Name: ______________________________ Spelling Homework 6th Grade Language Period: _________ Date: _____________________ Activity Completed Points Monday: Tuesday: Chose a different activity each day until you have earned the required 20 points. Have a parent or guardian sign for you when you are finished. Place this behind the “Homework” divider in your Language binder. Activity Choice ZYX Order Old School Style Wednesday: Thursday: Guardian Signature ___________________ Description Write our spelling words in reverse alphabetical order. Write each spelling word five times. Type each spelling word five times. Experiment with different fonts. Type It Out Print it out. Secret Agent Create a code by assigning numbers or symbols to each letter of the Words alphabet. Write out each spelling word in code. Categorize our spelling words according to the parts of speech (ex: Fabulous Parts noun, verb, adjective, etc.) Create a Wordle using all ten of our spelling words. Wordle Print it out. Create a crossword puzzle using all ten of our spelling words. Crossword Puzzle Print it out. Solve the puzzle. Create a word search using all ten of our spelling words. Word Search Print it out. Circle the spelling words. Write a note to someone using all ten spelling words. Underline each Passing Notes word. Lyrical Genius Write a song using all ten spelling words. Underline each word. Synonym Words For each spelling word, list three synonyms. Antonyms Words For each spelling word, list three antonyms. Draw a picture that relates to each spelling word. Write the word Picture This next to the drawing. Write a thirty second TV commercial using all ten words. Underline 30 Second Words each spelling word. Write a one page story using all ten spelling words. Underline each Story Words spelling word. Write one sentence for each word. Use the word correctly. Sentences Underline each spelling word. Total Points ____/20 Points 2 5 5 8 8 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 Name: ______________________________ Period: _________ Spelling – Lesson 2 1. complaint (kuhmplaynt) noun 1) expression of grief, pain or sentiment 2) a charge of illegal wrongdoing against another 2. deny (dihnii) verb 1) to declare untrue 2) to contradict 3. keen noun, verb, adjective 1) having a sharp edge or point 2) very nice 3) to mourn in a loud wailing voice 4. migrate (miigrayt) verb 1) to move from one country, place, or locality to another 5. oath (ohth) noun 1) a promise 2) a vow 6. plead (pleed) verb 1) to beg 2) to argue a case in a court of law 7. quote (kwoht) noun, verb 1) to repeat someone else’s words exactly 8. theme (theem) noun 1) a subject for a work of literature, art, or music 9. thorough (thuroh) adjective 1) carried out to completion 10. twilight (twiiliit) noun, adjective 1) between sunset and full night Date: _____________________