General Education Consent Agenda Faculty Senate 12/4/08 Courses not on the approved list below may be pending follow-up or did not meet the revised general education criteria. A communication will go out to academic chairs identifying specifics of these courses. Appeal Information: Instructors wishing to appeal the General Education Committee’s decision may petition to have the course re-evaluated based on additional justification. A strong argument must be made for the course meeting the criteria and learning goals and it must be clear from the syllabus that the course is introductory and foundational. Appeals will be reviewed by the appropriate subcommittee and then by the General Education Committee as a whole. If necessary the instructor will be invited to attend a meeting to answer questions. Appeals must be received by the Faculty Senate Office ( by January 20, 2009 for review by committee. Appeals received after 1/20/09 will not be considered until the following year. Material for appeal should include a revised general education form with changes identified (underlined). It is hoped that the general education course list will be finalized for vote at the February 12, 2009 Faculty Senate meeting. Group II: Mathematical Sciences Department Applied Arts & Science Applied Arts & Science Applied Arts & Science Applied Arts & Science Applied Arts & Science Applied Arts & Science Mathematical Science Mathematical Science Mathematical Science Mathematical Science Mathematical Science Mathematical Science Mathematical Science COURSE # MAT 107 MAT 117 MAT 118 MAT 119 MAT 120 MAT 145 * MATH 107 * MATH 109 * MATH 111 * MATH 112 * MATH 117 * MATH 121 * MATH 130 TITLE Contemporary Mathematics (same as MATH 107) Probability and Linear Math (same as MATH 117) College Algebra (same as MAT H 111) Functions and Trigonometry (same as MATH 112) Elementary Functions (same as MATH 121) Calculus with Applications (same as MATH 150) Contemporary Mathematics Numbers as News College Algebra Functions and Trigonometry Probability and Linear Mathematics Precalculus Mathematics for Elementary Teachers * Any math course which has one of these courses as a prerequisite Group III: a Modern & Classical Languages DEPARTMENT English / Irish Studies COURSE # *ENIR 101 TITLE Elementary Irish One English / Irish Studies English / Irish Studies * Three 3 credit courses MCLL MCLL MCLL MCLL MCLL MCLL MCLL MCLL MCLL MCLL MCLL MCLL MCLL MCLL MCLL MCLL MCLL MCLL MCLL MCLL *ENIR 102 * ENIR 103 Elementary Irish Two Elementary Irish Three are required to fulfill the general education requirement ARAB 101 Elementary Standard Arabic ARAB 102 Elementary Modern Standard Arabic CHIN 101 Elementary Chinese I CHIN 102 Elementary Chinese II FREN 101 Elementary French I FREN 102 Elementary French II GERM 101 Elementary German GERM 102 Elementary German GRK 101 Elementary Greek I GRK 102 Elementary Greek II ITAL 101 Elementary Italian I ITAL 102 Elementary Italian II JPNS 101 Elementary Japanese I JPNS 102 Elementary Japanese II LAT 101 Elementary Latin LAT 102 Elementary Latin RUSS 101 Elementary Russian I RUSS 102 Elementary Russian II SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish Group III: b Symbolic Systems DEPARTMENT Anthropology Computer Technology (CoT) Computer Technology (CoT) Computer Science Computer Science COURSE # ANTH 401 CRT 121 TITLE Anthropological Data Analysis Introduction to Programming CRT 231 Object-Oriented Programming CS 131 CS 132 Fundamentals of Computer Science I Fundamentals of Computer Science II Curriculum and Instruction Forestry Health and Human Performance Linguistics Linguistics C&I 486 Statistical Procedures in Education FOR 201 HHP 486 Forest Biometrics Statistical Procedures in Education LING 470 LING 471 Introduction to Linguistic Analysis Phonetics and Phonology Linguistics Mathematics (CoT) Mathematics (CoT) Mathematics (CoT) Mathematical Sciences Mathematical Sciences Mathematical Sciences Mathematical Sciences Mathematical Sciences Music Music Music Music Music Music LING 472 MAT 117 MAT 120 MAT 145 MATH 131 MATH 150 MATH 152 MATH 241 MATH 444 MUS 111 MUS 112 MUS 137 MUS 138 MUS 161 MUS 162 Generative Syntax Probability and Linear Math Elementary Functions Calculus with Applications Mathematics for Elementary Teachers Philosophy Philosophy Psychology Sociology Wildlife Biology PHIL 210 PHIL 211 PSYC 220 SOC 202 WBIO 240 Introduction to Logic: Deduction Introduction to Logic: Applied Logic Psychological Statistics Social Statistics Introduction to Biostatistics Applied Calculus Calculus I Statistics Statistical Methods Theory I Theory II Aural Perception I Aural Perception II Language of Music I Language of Music II Approved Sequences: Anthropology –MATH 117 and ANTH 401 or FOR 201 or MATH 241 or MATH 341 or SOC 202 or PSYC 220 Communication Studies – MATH 117 and (MATH 241 or PSYC 220 or SOC 202 or HHP 486) Computer Science – CS 131 and CS 132 Economics – MATH 150 and MATH 241 *There are several departments that did not request sequence approval. A communication has been sent to academic chairs requesting submission for majors that require symbolic systems courses. Group IV: Expressive Arts DEPARTMENT Applied Arts & Science Applied Arts & Science Applied Arts & Science COURSE # COM 160 COM 217 WTS 184 TITLE Oral Communication Oral Interpretation of Literature Beginning Creative Writing: Multiple Genres Applied Arts & Science Applied Arts & Science WTS 185 WTS 186 Beginning Creative Writing: Fiction Beginning Creative Writing: Poetry Art Art Art Art Art Communication Studies Drama/Dance Drama/Dance Drama/Dance Drama/Dance Drama/Dance Drama/Dance Drama/Dance Drama/Dance Drama/Dance Drama/Dance Drama/Dance ART 123 ART 125 ART 129 ART 135 ART 314 COMM 111 DAN 100 DAN 104 DAN 107 DAN 108 DAN 200 DAN 201 DAN 204 DAN 207 DRAM 103 DRAM 106 DRAM 107 Visual Language: Drawing Visual Language: 2-D Design Ceramics for Non-Majors Three Dimensional Fundamentals Elementary School Art Introduction to Public Speaking Modern Dance I (2 credits) Ballet I (2 credits) Jazz Dance I (1 credit) Drama/Dance Drama/Dance Drama/Dance English English English English Media Art Media Art Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music DRAM 111 DRAM 112 DRAM 216 ENCR 210 ENCR 211 ENCR 212 ENCR 312 MAR 111A MAR 112A MUS 100 MUS 104 MUS 107 MUS 108 MUS 110 MUS 113 MUS 114 MUS 115 MUS 116 MUS 118 MUS 147 MUS 150 Acting for Non – Majors Acting for Non - Majors II Production Acting I (1 credit) Introduction to Creative Writing: Fiction Introduction to Creative Writing: Poetry Introduction to Creative Writing: Nonfiction Creative Writing: Nonfiction Integrated Digital Art Intro to Non-Lin Editing Performance Study (1-2 credits) Marching Band (1 credit) Choral Ensembles (1 credit) Orchestras (1 credit) Concert Bands (1 credit) Opera Theatre (1 credit) UM Jazz Bands (1 credit) Piano In Class I (1 credit) Piano In Class II (1 credit) Singing for Non-Majors Beginning Folk Guitar (2 credits) Chamber Ensembles (1 credit) Group V: Literary and Artistic Studies Dance Forms I (1 credit) Modern Dance II (variable credit) Beginning Composition (2 credits) Ballet II (2 credits) Jazz Dance II ( 2 credits) Introduction to Theatre Design Theatre Production I: Running Crew (1 credit) Theatre Production I: Construction Crew DEPARTMENT Applied Arts & Science Applied Arts & Science Art Art Drama/Dance Drama/Dance Drama/Dance Drama/Dance English English English English English English English English English English English English Liberal Studies Liberal Studies Liberal Studies MCLL MCLL MCLL TITLE Introduction to Critical Interpretation Introduction to Poetry Art Appreciation Introduction to Art Criticism Dance in Cinema World Dance Theatre Appreciation Dramatic Literature (Script Analysis) Montana Writers Live! Introduction to Film Introduction to Critical Interpretation Introduction to Poetry British Literature: Medieval to Renaissance British Literature: Enlightenment to Romanticism British Literature: Victorian to Contemporary American Literature to 1865 American Literature since 1865 Chaucer Montana Literature Gay and Lesbian Studies Introduction to Humanities Gender and Sexuality in English Fiction Introduction to Humanities Survey of Classical Literature Classical Mythology The German Cinema MCLL MCLL COURSE # WTS 120 WTS 121 ART 100 ART 203 DAN 234 DAN 434 UG DRAM 101 DRAM 220 ENCR 110 ENFM 180 ENLT 120 ENLT 121 ENLT 217 ENLT 218 ENLT 219 ENLT 224 ENLT 225 ENLT 350 ENLT 338 ENLT 372 LS 151 LS 327 LS152 MCLG 155L MCLG 160 GERM 222, LS 282, MCLG 222 MCLG 251 MCLG 252 MCLG 306V, LS 306V MCLG 307V, RUSS 307V, LS 307V MCLG 313 MCLG 314 MCLL MCLG 332 Introduction to Multicultural Literature in Germany Media Art Music Music MAR U 101L MUS 132 MUS 133 Intro to Media Arts History of Jazz History of Rock and Roll MCLL MCLL MCLL MCLL The Epic Greek Drama: Politics on Stage Introduction to 19th Century Russian Literature Introduction to 20th Century Russian Literature Classical Chinese Poetry in Translation Traditional Chinese Literature in English Translation Music Music MUS 134 MUS 135 The Art of Western Music Introduction to Music Literature Group VI: Historical and Cultural DEPARTMENT AAS AAS AAS Anthropology Anthropology Anthropology Anthropology Anthropology Applied Arts & Science Art Art COURSE # AAS 161 AAS 262 AAS 263 ANTH 101 ANTH 103 ANTH 106 ANTH 251 ANTH 252 CLS 167 ART 150 ART 151 TITLE Introduction to African American Studies African American History to 1865 African American History since 1865 Introduction to Anthropology Food and Culture The Silk Road Foundation of Civilization Archaeological Wonders of the World Nature and Society Art of World Civilization: Ancient to Medieval Art Art of World Civilization: Early Modern to Contemporary Art Drama/Dance Drama/Dance Drama/Dance DRAM 320 UG DRAM 321 UG DRAM 336 /ART 336 COMM 250 Theatre History I Theatre History II History of Architectural Design, Pre-History to 1850 EVST167H HIST 104/107 HIST 105/108 HIST 151/154 Nature & Society European Civilization to 1715 Modern Europe The Americans: Conquest to Capitalism & Honors History History HIST 152 HIST 155 The Americans: 1877 to the Present Honors The Americans: 1877 to the Present History History MCLL MCLL MCLL HIST 286 HIST 287 JPNS 210 MCLG 100 MCLG 105, RUSS 105, LS 105 Colonial Latin America Modern Latin America Japanese Culture and Civilization Introduction to Latin American Studies Introduction to Russian Culture MCLL Music Music Music MCLG 211 MUS 136 MUS 324 MUS 325 Chinese Culture and Civilization Music of the Worlds People History of Music I History of Music II Communication Studies Environmental Studies History History History Introduction to Rhetorical Theory Native American Studies NAS 100 Introduction to Native American Studies Philosophy Religious Studies PHIL 240 RELS 210 History and Philosophy of Science Introduction to the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament and the History of Ancient Israel Religious Studies RELS 232 Buddhism Group VII: Social Sciences DEPARTMENT COURSE # TITLE Anthropology ANTH 102 Race and Minorities Anthropology ANTH 220 Comparative Social Organization Anthropology ANTH 250 Introduction to Archaeology Applied Arts & Science COM 150 Interpersonal Communication Applied Arts & Science COM 260 Survey of Children's Communication Applied Arts & Science PSY 100 Introduction to Psychology Applied Arts & Science PSY 110 Organizational Psychology Business Technology BUS 103 Principles of Business Business Technology BUS 160 Issues in Sustainability Communication Studies COMM 110 Introduction to Interpersonal Communication Communication Studies COMM 202 Nonverbal Communication Communication Studies COMM 230 Organizational Communication Economics ECON 100 Introduction to Political Economy Economics ECON 111 Introduction to Microeconomics Economics ECON 112 Introduction to Macroeconomics Environmental Studies EVST 477S Environmental Justice Issues and Solutions Geography GEOG 101 Introduction to Human Geography Geography GEOG 103 Geography of World Regions Geography GEOG 201 Montana Linguistics LING 270 Introduction to Linguistics Management MGMT 340 Management and Organizational Behavior Political Science PSC 100 Introduction to American Government Political Science PSC 120 Introduction to Comparative Government Psychology PSYC 100 Introductory Psychology Psychology PSYC 240 Child and Adolescent Development Psychology PSYC 260 Fundamentals of Learning Psychology PSYC 265 Cognition Psychology PSYC 330 Abnormal Psychology Psychology PSYC 335 Fundamentals of Clinical Psychology Psychology PSYC 350 Social Psychology Psychology PSYC 351 Psychology of Personality Recreation Management RECM 110 Introduction to Parks, Recreation & Tourism Recreation Management RECM 217 Wildland Recreation Management Resource Management RSCN 121S Nature of Montana Resource Management RSCN 370 Wildland Conservation Policy and Governance Sociology Soc 110S Principles of Sociology Sociology Soc 130S Sociology of Alternative Religions Sociology Soc 212H Southeast Asian Culture and Civilization Sociology Soc 220S Race, Gender, and Class Sociology Soc 230S Criminology Sociology Soc 275S /WS 275S Gender and Society Group VIII: Ethics and Human Values DEPARTMENT Applied Arts & Science COURSE # WTS 240 TITLE Rhetoric and Ethics: Writing Arguments about Contemporary Issues Applied Computing and Electronics CRT 122 Ethics and Information Technology Computer science History History Pharmacy SCI 220 HIST 334 HIST 335 PHAR 514 Technology, Ethics and Society War, Peace, and Society International Human Rights CASE Studies in Pharmacy Ethics Philosophy Philosophy Philosophy Philosophy Philosophy Political Science Religious Studies PHIL 200 PHIL 201 PHIL 202 PHIL 223 PHIL 300 PSC 150 RELS 381 Ethics: Great Traditions Political Ethics Ethics and the Environment Business and Ethics Moral Philosophy Introduction to Political Theory Comparative Ethics Group IX: American and European DEPARTMENT COURSE # TITLE Anthropology ANTH 102 Race and Minorities Art ART 151 Art of World Civilizations II: Renaissance to Modern Art ART 389 American Art English ENLT 120 Interlocution to Critical Interpretation English ENLT 121 Introduction to Poetry English ENLT 219 British Literature: Victorian to Contemporary History HIST 104/107 European Civilization to 1715 History HIST 105/108 Modern Europe History HIST 151/154 The Americans: Conquest to Capitalism & Honors History HIST 152 The Americans: 1877 to the Present History HIST 155 The Americans: 1877 to the Present History HIST 330 European International Relations: Origins of the State System to 1870 History HIST 331 Foreign Relations of the Great Powers MCLL MCLG 105, RUSS 105, LS 105 Introduction to Russian Culture MCLL MCLG 231, GERM 362, LS 221 Germanic Mythology and Culture MCLL MCLG 330/ GERM 303/ LS 321 German Culture, Beginnings to 1900 MCLL MCLG 331/ GERM 304/LS 322 German Culture, 1900 to Present Music MUS 324 History of Music I Music MUS 325 History of Music II Philosophy PHIL 252 History of Modern Philosophy Philosophy PHL 251 History of Ancient Philosophy Political Science PSC 100 Introduction to American Government Group X: Indigenous and Global DEPARTMENT Anthropology Anthropology Anthropology Anthropology COURSE # ANTH 101 ANTH 106 ANTH 220 ANTH 251 TITLE Introduction to Anthropology The Silk Road Comparative Social Organization Foundation of Civilization Anthropology Anthropology Anthropology Anthropology Anthropology Anthropology Anthropology Anthropology Anthropology Anthropology Communication Studies Drama/Dance ANTH 252 ANTH 323 ANTH 330 ANTH 341 ANTH 351 ANTH 352 ANTH 354 ANTH 357 ANTH 385 ANTH 388 COMM 251 *DAN 434 UG Economics Geography Geography History History History Linguistics MCLL Music Native American Studies Native American Studies ECON 350 GEOG 207 GOEG 213 HIST 286 HIST 287 HIST 335 LING 375 MCLG 100 MUS 136 NAS 318 UG NAS 100 Archaeological Wonders of the World Native Peoples of Montana Peoples and Cultures of the World Contemporary Issues of American Indians Archaeology of North America Archaeology of Montana Mesoamerican Prehistory Archaeology of the Southwestern United States Indigenous Peoples and Global Development Native American Health and Healing International and Development Communication World Dance * Department has agreed to change the course number to 335 Economic Development Africa The Middle East Colonial Latin America Modern Latin America International Human Rights Endangered Languages Introduction to Latin American Studies Music of the Worlds People History of American Indian Affairs from 1890 Introduction to Native American Studies Native American Studies NAS 201 Indian Culture as Expressed Through Language Native American Studies Native American Studies NAS 202 NAS 210 Oral and Written Traditions Native American Sports and Games Native American Studies NAS 231 Indigenous Worldview Perspectives Native American Studies Native American Studies NAS 301 NAS 303 American Indian Religion and Philosophy Ecological Perspectives of Native Americans Native American Studies NAS 316 UG History of American Indian Affairs to 1776 Native American Studies NAS 317 UG History of American Indian Affairs in the 19th Century Native American Studies Native American Studies NAS 318 NAS 324 History of Indian Affairs from 1890 Indians of Montana Native American Studies NAS 400 Tribal Sovereignty Native American Studies Political Science Society and Conservation NAS 429 PSC 130 RECM /FOR 345 Gender Issues in Native American Studies Introduction to International Relations Sustaining Human Society and the natural Environment Sociology SOS 212 Southeast Asian Culture and Civilization Group XI: Natural Science DEPARTMENT COURSE # TITLE Anthropology ANTH 210 Introduction to Physical Anthropology Anthropology ANTH 211N Human Genetics Anthropology ANTH 286 Survey of the Forensic Sciences Applied Arts & Science SCN 100 Issues in Biology Applied Arts & Science SCN 100 Issues in Biology Applied Arts & Science SCN 175 Integrated Physical Science Applied Arts & Science SCN 201 Human Anatomy & Physiology I Biological Sciences BIOL 106N Elementary Medical Microbiology Biological Sciences BIOL 109N Diversity of Life Laboratory Biological Sciences BIOL 110N Principles of Biology Biological Sciences BIOL 120N General Botany Biological Sciences BIOL 121N Introductory Ecology Biological Sciences BIOL 130N Evolution and Society Chemistry CHEM 101 Consumer Chemistry Chemistry CHEM 151 General and Inorganic Chemistry Chemistry CHEM 154 Organic and Biological Chemistry Laboratory Environmental Studies EVST 101N Environmental Science Forestry FOR 210 Introductory Soils Geography GEOG 102 Introduction to Physical Geography Geosciences GEOS 100N General Geology Geosciences GEOS 101N General Geology Laboratory Geosciences GEOS 103N Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Natural Hazards Geosciences GEOS 105N Oceanography Geosciences GEOS 108N Climate Change, Past and Future Pharmacy PHAR110 Use and abuse of Drugs Physics & Astronomy ASTR 131N Elementary Astronomy I Physics & Astronomy ASTR 132N Elementary Astronomy II Physics & Astronomy ASTR 134N Elementary Astronomy Laboratory I Physics & Astronomy ASTR 135N Elementary Astronomy Laboratory II Physics & Astronomy ASTR 142N The Evolving Universe: Theories and Observation Physics & Astronomy PHYS 113N Physics Laboratory I Physics & Astronomy PHYS 114N Physics Laboratory II Physics & Astronomy PHYS 141N Relativity: From Galileo to Einstein and Beyond Physics & Astronomy SCI 225N General science: Physical and Chemical Science Resources Conservation FOR/RSCN 271 Wilderness Ecology