ALGEBRA 2 UNIT OUTLINE LAST REVISED 2/9/2016 NORTHWEST ISD Unit 11 Exponential & Logarithmic Functions MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY February 17 February 18 February 19 February 20 February 21 TEKS: 2A.2A TLW: Use properties of exponents to simplify expressions Guiding questions: How can you use the seven properties of exponents to simplify expressions> Does the order of using the properties change your answer? TEKS: 2A.2A TLW: Use properties of exponents to simplify expressions Guiding questions: How can you use the seven properties of exponents to simplify expressions> Does the order of using the properties change your answer? TEKS: 2A.2A TLW: Use properties of exponents to simplify expressions Guiding questions: How can you use the seven properties of exponents to simplify expressions> Does the order of using the properties change your answer? Activities: Activities: WS 11.1: Exploring the Laws of Warm Up Exponents Q & A HW Notes: Laws of Exponents More notes & examples Independent Practice Independent Practice WS 11.1 WS 11.2 Activities: Warm Up Q & A HW More notes & examples Independent Practice WS 11.3 Closure: Closure: Closure: Assignment: WS 11.1 Assignment: WS 11.2 Assignment: WS 11.3 TEKS: 2A.11.A, 2A.11.B, 2A.11.C TLW: Explore the parameter changes on the graphs of exponential functions, describe limitations on the domain and ranges, and explain asymptotic behavior. Guiding questions: What shape does an exponential function make? What is the difference between exponential growth and decay? What is an asymptote? What is the natural base of an exponential function? Activities: Q&A HW HW Check 11.1 Notes & examples Independent Practice WS 11.4 Closure: Assignment: WS 11.4 TEKS: 2A.11.A, 2A.11.B, 2A.11.C TLW: Explore the parameter changes on the graphs of logarithmic functions, describe limitations on the domain and ranges, and explain asymptotic behavior. Guiding questions: What shape does a logarithmic function make? What is an asymptote? What is the natural base of a logarithmic function? Activities: Warm-Up Q & A HW Notes & Examples Independent Practice WS 11.5 Closure: Assignment: WS 11.5 ALGEBRA 2 UNIT OUTLINE LAST REVISED 2/9/2016 NORTHWEST ISD MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY February 24 February 25 February 26 February 27 February 28 TEKS: 2A.11.A, 2A.11.B, 2A.11.C TLW: Understand and describe the inverse relationship between exponential and logarithmic functions. Guiding questions: What is a logarithmic function? How do you write a logarithmic function into an exponential function? How do you write an exponential function into a logarithmic function? Activities: Warm-Up Q & A HW Notes & Examples Independent Practice WS 11.6 TEKS: 2A.11.A, 2A.11.B, TEKS: 2A.4.C, 2A.9.B, TEKS: 2A.4.C, 2A.9.B, 2A.11.C 2A.9.F, 2A.9.G, 2A.1.A, 2A.9.F, 2A.9.G, 2A.1.A, TLW: Graph exponential and 2A.4B, 2A.11B, 2A.11C, 2A.4B, 2A.11B, 2A.11C, logarithmic inequalities; 2A.11D, 2A.11F 2A.11D, 2A.11F describe limitations on the TLW: Review exponential and TLW: Show mastery of domain and ranges, and logarithmic functions logarithms and solving explain asymptotic behavior. Guiding questions: logarithmic equations What area of exponentials and log properties do you Guiding questions: Activities: struggle with the most? What shape does an Unit 11 Test exponential function make? What can you do to improve in those areas? What is the difference between exponential growth Activities: and decay? Q & A HW What is an asymptote? Discuss Unit 11 Review What is the natural base of an exponential function? Activities: Q &A HW HW Check 11.2 Notes & Examples Independent Practice WS 11.7 Closure: Closure: What is the relationship between exponential and logarithmic Assignment: functions in terms of inverses? WS 11.7 Unit 11 Review Assignment: WS 11.6 Assignment: Study! Assignment: