
Graduate School, Chulalongkorn University
Application Form for
Overseas Academic Presentation Scholarship for Graduate Students
Mr./Mrs/Miss…………………………………….Last Name…..……………………………………
 Master’s  PhD student
Student ID……………………………. Year Status …………………….…
Phone…………………………. E-mail Address: …………………………………………………………..
A PhD studentship under  100th Anniversary Chulalongkorn University Fund
 H.M. King Bhumipol Adulyadet’s 72nd Birthday Anniversary
 Neither
I wish to apply for Overseas Academic Presentation Scholarship for Graduate Students
with the following details:
1. Approved Dissertation Title …………………………………………………………………………...
2. Thesis/Dissertation Advisor………………..…………………..………………………………………
Thesis/Dissertation Co-Advisor…………….…….…………………..…………………..……………
3. Conference/Symposium Title …………..……..……………..…………………..…………………….
4. Hosting Organization …………………..…………………..…………………..………………………
5. Venue…………..…………………..…………………..…………………..…………………………
6. Period …………..………………..…………………..…………………..……………………………
7. Title of paper to be presented………………..…………………..…………………..…………………
8.  Oral Presentation
 Poster Presentation
9. Presentation Duration……..…………………..…………………..……………………………………
10. Conference/Symposium Website …………..……..………………………..………………………….
11. Manuscript or full paper to be presented, with document in 12.4, has been
 submitted  accepted  published on ……………………….(date) in
 a journal………………………………………….  proceedings of conference/symposium
where the journal or proceedings is categorized in a database of
 ISI with journal impact factor of ……………
12. Attached Documents
 12.1 Acceptance letter/email showing to be part of the Oral/Poster presentation
 has been included here  will be submitted later before payment claim
 12.2 Conference/Symposium details (Daily program and registration rates)
 12.3 Abstract of paper to be presented
 12.4 Manuscript or full paper has been submitted, accepted or published in a journal or
proceedings categorized in ISI or SCOPUS database
 12.5 An evidence showing that above journal or proceedings categorized in ISI or SCOPUS database.
 12.6 Expenses estimations within the amount of financial support
 12.7 Authorized thesis/dissertation proposal
(Signed) ……………………………………….. Applicant
Note Student must process the application via the Program and Faculty to the Graduate School at least 30 days before the presentation.
Thesis/Dissertation Advisor’s Comments
(Please comment on the quality of the thesis/dissertation, the progress of the writing and in which
part of the thesis/dissertation is to be presented, including the level of significance of the
conference/symposium that the student is going to participate and present the project)
(Signed) …………………………………………….
Head of Department/Director of Program or Interdisciplinary’s Comments
The department/interdisciplinary program has agreed to support the applicant for his/her presentation
for …….. % of the amount of not over than financial support announced by Graduate School.
(Signed) …………………………………………….
Dean’s Comments
The faculty/college has agreed to support the applicant for his/her presentation for …….. % of the
amount of not over than financial support announced by Graduate School.
(Signed) …………………………………………….
1. The financial support announced by Graduate School is not over than 40,000 THB for a master’s degree
student and 60,000 THB for a PhD student.
2. Graduate School will support 100% for a PhD student under the following scholarships:
i) The 100th Anniversary Chulalongkorn University Fund for Doctoral Scholarship or
ii) H.M. King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s 72nd Birthday Anniversary Scholarship
3. Graduate School will support 50% of the total amount, and another 50% will be paid by the applicant’s
faculty and/or program.
Expenses approximation for Overseas Academic Presentation Scholarship for Graduate Students
Written at the Graduate School, CU
Date ……………………………………………
Mr./Mrs/Miss…………………………………….Last Name…..…………………………………………..…
 Master’s  PhD student
Student ID…………………… Department/Program………………………..
Faculty ……………………………………. Phone …………………….. E-mail ………………………….
Conference/Symposium Title ………………..……………………………………..…………………………
Conference/Symposium Period ………………………………………………………………………………..
1. Registration fees as charged: ………………… (local currency)
no over than  18,000 THB for PhD
 15,000 THB for Master’s
Currency Exchange Rates …………………THB/ 1 ……..
2. Daily allowance and accommodation for not over than 3 days: ……….. days
 4,000 THB/day for PhD
 3,000 THB/day for Master’s
Amount/ THB
(In case that the registration fee includes accommodation, allowance is 1,500 THB / day)
3. Airplane Transportation Fees as charged in Economy Class
not over than  30,000 THB for PhD
 16,000 THB for Master’s
Total Amount of Expenses not over than
 60,000 THB for PhD
 40,000 THB for Master’s
(Signed) ……………………………………….. Applicant
ส่ งกลุ่มภารกิจคลัง พัสดุ และงบประมาณ
Graduate School, Chulalongkorn University
Payment Claim Form for
Overseas Academic Presentation Scholarship for Graduate Students
(within 20 days after the end of the conference/symposium)
I, Mr./Mrs/Miss…………………………. Last Name…..…………………………………………….
 Master’s  PhD student Student ID…………………… Department/Program………………………….
Faculty ……………………………………. Phone …………………….. E-mail …………………………..
received a support for Overseas Academic Presentation Scholarship for Graduate Students that the
conference/symposium was held at the country of ……………………….. and city/state …………………..
from date ………………………………………. to ………………………………………………………….
I already attended and wish to claim for expense payment as the following items.
 For PhD Program Student: in the amount of not over than 60,000 THB
………………. THB
………………. THB
1. Registration fees as charged; not over than 18,000 THB
2. Daily allowance and accommodation: Only 4,000 THB/day for ….. days)
(In case that the registration fee includes accommodation, allowance is 1,500 THB/day)
3. Airplane Transportation Fees as charged in Economy Class:
not over than 30,000 THB
 For Master’s Program Student: in the amount of not over than 40,000 THB
1. Registration fees as charged; not over than 15,000 THB
2. Daily allowance and accommodation: Only 3,000 THB/day for ….. days)
………………. THB
………………. THB
………………. THB
………………. THB
(In case that the registration fee includes accommodation, allowance is 1,500 THB/day)
3. Airplane Transportation Fees as charged in Economy Class:
not over than 16,000 THB
The expense payment will be paid
 100 % by Graduate School
 50 % by Graduate School and
….% by my faculty and
…. % by my program
………………. THB
………………. THB
………………. THB
………………. THB
………………. THB
………………. THB
The following documents are included.
 1. Registration Receipt and included with the one of these documents
 1.1 In case of paying via a credit card, enclose Credit card invoice
 1.2 In case of paying via a bank transferring, enclose Bank transfer slip
 1.3 In case of paying at the conference, enclose the information of Currency Exchange Rates
issued by the Bank of Thailand, one day before conference/symposium period.
 2. Airplane Ticket Receipt of Economy Class or E-ticket and also Boarding pass
 3. Accommodation Receipt issued by the hotel
 4. Payment Certificate for Daily Allowance
 5. Transportation Report
 6. Overseas Academic Presentation Report
(Please check all 6 documents before submitting your payment claim)
I prefer the Graduate School to pay in the name of  mine (Scholarship Recipient)
 my thesis/dissertation advisor and also cross a line with  A/C PAYEE ONLY  & CO. (If not specify,
the Graduate School will pay in the name of the recipient and cross a line with “A/C PAYEE ONLY”.
(Signed) ……………………………………….. Recipient
Thesis/Dissertation Advisor’s Comments
(Signed) ……………………………………….. Thesis/Dissertation Advisor
Payment Certificate for
Overseas Academic Presentation Scholarship for Graduate Students
Written at the Graduate School, CU
Date …………………………………………….
I, Mr./Mrs/Miss…………………………………….Last
Address ………………………Road………………………..District………………………………………….
Province………………………………………….Zip Code
I already received scholarship money from Graduate School as these following items.
Amount / THB
1. Registration Fees as charged
 18,000 THB for PhD
 15,000 THB for Master’s
Currency Exchange Rates …………………THB/ 1 ……..
2. Daily allowance and accommodation for not over than 3 days: ……….. days
 4,000 THB/day for PhD
 3,000 THB/day for Master’s
(In case that the registration fee includes accommodation, allowance is 1,500 THB / day)
3. Airplane Transportation Fees as charged in Economy Class
not over than  30,000 THB for PhD
 16,000 THB for Master’s
Total Amount of Expenses not over than
 60,000 THB for PhD
 40,000 THB for Master’s
Total Amount in Word (…………………………………………………………………)
I hereby certify that I asked for actual payment claim as shown in the Transportation Report
(Signed) ……………………………………….. Recipient
(Signed) ……………………………………….. Payer
Transportation Report for Overseas Academic Presentation
(Attachment to Payment Claim)
I, Mr./Mrs/Miss…………………………. Last Name…..…………………………………………
 Master’s  PhD student
Student ID…………………… Department/Program………………………..
Faculty ……………………………………, have received a support for Overseas Academic Presentation
Scholarship for Graduate Students that the conference/symposium was held at the country of
……………………….. and city/state of ………………. I departed from Thailand on an airline/airway
flight No. of ……… and a travel route of ………….. ……. …………………………….. (city-to-city) with
a departure time of………, and took a return flight from …………………… (city) with an airline/airway
flight No. of ……… and a travel route of ………….. ……. …………………………… (city-to-city) with a
Thailand arrival time of………. Total period of presentation is for …..days ……hours with the travel details
as following:
Travel Details
Signed…………………………………… Recipient
Note Please record each day from the day of departure until your return to Thailand
Overseas Academic Presentation Report
1. Mr./Mrs/Miss…………………………. Last Name…..…………………………………………
 Master’s  PhD student
Student ID…………………… Department/Program………………………..
Faculty ……………………………………, have received a support for Overseas Academic Presentation
Scholarship for Graduate Students for  Oral Presentation  Poster Presentation
Thesis/Dissertation Title ……………………………………………………………………………….
Conference/Symposium Title ………………………………………………………………………….
Hosting Organization …………………..…………………..…………………..………………………
From (date) …………………………………to …………………………Total Days ………………
Conference/Symposium Report (Type in the following assigned topics)
2. Details of conference/symposium
2.1 Topics of conference/symposium programs (Main topics and sub topics)
2.2 Participants (number, country etc.) and conference/symposium style
2.3 Academic Presentations in the conference/symposium
- Comments on the oral presentation by guest/invited speakers (Ex. interesting topics)
- Report on the recipient presentation and presentation’s outcome.
- Comments on recipient presentation by other participants
2.4 Academic important issues granted from the conference/symposium.
3. Summary and benefits granted from the conference/symposium
3.1 Academic progress on research or thesis/dissertation
3.2 Problem solving methodology for research or thesis/dissertation
3.3 Continuation from research or thesis/dissertation (if applicable)
4. Other suggestions or comments that would be benefits for public
5. The recipient will share the knowledge and expertise gained from the conference/symposium or
presentation by a mean of
 oral presentation  seminar  others, please specify ………………………….……….
within 6 months after the end of the conference/symposium and will report the outcome of the procedure to
Graduate School within 1 month after the distribution, and will also report the publishing outcome of
accepted manuscript/full paper in a journal or proceedings within 1 month after acceptance.
……..……………………………………….. Recipient
6.Advisor’s Comments
The department will support the recipient to share the knowledge and expertise gained from the
……..……………………………………….. Advisor