ATTACHMENT D - Duties and Responsibilities of Miss Virginia

1. Criteria for Selecting Miss Virginia
Miss Virginia has the ability and desire to work with volunteers at the state level as a team member of the
Miss Virginia Organization. She is cooperative, collaborative, and possesses effective oral and written
communications skills. She is an ambassador and public relations representative for the Miss Virginia
and Miss America Organizations, her personal platform, the platforms of the state and national
organizations, and the Commonwealth of Virginia. Miss Virginia will conduct herself in a professional
manner at all times during her year of service. She understands that relationships with sponsors are vital
to the longevity of the Miss Virginia organization and strives to support and cultivate long-term
partnerships. She is open to constructive criticism as she realizes that it is provided to improve her
effectiveness as Miss Virginia and as a Miss America contestant.
Miss Virginia demonstrates a willingness to serve the Miss Virginia Organization for a period of one year
by: attending appearances around the Commonwealth, compensated and uncompensated; working with
the Miss America Preparation Team to prepare for all aspects of competition at the National level;
fostering the partnership Miss America has established with Children’s Miracle Network; continuing the
partnership that Miss Virginia spearheaded with RJ Reynolds; and enhancing her personal platform.
Miss Virginia is an intelligent, talented woman who takes personal pride in her physical appearance and
health. She is articulate and a high achiever. She is a role model who inspires others and relates well to
people of all ages. She is energetic, charismatic, compassionate, and outgoing. She demonstrates
excellent business communication skills and is able to successfully represent the organization in all
situations. She is punctual and flexible. She works well under pressure and with irregular work hours.
She is very organized and possesses excellent time management skills. She has demonstrated a strong
commitment to the betterment of the lives of others through a bon a fide, integrated personal platform.
2. Duties and Responsibilities of Miss Virginia
The primary duties and responsibilities of Miss Virginia are: Relationships with the Miss Virginia
Organization, Personal Appearances, Relationships with Sponsors, and Preparation for the Miss America
2.1 Relationships with the Miss Virginia Organization
The Miss America Organization is comprised of volunteers who give their time, talents, and financial
contributions to the betterment of young women through education across the country. Miss Virginia
shall strive to maintain positive relationships with volunteers at the local and state level in Virginia.
2.1.1 Miss Virginia Business Manager
Miss Virginia’s primary point of contact is the Miss Virginia Business Manager. Miss Virginia shall
maintain daily contact via telephone or electronic mail with the Miss Virginia Business Manager. The
Miss Virginia Business Manager is responsible for maintaining Miss Virginia’s schedule, booking
appearances, invoicing appearances, collecting fees, and requesting bi-monthly payments. The Miss
Virginia Business Manager serves as Miss Virginia’s primary advocate during her year of service.
2.1.2 Executive Director and Board of Directors
Miss Virginia shall maintain working relationships with the Executive Director and the members of the
Board of Directors. Miss Virginia is always welcome at Board meetings as an observer or a speaker.
2.1.3 Local Volunteers
Miss Virginia shall maintain a cooperative, cordial disposition when appearing at local preliminaries.
Often times, local volunteers are called upon to travel with or host Miss Virginia during her travels across
Virginia. Miss Virginia is expected to be hospitable and respectable at all times.
2.2 Personal Appearances
Miss Virginia will maintain a busy schedule of appearances across the Commonwealth. Miss Virginia
shall receive compensation for her appearances. In the sole discretion of the MVO, Miss Virginia may be
required to make appearances in furtherance of her platform or the MVO for which Miss Virginia will not
be paid an appearance fee. The MVO shall retain a booking fee for each compensated appearance of
Miss Virginia as payment for the services provided and costs incurred by the MVO in serving as the
exclusive agent for Miss Virginia.
MVO does not warrant, guarantee, or represent to Miss Virginia any specific amount, level of payments,
or number of appearances for Miss Virginia during her year of service. Miss Virginia shall not rely on
any past performance, financial data, or appearance reports in anticipation, planning, or expectation of her
year of service.
Miss Virginia’s appearances can be categorized as: General, CMN, and local title obligations. During all
appearances, Miss Virginia shall consistently include a promotional message about the organization and
its programs, and in turn, encourage potential contestants, volunteers, and sponsors to learn more about
the MVO.
2.2.1 General
General appearances are defined as, but shall not be limited to: parades, festivals, grand openings, ribbon
cuttings, and local Miss Virginia preliminaries, as requested. Examples of uncompensated appearances
include, but are not limited to: hospital visits, events to support US military personnel, media
appearances, and Miss Virginia fundraisers.
2.2.2 Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals
Miss Virginia shall participate in local, state, and national events, as requested, to support fundraising
efforts for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, Miss America’s national platform. Miss Virginia shall
also visit with patients and tour hospitals across Virginia that are supported by CMNH. All events will be
scheduled by the Miss Virginia Business Manager and may or may not be compensated.
2.2.3 Local Title Obligations
Miss Virginia’s local franchise is entitled to an uncompensated appearance by Miss Virginia on the date
of the local pageant the following year. Miss Virginia’s appearance at a rehearsal for the pageant can be
requested but is subject to change should a request for a compensated appearance be received for that
date. At her discretion, Miss Virginia may attend one uncompensated event to benefit her local franchise.
If the local pageant is conducting a teen pageant in conjunction with their local preliminary, Miss Virginia
must be compensated for her participation with this event.
2.3 Relationships with Sponsors
Designated MVO sponsors may provide services for use by Miss Virginia during her year of service.
Miss Virginia shall not use any other service and/or product provider of like services/products as those
provided by said MVO sponsor providing said services without prior approval from the MVO and
Executive Director. Miss Virginia shall not contact a MVO sponsor or potential sponsor without prior
authorization of the MVO and Executive Director.
2.3.1 Miss America Preparation
Miss Virginia shall utilize sponsorships established for the purpose of preparing her for the Miss America
Pageant. Information regarding this relationship can be found in section 2.4.
2.3.2 Relationship Building
Miss Virginia shall actively engage in sponsorship development through the successful securing of new
sponsorships and assisting with the retention of existing sponsors.
Miss America Preparations
2.4.1 Preparation Team
Miss Virginia shall work with the Miss America Preparation Team (MAPT) to strengthen skills needed
for a finalist position at the Miss America Pageant. Preparation for the national competition is under the
direction of the Executive Director and designees. Miss Virginia will be open to constructive criticism.
She will be responsible for completing tasks assigned by the MAPT and adhere to all deadlines. The
Executive Director, MAPT designees, and Miss Virginia will determine a preparation plan and budget.
Preparation Plan
Components of the preparation plan shall include: paperwork, platform development, interview
preparation, talent, competition wardrobe, physical fitness and nutrition, and other MAO requirements.
Miss Virginia shall work actively with the Miss America Preparation Team to complete all required
elements for Miss America within the time guidelines defined by Miss America. No requests for
extensions will be made by the MVO or honored by the MAO.
Platform Development
Miss Virginia shall work closely with the Miss America Preparation Team to enhance and expand upon
her personal platform.
Interview Preparation
The Miss America Preparation Team will evaluate Miss Virginia’s interview at the state competition and
develop a strategy for strengthening the all-important interview for the national competition. The team
shall have access to Miss Virginia’s interview and may reproduce it for preparation purposes only. Miss
Virginia is responsible for keeping up-to-date on current events and controversial topics by exploring
various media (e.g., newspaper, internet, television).
The Miss Virginia Preparation Team will evaluate Miss Virginia’s talent at the state competition and
make recommendations for strengthening the talent at the national level. Miss Virginia is responsible for
working with the MAPT to secure her own equipment or rehearsal location as needed to prepare her talent
performance for national competition. The MAPT shall have right of final approval on the talent music,
staging, and choreography.
Competition and Casual Wardrobe
The Executive Director and the MAPT will provide Miss Virginia with a list of all required clothing for
Miss America. Miss Virginia shall work with our designated sponsors to design her evening gown for
competition as well as other competition and casual wardrobe. Miss Virginia is eligible to receive the
majority of her wardrobe free of charge from designated MVO sponsors.
Physical Fitness and Nutrition
The MAPT will work with Miss Virginia through our sponsors to develop a healthy physical fitness and
nutrition plan in order to look and feel her best at Miss America and throughout her year of service.
MAO Requirements
Additional requirements from the MAO will be evaluated by the MAPT as they are received.
2.4.2 Coaches, Vendors, and Individuals Outside of the MAPT
The use of coaches, hair and makeup artists, or other entities providing compensated or uncompensated
services in the field of pageant reparation before and during the Miss America Pageant is strongly
discouraged. Miss Virginia may not consult with said people without prior approval from the MAPT. If
approved, Miss Virginia shall be responsible for all costs incurred for these goods and services.
2.4.3 Budget for Preparation
MVO does not warrant, guarantee, or represent to Miss Virginia any specific budget amount for
preparation expenses. Resources will be identified and coordinated at the discretion of the MVO on an
as-needed basis.
3. Conduct as Miss Virginia
Miss Virginia shall represent and demonstrate the highest level of intelligence, integrity, respect, and
honesty. She will serve as an ambassador and public relations representative of the Miss Virginia and
Miss America Organizations. She will serve as a role model to young people.
Employment and Education
Miss Virginia shall not be employed or attend school on a full or part time basis during her year of
service, unless otherwise approved by the Executive Director. The obligations of Miss Virginia to her
year of service shall always take precedence over any education or employment opportunity.
Residency Requirements
3.2.1 Home Base
Miss Virginia shall remain a resident of the Commonwealth and be required to live and/or establish a
“home base” in Roanoke, Virginia during her year of service. Regular visits and contact with the
Roanoke community are expected during her year of service.
3.2.2 Driver’s License
Miss Virginia is required to maintain a valid Virginia Driver’s License. All fines and fees incurred as a
result of irresponsible driving practices are the sole responsibility of Miss Virginia.
3.2.3 Insurance
Miss Virginia is required to carry medical and automobile insurance coverage recognized in the
Commonwealth of Virginia.
Physical Appearance
Miss Virginia shall maintain her physical health and appearance throughout her year of service.
3.3.1 Health and Physique
Miss Virginia shall maintain an exercise regimen throughout her year of service. She will strive to
consume a healthy diet. All illnesses shall be addressed immediately with Miss Virginia’s personal
3.3.2 Wardrobe Daily Wardrobe
Miss Virginia shall dress appropriately for all occasions, as photographs may be taken at any time and
place, including workout sessions and when running errands. Miss Virginia represents the MVO at all
times and her appearance is a reflection of the organization. Appearance Wardrobe
It is the responsibility of Miss Virginia to provide her appearance wardrobe and related items to support
appearances and professional responsibilities. Appearance wardrobe shall be determined by the Miss
Virginia Business Manager, based on input from the sponsoring organization.
Appropriate Relationships
Miss Virginia shall not accept personal income or gifts from prospective contestants, coaches, sponsors,
or local pageants in exchanges for good or services, other than contract appearances.
3.4.1 Alignment with Contestants
Miss Virginia shall not be aligned with prospective contestants in local or state pageants within the MVO
which may provide a contestant with a real or perceived advantage. An inappropriate relationship with a
contestant is defined by, but not limited to the selling or lending of competition clothing or competition
materials (e.g., talent CDs, Community Service Notebooks) and private coaching.
3.4.2 Alignment with Coaches and Sponsors
Miss Virginia shall not be aligned with coaches or sponsors who may provide a contestant with a real or
perceived advantage.
3.4.3 Alignment with Local Pageants
Miss Virginia shall not be aligned with specific local pageants which may provide the pageant or the
pageant’s contestant with a real or perceived advantage.
Consumption of Alcohol and Tobacco Products
3.5.1 Alcohol Consumption
The consumption of alcoholic beverages by a Miss Virginia who is not of legal drinking age is strictly
prohibited. Miss Virginia is not permitted to consume alcoholic beverages when she is serving as a
representative of the MVO. Miss Virginia is strongly encouraged to use discretion when consuming
alcohol in a social setting.
3.5.2 Usage of Tobacco Products
The usage of tobacco products by Miss Virginia is strongly discouraged.
3.5.3 Illegal Substances
Under no circumstances shall Miss Virginia be involved in the consumption or selling of or be in the
presence of illegal substances.
3.5.4 Photography
Miss Virginia shall never be photographed with alcoholic beverages or tobacco products, used personally
or by others in the photograph.
Social Networking Websites
Miss Virginia is strongly discouraged from maintaining a social networking website. For her own
protection, the MVO reserves the right to monitor personal accounts using Miss Virginia’s login
Political Endorsements
Miss Virginia shall, under no circumstances, publicly endorse a candidate running for public office.
Media Appearances
All media requests shall be approved by the Miss Virginia Business Manager or other designated MVO
Resources Owned by the MVO
Miss Virginia shall use resources and tools provided during her year of service to do her job and she
understands these are not personal gifts or entitlements. All resources and tools shall be returned to the
MVO upon the completion of her year of service.
4. Guidelines for Appearances
This section discusses the procedures used for booking appearances, collecting funds, and compensating
Miss Virginia. Parameters for lodging, travel, and traveling companions are also detailed. Finally, this
section describes Miss Virginia’s responsibilities in working with MVO personnel.
Booking Appearances
4.1.1 Procedure
All appearances of Miss Virginia are arranged and handled solely by and through the Miss Virginia
Business Manager or other designated MVO representatives as the sole and exclusive agents for Miss
4.1.2 Schedules
Miss Virginia shall be provided a detailed schedule via electronic mail in MS Word format in advance of
appearances to allow for proper preparation. The schedule will provide the following information: name
and location of event, address and directions to event, wardrobe requirements, arrival time and length of
appearance, number of autograph cards required, role and responsibility of Miss Virginia at the event, and
talent required. This schedule shall be printed and retained in Miss Virginia’s notebook which she should
possess at all times. Preparation for Appearances
Miss Virginia shall be responsible for doing the necessary preparation for each appearance, including
writing her own speeches and specifically targeting them toward the audiences that she will address, as
well as reviewing all background material that is provided for information. Directions to Appearances
An address and/or necessary directions shall be provided in Miss Virginia’s schedule. It is the
responsibility of Miss Virginia to ensure that she can arrive at or before the designated arrival time using
directional tools such as: written directions, MapQuest, or a GPS electronic device. Total reliance on a
GPS is not recommended. Repertoire of Talent
Miss Virginia shall be responsible for maintaining an appropriate repertoire of talent performances for
appearances in which a talent is required. Miss Virginia shall be available to perform her talent when
requested by a client. Canceling Appearances
Miss Virginia shall not request to cancel or postpone an appearance unless she is too ill to drive or speak
or a death in the immediate family requires her to travel to loved ones. Miss Virginia shall contact the
Miss Virginia Business Manager immediately to discuss her request. Contact with the client shall be
made by the Miss Virginia Business Manager.
Fees and Payment for Appearances
Miss Virginia shall receive a fee for compensated appearances which is comprised of an appearance fee
and a mileage allowance.
4.2.1 Appearance Fee
The MVO shall designate a fee schedule, deemed fair and appropriate, for appearances by Miss Virginia.
4.2.2 Mileage
Mileage is charged for non-profit, for-profit, and festival appearances. Mileage is not charged for local
4.2.3 Payment Procedure
As and when received on her behalf by the MVO, Miss Virginia will be paid for her appearances as
negotiated and approved by the MVO. All appearance fees are paid directly to the MVO. Miss Virginia
shall not be responsible for collecting fees. If payment is received by Miss Virginia, said payment shall
be directly forwarded to the Miss Virginia Business Manager in person or via US mail. Payroll is
calculated on the 1st and 15th of each month. Miss Virginia will be paid by the MVO by the 7th and the
22nd of each month by the Executive Director.
Financial Planning
Miss Virginia shall be responsible for all personal expenses including, but not limited to: gasoline,
postage, household bills, and food unless provided during official events. Miss Virginia should retain her
own accountant or financial advisor to handle her finances and adviser her regarding taxes and income tax
Lodging and Travel
4.4.1 Traveling Companions
Miss Virginia will be expected to travel without a traveling companion during her year of service. The
MVO may assign a traveling companion to accompany Miss Virginia on select appearances.
4.4.2 Male Accompaniment
Male friends are not permitted to travel with Miss Virginia during her year of service, to stay overnight in
her room, or to accompany her at any appearances, unless specifically approved by the MVO.
4.4.3 Parental Accompaniment
Parents are permitted to travel with Miss Virginia in an official capacity during her year of service if the
client deems a traveling companion necessary and appropriate. If a traveling companion is not required,
parents may attend events, but will be responsible for all expenses.
4.4.4 Overnight Lodging
Miss Virginia shall stay overnight in lodging designated and approved by a MVO official for each
appearance, whether the appearance is in Miss Virginia’s hometown or elsewhere.
4.4.5 Transportation
The MVO may provide a vehicle to Miss Virginia through sponsor arrangements. If a vehicle is not
provided, an allowance for related transportation expenses will be provided. Said allowance or vehicle
option shall be determined by the MVO. Maintenance and Upkeep of Sponsor Vehicle
Miss Virginia shall be responsible for honoring a monthly maintenance schedule with the car sponsor.
Miss Virginia shall keep the vehicle clean, inside and outside, at all times. Any and all damage to a
sponsored vehicle shall be reported to the MVO immediately. All expenses related to the damage shall be
the responsibility of Miss Virginia. Automobile Insurance
Miss Virginia shall carry a personal automobile insurance policy covering her vehicle, personal or
sponsored. The MVO will not reimburse Miss Virginia for this expense.
Upon signing of the state contract addendum, Miss Virginia must observe all rules and policies contained
within this document until her release after the state competition next year. Any infraction of the above
rules and policies will be considered a breach of the Miss Virginia Contestant Contract.
Miss Virginia Contestant
Executive Director
Business Manager