Create Your Own Adventure Project Rubric Create a project that defines earthquakes and describes what causes them. 10 Points Create a project that defines volcanoes and describes what causes them. 10 Points Tangible product is well organized and aesthetically pleasing 10 points Presentation is professional, interesting, and informative. 5 points On Time 5 points Name: _________________ Name:_________________ 5 points Demonstrates a complete understanding of the connection between plate tectonics/boundaries, geologic features, and structure of the earth’s interior. Demonstrates a complete understanding of the measurement systems (Richter and Mercalli scales) and of locating earthquake epicenters (use of seismographs, S & P waves etc). All topics listed on assignment are covered in detail Demonstrates a complete understanding of the connection between plate tectonics/boundaries, factors affecting type of eruption, and description of pyroclastic material. Demonstrates a complete understanding of above and below surface features of a volcano; gives a description of types of volcanoes (cinder, composite, and shield). All topics listed on assignment are covered in detail Highly effectively communicates the information. Content flows logically, few grammatical / spelling errors, project is legible and neat; creative and unique. 4 points Demonstrates a general understanding of the connection between plate tectonics/boundaries, geologic features, and structure of the earth’s interior. Demonstrates a general understanding of the measurement systems (Richter and Mercalli scales) and of locating earthquake epicenters (use of seismographs, S & P waves etc). All topics listed on assignment are covered 3-2 Points Demonstrates a partial understanding of the connection between plate tectonics/boundaries, geologic features, and structure of the earth’s interior. Demonstrates a partial understanding of the measurement systems (Richter and Mercalli scales) and of locating earthquake epicenters (use of seismographs, S & P waves etc). One or more topics listed on assignment are missing 1-0 Points Demonstrates a misunderstanding of the connection between plate tectonics/boundaries, geologic features, and structure of the earth’s interior. Demonstrates a misunderstanding of the measurement systems (Richter and Mercalli scales) and of locating earthquake epicenters (use of seismographs, S & P waves etc). 3 or more of the topics listed on assignment are missing Demonstrates a general understanding of the connection between plate tectonics/boundaries, factors affecting type of eruption, and description of pyroclastic material. Demonstrates a general understanding of above and below surface features of a volcano; gives a description of types of volcanoes (cinder, composite, and shield). All topics listed on assignment are covered Demonstrates a partial understanding of the connection between plate tectonics/boundaries, factors affecting type of eruption, and description of pyroclastic material. Demonstrates a partial understanding of above and below surface features of a volcano; gives a description of types of volcanoes (cinder, composite, and shield). One or more topics listed on assignment are missing Demonstrates a misunderstanding of the connection between plate tectonics/boundaries, factors affecting type of eruption, and description of pyroclastic material. Demonstrates a misunderstanding of above and below surface features of a volcano; gives a description of types of volcanoes (cinder, composite, and shield). 3 or more of the topics listed on assignment are missing Effectively communicates the information. Content flows logically, few grammatical / spelling errors, project is legible and neat; creative and unique. Minimally effectively communicates the information. Content flows logically, few grammatical / spelling errors, project is legible and neat; creative and unique. Ineffectively communicates the information. Content flows logically, few grammatical / spelling errors, project is legible and neat; creative and unique. Highly effectively communicates the information in an organized, interesting, and creative manner. Partners are well prepared and present information equitably Project is completed and presented on Friday March 14 2014 Effectively communicates the information in an organized, interesting, and creative manner. Partners are well prepared and present information equitably Project is completed and presented on Friday March 14 2014 Minimally effectively communicates the information in an organized, interesting, and creative manner. Partners present information equitably Ineffectively communicates the information in an organized, interesting, and creative manner. One or both partners do not speak Project is completed and presented on Friday March 14 2014 Project is not completed and presented on Friday March 14 2014