UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA COLLEGE OF PUBLIC HEALTH International Experience Program Name: Program Location and Dates: International Travel Checklist Student Name: _______________________________ Student U ID#: _______________________________ □ Orientation □ Preliminary Application □ Purchase of Travel Insurance □ Release & Waiver □ Participant Contract □ Confirm and Photocopy Immunizations, Passport, Visa(s) □ Copy of Flight information Comments: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Revised Spring 2013 PARTICIPANT CONTRACT 1. USF COPH students participating in international experiences agree to conduct themselves in a manner that shows respect and consideration for the countries and institutions they visit, showing courtesy and respect to their hosts and colleagues. Any student participating in an international experience whose behavior is deemed detrimental to the functioning of the program or offensive to the host culture will be subject to dismissal. ____ (initial) 2. USF COPH students participating in international experiences who travel independently during their free time agree to notify their faculty leader of their plans. Students assume responsibility for their personal safety and conduct when engaging in non-USF organized travel and/or activities. ____ (initial) 3. USF COPH international experiences are structured programs where classroom theory is applied in real-world public health work environments, often in resource-poor settings, making the course a significant educational experience. USF COPH students participating in international experiences are strongly discouraged from having non-USF persons accompanying them. ____ (initial) 4. USF COPH students participating in international experiences understand that services taken for granted in the United States, such as telecommunications, might be more difficult to access when abroad. It is also understood that citizens of other countries are strongly committed to the concept of energy conservation. The costs of electricity and other utilities are often very high. Students agree to use electrical appliances and water with discretion. Air conditioning should not be expected. ____ (initial) 5. USF COPH students participating in international experiences understand that while their in-country program hosts will try to accommodate special requirements (such as vegetarian meals), they should not expect the same level of ability to meet or provide such requirements or special services as in the United States. Students agree to make an effort to adapt to the host culture and customs as much as possible. ____ (initial) 6. The possession, use of, or commerce in illegal drugs of any form is in violation of the laws of the host country. USF COPH students participating in international experiences found with any illegal substances will be immediately dismissed from the program and subject to the laws of the host country. ____ (initial) 7. Host sites may have laws pertaining to the sale, possession, and consumption of alcohol which may differ from those that are in the U.S. I agree to abide by all laws (regardless of cultural norms or practices) of their host country and assume personal responsibility and discretion for alcohol use. ____ (initial) 8. USF COPH international experiences generally involve a full schedule requiring students to maintain an active pace. By signing this agreement, students attest to the fact that they are in good physical health and capable of adapting to the rigors of traveling and working in a foreign environment. ____ (initial) 9. Driving in countries outside the United States may be extremely dangerous. Accidents and deaths have resulted from inexperienced drivers attempting to navigate unfamiliar terrain and unfamiliar traffic patterns and driving customs. The University prohibits any driving of any motor vehicle. In addition, no insurance or liability provision is offered by the University for such action. All risk of harm is assumed by the student. ____ (initial) 10. USF COPH students understand that they are responsible for any and all costs arising out of withdrawal from the Revised Spring 2013 program before its completion, including withdrawal caused by illness or disciplinary action. Early withdrawal or dismissal will result in loss of academic credit. ____ (initial) 11. As a U.S Participant, USF COPH I agree to register my U.S. Passport, in-country addresses and telephone numbers with the U.S Embassy/Consulate in the host country, either in person or online. As an International participant, I agree to register with their home country embassy whenever possible. ____ (initial) 12. I agree to communicate all work and travel plans to the person who is the in country host/contact person and provide an itinerary within two weeks before their arrival. I agree to provide any contact information available in case of an emergency. ____ (initial) 13. CISI Health insurance and travel Insurance are required for all student participants, and proof of CISI Insurance must be provided to the IFE Coordinator. I assume the responsibility for exercising caution to minimize health risk and avoid injury. ____ (initial) 14. I expressly authorize contact by University officials to the listed emergency contact in case of emergency as determined by the University ____ (initial) 15. I agree to discuss the need for an IRB with my academic advisor prior to traveling overseas. ____ (initial) I understand that as a USF College of Public Health student, I will be viewed as a representative of my country and my university. I agree to abide by the above stated rules of participation and conduct. (Student’s Signature) (Date) (Student’s Name, Printed) (USF ID Number) Revised Spring 2013 RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK USF COLLEGE OF PUBLIC HEALTH DATES OF PROGRAM: I understand that travelers who go abroad are subject to the hazards of various modes of transportation, forces of nature, acts or omissions of foreign governments, terrorism, war and insurrection, and illness. Likewise, I am aware of the unstable world conditions which might require changes in the program schedule, or cause inconvenience or even harm to me. In consideration of the permission granted by the University of South Florida College of Public Health to participate in the above program, I hereby assume the risk of inconvenience and harm and release the State of Florida, the State Board of Education, the Florida Board of Education, the University of South Florida Board of Trustees and the University of South Florida, as well as the agents, employees, and members of the aforementioned from all actions, causes of actions, damages, claims or demands which I, my heirs, executors, administrators or assigns may have against any and all of the aforementioned for any and all personal injuries known or unknown which I have or may incur by participation in the above stated program and for all damages to my property. By registering to participate in this program, I certify that I am physically and emotionally capable of full participation. I realize that I am responsible for any injuries to persons or property that may be incurred as a result of my participation in this program. The University of South Florida has the authority to establish rules of conduct necessary for the operation of the program during the entire period of the program, including free time. The use of illegal drugs during the entire period of the program is strictly prohibited. Should an official representative of the University decide that a participant must be separated from the program because of violation of stated rules, for disruptive behavior, or for any conduct that might bring the program to disrepute or its participants into legal jeopardy, that decision will be final. Separation from the program will result in the loss of all academic credit. Persons dismissed from the program will remain responsible for all program costs incurred on their behalf. I acknowledge and understand that in the event that I fail to meet a departure, or become sick or injured, I will bear all financial responsibility and understand that I shall bear all costs attendant to contacting and reaching the international program site, or United States destination. I expressly agree that the foregoing Release and Waiver of Liability and Assumption of Risk is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by Florida law and that if any portion thereof is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect. I understand that the University of South Florida requires that I demonstrate that I have adequate medical and evacuation insurance for illness or accidental injury valid outside the United States in consideration of the University of South Florida’s approval of my travel. I, the undersigned, am at least 18 years of age. I have read this Release and Waiver of Liability and Assumption of Risk and understand all of its terms and recognize and accept any risk associated with the program and its conditions. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have executed this Agreement on the day and year first written below. (Student’s Signature) _________________ (Date) (UID#) (CISI Policy Number) (Emergency Contact Name) (Dean’s Signature for High Risk Country) (Relationship) (Phone #) _________________ (Date) Revised Spring 2013 UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA COLLEGE OF PUBLIC HEALTH International Travel Contact Information PRELIMINARY APPLICATION NAME: DATE: EMAIL: CELL PHONE: HOME PHONE: DATES OF PROPOSED TRAVEL: ADDRESS: U-ID# ACADEMIC ADVISOR’S NAME: CONCENTRATION: IS YOUR ACADEMIC ADVISOR AWARE OF THE SITES YOU HAVE IN MIND? ☐ YES ☐ NO ☐ UNKNOWN HAVE YOU DISCUSSED REQUIRED COURSE WORK WITH YOUR ACADEMIC ADVISOR? ☐ YES ☐ NO IN COUNTRY ADDRESS AREAS OF THE WORLD YOU ARE CONSIDERING: PROJECTED SEMESTER FOR INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL: Choose an item. Revised Spring 2013 NAME OF LOCAL CONTACT PERSON / ORGANIZATION : ADDRESS: CITY: COUNTRY: PHONE: EMAIL: DO YOU HAVE A PASSPORT? ☐ YES ☐ NO DO YOU HAVE/ REQUIRE A VISA? ☐ YES ☐ NO DO YOU HAVE ALL YOUR IMMUNIZATIONS (YELLOW WHO CARD)? ☐ YES ☐ NO HAVE YOU PURCHASED HEALTH INSURANCE THROUGH CISI: ☐ YES ☐ NO WHAT FOREIGN LANGUAGES DO YOU SPEAK? LEVEL: ☐ BASIC ☐ WORKING ☐ FLUENT HAVE YOU TRAVELED OR WORKED INTERNATIONALLY? ☐ YES ☐ NO IF YES, PLEASE DESCRIBE: Revised Spring 2013 EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION: NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: EMAIL: Revised Spring 2013