ACP Syllabus Template 2015


P155 Public Oral Communication

Ms. Dawn Grinnage

Westfield High School – Room 1227

317-867-6968 – User Id 10357362 Password Grinnage (case sensitive)

Description: In this course we enter into the practice of public address in order to understand the human phenomenon of communication in all its wealth and complexity. Our performance of formal audience-directed speeches will be devoted to issues that require our attention and action as citizens of a community.

Learning Objectives: This course is designed to fulfill the College of Arts and Sciences requirement in public oral communication and to address at a minimum the learning objectives outlined for the Speaking and Listening competency in the Indiana Statewide Transfer General Education Core. Students who successfully complete

Public Oral Communication will:

 learn how to construct and deliver a complex argument extemporaneously;

 develop the many competencies of formal public speech;

 learn how to use the spoken word vividly, aptly, precisely, and movingly;

 learn how speech genres serve as resources of invention;

 learn how to form the spoken word out of the audience and the occasion;

 distinguish between the instrumental skills of speech and its role in cultivating our humanity, our membership in community, and our basic human competencies;

 learn and cultivate the reciprocity of rhetorical theory and rhetorical practice;

 begin to cultivate a dialogic ethos in community;

 discover the power of speech to motivate, clarify, inspire, draw adherents, correct misunderstandings, advance a cause, exercise tact, speak truth to power, expose fallacies and presumptions, and work through problems collectively;

 learn how to cite, summarize and paraphrase sources.

What This Course Is Not:

This course is not Toastmasters. You can learn how to give clever after-dinner speeches at a workshop. This course introduces you into the one of the two or three most venerable disciplines in the tradition of the liberal arts.

This course is not a basic high school public speaking course. College-level learning is not mainly rote learning, or paint-by-numbers (rhetoric is the skill of invention), so it does not understand excellence as turning your work in on time. You are assessed on your understanding, and on the extent to which your performance shows genuine understanding.

This course is not advertising and public relations. This course explores the obvious fact that speech can manipulate, deceive, and seduce, and asks you the more difficult question of how the full resources of speech

(including emotion and feeling) can be used to make truth compelling, and can make us see past falsehood.

This course is not informatics. Computers serve valuable uses by relaying information. Human beings develop understanding by listening and speaking to one another. The difference is profound.

Required Course Materials: There is one required text for this course:

Public Oral Communication Textbook and Workbook, Indiana University (Pearson Pub, 2015)

Assignment Overview: There are four speech assignments in this course:

1. Introductory Public Speech: This speech introduces you to your classmates, and your classmates to you, as members of a public.

2. Public Issue Speech: This speech asks you to describe the public discourse surrounding a contemporary issue.

3. Invitational Rhetoric Speech: This speech asks you to solicit degrees of adherence of the audiences you address to a point of view.

4. Rhetoric of Identification Speech: This speech asks you to attempt to break through entrenched views and values with a transformative act of imagination.

Speeches and Outlines

Introducing Your Partner Speech

Public Issue Speech

Initial Outline

Final Outline





Listening Guides (2 @ 5 points each)


Video self reflection

Invitational Rhetoric Speech

Initial Outline

Final Outline

Listening Guides (2 @ 5 points each)


Video self reflection

Rhetoric of Identification Speech

Initial Outline

Final Outline

Listening Guides (2 @ 5 points each)














5 Video Self Reflection

Lecture Quizzes (7-8 quizzes, points vary)

Prompts (semi-impromptus related to lecture)

Participation (for supplemental assignments, in-class participation, etc)






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Final Exam (PER WHS guidelines the final exam will be 20%)




Final Grade Scale: A+ 97%. A 93%. A- 90%. B+ 87%. B 83%. B- 80%. C+ 77%. C 73%. C- 70%. D+ 67%. D 63%. D-

60%. F 59.99% and below. Grades in P155 are not rounded up.

Quizzes: These will test your understanding of your textbook readings and lectures. Given as determined by your teacher.

Prompts: Prompts are miniature formal extemps based on the lecture content that you will give periodically in groups. These are intended both to give you more formal speech practice before an audience and help you master the course content from the lectures.

Participation: This will include all in-class activities including impromptu speeches, group work, overall professionalism, verbal participation during class & other activities

Grading: In many courses, work is evaluated by beginning with an “A” and then subtracting points for each error or deficiency. In this course, however, work is evaluated by beginning with a “C” and then rewarding or deducting points depending on the quality of the work. Most assignments will receive “whole” letter grades without the use of

“plusses” or “minuses.” For more details, please refer to the “Criteria for Evaluating Speeches” in the Public Oral

Communication Workbook.

Paint-by-Numbers? No. Unfortunately a lot of pre-college education has become paint-by-numbers; the teacher tells you exactly what numbers to fill in, what lines to connect, and what colors to color in, and voilà, if you hand it in on time, dot all your ‘i’s and cross all you ‘t’s, a guaranteed A+. This is college. Following instructions is the minimum requirement for a passing grade (C), and demonstration of genuine excellence, creativity and innovation is what moves performance into the equivalent grading categories. So for example, the textbook supplement shows you how to outline (this is a generic skill), what specific patterns to use for each speech assignment, and what content goals of the speech. These are the raw materials of your paint palette. You want to try to take them and create something insightful, enlightening and moving.

Attendance: Because this class will move rapidly and relies heavily on in-class discussions, student presentations, and activities as well as lectures, it is critical that you regularly are in class. We expect you to be an active member of your learning community. Therefore, Public Oral Communication enforces a strict absence policy. You may miss a total of 3 classes without penalty. Each and every absence beyond these 3 (regardless of the reason) will drop the

participation portion of your grade by a minimum of 10 points. On days when members of the class are presenting speeches, this penalty doubles to 20 points. For each tardy, your participation grade will be reduced by 2 points.

For example, let’s say that by the end of the semester you’ve earned 85 points for participation. But, let’s also say that you’ve been absent 5 times, which means that 2 of these absences will count against your grade.

Let’s also say that one of these 2 absences was on a speech day. Your participation grade would be reduced in the following way: 85 - 10 - 20 = 55. Thus, in the end you would earn a total of 55 points for participation.

*It is your responsibility to be aware of all attendance policies. Please reserve your 3 free absences for use in emergencies.

Attendance during the speeches of others is an essential part of your coursework. Your role is not merely to speak to others, but to listen, to be a supportive audience, and you are graded as much on your contribution to the project of community that this class is as your developing skills in eloquence. You must not only be physically present on these days, but very much present in your role as an audience to the speaker. Instructors will be particularly careful to assess attendance points for anyone who regularly misses speech days on which they are not performing.

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Late Written Assignments: Late assignments are not accepted. Whether or not you are present in class, any and all assignments must be turned in at the beginning of the period on the day that they are due. There are no

“make-ups,” and there is no “extra credit.” It is your responsibility to contact your Instructor regarding any special circumstances that may affect your ability to complete an assignment on the day it is due.

Late Speech Assignments: There is no “right” to make up a missed speech. The only day you are guaranteed to be able to deliver your speech is on your assigned speech day. Reasonable adjustments may be made for extreme circumstances (e.g., hospitalization). If you do not deliver your speech on your assigned speech date, the

maximum score you can receive will be a C.

Civil, Respectful Discourse: This is an active class characterized by a great deal of discussion, often of controversial subjects. At all times, a supportive classroom climate of mutual respect for all people is expected.

Even if people vigorously disagree with one another, they can and must do so with civility and respect. Any behavior that is disrespectful to others or has the potential to damage the learning environment of our class will not be tolerated.

Academic Integrity: All graded work in this course must represent your own, personal, inventive endeavor. All references to ideas that are not your own invention must be clearly cited, whether they are direct quotations, paraphrases, or “in your own words.” If you have any doubt about whether things you are planning to do constitute academic dishonesty, contact your teacher immediately. All Public Oral Communication instructors aggressively pursue and “prosecute” cases of academic misconduct. The minimum penalty in Public Oral

Communication for academic misconduct is an F on the assignment in question; the maximum penalty is failure in the entire course. All students are expected to be familiar with the IU Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and

Conduct: <>. All students are expected to be familiar with the material on

Academic Misconduct in the Public Oral Communication Student Workbook and to read, sign, and turn in to your

Instructor the “Public Oral Communication Academic Honesty Contract.”

IU Academic Misconduct Statement and Plagiarism Policy: The Indiana University Code of Student Rights,

Responsibilities, and Conduct describes types of misconduct for which students may be penalized, including cheating, fabrication, plagiarism and interference with other students’ work, as well as actions which endanger the

University and the University community and possession of firearms. The Code also indicates the procedures to be followed in these cases. All students are required to adhere to the responsibilities outlined in the Code.

Academic dishonesty can result in a grade of F for the class (an F for academic dishonesty cannot be removed from the transcript). Significant violations of the Code can result in expulsion from the University.

Plagiarism is using another person's words, ideas, artistic creations, or other intellectual property without giving proper credit. According to the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct, a student must give credit to the work of another person when he does any of the following:

 Quotes another person's actual words, either oral or written;

 Paraphrases another person's words, either oral or written;

 Uses another person's idea, opinion, or theory; or

 Borrows facts, statistics, or other illustrative material, unless the information is common knowledge.

The definition and clarification related to academic misconduct is here:

Examples of Plagiarism:

Per IU Policy:

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Academic integrity is a matter that is taken very seriously at Indiana University. The University expects students to uphold and follow the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct (Code) (Available online at: Cheating, plagiarism, or other violations of the Code may result in a lower or failing grade on the assignment on which academic misconduct occurred or a lower or failing grade in the course. All cases of academic misconduct will be reported to the Dean of Students.

Faculty are required to investigate and then report all incidents of academic misconduct to the Dean of Students.

For information about policies and procedures, see the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct, especially Part II, Sections G, H, and I, and Part III. Copies of the code can be obtained from the Dean of Students.

The code is also accessible at

(University Faculty Council, April 24, 1990; April 13, 1993; May 12, 1993; October 8, 1996; April 12, 2005; adopted by

Board of Trustees, May 4, 1990; December 4, 1992; June 5, 1993; December 13, 1996; June 24, 2005; August 1, 2009)

Dual Credit-High School Credit Policy Statement: The rigor of this course will be periodically reviewed by

Indiana University faculty in an effort to maintain the high quality of education that each student receives. Due to the unique format of this course, students must decide during the IU enrollment period whether they wish to receive dual credit (high school and IU credit) or only high school credit. Students who choose to take the course only for high school credit and receive a passing grade may not register at a later date or repeat the course (while in high school) for college credit.

Grade Dispute Policy— If you don’t understand the reason you received a specific grade on any assignment, be sure you take the time to talk with your instructor. Often even a brief conversation can clear things up.

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Drop: Sunday, August 30, 2015 (Self-drop online)

Automatic Withdrawal (for any reason): Wednesday, October 23, 2015

Fall 2015 Schedule of Readings and Assignments

Week Date Class activity and Lectures Readings / Assignment Due






R 8/13

F 8/14

Review syllabus & Policy Sheet

Hand out books

Instructions for Speech #1

Assign partners


M 8/17

T 8/18

W 8/19

R 8/20

Lecture/Talk: “Public Speaking”

Quiz 1



Signed IU Policy sheets and parent letters due

Chapter 1: “Public Speaking and the

Public Sphere”

F 8/21 Lecture/Talk: From Claim to Speech

Chapter 2: “Organizing the Speech:

The Body”


M 8/24

T 8/25**

W 8/26

Quiz 2

Using the public issue checklist

Intro Speech #2 and assign outline

Claims DUE

Lecture/Talk: Audience Chapter 6: “Understanding


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R 8/27

F 8/28

Research Introduction w/Mr. Bruns


M 8/31

T 9/1

Quiz 3

Peer Edit Outlines

Prompt #1 chapter 4


W 9/2

R 9/3

Lecture/Talk: Speech Delivery

Delivery Exercises

F 9/4 Delivery Exercises

Return Outlines and discuss

REVISED 9/4/15


M 9/7

T 9/8

W 9/9

R 9/10

F 9/11


Initial outline due

Chapter 4: “Delivering Your Speech




SPEECH #2 Public Issue Speech

*final outline due on day of your speech

SPEECH #2 Public Issue Speech

*final outline due on day of your speech

SPEECH #2 Public Issue Speech

*final outline due on day of your speech

Intro Speech #3



M 9/14** Speech #3 Claim due

Prompt #2 Chapter 5

Lecture/Talk: The Rhetorical Situation Chapter 5: “The Rhetorical Situation” T 9/15

W 9/16 Quiz 4: Chapters 4 and 5

R 9/17 Lecture/Talk: Organization

F 9/18 Prompt #3

Video Self Reflection #1 Due

Chapter 7: “Organizing the

Speech:Introductions, Conclusions, and Transitions”

7 M 9/21 Prompt #4 Chapter 8: “Organizing your speech”

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T 9/22 Lecture/Talk: Rhetorical Reasoning

W 9/23 Peer Review Outlines

R 9/24

F 9/25

Lecture: Extemp & Midterm Prep

Extemp exercises/midterm practice


M 9/28

T 9/29

W 9/30

R 10/1

F 10/2


*outlines returned

Lecture/Talk: Symbolic Action

Speech #3: Speech of Invitation

*Final outline due on day of speech

Speech #3: Speech of Invitation

*Final outline due on day of speech

Speech #3: Speech of Invitation

*Final outline due on day of speech


M 10/5 Establishing Ethos

Intro Speech #4 Speech of Identification

Quiz #6: chapter 3 and Ethos T 10/6

W 10/7 Lecture/Talk: Identification

R 10/8** Speech #4 Claim due

F 10/9 Lecture/Talk: Disciplinary Discourses


M 10/12 Quiz #7: Chapter 13

T 10/13 Lecture/Talk: Identification II

W 10/14 Prompt#5

R 10/15

F 10/16

Peer Review Initial outlines #4

Lecture/Talk: Hard bits

Chapter 10-GROUPS READ??

Speech #3 Initial Outline due


Chapter 3: Symbolic Action


Chapter 13: “Putting Words to Work”


Video Self Reflection #2 Due

Initial Outline Speech 4 due

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M 10/26

T 10/27

Return Outlines

Assign Speech #5 - Ceremonial

Speech #4 Speech of Identification

*final outline due on day of speech

W 10/28 Speech #4 Speech of Identification

*final outline due on day of speech

R 10/29 Speech #4 Speech of Identification

*final outline due on day of speech

F 10/30 ACP Conference for Ms. Grinnage


M 11/2

T 11/3

W 11/4

R 11/5

F 11/6

13 M 11/9

T 11/10

W 11/11

R 11/12


Lecture/ Talk: Ceremonial Speaking

Speech # 5: Ceremonial

Speech #5: Ceremonial

Final Exam Review Prompt 6

Final Exam Review Prompt 6



Video Self Reflection #3 Due

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