Physics 2009-11 Assessment Plan Outcome 1 Measurable Criteria Measurement Tool Time Frame Students in physics classes will demonstrate computational skills. Computational skills will be evaluated each quarter of 2009-2010 in both algebra and calculus based physics classes in order to establish a base line. College Wide Computational Rubric. Computational skills will be base-lined during the 2009-2010 year for both the algebra-based and the calculus-based physics sequence by analyzing questions from the finals using the computation rubric. Strategies will be identified and implemented to improve computational skills. After implementation of skill enhancing exercises during the 2010-2011 year, computational skills will again be evaluated to test for improvement in computational skills. Each quarter in all physics classes, several of the questions on the final will be analyzed using at least two of the three outcomes of the computation rubric. Data from 2009-2010 will be used to establish a baseline and to provide a guide for what type of exercise might be implemented in 2010-2011. Data from 2010-2011 will determine if the exercises created a measurable increase in computational skills. Natural and Applied Sciences Division The 2009-2010 analysis will then be used to identify specific exercises (in class, home work , take-home quizzes, or in-lab activities) that will be implemented into the curriculum of both physics sequences during 2010-2011. The finals during 20102011 will then be evaluated to see if this exercises increased computational skill using again the computation rubric. Physics 2009-11 Assessment Plan Outcome 2 Measurable Criteria Measurement Tool Time Frame Students in physics classes will continue to demonstrate critical thinking skills that improve over the course of the three quarter physics sequences (both algebra-based and calculus-based). The measure of critical thinking skills with the addition of the critical thinking exercises implemented in 2008-2009 will be done again in 2009-2010 to verify the increase in critical thinking skills that was measured during the 2008-2009 year. The college wide critical thinking rubric, outcomes A, B, and E will be used exactly as in 2008-2009. These will be used to evaluate questions on the finals of each of the three quarters of each physics sequence. 2009-2010 will be a second year of measuring whether the implemented critical thinking exercises do improve student critical thinking skills over the three quarter physics sequences. Either an expanded set of critical thinking exercises or an additional different approach to improving critical thinking will be implemented in 2010-1011. In 2010-2011, either additional critical thinking exercises will be identified and implemented, or some additional approach to helping improve critical thinking skills will be implemented. In 2010-2011, finals will again be analyzed to determine effects of either an expanded or different approach. Natural and Applied Sciences Division