Self-Contained Program - Brookwood High School

Self-Contained Program Overviews
Brookwood High School
Level 1 Autism Program
The general objective of the Level 1 ASD class is to increase independence within each of
our students. Students’ IEP goals and objectives are incorporated into everyday learning, as well
as, areas of Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies. Access to the general curriculum is
supported at an introductory and modified level. The skills the students will be learning are
Functional Academics, Vocational/Community Skills, Leisure Skills, and Home Living/Self Help Skills.
Functional Academics, in the classroom, are activities that include identifying coin and dollar
amounts, putting together a daily calendar, and learning our own names and friends names in our
class. Vocational/Community Skills are skills students learn though job sites in the community and
by participating in pre-vocational skills within the classroom. Skills and activities include wiping
tables, shopping, and leisure activities within the community setting. The activities are based on
student IEP goals and objectives and are designed to increase independence in community and
school environments. Leisure skills are individual and group activities that engage students in
interactions through APE (Adaptive Physical Education) and Special Olympics Events. Home Living
Skills/Self Help skills are skills that engage students in household tasks (making simple meals,
washing dishes, etc…) and daily living activities (self-grooming) that are done on regular basis to
improve the students’ independence.
Level 2 Autism Program
The general objective of the Level 2 ASD class is to teach students skills which will help
them be as successful and as independent as possible after graduation. The areas addressed on a
regular basis include: Access to the General Curriculum, Functional Academics, Vocational Skills,
Community Skills, Social/Behavioral Skills, and Daily Living Skills. In Access to the General
Curriculum, students participate in monthly theme units which address high school level standards
in Math, Science, Social Studies, and Language Arts. Functional Academics are different skills,
mainly in the areas of math and reading, which students will use in their daily lives. Examples of
functional academic skills are counting and using money, telling time, and locating information (like
weather forecasts) both on the internet and in print materials. Students participate in vocational
skill training both at school and in the community. Students work in the school cafeteria doing
custodial and food prep tasks. In the community, students work at a local horse farm and sample
different job tasks at the PAES Lab. Other skills the students practice within the community are
general shopping, ordering, purchasing, and behavior skills. Social and behavioral skills are
addressed throughout the school day. We especially emphasize manners. We are also fortunate
enough to have a Home Living Center in our building which we use to address daily living skills. Our
students participate in a weekly cooking class in which we teach kitchen safety and simple recipes.
We also have a washer and dryer so students can practice laundry skills.
Level 3 Autism Program
The Level 3 Mild ASD Program focuses on modified or heavily accommodated AKS
curriculum with a mixture of functional academics and independent living skills (includes
communication, behavior support, and social skills training). Concrete examples are used to
facilitate abstract skill acquisition. The majority of instruction is provided in a small group (group
size varies) with some large group instruction as determined by the IEP. Some skills are taught via
modeling and social learning. Adult assistance may be needed to support cognitive delays, facilitate
task completion, or when increasing time on task. Students receive direct instruction on how to
appropriately participate in social activities and understand social rules/social norms.
supports are used to encourage more language. Pragmatics and comprehension receive targeted
intervention. The program also provides students with the accommodations they need to complete
General Education Standardized tests.
Level 4 Autism Program
The Level 4 Autism program provides services to students with high functioning autism.
One of the services we provide our students with is a study skills class. The class is designed to
enhance a student's academic performance. Class time is spent on lessons involving test taking,
time management, organization, vocabulary development, reading comprehension, writing skills, and
note taking. Students also work toward enhancing their interpersonal skills with peers and
teachers, learn to use and plan their time wisely, and understand the importance of developing and
implementing short-term and long-term personal, academic, and career goals. Students will utilize
their study skills experience to gain confidence in their academic achievement to meet graduation
Mild Intellectual Disability Program
Brookwood High School serves students with Mild Intellectual Disability eligibilities in many
different settings. The students that are served in the self-contained setting are focused on
access to grade level AKS academics that are presented at their individual levels of functioning.
These students also focus on community and vocational training out in the community on a weekly
basis, and in the school setting on a daily basis. Our students with Mild Intellectual Disabilities also
have deficits in adaptive behavior or daily living skills. These deficits are addressed through direct
instruction in the small group setting. As students mature within our program it is our goal for them
to build their knowledge base and independence so that they will be contributing members of our
local community. The current mission for our self-contained program is to support and train our
students with Mild Intellectual Disabilities so that they are prepared as they exit the school
system to successful integrate into our local community and/or support systems.
Moderate Intellectual Disability Program
The MOID program serves students with moderate intellectual disabilities. Our students
work on a modified AKS curriculum in which they receive access to the subject areas associated
with each student's particular grade level. Our program also focuses on communication skills, daily
living skills, vocational skills, life skills, and the application of functional academic skills in a selfcontained setting. Instruction is provided in a small group setting both in the school and the
community. Assessment is based on IEP goal progress as well as the Georgia Alternate Assessment
which is a portfolio that is compiled for each student when they are in the 11th grade.
Speech and Language Therapy Program
Brookwood currently has two, certified and licensed, Speech Language Pathologists (SLPs)
who work with students who have communication needs. Students with a wide range of deficits may
receive services if eligibility criteria are met. Areas addressed include: Receptive and Expressive
Language, Pragmatic Language, Articulation/ Intelligibility, Fluency (stuttering) and Voice. SLPs
work closely with teachers to address communication needs related to functional and curricular