Newsletter - The Highlanders Museum

The Highlanders Museum
(Queen’s Own Highlanders Collection)
From the Boardroom
Welcome to another Newsletter from the Highlanders Museum (Queen’s Own Highlanders
Collection) at Fort George. These newsletters will be produced quarterly and will now only
be distributed electronically rather than by post which was the case with the earlier editions
of Highland Gathering. So if you know of people who are not receiving this please forward
your copy and let us have the person’s email address for future eMail shots.
The first task is to welcome the new Director, John Bailey who many of you will know from
his distinguished time in the Army, firstly with the Queen’s Own Highlanders and then his
commissioned service in the Adjutant General’s Corps. More recently he has been running a
livestock tagging business from Culloden. It is also the moment to thank his predecessor,
Mick Low who managed the transition of the museum through the Refurbishment Project,
managing to keep his head when all around him were losing theirs. The Board gave him and
Irene as a surprise farewell present, whilst he was on holiday in Malta a day out in a winery
with a meal to go with the extensive wine tasting.
The Museum has, thanks to the hard working staff and growing number of volunteers, made
good progress over the summer, indeed better than the Board expected. There have been
considerable “technical” improvements; have you tried the virtual tour on the Museum
website?; there is WiFi throughout the Museum allowing access to the internet and the QR
codes at the entrance to each room (in nine different languages) to allow visitors to better
understand what is in every room. There are now 2600 followers on our Facebook page.
The Collection is the priority over the winter months. We have recently received a most
generous donation of a regimental VC and a generous legacy from a Cameron family will
allow the Board to begin on the priority to digitise the entire Collection – so that you can see
everything wherever you are.
The Seaforth Highlanders Association has also
made a generous donation to the Museum,
which was presented to the Chairman at the
Regimental Association “get together” at the
Museum during the Highland Military Tattoo.
The Chairman accepting a cheque from the Secretary of
the Seaforth Highlanders Association, Mr Eric Munro.
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The Highlanders Museum (Queen’s Own Highlanders Collection), Fort George, Near Inverness, IV2 7TD.
Tel: 0131 310 8702 | | Registered as a Scottish Charity SC042160
The Highlanders Museum
(Queen’s Own Highlanders Collection)
I do hope that you enjoy this newsletter and please let us know how it can be improved
before we update you again in February 2015. Thank you for your interest and support.
Peter Grant Peterkin
From the Director
A warm welcome from the “boiler room” where I started shovelling the coal on 11 August 2014.
There has been a great deal going on at the Museum since our last newsletter so our intention is to
bring you up-to-date with what we have been up to and what is planned ahead.
Social Media
Modern museums need to project their image outside of the building the collection is housed to
attract visitors by whetting their appetite through
social media and their web site. Our old site has
had a makeover and we now have Virtual Tours of
each room, an on-line shop, research request
facilities, events calendar, function rooms hire and
our BLOG page. Please take time to visit our web
page at
Our Facebook page has also
been revamped and is now a vibrant site with over
2,600 followers. We post something new every day
to keep our followers informed of our goings on.
Keep up to date and engage with us on all of our
posts and share with your friends to keep them in
Visit of the A&SH Bn ACF with RSM Alec Chlopuk
touch through our page. Some of our recent
visitors are shown in the photographs in this
section. The A&SH Bn ACF with one of the sons of a
QO Hldr and Paddy Ashdown MP with two of our
veteran volunteers. Remember to Like our page.
Jack McCall, Paddy
Ashdown and Brain
Blackley MBE.
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The Highlanders Museum (Queen’s Own Highlanders Collection), Fort George, Near Inverness, IV2 7TD.
Tel: 0131 310 8702 | | Registered as a Scottish Charity SC042160
The Highlanders Museum
(Queen’s Own Highlanders Collection)
Over the next 18 months our plan is to digitise the collection and a great deal of preparatory work
needs to be done in the quieter winter months to begin this mammoth task. More on the progress
of this in future newsletters.
Highland Military Tattoo
The Tattoo took place at the beginning of September and was a huge success bringing in a large
number of visitors to the Museum. Read more in the Business Managers report. The 2015 Tattoo is
to take place between 11-13th Sep 15.
Victoria Cross
There were 632 VC’s won in the First World War and Central Government has funded the placing of
a paving stone in the town where the winner on of the VC was born or had lived. I had the privilege
to attend Pte Ross Tollerton’s ceremony in Irvine at
the beginning of October. His medals were loaned
to the Irvine Burns Club for display during October.
The Lord Lieutenant, John L Duncan QPM with
Provost Jim Todd and Joan Sturgeon and Terry
Galloway, the descendant of Ross Tollerton
Private Tollerton won the VC while serving with the 1st
Camerons during the Battle of the Aisne. The citation read:
‘For most conspicuous bravery and devotion to duty on 14th September 1914, at
the Battle of the Aisne. He carried a wounded officer under heavy fire, as far as
he was able, into a place of greater safety; then, although himself wounded in the
head and hand, he struggled back to the firing line, where he remained until his
battalion retired, when he returned to the wounded officer, and lay beside him
for three days until they were both rescued’.
Winter events
We are planning various winter events to attract locals to the Museum. A Winter
Fayre is planned and various talks scheduled. Watch Facebook and our Web site
for details.
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The Highlanders Museum (Queen’s Own Highlanders Collection), Fort George, Near Inverness, IV2 7TD.
Tel: 0131 310 8702 | | Registered as a Scottish Charity SC042160
The Highlanders Museum
(Queen’s Own Highlanders Collection)
Museum Funding
You will all be aware that the Museum is a registered Charity and as such requires funding to survive
in these times of austerity. There are different ways to make donations, Our Friends of the Museum
Scheme, Text a Donation, Sponsor a room, case or artefact or just send us a donation via post. See
the back page of the newsletter for further information.
John Bailey
From the Business Manager
The last 6 months at the Highlanders’ Museum have certainly been busy not only with tourists but
with many events engaging the local community, clans, interest groups and local businesses.
The 1st of April saw the start of the summer opening hours. Lt Col Alistair Cummings
was on hand to say a few words to formally open the Museum for the summer season
and we were also lucky to have the 3 SCOTS pipes and drums in attendance to play a
few tunes to mark the occasion.
Lt Col Cummings opening
the Museum for the
summer season.
That evening the Museum also played host
to almost 150 people who had been invited
to a talk on Churchill’s Secret Army. Guests
enjoyed small eats and drinks in the Museum
before making their way to the Chapel to
enjoy an interesting and informative talk
given by Gilly Halcrow.
Members of 3 SCOTS Pipes and Drums along with their highland
dancers at the official opening for the summer season.
During May the Museum held a “behind the
scenes” event in conjunction with the
Inverness Chamber of Commerce. The event
was held to give local businesses exclusive
access to the Museum as well as sneak peek
at the many treasures held in our reserve
Members of the Inverness Chamber of Commerce enjoying
the “behind the scenes” event.
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The Highlanders Museum (Queen’s Own Highlanders Collection), Fort George, Near Inverness, IV2 7TD.
Tel: 0131 310 8702 | | Registered as a Scottish Charity SC042160
The Highlanders Museum
(Queen’s Own Highlanders Collection)
Many of the attendees, who lived locally, had
never visited the Museum. This event really
helped to raise awareness of the Museum
within the local business community who were
certainly impressed by what they had seen.
More guests from the “behind the
scenes” event.
June saw the launch of a fully funded Museum marketing campaign with a view to raising the
Museum’s profile as a venue for special events.
There were 2 photo shoots organised to promote the Museum. The
first photo shoot focused on the Museum and the Fort as a venue, with
internal and external shots taken of the Museum and Chapel as well as
pictures on the grass parade and under the arches.
The second photo shoot
featured a pony and trap with
the main focus on the
wedding market.
The pictures taken will be
used to promote the Museum via
our website, social media and a
varietyof printed materials.
A selection of pictures
from our recent
marketing campaign.
Visits from the Clan Munro and 7SCOTS kept the Musuem
staff busy in July. Over 200 members of the Clan Munro
visted the Museum at the end of July. Clan members, who
had travelled from the UK, France, United States and Canada, were treated to guided tours by our
very experienced and knowledgeable staff and volunteers.
One of the many pictures taken during
the wedding photo shoot.
Kirstin Mackay
Business Manager
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The Highlanders Museum (Queen’s Own Highlanders Collection), Fort George, Near Inverness, IV2 7TD.
Tel: 0131 310 8702 | | Registered as a Scottish Charity SC042160
The Highlanders Museum
(Queen’s Own Highlanders Collection)
From the Curator
Between May and Mid October the museum has received 783 artefacts from 107 donors! The
artefacts range from humble thought provoking First
World War letters and Diaries, Uniform relating to the
Queen’s Own Highlanders and The Highlanders, to
medals that families have proudly donated to us because
they rightly believe that “they are coming home”
Adrian Harvey donated digital scans of photographs from
the Andrew Patterson Collection which show both
Seaforth Highlanders and Queen’s Own Cameron
During Historic Scotland’s Celebration of the Centuries
weekend, the Historic Saltire Society presented the
museum with a framed calligraphy of John McRae’s
Letters written home by Lt R M MacDonald, 1 Bn
Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders. Lt
MacDonald was KIA on 2 November 1914.
Dawn Burgoyne, Historic Saltire Society
presenting one of her own calligraphy
artworks to the museum.
“Flanders Fields"
A copy of James Grant’s book “Dear Susan” was
brought to the museum by his daughters from
Canada. James served with 2nd Lovat Scouts during
World War I, and then immigrated to Canada. He
wrote the book for his Granddaughter so she could
carry on the family story. A copy of the book was
also given to the Wick Museum. The family are now
in touch with a niece from the Wick area after she
saw the book and made the family connection.
In May, with the help of some of the volunteers, I took over the
Rotary Charity Shop in Inverness City Centre. The main purpose
was to recruit new volunteers to the team. We had a very
successful week and as well as recruiting new volunteers and
promoting the museum to a wider audience, we managed to
raise £2000 for the good and benefit of the Museum.
Mike Galleitch organising
the Rotary Charity Shop.
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The Highlanders Museum (Queen’s Own Highlanders Collection), Fort George, Near Inverness, IV2 7TD.
Tel: 0131 310 8702 | | Registered as a Scottish Charity SC042160
The Highlanders Museum
(Queen’s Own Highlanders Collection)
August 2014 saw the start of the
Commemorations of the First World War. Mike
Galleitch, museum volunteer, enhanced our first
temporary exhibition on the run up to the war
with the building of a “dug out”. This is enjoyed
by all visitors and it has been commented that it
adds atmosphere to the room. Just beware of the
rats when you visit!
At this time, we have been able to assist groups
within the Highlands with uniform and other
artefacts so that they can enhance their local
exhibitions, which have encouraged their own
communities to come together and remember
their own local men. Inverness British Legion,
Ardross Heritage Centre and Evanton
Commemorative Group were among the very
successful events which were held. A performance of “Oh What a lovely War” was successfully
staged in Inverness by The Florians Theatre. Trevor Nicol, Director of the performance has
volunteered at the Museum in the past so knew we would be more than willing to assist with
soldier’s anecdotes and military uniforms.
"The Dug Out".
I was privileged to be invited to the Commemorations held at Glasgow Cathedral on the 4th of
August. This service was attended by Prince Charles, David Cameron, Alex Salmond and
Commonwealth Heads of Government as well as veterans, cadets and families of Service Men (past
and present). The Service was beautifully delivered but was very emotional. I was especially
touched by a reading by a local youth in which she described her visit to the battlefields and the
graves of the fallen. This experience will live with her forever.
We will remember them........
This year has seen a growth in enquires received by the research
department. Our volunteer researchers have been working hard to
keep up with the demand. We are now members of
and have purchased the First World War Medal Roll DVD from the
Naval Military Press which enhances the service that we provide.
Volunteers, Sheddie Carr and Peter McLoughlin have been
meticulously cataloguing the photograph archive with a view to
reorganising the photograph collection so it is more accessible and is
stored by time period as well as
Volunteer, Colin Campbell
Regiment. Their commitment and
working on one of the many
enquiries that we have
dedication was validated by the Curator
of the Scottish Football Museum at
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The Highlanders Museum (Queen’s Own Highlanders Collection), Fort George, Near Inverness, IV2 7TD.
Tel: 0131 310 8702 | | Registered as a Scottish Charity SC042160
The Highlanders Museum
(Queen’s Own Highlanders Collection)
Hampden Park when he contacted us for Regimental football photographs and was supplied with
more albums and photographs than he possibly expected. This just goes to show the new
cataloguing system works!
Finally, I was honoured on behalf of the Trustees of The Highlanders Museum
to present Captain Mick Low MBE and wife, Irene with a tour and wine tasting
at the Meridiana Wine Estate in Malta along with life time membership to the
museum. Mick and Irene spent a month in Malta to celebrate his retirement
before returning home to reality. I have now coerced Mick into becoming a
volunteer in our Archive department, which he has been happy to undertake
for one day a week.
Captain Mick Low MBE
enjoying the good life!
From the Education and Outreach Officer
The last 6 months have been productive, busy and very exciting in the education and exhibitions
department. The season opened in April with a new temporary exhibition to commemorate 70 years
since the Battle of Kohima. It was somewhat refreshing to spend time working with and researching
an aspect of our World War Two collections, given that most of our time over the last two years has
been spent on First World War projects to
commemorate the centenary. This small exhibition was
well-received, not least by the person who officially
opened it – Brig Nick Ridley, whose grandfather played a
significant role in the battle.
In August, the second in our series of WW1 temporary
exhibitions opened. This latest one focuses on the early
battles of the Great War and features some poignant
objects and archives, mainly pertaining to the “Old
Contemptibles” of the Seaforth and Cameron
Highlanders, and the role they played in the opening
months of the conflict. Curating this exhibition was
fascinating, and it has also been satisfying to get many
objects from our First World War collection out on
display, many of which have never before been publicly
displayed. This exhibition has been greatly enhanced by
the creation of a realistic representation of a WW1
dugout. This was the work of one of our talented and
creative volunteers, Mike Galleitch.
First World War Dugout created by
volunteer, Mike Galleitch
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The Highlanders Museum (Queen’s Own Highlanders Collection), Fort George, Near Inverness, IV2 7TD.
Tel: 0131 310 8702 | | Registered as a Scottish Charity SC042160
The Highlanders Museum
(Queen’s Own Highlanders Collection)
As you can imagine, school groups are the education department’s bread and butter, and we are the
busiest we have ever been! We have had visits from many local schools this term including Inverness
Royal Academy and Farr Primary School, all of whom have been keen to utilise our excellent learning
resources and collection to help educate their pupils about the two World Wars. We now also
provide an outreach service which is steadily growing in popularity as schools become more aware
of the service.
School holidays are not a rest time for the
education department, as we gear up for family
craft activities and events during these times.
Pupils from Aviemore Primary School explore the WW1
Gallery as part of their workshop
One child with his finished medal at our
“melting medals” workshop.
This summer was no different, as children
Children enjoying one of the family craft activities
visiting the Museum were kept entertained by
that take place in the Museum during the school
the array of craft activities that we had on
offer. This year our “melting medals” workshop
proved to be a firm favourite, and will be back by popular demand for the upcoming “tattie
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The Highlanders Museum (Queen’s Own Highlanders Collection), Fort George, Near Inverness, IV2 7TD.
Tel: 0131 310 8702 | | Registered as a Scottish Charity SC042160
The Highlanders Museum
(Queen’s Own Highlanders Collection)
The last few months have seen a number of partnership projects come to successful fruition. In our
joint project with Eden Court – “A Century
Untold”, we worked with a group of young
people, helping them to research their family
war stories, local war stories, and stories
from the Museum archive. They then worked
with Eden Court to turn these stories into a
first-class performance which they delivered
to an audience of 200 people in Fort George!
An exhibition about the stories behind the
artistic licence is currently on display in the
Museum and will run into the New Year.
Another new partnership we developed this
year was with the Nairn Book and Arts
Festival. We ran a joint WW1 poetry
Members of the Eden Court Collective during a research visit to competition for which had over 200
the Museum. They turned the stories they researched into a first entrants we had our work cut out
choosing a winner! The winning poems and
class performance in Fort George
runners up from each category are on
display in the Museum. We have also created a special chapbook with some of the poems which is
on sale in the Museum shop.
In addition to the poetry competition, we also hosted a
special Book Festival event in the Museum when
retired orthopaedic surgeon, Tom Scotland delivered a
talk about war surgery during the First World War. The
partnership with the Nairn Festival has been very
positive in helping us to engage with a local audience,
and play a role in a high profile local event. We are
already in discussions with the Festival Committee
about how we can link up next year, so watch this
space for some activities relating the battle of
A display case which forms part of our latest exhibition “A
Century Untold”. This was joint project with Eden Court
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The Highlanders Museum (Queen’s Own Highlanders Collection), Fort George, Near Inverness, IV2 7TD.
Tel: 0131 310 8702 | | Registered as a Scottish Charity SC042160
The Highlanders Museum
(Queen’s Own Highlanders Collection)
In addition to Tom Scotland’s War Surgery talk, we have also held a talk as part of the Highland
Archaeological Festival in October. Local metal detector, Eric Soane, delivered a talk about his
archaeological finds in and around Fort George.
We were pleased that we got a good turnout of local people for this interesting talk, and hope to
develop a more comprehensive
talk programme for next year.
Keep checking our website and
Facebook pages as we have a
number of super-exciting projects
in the pipeline. We have also
secured funding for a travelling
exhibition and outreach project to
run from March 2015 to June
2016. This will see me taking to
the far-flung Highland roads to
bring some our fantastic collection
and resources to some of the
more remote schools and
Eric Soane presenting his talk about his archaeological finds in
and around Fort George
Lynsey Easton
Education and Outreach Officer
From the Front of House
Welcome from the Front of House and “Hectors
Shop”. The shop’s name was decided from the
results of a competition run earlier in the year to
name the shop and David Anderson from
Edinburgh came up with the winning entry –
Hectors. David’s winning entry was derived from
his Fathers cap badge nickname, which was of
course Hector! The name aptly suited the shop and it was a good story to go with it! The prize for
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The Highlanders Museum (Queen’s Own Highlanders Collection), Fort George, Near Inverness, IV2 7TD.
Tel: 0131 310 8702 | | Registered as a Scottish Charity SC042160
The Highlanders Museum
(Queen’s Own Highlanders Collection)
the winning entry was a £50.00 voucher for our online shop. David was delighted with his prize and
that the name kept a connection with his dad. Congratulations to David.
Hectors has two outlets, the shop within the Museum and the online shop
www.thehighlandersmuseum/com/store where members of the Regimental family and visitors alike
can browse through our vast array of products and gifts. A list of some of the Regimental items we
sell is attached for the loyal members of the Regimental family who regularly shop with us is.
Hectors is fast gaining a first class reputation for customer service, quality goods and excellent staff.
The Front of House will be undergoing a major
facelift over the coming months ready for the next
season. During the coming Winter Season we will be
very active revamping the shopping area and
All items available in the shop and on line
entrance hall, that will include Hector’s own logo,
new products, and a change in the shop layout to
add to the visitors shopping experience in the Museum. We now sell hot and cold drinks in the shop
which are very popular. This background work, all done in the quieter season, will ensure that next
season will run smoothly no matter how busy we get.
Hectors are the sole stockists of the Regimental whisky, Cuidich n’ Righ, a ten year old single malt
whisky from the Spey Valley. The Highland Tattoo and
MV Loch Seaforth whisky are also exclusive to
We supply a large range of engraved crystal from Burns
Crystal – whisky, brandy, wine, dram glasses and decanter sets are just some of the range available.
They make excellent gifts for all occasions, at a very competitive price.
Regimental cufflinks, ties, tie grips and lapel badges are always
in demand from our regimental family as are glengarries, cap
badges and hackles. A museum brooch has also been added to
our range.
This year has seen the addition of coloured polo shirts to our range. Red, light blue and bottle green
along with a white polo shirt that have all been very popular with the golfers amongst you! We have
heard that they can improve your game!
In honour of the 100th anniversary of The Great War, Hectors has been stocking commemorative
items, including pin badges, tea towels, fridge magnets, mugs and medals.
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The Highlanders Museum (Queen’s Own Highlanders Collection), Fort George, Near Inverness, IV2 7TD.
Tel: 0131 310 8702 | | Registered as a Scottish Charity SC042160
The Highlanders Museum
(Queen’s Own Highlanders Collection)
This year we took delivery of Regimental plaques. Handmade in Scotland, these have been
extremely popular and continue to sell steadily. They are a high quality, Scottish product at a very
competitive price. An ideal Christmas present!
Alyson Henry
Retail Manager
Cuidich N'righ Whisky
Seaforth Whisky 70cl
Tattoo Whisky
Whisky Glasses set of 2
Burns Crystal Dram Glasses
Crystal Water Jug
Brandy Glasses set of 2
Night Cap Decanter Set
Crystal Piper Figure
QO Hldrs Sweatshirt
QO Hldrs Polo Shirt
QO Hldrs Tie Grip
Camerons Smll Blazer Buttons
Camerons Smll 3D Buttons
Seaforth Sweatshirt
Seaforth Poloshirt
Seaforth Cufflinks
Seaforth Tie Grip
Seaforth Lapel Badge
Seaforth Lrge Blazer Buttons
Seaforth Smll Blazer Buttons
Seaforth Tie Poly
The Cockney Highlander
Highlanders Museum
Highlanders Museum Poloshirt
Highlander Museum T-shirt
Stag candle pins set of 3
The Sands of Kuwait CD
Gulf Medal Mini
1939-45 Star
Burma Star Mini
Defence Medal Mini
War Medal 1939 - 45 Mini
Claymore Letter Opener
Waterloo Mini Medal
QO Hldrs Cufflinks
QO Hldrs Lapel Badge
QO Hldrs Lrge Blazer Buttons
QO Hldrs Small Blazer Button
QO Hldrs Large Domed Buttons
QO Hldrs Small Domed Buttons
QO Hldrs Polyester Tie
Blue Hackle
QO Hldrs Blazer Badge
QO Hldrs Placemat & Coaster
QO Hldrs Fabric Wallet
QO Hldrs Keyring
QO Hldrs Friend Brooch
QO Hldrs Friend Tie
Robert Burns
Camerons Sweatshirt
Cameron Polo Shirt
Camerons Tie Grip
Camerons Cufflinks
Cameron Lapel Badge
Victory Medal
1914 -15 Star Mini Medal
British War Medal Mini
Crimea Mini Medal
Victoria Cross Mini
Military Cross Mini
Distinguished Conduct Mini
WW1 Remembrance Medal
Centenary Pin Badge
Hldrs Silk Tie
Page 13 of 17
The Highlanders Museum (Queen’s Own Highlanders Collection), Fort George, Near Inverness, IV2 7TD.
Tel: 0131 310 8702 | | Registered as a Scottish Charity SC042160
The Highlanders Museum
(Queen’s Own Highlanders Collection)
Camerons Large Blazer Buttons
QO Hldrs Staff Badge
Page 14 of 17
The Highlanders Museum (Queen’s Own Highlanders Collection), Fort George, Near Inverness, IV2 7TD.
Tel: 0131 310 8702 | | Registered as a Scottish Charity SC042160
The Highlanders Museum
(Queen’s Own Highlanders Collection)
How do I support The Highlanders Museum (Queen’s Own Highlanders Collection)
You can donate in the following ways:
Name a Display Case:
Ground Floor (£5,000)
First Floor (£1,500)
Top Floor (£500)
Print Clearly the name /dedication you would like on your plaque (max 45 chars)
Name a Room:
Please send me details
Adopt an Artefact: £250
Please send me details
Gift Aid it: Please treat this
donation to the Highlanders Museum
Ltd as Gift Aid. We can claim and extra
£0.25 on every pound. You must be UK
tax payer
Make a general donation
I would like to donate £
Contact Details:
Name and/or Company Name
Address and Post Code
Telephone No
eMail Address
Payment Details:
Credit/Debit Card £____________
Card Number
Issue No Switch only
Start Date
Expiry Date
Or you can donate on the web site:
Page 15 of 17
The Highlanders Museum (Queen’s Own Highlanders Collection), Fort George, Near Inverness, IV2 7TD.
Tel: 0131 310 8702 | | Registered as a Scottish Charity SC042160
The Highlanders Museum
(Queen’s Own Highlanders Collection)
Standard £10
Joint £15
Family £30
Life £250
Payment Details
I would like to give by
Standing Order
Cheques payable to the “Highlanders’ Museum Ltd”
Gift Aid it: Please treat this donation to
the Highlanders Museum Ltd as Gift Aid.
We can claim and extra £0.25 on every
pound. You must be UK tax payer
Page 16 of 17
The Highlanders Museum (Queen’s Own Highlanders Collection), Fort George, Near Inverness, IV2 7TD.
Tel: 0131 310 8702 | | Registered as a Scottish Charity SC042160
The Highlanders Museum
(Queen’s Own Highlanders Collection)
Standing Order Mandate
To: (Your Bankers Name) __________________________________________
Sort Code:
Post Code:
Please pay the Royal Bank of Scotland, 29 Harbour Road, Inverness, IV1 1NU (Sort Code 83-23-10)
for credit of the Highlanders’ Musuem Ltd, Account number 10538338 the sum of:
(Words)_______________________ (Figures)________________ commencing on ______________
and thereafter the same sum Annually
notice in writing.
(Tick as required) until I give
Account Name to be debited:___________________________________________
Account Number:_____________________________________________________
Signed:__________________________________ Date:_____________________
Page 17 of 17
The Highlanders Museum (Queen’s Own Highlanders Collection), Fort George, Near Inverness, IV2 7TD.
Tel: 0131 310 8702 | | Registered as a Scottish Charity SC042160