an off-site or residential visit, a named member of staff is responsible for its safe storage and return to a local pharmacy or to college or the student’s parent. 8.0 Cambridge Regional College has clear guidance about record keeping 8.1 Health Declarations; All prospective students asked if they have any health conditions or health issues on the health declaration form, which is filled out at the start of each college year. 8.2 Risk Assessments; A risk assessment will be completed to record important details about individual student’s medical needs at college, their triggers, signs, symptoms, medication and other treatments. Page 4 Updated April 2012 Procedure Ref: DPD/PCD/00 Page: 5 of Date: April 2011 Review Date: April 2012 Issue: 2 Approved SMT: Procedure Document Originator - Director of Employment & Skills Author - Health & Welfare Manager Associated Policy(s): Health & Safety Act This Procedure applies to: All students Date of Initial Impact Assessment: Date of most recent Impact Assessment: New April 2012 Title: Chronic Medical Conditions Management Procedure 8.3 College Healthcare Declaration register; Health Declarations are used to create a centralized register of students with medical needs. The Health & Welfare Manager has responsibility for the register. 8.4 The College Nurse or Health and Welfare Department Manager follows up with the parents/student any further details on a student’s Health declaration if required. 9.0 Ongoing communication and review of Risk Assessments Risk assessments are updated if a young person has a medical emergency or if there have been changes to their symptoms (getting better or worse), or their medication and treatments change. 9.1 All student with a declared medical condition at CRC has a risk assessment discussed and reviewed at least once a year. 9.2 Storage and access to Health Declarations and Risk Assessments Students at CRC are provided with a copy of the student’s current Risk assessment. 9.3 Health Declarations are kept in a secure central location at college. 9.4 All members of staff who work with groups of students have access to the risk assessments of students in their care. 9.5 When a member of staff is new to a student group, for example due to staff absence, the college makes sure that they are made aware of (and have access to) the risk assessment of students in their care. 9.6 CRC ensures that all staff protect student confidentiality 9.7 CRC seeks permission from the student/parents before sharing any medical information with any other party, unless in an emergency such as when a student takes part in a work experience placement. Page 5 Updated April 2012 Procedure Ref: DPD/PCD/00 Page: 6 of Date: April 2011 Review Date: April 2012 Issue: 2 Approved SMT: Procedure Document Originator - Director of Employment & Skills Author - Health & Welfare Manager Associated Policy(s): Health & Safety Act This Procedure applies to: All students Date of Initial Impact Assessment: Date of most recent Impact Assessment: New April 2012 Title: Chronic Medical Conditions Management Procedure 9.8 Health Declaration forms are used by CRC to: inform the appropriate staff and protocol tutors about the individual needs of a student with a medical condition in their care identify common or important individual triggers for student with medical conditions at college that bring on symptoms and can cause emergencies. CRC uses this information to help reduce the impact of common triggers ensure that all medication stored at college is within the expiry date ensure CRC’s Emergency First Responders have a timely and accurate summary of a student’s current medical management and healthcare in the event of an emergency 10. Consent to administer medicines 10.1 If a student requires regular/daily help in administering their medication then the College outlines the agreement to administer this medication on the students Risk Assessment. 10.2 Residential visits Parents/carers are sent a residential visit form to be completed and returned to the college shortly before their young person leaves for a residential or day visit. This form requests up-to-date information about the student’s current condition and their overall health. This provides essential and up-to-date information to relevant staff and college supervisors to help the student manage their condition while they are away. This includes information about medication not normally taken during College hours. 10.3 CRC keeps an accurate record of each occasion an individual student is given or supervised taking medication. Details of the supervising staff member, student, dose, date and time are recorded. 10.4 All college staff who volunteer or who are contracted to administer medication are provided with training by a healthcare professional. The college keeps a register of staff that have had the relevant training. Page 6 Updated April 2012 Procedure Ref: DPD/PCD/00 Page: 7 of Date: April 2011 Review Date: April 2012 Issue: 2 Approved SMT: Procedure Document Originator - Director of Employment & Skills Author - Health & Welfare Manager Associated Policy(s): Health & Safety Act This Procedure applies to: All students Date of Initial Impact Assessment: Date of most recent Impact Assessment: New April 2012 Title: Chronic Medical Conditions Management Procedure 11.0 Safeguarding learners at CRC 11 .1 All staff at CRC are aware of the potential social problems that students with medical conditions may experience. Staff uses this knowledge to try to prevent and deal with problems in accordance with the colleges anti-bullying and behavior policies. 11.2 Staff use opportunities such as tutorial lessons to raise awareness of medical conditions amongst students and to help create a positive social environment. 11.3 CRC ensures all classroom lecturers; teachers and sports personnel make appropriate adjustments to sports, games and other activities to make physical activity accessible to all students. 11.4 CRC ensures all classroom lecturers, teachers; tutors and sports personnel understand that students should not be forced to take part in an activity if they feel unwell. 11.5 CRC ensures all lecturers, teachers, tutors and school sports personnel are aware of the potential triggers for students’ medical conditions when exercising and how to minimize these triggers. 11.6 Teachers at CRC are aware of the potential for students with medical conditions to have Special Educational Needs (SEN). Students with medical conditions who are finding it difficult to keep up with their studies are referred to study support. 12. Residential visits Risk assessments are carried out by CRC prior to any out-of-college visit and medical conditions are considered during this process. Factors CRC considers include: how all students will be able to access the activities proposed how routine and emergency medication will be stored and administered, and where help can be obtained in an emergency. 12.1 Risk assessments are carried out before students start any work experience or offsite educational placement. It is CRC's responsibility to ensure that the placement is suitable, including travel to and from the venue for the student. Permission is sought from the student before any medical information is shared with an employer or other education provider. Page 7 Updated April 2012 Procedure Ref: DPD/PCD/00 Page: 8 of Date: April 2011 Review Date: April 2012 Issue: 2 Approved SMT: Procedure Document Originator - Director of Employment & Skills Author - Health & Welfare Manager Associated Policy(s): Health & Safety Act This Procedure applies to: All students Date of Initial Impact Assessment: Date of most recent Impact Assessment: New April 2012 Title: Chronic Medical Conditions Management Procedure 12.2 The college reviews medical emergencies and incidents to see how they could have been avoided. Appropriate changes to this college policy and procedures are implemented after each review. 13. Responsibilities All staff at CRC have a responsibility to: be aware of the potential triggers, signs and symptoms of common medical conditions and know what to do in an emergency understand the colleges medical conditions procedure know which students in their care have a risk assessment and be familiar with the content allow all students to have immediate access to their emergency medication be aware of students with medical conditions who may be experiencing bullying or need extra social support ensure all students with medical conditions are not excluded unnecessarily from activities they wish to take part in The students at CRC have a responsibility to: 14. know how to gain access to their medication in an emergency know how to take their own medication and to take it when they need it ensure a member of staff is called in an emergency situation don’t share prescribed medication with other students Monitoring Arrangements The Health & Welfare Manager will monitor this procedure annually. Page 8 Updated April 2012 Procedure Ref: DPD/PCD/00 Page: 9 of Date: April 2011 Review Date: April 2012 Issue: 2 Approved SMT: Procedure Document Originator - Director of Employment & Skills Author - Health & Welfare Manager Associated Policy(s): Health & Safety Act This Procedure applies to: All students Date of Initial Impact Assessment: Date of most recent Impact Assessment: New April 2012 Title: Chronic Medical Conditions Management Procedure 15. Enquiries and Change Control 15.1 All enquiries relating to the content of this document should be directed to the Author. 15.2 This document will be subject to a yearly review by the Author. 16. References Managing Medicines in Schools and Early Years Settings Implementing the Disability Discrimination Act in Schools and Early Years Settings Healthy Schools frameworks Every Child Matters, Change for Children Including Me (DfES & Council for Disabled Children) 17. Outcomes of this Procedure supporting College Policies or Objectives and methods of support of those Policies or Objectives 16. Main Beneficiaries and Benefits All students with chronic medical conditions 17. Other Main Stakeholders Document History Date Issue No Change/Comments Page 9 Date Approved Approved by Updated April 2012