File - Christ Church Constantia

Week Two: Revelation Chapters 2 and 3
The Revelation of Jesus Christ
Revelation 1:12
“…and on turning I saw seven golden lampstands, and in the midst of the lampstands I
saw one like the Son of Man”
Seven churches in Asia Minor
Jesus speaks His ‘message’ to each church – not a conventional ‘letter’
As it is written in the 1st century
But rather ‘prophetic oracles’ – examples found in Amos and Ezekiel
Each message begins with: “The ones who says…”
Which is similar to the Old Testament: “Thus says the Lord….”
Culture and context – similarities to ‘royal edicts’ by Persian Kings and Roman Governors.
(not sent to the whole empire or even provinces but to local municipalities).
These royal edicts praised citizens for the good things they were doing.
Criticised them for the bad things.
And were warned of the serve consequences if they did not rectify the problems.
And were given promises of reward if they made these expected changes.
Very often then the king or governor would begin with… “I know” or “I have known”
Here we see Jesus, working within both contexts.
Jewish and Roman forms in order to convey His messages
Jewish “Prophetic oracle”
Roman “royal edict”
Very important reason – Early Christians – were both Jews and Gentiles!!
So Jesus – the one who reveals the Father (God and His heart for His people).
Thus Jesus speaks God’s message TO:
Redeemed people of God – Israel
Royal subjects and citizens – Roman Empire
SO… very interesting:
God and Emperor have two meanings for the translation of one word in the New Testament:
Lord or lord – kurios
Kurios in Hebrew is translated Lord substituted – for Yahweh
Kurios in Roman Empire – lord – title give to the sovereign Caesar
So Christians in the New Testament were affirming their belief in
Jesus as Lord and lord
They were saying Jesus is both God and Emperor (Ruler).
WHICH is the very reason for their persecution!!
They were a threat to the powers that be
Conflict which had arisen in the church: Compromise.
‘Maybe we could change this and not be so extreme?’
i.e. Let Jesus be God and Caesar be Emperor
(In our Context – where are we told perhaps not to be so extreme, just find the balance…?)
So we have the messages to the churches in Asia Minor.
Seven messages to seven churches.
There were more than seven churches in Asia Minor.
The symbolism of the number 7.
The number seven is the number for completeness.
Seven churches – the complete church
So addressing these seven churches – Jesus is addressing all the churches.
These seven churches depict and give example of every major issue which the church is
faced with.
Not just then but throughout every age in every culture.
Good point to stop and think of our own story and our experiences with church conflict,
church struggles and issues in the church…Make a list.
(leadership, money, worship, gender)
So these seven churches are in fact real and historical.
Who is this message spoken to?
To the angel of the church in… Ephesus write:
Who is the angel of the church? 3 Options
Angel – supernatural, heavenly beings
Human messenger of God’s word – preaching pastor/priest of the church
‘Angel’ in Greek means messenger
Angel – metaphorical – ethos or personality – corporate personality of the
church (like a city or team)
Guardian Angel
The message to the angel is actually a message through the angel to the church
Most influential City
4th largest city in Roman Empire
(Rome, Alexandria N Africa, Antioch of Syria, Ephesus)
Urban centre
Financial hub
Splendour of Graeco-Roman life
Hellenistic worship of goddess Diana – fertility goddess
So here was thriving city
Business, politics, religious pluralism
Church emerged
Leaders and influential people
Priscilla and Aquila
Paul flees – buying statues to worship – NO
Leaves Timothy there
John takes over
Mary, mother Jesus goes with John
Jesus – Ephesus message
“These are the words of him who holds the seven stars in his right hand, who walks among
the seven golden lampstands”
Not ‘has’
Holds – they are his and he will not let them go
Not ‘stands’
Walks – looking and supervising
I know…
You are a successful church
Buzzing with activity and action
Programmes and ministries
It’s both a social space and place of action
Jesus sees Hard Work, Perseverance, Facing opposition
Not grown weary
Committed to life of purity and pure doctrine
No compromise and No indifference
John Stott’s commentary:
“energetic in their service, patient in their suffering, and orthodox in their faith”
So what could they need warning against?
Eyes of fiery flames – He sees
Left your first love
In love
Affection and intimacy
And can it be?
Amazing love, how can it be?
That Thou my God shouldst die for?
First: remember
Second: repent
Third: re-do
Church: Most Beautiful
Crown of Asia or The Flower of Asia
Famous writers and leaders
“These are the words of the first and the last, who was dead and came to life”
Jesus in control of time – destiny
Coins – First city of Asia in Size and beauty.
Destroyed and rebuilt
Death and life experience
I know your tribulation
I know your affliction
I know your pressure
There is no criticism or correction
Light shining in the darkness
Conflict between Jewish and Roman authorities
10 complete – human completion
5 fingers x2 and 5 toes x2
“And to the angel of the church in Pergamum write: These are the words of him who has the
sharp two-edged sword”
Imagery and language:
Symbol or the emblem of city of Pergamum was a Sword
Because Rome had given them
‘the right to the sword’ – the power to inflict capital punishment
Battle – words of war
BUT the battle was not against people BUT IDEAS
The battle of the mind
First: Conflict against Jesus identity – outside
Second: Conflict from within – inside
I know where you dwell (2:12)
Satan – evil – that which is not of God
Pergamum is a city built on a high rock.
Magnificent library
Centre of Caesar worship
Pergamum was a centre to blind people to the truth – truth about God and themselves
Deceiver – Satan in Old Testament, in the book of Job
But… The church stood and grew
Trying to stamp out the gospel is like hammering a nail – the harder you hit it, the
deeper it goes!
Influence from within
Balaam and Nicolaitans
So although the church is being brave against the outside
Inside there is a Trojan Horse
Balaam – Hebrew
Nicolaitans – Greek
Both made up of two words
Baal: meaning conqueror or lord
Am: meaning people
Nikan: meaning conqueror or lord
Laos: meaning people
Conquer the minds of people
“And to the angel of the church in Thyatira write: These are the words of the Son of God,
who has eyes like a flame of fire, and whose feet are like burnished bronze”
Worship of Apollo
god of sunlight
‘divine guardian’ of the city
Both Apollo and Caesar were sons of Zeus
‘son of the high god’
Emperor Domitian named his son ‘son of god’
The only place where Jesus is referred to as “Son of God”
Trade guild – statues and money
Woman ‘Jezebel’ – teaching compromise
Character from the Old Testament
Daughter of the King Tyre and Sidon
Hostile to Israel
Worship both she said – compromise
Shortest message
‘And to the angel of the church in Sardis write: These are the words of him who has the
seven spirits of God and the seven stars:
You are dead.
A name, reputation for being alive but you are dead.
A very active church
All kinds of committees
All kinds of events
Plan and strategise and Well organised
Doctrine was good
Sacraments were celebrate regularly
Good liturgical practices
Largest church
Services well attended
I know your deeds
Wake up, and strengthen what remains and is at the point of death, for I have not found your
works perfect in the sight of my God.
Non complete
Lazy and Lack of perseverance
Half hearted, Superficial, Mediocrity
You never finish anything
Their deeds are not of God
God’s will
Lack of discernment
(Think about the season of Christmas - do we get lost in activity?
And forget what we are really celebrating?)
5 Commands
Wake up
Strengthen what remains
Remember what you received
Keep it
I am alive. And because I am alive
I weep
I sing
I laugh
I mourn
It is the dead that have no tears
No laughter
No music
No mourning
“These are the words of the holy one, the true one, who has the key of David, who opens
and no one will shut, who shuts and no one opens”
Jesus is delighted in this church
No call to repent
‘I know your works. You have kept my word and have not denied my name.
City – volcano
Blessing: fertile soil and hot springs
Curse – danger and earth quakes
Jesus wants to offer them security
Unshakable foundation
Door –Temple 3 vs 12
“If you conquer, I will make you a pillar in the temple of my God; you will never go out of it. I
will write on you the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, the new
Jerusalem that comes down from my God out of heaven, and my own new name”.
Group Work
How is Jesus described – Revelation chapter one
What is the church ‘praised’ for?
What is the church warned against?
What do they need to repent of?
What are they promised as a reward for overcoming?