Purdue University Calumet School of Technology Course Syllabus CET 30300 - Land Survey Systems Credits and Contact Hours: 3 contact hours 3 credit hours Instructor’s or Course Coordinator’s Name: Anthony Gregory Text Book, Title, Author and Year: Land Survey Systems by McEntyre Introduction to the Course: a. Catalog Description: A study of ancient land survey systems which affected surveying in the United States, including metes and bounds systems. History and use of the United States Public Land System including subdivision of sections, restoration of lost and obliterated corners, original surveys and retracement surveys. The study of other land systems topics such as state plane coordinate systems. b. Prerequisite: CET 10400 or equivalent, or consent of instructor c. Required course for Surveying Option Specific Goals to the Course: a. Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to: Demonstrate an understanding of various ancient land survey systems which affected land surveying in the United States. Demonstrate an understanding of the metes and bounds survey system. Demonstrate an understanding of the development of and the original surveys of the United States Public Land System. Demonstrate an understanding of retracement survey procedures involving parcels within the United States Public Land System, including the restoration of lost and obliterated corners. Demonstrate an understanding of other land survey systems, including state plane coordinate systems, and an introduction to Geographic Information Systems. b. Student Outcomes This course satisfies ABET Criterion a, h, i, and k Page 1 of 2 CET 30300 Course Delivery Methods (check all that apply): X □ □ □ □ □ Lecture Laboratory Online Discussion groups Projects Other (explain) Factors Used to Determine the Course Grade (check all that apply): X X X □ □ □ □ Quizzes Exams – (and quizzes = 60%); final exam – 20% Homework – 20% Papers Lab Reports Class participation How final grade is determined Brief List of Topics to be Covered: Course Introduction Survey Systems - General Ancient and Pre-Colonial Land Survey Systems Colonial Systems Early Development of the U.S. Public Land System U.S. Public Land System - up to 1815 Tiffin's Instructions and Other Instructions Affecting Indiana and Illinois U.S. Public Land System (1816 - 1854) U.S. Public Land System (1854 - Current) Retracement Surveys in U.S. Public Land System Restoration of Lost and Obliterated Corners Restoration of Lost and Obliterated Corners and Subdivision of Sections State Plane Coordinate Systems Geographic Information Systems Page 2 of 2