Science Unit Plan Teacher: Bill Coleman, Mia Hayes, Linda Frost, Janis Farrell, Brenda Disney, Briant Hall Grade: 4th Dates: August 21, 2015 Core Content: Standard 5 – Students will understand the physical characteristics of Utah’s wetlands, forests, and deserts and identify common organisms for each environment. Objective 2 – Describe the common plants and animals found in Utah environments and how these organisms have adapted to the environment in which they live. Science Practices: Developing and using models Science Question(s) to be answered: How are plants and animals able to live and survive in their particular environment whether it be desert, wetland, or forest? Performance Expectations: This is what my students should be able to DO by the end of the unit: a. Identify common plants and animals that inhabit Utah’s forests, wetlands, and deserts. b. Cite examples of physical features that allow particular plants and animals to live in specific environments (e.g., duck has webbed feet, cactus has waxy coating) c. Describe some of the interactions between animals and plants of a given environment (e.g., woodpecker eats insects that live on trees of a forest, brine shrimp of the Great Salt Lake eat algae and birds feed on the brine shrimp). d. Identify the effect elevation has on types of plants and animals that live in a specific wetland, forest, or desert. e. Find examples of endangered Utah plants and animals and describe steps being taken to protect them. Final Project/Assessment of Learning: This is HOW I will know they have attained mastery: 1. Biome triarama: Students will create a triarama for each biome coloring and drawing the features of the environment, showing and listing the plants, animals, and listing their adaptations to survive in those environments. A fourth triarama should be made with information about endangered Utah species. And/or 2. Plant – Animal – Biome Card match: Students will draw a plant, animal, and biome card out of a hat and will write and give evidence as to why that animal will or will not survive in that environment. They will explain what environment their plant/animal would be best suited for. Students should use vocabulary and science language learned in the unit. And 3. Interim Assessment: Students will take the Interim test with a goal of achieving 70% proficiency or better. Content Analysis: What distinct pieces of knowledge will my students need to KNOW to attain mastery? How to classify and sort – Knowledge of Utah plants and animals – Plant and animal features – Food webs – Map skills – Researching skills informational texts and Internet. Let’s Plan! Science Question(s): Days Objective(s) 1-2 Students will be able to predict, test, and observe E what saline environment N best suits The Great Salt G Lake’s Brine Shrimp. A G E 1 E X P L O R E 1-2 E X P L A I N Teacher Work - Pass out science journals - Set up salt, beakers, scales, Mason Jars, brine shrimp eggs (supplies) - Magnifying glasses - Discuss with students environment’s impact on plants and animals, particularly brine shrimp. - Student Scaffold for Designing and Conducting Experiments pack. Students will predict, test, - Supplies (marshmallows, and simulate bird beak seeds, gummy worms, etc.) adaptations and transfer the - tools (salad tongs, concept of adaptation to chopsticks, tweezers, knife, other animals. spoon, fork) - Put the supplies on a tray for students to use their tools on. - Pictures of bird beaks. - See Tracy Aviary Lesson online for additional details. Students will further identify features that organisms have that have helped them adapt in their environment for common Utah plants and animals. - Common Utah plants and animal cards and adapted features cards for matching with partner. Students will infer and predict plant and animal interactions within Utah environments. - Matching activity for plant and animal interactions. - Science texts Student Work - Design an experiment to conduct using brine shrimp. Record results in their science journal. - Create mixtures and add shrimp. - Label bottles. - Observe for 2 weeks, making entries in their science journal - Students will make drawings and predictions based on the photos of various beaks as to what they eat. - Students will use the tools to simulate what the various bird beaks can pick up and cannot. - Students will write their findings and observations in their science journals. - Students will match a plant and animals adaptations with its picture. - Students will write down the features of the common Utah plants and animals they discovered in their science journal. - Using student background knowledge, science text, and discussion, students will match and write down common Utah plant and animal interactions. 2-3 E L A B O R A T E 1-3 E V A L U A T E Students will identify the effect elevation has on plants and animals in their biome. - Teach map skills making sure that students pay special attention to the colors used, key, title, and data. - Guide students into looking Students will research and for patterns from other Utah find examples of maps and make inferences endangered Utah plants and about the mountains and animals. data. - Short articles on endangered plants and animals. Each partnership gets 1 of each. Students will: 1. Build a triarama for each biome including one for endangered Utah Plants/Animals. And/Or 2. Determine whether or not plant/animal cards and biome card make a match and why. And 3. District Interim Assessment and Reteach. - Investigate maps and determine map purpose and features of a map. - Students will look for similar patterns from other Utah maps and make inferences about the mountains and data. -Produce evidence to support effects of elevation on Utah biomes. - Students will research from their article what species are endangered and why. They will share with their partner and then the class. 1. Paper/supplies for 1. Students will create the triarama. Utah Biome triarama based -Expectations 3 plants, 3 on the expectations given animals, and 3 characteristics using specific data and of each biome and 3 appropriate plants and endangered speicies animals within the biome. 2. Students will write their 2. Plant/Animal and Biome justification and explanation cards made up and placed in based on the cards they chose a bucket/hat as to why or why not their cards are a match. 3. Take test – Assess 3. Access and procedure as to performance – and reteach how to access the Interim. where necessary.