NDEP Diabetes at Work Task Group Roster with CVs Updated 3/12/12 TASK GROUP CHAIR Ronald R. Loeppke, M.D., M.P.H., FACOEM, FACPM (nominated by ACOEM, content) President-elect ACOEM Vice Chairman U.S. Preventive Medicine 5166 Remington Drive Brentwood, TN 37027 615-289-5393 (M) 615-661-0160 (O) RLoeppke.MD@USPreventiveMedicine.com DrLoeppke CV 7-15-11.doc TASK GROUP MEMBERS Roger P. Austin, MS, RPh, CDE (former BHS member, content expert) Clinical Pharmacy Specialist Henry Ford Health System 3500 E 15 Mile Rd. Sterling Heights Michigan 48310 586-977-6228 (office) 586-977-6234 (fax) raustin1@hfhs.org (email) CV December 2011.doc Tamara Blow EdD, RN, COHN-S/CM, CBM, PLNC, FAAOHN Altria Client Services Manager, Occupational Health Services OFFICE: (804) 274-5805 E-FAX: (919) 697-4360 TAMARA.Y.BLOW@ALTRIA.COM 755 Birdsong Road Petersburg, VA 23805 Blow CV 02232012.doc Sarah Bradley (Promotion) Senior Manager, Prevention Initiatives and Professional Collaborations American Diabetes Association (800) 676-4065, ext. 2231 sbradley@diabetes.org Jill Brownley Director, Marketing and Communications Viridian Health Management 602-544-4880 Office 602-509-4311 Cell jbrownley@viridianhealth.com Tricia L. Ridgway-Kapustka, APR, CPRC Vice President, Marketing Communications U.S. Preventive Medicine, Inc. (904) 562-6254 (904) 891-6320 Cell Trishk11 Skype @TKapustka Twitter TKapustka@USPreventiveMedicine.com Franz Fanuka (worked with Sanofi and NBCH on worksite issues, promotion experience) Initiatives Director National Forum for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Phone: 540.785.1950 | Mobile: 540.748.5500 franz.fanuka@nationalforum.org Jeanette_May_CV NoID.doc Franz Fanuka_CV.doc Richard M. Fornadel, MD, MBA (referred by AHIP, content expert, perhaps evaluation as well) Regional Medical Director 509 Progress Drive Suite 118, Linthicum, MD 21090 (410) 531-6283 FornadelR1@aetna.com BIO Fornadel.doc LOI Fornadel.doc Pam Geis (community expertise, vice chair BHS WG) Wisconsin Diabetes Prevention and Control Program 262-573-3983 GeisPamela@gmail.com GEIS_CV_Dec2011.d ocx Jeannette May, PhD, MPH (CCA was on former BHS group, evaluation) Vice President, Research and Quality The Care Continuum Alliance 202-365-4161 jmay@carecontinuum.org Lisa Marlow (backup for Marie McDonnell) Endocrine Society P: 240.482.1392 F: 301.941.0259 lmarlow@endo-society.org Marie E. McDonnell, MD (from Endocrine Society, content) Assistant Professor of Medicine Director, Inpatient Diabetes Program Section of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Nutrition Boston Medical Center E: Marie.McDonnell@bmc.org admin office: 617-414-3219 clinic: 617-638-7470 fax: 617-638-7221 mem bu CV 11 2011.doc Christina McGeough MPH RD CDN CDE (from Hispanic Latino WG, community) Institute for Family Health Diabetes Program Coordinator Mobile: 347-440-8004 Fax: 718-583-2835 Email: cmcgeough@institute2000.org ChristinaMcGeoughC V 3 30 2011.doc Prentiss Taylor MD (content) Regional Center Medical Director Advocate Medical Group Advocate Health Care 312-504-5068 cell prentiss.taylor@advocatehealth.com Prentiss Taylor CV -APP e-newsletter 11_2011.doc STAFF SUPPORT Pamela Allweiss, M.D., M.P.H. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Division of Diabetes Translation 4770 Buford Hwy NE MS K-10 Atlanta, GA 30341 O: 770-488-1154 Telework #: 859-269-5229 pca8@cdc.gov Josh Petty, MBA Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Division of Diabetes Translation 4770 Buford Hwy NE MS K-10 Atlanta, GA 30341 jpetty@cdc.gov Michelle Knight ICF International 62 Silver Crown Drive Mechanicsburg PA 17050 mknight@icfi.com Diane Tuncer NDEP NIH Deputy Director National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, NIH Building 31, Rm 9A04 31 Center Drive, MSC 2560 Bethesda, MD 20892-2560 P: 301-451-3380 E: diane.tuncer@nih.gov