Publications and presentations

Publications and presentations
Here you will find publications, presentations and master thesis related to the project 'Robust
Regulation in the Petroleum Sector'
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Presentations and seminars
Master thesis accomplished within the project
Publications are presented according to the three main research goals:
1. Understand and conceptualize the robustness of the Norwegian risk regulation
regime within the petroleum sector
Rosness, R., Blakstad, H. and Forseth U. (2011) Exploring Power Perspective on Robust
Regulation. SINTEF Report no. A21367
Forseth, U., Rosness, R. and Blakstad, H.C. (2010)”Arguments about safety in the Norwegian
Petroleum Industry – Disciourse Analysis”. WorkingOnSafety, Røros.
Lindøe, P.H. and G.S. Braut (2010) Risk Regulation in the North Sea: A common law
perspective on Norwegian legislation, Safety Science Monitor Vol. 14, Issue. 1 art. 2.
Lindøe, P.H. and G.S. Braut (2010) Risk Regulation in the North Sea: Robustness towards
changing methods of operation? In Reliability, Risk and Safety. (Eds. Bris, Guedes &
Martorell) pp. 2247-2253, Taylor & Francis Group, London.
Lindøe, P.H. (2010) Complex roles and mixed norms – a dilemma for safety inspections?,
WorkingOnSafety, Røros.
Moen, A., Blakstad, H., Forseth, U. and Rosness, R. (2010) Disintegration and revival of
tripartite collaboration on HSE in the Norwegian petroleum sector. In Reliability, Risk and
Safety. (Eds. Bris, Guedes & Martorell) pp. 2191 - 2198, Taylor & Francis Group, London.
Olsen. O.E. and P.H. Lindøe (2009). Risk on the Ramble: The International Transfer of Risk
and Vulnerability. Safety Science, 47, 734 - 755.
Lindøe, P.H. & O. E. Olsen (2009) Conflicting goals and regulators roles. Journal of Risk
Research Vol. 12, nos. 3-4, April-June, 427-411
Moen, A. and P.H. Lindøe (2008) Acknowledgment of Compliance (AoC) – A mix of
regulatory principles in the petroleum industry, WorkingOnSafety, September 30 October 4,
2008, Crete, Greece
Lindøe, P. H. (2007) Safe offshore workers and unsafe fishermen – a system failure. Policy
and Practise in Health and Safety. Vol. 05.2
2. Analyse other nations’ regulatory regimes of special importance for the development
the Norwegian regime in an international context
Lindøe, P.H., Engen, O.A. (2012), Offshore safety regimes – a contested terrain, Draft
presented at WorkingOnSafety-conference 11-14 Sept., Sopot, Poland
Lindøe, P.H., Baram, M. & Paterson, J. (2012), Robust Offshore Risk Regulation – an
assessment of US, UK and Norwegian approaches, Paper presented at ESREL2012, 25-29
June, Helsinki
Ryggvik, Helge. (2012) Dypt vann i horisonten. Regulering av sikkerhet i Norge og USA i lys
av Deepwater Horizon-ulykken. Senter for Teknologi, innovasjon og kultur, UiO.
Blakstad, H. S. (2011) SINTEF Report-A20542 Safety indicators used by authorities in the
petroleum industry of UK US and Norway.
Lindøe, P.H., Engen, O.A. & O. E. Olsen (2011) Response to Accidents in Different
Industrial Sectors. Safety Science, 49, pp.90-97.
Lindøe, P.H., Baram, M. & Braut, G.S. (2011) Empowered agents or empowered agencies?
Assessing the Risk regulatory regimes in the Norwegian and US offshore oil and gas
industry. Paper at ESREL-conference 19-22 Sept.
Baram, M. (2010) "Preventing Accidents in Offshore Oil and Gas Operations: The U.S.
Approach and Some Contrasting Features of the Norwegian Approach". Working Paper.
Hellebust, Celma & Geir Sverre Braut (2010) Regulated Self-Regulation or External Control?
A study of the effects of Different Legislative Approaches in the Petroleum Sector in Norway
and Brazil. SPE-conference Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 12-14 April,
Hellebust, Celma & Geir Sverre Braut (2010) A Comparason of Regulation on Work Related
to Health in the Petroleum Sector in Brazil and Norway. Journal of Health Law, Vol.11, No 1.
Ryggvik, H. (2010) ”The destiny of Norwegian offshore drivers. What can we learn?
WorkingOnSafety, Røros
Baram, M. (2009) ”Governance of Technological risks in the US”. Working paper.
Ryggvik.H (2008) “Working conditions and safety for North Sea divers 1965-1990”. North
Sea History Conference Stavanger
3. Assess the interface between the development of risk regulating regime and risk
management systems and risk behaviour in the industry
Lindøe, P.H., Stene, S. (2011). Chemical Hazards and Safety Barriers. A case study of the
Norwegian offshore oil and gas industry. Safety Science Monitor, vol. 15, issue 1, art. 3.
Ryggvik, H. (2010) ”BBS –creating underlying contradictions or the final step to reach 0. A
historical approach”. WorkingOnSafety, Røros.
Rosness, R., Blakstad, H. Dahl, T. & Årstad, I. (2008) Can the Quest for Good Corporate
Governance Motivate Improved HSE Management? WorkingOnSafety, September 30 October 4, Crete, Greece
Ryggvik, H. (2008) ” Adferd, teknologi og system – en sikkerhetshistorie”.Tapir akademiske
forlag, Trondheim.
Presentations and seminars
Lindøe, P.H.: Robust regulation: A Case Study from the offshore oil and gas industry.
Presentation at The 3rd Annual Regulatory Affairs International Symposium, March 30-31,
London, 2011
Lindøe, P.H.: Internasjonale reguleringsregimer og sikkerheten
HMS-forskning for norsk petroleumsvirksomhet. Stavanger 24. mai 2011
Presentations from seminars on legal issues.
Three seminars addressing legal issues within risk regulation has been implemented.
Arild Drechsle
Ketil Karlsen
Roy Erling
May 2008
Paul Bang
Challenges seen from an industry viewpoint
Robust regulation
A union view on HSE regulations and inspections
Challenges within the KMB-project seen from PSA`s point
of view
Michael Baram Governance of Technological Risk in the US
Geir Sverre
Nytt HMS-regelverk i petroleumsvirksomheten – en kollisjon
mellom ulike rettstradisjoner? (Revised regulation in the
March 2009
petroleum sector – a collision between different legal
The success of the Norwegian petroleum safety regime, a self
– referential claim
Knut Kaasen: Juristen og ingeniørens tilnærminger (The lawyers and
engineers approache)
Helge Ryggvik Dykking, regulering og vitenskap (Diving, regulation and
Nov. 2009
Paul Bang og Betraktninger og erfaringer med regelverksutvikling
Olaf Thuestad (Reflections and experience with developing regulation)
Hanne Sofie
Geir Sverre
Marius Stub
Hvordan avhjelpe svakheter ved det etablerte regelverket.
Makt og maktfordeling (How to set right weaknesses with the
established regulation. Power and division of power)
Samhandling mellom Petroleumstilsynet og Helsetilsynet–
sett frå den eine sida
Hva er tilsyn? Noen rettslige trekk ved tilsynsfeltet (What is
”tilsyn”? Some legal features within the area of ”tilsyn”)
Hvor langt rekker tilsynsorganenes kontrolladgang (How far
can the inspectorates access of control be stretched?)
June 2010
Når treffer tilsynsorganer enkeltvedtak? (When does
inspectorates make individual decisions?)
Jacob Kringen: ”Kulturparagrafen” - en utfordring både for industrien og
tilsynet? (”The culture section” a challenge for the industry
as well as the PSA?
Master thesis accomplished within the project
This table holds links to the complete master theses and to Norwegian and English
summaries. The complete master theses are not available in English. (Master thesis within
Societal Safety in general can be found here)
Master thesis
Signe Stene Vern av arbeidstaker mot kjemisk
eksponering offshore – en historie om
Protection of workers against chemical
exposure offshore - a history of
Tom Heine Nattarbeid Offshore
Night Work Offshore
Vigdis Iren Petroleumstilsynet – en endringsagent? En
Spring 2009 Birkedal
eksplorativ studie av læring i
The Petroleum Safety Authority – an agent
for change?
Hvilke bidrag gir bransjestandarder til
HMS-styring i petroleumsvirksomheten i
How do industry standards contribute to
HSE management in the Norwegian
petroleum industry?
Marita Eik
Er dagens lovverk godt nok tilrettelagt til at
livbåtprodusentene utvikler og produserer
gode nok livbåter på norsk sokkel?
”The lifeboat case”
Samhandling mellom fartøy og faste
innretninger i petroleumsvirksomheten
Safety in the interphase between offshoreand maritime regulation
Integrerte operasjoner. Et løft for
sikkerheten på norsk sokkel?
Integrated operations – a lift for safety on
the Norwegian shelf?
”Hvorfor er det ulike oppfatninger av
HMS-kulturen?” En studie av HMSKlem
kulturen i Aker Well Service
“Why do people experience HSE-culture
differently?” A study of HSE-culture in
Aker Well Service
Christel Ane Robust regulering – begrepsavklaring og Norwegian
sikker praksis i petroleumssektoren
Robust regulation – Concept clarification
and safe practice in the petroleum sector
Kim Frode Arbeidstakermedvirkning – vanskeligst når Norwegian
en trenger det mest?
Workers participation – most difficult when
it is most needed?
“Mangelfull risikoforståelse” –
Spring 2010 Jünge
årsaksforklaring som betyr alt og ingenting.
En studie av begrepsbruk i
Petroleumstilsynets granskningsrapporter
og potensial for læring i
“Insufficient risk understanding” – the
explanation that means all or nothing; A
study of concept use in the Petroleum
Safety Authority’s investigation reports and
the potential for learning in the petroleum
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