FOOTHILLS UNITARIAN CHURCH PARISH VISITOR PROGRAM Established, Fall 2013 NEED As the congregation embraces ministry as the work of all members, a Parish Visitor Program affords trained and supported members the opportunity to express compassion, enrich their own lives and deepen their own spiritual development. WHAT IS A PARISH VISITOR PROGRAM? It is a lay pastoral ministry that supplements the ordained ministers’ services and outreach to members and friends. Visitors work in collaboration with and under the guidance of the ordained ministers. The goal is to create a more caring community in which members express their interconnectedness and reflect the congregational mission to support one another in times of need and joy. Visitors promote an atmosphere of hope, caring and work to ensure that no member of the church community needs fear being alone. Visitors bring to individuals and families the caring, comfort and knowledge that the Foothills congregation is thinking about them. WHAT DO PARISH VISITORS DO? Through personal visits, phone calls or other requested modes of communication, Visitors listen, converse, support individuals and families. Contacts are requested by individuals or families made to the ordained ministers who pass on the requests to the Visitors. They do not do spiritual or personal counseling. PROPOSE TWO TYPES OF VISITS SHORT TERM VISITS . These Visitors make short-term “follow-up visits” to parishioners recovering at home or in rehabilitation centers from surgery, accidents, etc. and who have already had ministerial contact/support. If the parishioner’s condition evolves into something more long term, the ministers will give further guidance on how visitors can best assist. LONG TERM VISITS. These Visitors commit to the more extended visiting/contact cycle that shut-ins or limited mobility members would appreciate, whether they are in nursing homes, assisted living, or just generally house-bound. QUALIFICATIONS FOR PARISH VISITORS 1. Foothills member and friends of at least six months of involvement in other church activities 2. Compassionate and empathetic listening skills 3. Grounded in their own and respectful of others’ life styles and spirituality 4. Respectful of confidentiality and boundaries 5. Respectful of their own strengths and limitations 6. Comfortable seeking and accepting guidance from minister and program leaders 7. Regular church attendance to know people new and old 8. Reliable, keeps commitments and follow-through 9. Willing to make a two year commitment 10.Available to attend required training and scheduled support meetings SUPERVISION Short and long term Visitors will have a facilitator for first level communication about scheduling, issues, other concerns. The Visitors will meet monthly in small group led by one of the ordained ministers. This small group ministry is designed to provide mutual support, education, updates on community resources, training in new skills, deeper understanding of clients and self, and sustainability in the work of the ministry. Confidentiality will be maintained outside this group. Discreet sharing of needed information will be maintained within the group of Visitors and ministers. APPLICATION PROCESS 1. Application Form 2. Screening of visitor applicants 3. Colorado Bureau of Investigation background check. Fees paid by the Caring Committee. Applicants will sign a release form. 4. A Committee screens applications 5. Interview with one of Foothills’ ministers 6. Initial training INITIAL TRAINING Three hour session. Small group format. Any longer, volunteers are overwhelmed. Fine tuning skills comes with ongoing training. It is important that visitors are volunteering from their concern and heart, not to be problem solvers. The initial session includes listening skills, confidentiality, use of visitation form, making contacts, length of visits, DOs, DO NOTs, time commitment, scheduling/communication procedures, client rights, like right to opt out of continued visits, whom client should contact if not pleased with the Visitor. COMMITMENT Length of commitment: two years Responsibility: At least two to three hours of visiting every other month. In addition, other forms of agreed upon communication. RECRUITMENT Explanation and application in EXTRAS, at table during coffee hour, InterCom ad, word of mouth, communication with a list of interested people, asking specific people we think would be good. Recruitment must be transparent in that everyone knows about the program and process and has a chance to apply. SOURCES The Eugene, OR UU congregation model A 2012 winter Pacific Coast UU District sponsored webinar on Pastoral Associates attended by Marc Salkin, Joy Brill and Kay Hood May 2012 dialogue Joy Brill and Kay Hood had with Pastor John Engle of the Timberline Church in Fort Collins. September 9, 2013 conversation Marc Salkin and Gretchen Haley had with Kate Terrio, “The Parish Visitor” at Plymouth Congregational Church in Fort Collins. September 13, 2013 thoughts and notes from Viski Siska. September 24, 2013 conversation between Gretchen Haley and Rev. Jeanne Shapiro of First Universalist Church, Denver.