Carson Caffreyair pollution

Carson Caffrey
April 16, 2011
Talent 21 Project Air Pollution
Grade 6
Air Pollution
Transportation is the one of the largest source of air pollution in the United States.
Transportation caused over half of the carbon monoxide, over a third of the nitrogen oxides, and
almost a quarter of the hydrocarbons in our atmosphere in the year 2006. Most air pollution
occurs when we burn something, like gasoline when we use a vehicle. The car exhausts eject a
lot of bad gases, which create air pollution. These gases can be very dangerous for children,
adults, animals and vegetation. Although the fuels are becoming cleaner, it has not made that
much of a difference because there are more and more cars being built and used each year.
The main source of air pollution is from cars, trucks, and other sources of transportation. The air
pollution occurs when it is let out during vehicle operation, refueling, manufacturing, and
disposal. They have also discovered that pollution of the environment occurs when fuel is being
refined and distributed. Motor vehicles cause both primary and secondary pollution. Primary
pollution is distributed directly into the atmosphere; secondary pollution results from chemical
reactions between pollutants in the atmosphere. The most common types of pollutants from
vehicles are particulate matter, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide.
Particulates are very small particles, like soot, dust and fumes that are released in the air. They
are caused by vehicles, factories and smoke from homes burning coal for heating. This makes
them very dangerous. These particles are also dangerous because they can penetrate deep into
the human lung and cause a serious threat to people’s lives. They can impair breathing and also
affect the body’s immune system. These particles can also slow the exchanging of oxygen and
carbon dioxide which will make people feel short of breath and make the heart work harder.
Carbon monoxide is also dangerous to our health. It is the result of incomplete combustion from
automobiles. This gas has no color or smell but is deadly. Carbon monoxide binds to part of the
cell, which carries oxygen in the blood. If this happens it makes the respiratory system to work
harder. It reduces the amount of oxygen delivered to our muscles and organs and can cause
death if gone untreated.
Nitrogen oxides are emitted from vehicles, like cars and trucks. During rush hour periods, a lot
more is released in the air. Nitrogen oxides are also emitted from power stations. These gases
also make acid rain. A common type of nitrogen dioxide is a gas that appears yellowish or
brown. When Nitrogen oxides combine with other elements that is when they become
dangerous. An example is when it combines with pollutants and warm temperatures. This
causes a chemical reaction that produces a pollutant called ozone. Nitrogen Oxide can cause
acid rain which can harm humans, animals and vegetation
Hydrocarbons are produced when petrol is not fully burnt. They are one of the causes of modernday smog. These substances can irritate the respiratory system and are released during fuel
combustion and the burning of leaves, garbage, and wood. The strong odor smelled from gases
is from the hydrocarbons found in fuels. When hydrocarbons mix with Nitrogen oxide along
with the sun ozone is formed. This is a serious form of air pollution and the main reason smog is
formed. Some hydrocarbons are believed to cause serious health problems death and cancer.
The earth can handle small amounts of pollution but when large amounts are being poured in the
air the earth cannot fight back! However there are things that we can do to make a difference.
The Car Industry is now building cars with something called a catalytic converter for engines.
This converter changes the harmful hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide into harmless carbon
dioxide and water. They also developed a fuel that is unleaded that also reduces the amount of
pollution in the air. Many of our states require that cars go through a yearly inspection to make
sure the emissions are working right. There are laws that try to protect the air quality and limit
the amount of pollutants released into the air. They do this by using a special machine that helps
to monitor and keep track of the air quality. Scientist also uses these monitors to measure the
chemical make-up of the air including the amount of dust, sulfur, nitrogen and other pollutants.
When scientists do find a particular pollutant that is unsafe and over the limit, they take action to
reduce that pollutant in the air. As humans how can we help to fix this problem? We can help by
asking our parents to car pool with friends to school and other events. Try riding our bikes to
places that are close. Stop smoking because this also contributes to air pollution. We can also
use public transportation instead of private transportation. Trees are naturally used to clean the
air by taking in carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. So planting trees and saving the forests is
also a great way to protect the world we live in.
If we can see how much a single car emits carbon dioxide, we may be
able to find a way to reproduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the air.
Then we will be able convince people to car pool, stop idling, not drive
around for fun, and use gas wisely. Then we will have proof to stop.