SAMPLE SYLLABUS - University of West Florida

Kenny O’Connor – Instructor
Fall 2013
Phone: 850-393-1858 (C)
Classroom: ONLINE
Office Hours: Office meetings are by appointment only; however, I always have my cell
phone on me. Call me if you have any questions.
Required Text: Business, Third Edition, Ferrell Hirt Ferrell, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 978-0-07352458-0
Course Description: This course will provide the student with a general understanding of how
the U.S. business system functions in a contemporary business environment. Topics covered will
include an overview of how businesses are managed, ethics and social responsibility, how people
are integrated into organizations to make businesses viable, how marketing connects the firms'
products to the needs of consumers and organizational buyers, and how accounting/financial
issues and information systems facilitate and control business processes.
Topics to Be Covered:
1. The Contemporary Business World
2. The Business of Managing
3. People in Organizations
4. Principles of Marketing
5. Managing Information
6. Financial Issues
Student Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Discuss why businesses are structured differently because of factors such as geographic
location, target markets, or product mixes.
2. Discuss the different elements involved with doing business internationally
3. Discuss how businesses achieve success by demonstrating ethical behavior
4. Explain the strategies for business success in the relationship era
5. Describe factors that affect performance, motivation, and group work in the workplace
6. Describe the elements of customer-driven marketing
7. Demonstrate the use of technology in business
8. Discuss the basic elements of financial management and investing
Fall 2013
How will this class be taught?
This class will be taught entirely through UWF’s Elearning system. You must have internet
access in order to access the Elearning site.
Students with special needs must inform the instructor within the first week of the course
term of any personal circumstances that may require special consideration in meeting
course requirements or adhering to course policies. Students with special needs who
require specific examination-related or other course-related accommodations should
contact The Director of Student Disability Resource Center,, (850) 4742387. Student Disability Resource Center will provide the student with a letter for the
instructor that will specify any recommended accommodations.
You will have (2) Exams in this course that must be proctored. There are guidelines to proctored
At UWF you have four choices for completing proctored exams:
1. Come to campus;
2. Utilize the UWF Testing Center;
3. Use ProctorU online;
4. Find an approved proctor.
Please see “UWF Proctor Form” for proctor approval.
Fall 2013
What are the course requirements?
Discussion Questions. Each Module in the “Content” section represents a chapter. Each
chapter will have (3) Discussion Questions that you must respond to. Your response
should be a minimum of 250 words for each of the (3) Discussion Questions.
Participation. Active participation in our weekly discussions helps us all understand the
concepts better. You are required to respond to a minimum of (2) of your classmates’
responses each week. Your response should be well thought out, and promote continued
discussion. Also, your response to your classmate should be a minimum of 100 words.
Chapter Quizzes. Each module will contain a chapter quiz. We have 14 chapters, so
there will be 14 chapter quizzes. The quizzes are multiple choice, and are made up of
questions that pertain to your weekly readings. You will only have one attempt at each
chapter quiz.
Mid-Term Exam. You will have a mid-term exam covering the first 7 chapters of the
book. This exam must be a proctored exam. Please see details included in this syllabus
regarding the proper rules and policies concerning a proctored exam. This exam will be
online through elearning.
Final Exam. At the end of the semester, you will have a Final Exam. This exam will
cover the last 7 chapters and also must be a proctored exam. This exam will be online
through elearning.
Discussion Questions………………..20%
Chapter Quizzes……………………..20%
Mid-Term Exam……………………..25%
Final Exam…………………………...25%
94 90 88 84 -
80 78 74 70 -
68 - 69
64 - 67
Below 64
Fall 2013
Is there anything else I need to know about the course?
Administrative Appraisal. The instructor has the discretion to add or subtract any number of
points on a work group or an individual throughout the semester. Such appraisals will be based
on but not limited to:
o group record keeping (accuracy, neatness).
o lack of attendance
o dysfunctional behavior by a group or indiv
o unequal participation
o late job assignments or none at all
o unethical behaviors
Expectations for Academic Conduct/Plagiarism Policy
All students enrolled in this course are expected to accept the responsibility of reading,
understanding, and meeting all course requirements and policies as set forth in this syllabus and
other accompanying documents. You are expected to inform me immediately of any personal
circumstances that may require special consideration in meeting course requirements or adhering
to course policies. I expect all students to abide by the University's "Expectations for Academic
Conduct" as published in the UWF Student Handbook. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary
actions as specified in the Handbook.
As members of the University of West Florida, we commit ourselves to honesty. As we strive for
excellence in performance, integrity--personal and institutional--is our most precious asset.
Honesty in our academic work is vital, and we will not knowingly act in ways which erode that
integrity. Accordingly, we pledge not to cheat, nor to tolerate cheating, nor to plagiarize the work
of others. We pledge to share community resources in ways that are responsible and that comply
with established policies of fairness. Cooperation and competition are means to high
achievement and are encouraged. Indeed, cooperation is expected unless our directive is to
individual performance. We will compete constructively and professionally for the purpose of
stimulating high performance standards. Finally, we accept adherence to this set of expectations
for academic conduct as a condition of membership in the UWF academic community.
Fall 2013
Weekly Activities:
Each week consists of the same activities. You should read the Chapter in the textbook and
review the powerpoint. Then, respond to the (3) Discussion Questions for that chapter in the
Discussion Forum. Each Discussion Question is labeled. You are also required to Participate in
discussions with your classmates by responding to at least (2) of your classmates’ responses.
-Discussion Question responses should be 250 word minimum
-Responses to your classmates’ posts should be 100 word minimum
Aug 26-Sep1
Chapter 1 – The Dynamics of Business & Economics
Sep 2-8
Chapter 2 – Business Ethics & Social Responsibility
Sep 9-15
Chapter 3 – Business in a Borderless World
Sep 16-22
Chapter 4 – Options for Organizing Business
Sep 23-29
Chapter 5 – Small Business, Entrepreneurship, and Franchising
Sep 30 – Oct 6
Chapter 6 – The Nature of Management
Oct 7-13
Chapter 7 – Organization, Teamwork, and Communication
Oct 14 - 20
MID-TERM EXAM (Covering Chapters 1-7) **PROCTORED**
Oct 21-27
Chapter 8 – Managing Service and Manufacturing Options
Oct 28 – Nov 3
Chapter 9 – Motivating the Workforce
Nov 4 - 10
Chapter 10 – Managing Human Resources
Nov 11 - 17
Chapter 11 – Customer- Driven Marketing
Nov 18 - 24
Chapter 12 – Dimensions of Marketing Strategy
Nov 25 – Dec 1
Chapter 13 – Digital Marketing and Social Networking
Dec 2 - 8
Chapter 14 – Accounting & Financial Statements
Dec 9 - 13