RICHLANDS PRIMARY SCHOOL GRADE: Kinder DATE: October 28th-Nov 1st , 2013 Teacher: Beatriz Bravo CURRICULUM OBJECTIVES CURRICULUM GOAL CURRICULUM OBJECTIVE LESSON OBJECTIVE/ESSENTIAL QUESTION TOTAL CLASS TIME LESSON TITLE NL.CLL.1 Use the language to engage in interpersonal communication NM.CLL.4 Compare the students’ culture and the target culture. NC.CLL.2.1 Understand the meaning of simple, spoken greetings, words, and phrases when accompanied by visual clues and/or prompts, as needed. NM.CLL.4 Compare basic cultural practices of people in the target culture and the students’ culture. To review primary and secondary colors To name and recognize classroom objects To talk about Fall objects and celebrations EQ: QUE COLOR ES ESTE? QUE ES ESTO? DONDE ESTA? 30 minutes LOS UTILES ESCOLARES y LA CALABAZA CLASSROOM OBJECTS & FALL 1) FOCUS AND REVIEW ACTIVATOR TIME: 5 MINS Warm up / TPR activity: Students listen to basic commands and act them out. PARATE, SIENTATE, ARRIBA, ABAJO, AL FRENTE, ATRAS, SALTANDO, BAILANDO, MARCHANDO, DANDO LA VUELTA, CONTAMOS HASTA 10, A LA DERECHA, A LA IZQUIERDA, CORRE Sing the BUENOS DIAS song. Say the rhyme: CALABAZA MATERIALS: Alto and silencio signs, CD: Circle Time, 2) TEACHER INPUT TIME: 7 MINS Teacher shows objects and ask students QUE ES ESTO? (What’s this?): LAPIZ, LIBRO, SILLA, MESA, PUPITRE, TIJERAS, BORRADOR, GOMA, CRAYONES by taking them out of her box. Teacher repeats the language structure: Este es un lapiz, este es un borrador, esta una silla. Teacher invites students to watch a video about classroom objetcs, with Sr. Morris. After the video, students are going to follow Sr. Morris directions to write their names on their worksheet and color the classroom items. She explains that while they are working on their papers, they are going to play the game Hot and Cold. MATERIALS: laptop, colors and classroom objects flashcards, Promethean, ELMO, CD Language Stars, Song: Baile de los colores, Classroom Vocabulary video from United Streaming 3)GUIDED PRACTICE TIME: 10 MINUTES Practice with students QUE COLOR ES ESTE? Students take turns ask and answer: Que COLOR es ESTE? EL LAPIZ ES AMARILLO, EL LIBRO ES AZUL, EL BORRADOR ES ROSADO. Students answer if the object is IN or OUT the box in Spanish. Cut and label classroom objects to make a MOCHILA. Tell students they are going to play the hot/cold game using the classroom objects. A student is sent out of the classroom, then the teacher or another student hides an object. Once is hidden the child who is outside, comes and try to find the object, the rest of the class is saying the name of the object louder Is he or she is close, if he is far from the object, students name the object softly, lowering their voices. DAY 2: Students will say a rhyme about a Pumpkin: CALABAZA, CALABAZA, QUE TE PASA, QUE TE PASA? They will brainstorm words related to Fall and/or Halloween and write a list of new words in Spanish: They may be: arania, dulces, disfraz, anaranjado, negro. MATERIALS: Colors and classroom objects flashcards, realia, voice levels falshcards 4)INDEPENDENT PRACTICE TIME 10 MINS Students will take answer if the object is ADENTRO/IN or AFUERA/OUT Ask and answer: Que color es este? Que es esto? Cut classroom objetcs and write initials on them Play game with kidspeak Spanish software Throw a bean bag or Jump to the color the teacher mentions (some students who still need to be assessed) Watch the video Classroom materials with Sr. Morris? Cover la calabaza with orange construction paper. 5) EVALUATION Summative: Oral presentations COMO TE LLAMAS? ME LLAMO…. Listening: Throw the bean bag or Jump to the color the teacher says. ROJO, AMARILLO, AZUL Ticket out the door: Say a word in Spanish that you learned in Spanish class. CLOSURE: Sing the song: Adios ninios from Language Stars CD MATERIALS: Language Stars CD, Kids Speak Spanish software RICHLANDS PRIMARY SCHOOL GRADE: Kinder DATE: October 21-25, 2013 Teacher: Beatriz Bravo CURRICULUM OBJECTIVES CURRICULUM GOAL CURRICULUM OBJECTIVE LESSON OBJECTIVE/ESSENTIAL QUESTION TOTAL CLASS TIME LESSON TITLE NL.CLL.1 Use the language to engage in interpersonal communication NC.CLL.2.1 Understand the meaning of simple, spoken greetings, words, and phrases when accompanied by visual clues and/or prompts, as needed. To reinforce the primary colors To name and recognize classroom objects To review secondary colors EQ: QUE COLOR ES ESTE? QUE ES ESTO? DONDE ESTA? 30 minutes LOS UTILES ESCOLARES Y LOS COLORES CLASSROOM OBJECTS & COLORS 2) FOCUS AND REVIEW ACTIVATOR TIME: 5 MINS Warm up / TPR activity: Students listen to basic commands and act them out. PARATE, SIENTATE, ARRIBA, ABAJO, AL FRENTE, ATRAS, SALTANDO, BAILANDO, MARCHANDO, DANDO LA VUELTA, CONTAMOS HASTA 10, A LA DERECHA, A LA IZQUIERDA, CORRE Sing the BUENOS DIAS song. MATERIALS: Alto and silencio signs, CD: Circle Time, 2) TEACHER INPUT TIME: 7 MINS Teacher review new words: LAPIZ, LIBRO, SILLA, MESA, PUPITRE, TIJERAS, BORRADOR, GOMA, CRAYONES by taking them out of her mochila(backpack). Teacher explains the new language structure: QUE ES ESTO? (What’s this?) Este es un lapiz, este es un borrador, esta una silla. Teacher invites students to play a game. Review colors ROJO, AMARILLO, AZUL by showing a big crayon and asking what color it is. COLORES: VERDE(green), ANARANJADO(orange), MORADO(purple). Invite students to raise their hands if they are wearing something with that color. Sing the song: “Baile de los colores” / Dance of colors MATERIALS: laptop, colors and classroom objects flashcards, Promethean, ELMO, CD Language Stars, Song: Baile de los colores 3)GUIDED PRACTICE TIME: 10 MINUTES Practice with students QUE COLOR ES ESTE? Students take turns ask and answer: Que COLOR es ESTE? EL LAPIZ ES AMARILLO, EL LIBRO ES AZUL, EL BORRADOR ES ROSADO. Students answer if the object is IN or OUT the box in Spanish. Cut and label classroom objects to make a MOCHILA. Tell students they are going to play the hot/cold game using the classroom objects. A student is sent out of the classroom, then the teacher or another student hides an object. Once is hidden the child who is outside, comes and try to find the object, the rest of the class is saying the name of the object louder Is he or she is close, if he is far from the object, students name the object softly, lowering their voices. DAY 2: Work in stations MATERIALS: Colors and classroom objects flashcards, realia, voice levels falshcards 4)INDEPENDENT PRACTICE TIME 10 MINS Students will take answer if the object is ADENTRO/IN or AFUERA/OUT Ask and answer: Que color es este? Que es esto? DAY 1: Children play HOT and Cold game using the classroom objects Children go to their corresponding group and … Divide students into three groups to work in stations: Station 1: Cut classroom objetcs and writre initials on them Station 2: Play game with kidspeak Spanish software Station 3: Throw a bean bag or Jump to the color the teacher mentions Station 4: Watch the video Classroom materials with Sr. Morris? 5) EVALUATION Summative: Oral presentations COMO TE LLAMAS? ME LLAMO…. Listening: Throw the bean bag or Jump to the color the teacher says. ROJO, AMARILLO, AZUL Ticket out the door: Say a word in Spanish that you learned in Spanish class. CLOSURE: Sing the song: Adios ninios from Language Stars CD MATERIALS: Language Stars CD, Kids Speak Spanish software RICHLANDS PRIMARY SCHOOL GRADE: Kinder DATE: October 15-18, 2013 Teacher: Beatriz Bravo CURRICULUM OBJECTIVES CURRICULUM GOAL CURRICULUM OBJECTIVE LESSON OBJECTIVE/ESSENTIAL QUESTION TOTAL CLASS TIME LESSON TITLE NL.CLL.1 Use the language to engage in interpersonal communication NC.CLL.2.1 Understand the meaning of simple, spoken greetings, words, and phrases when accompanied by visual clues and/or prompts, as needed. To reinforce the topic about names To review primary colors To name and recognize classroom objects To recognize secondary colors EQ: QUE COLOR ES ESTE? QUE ES ESTO? 30 minutes LOS UTILES ESCOLARES Y LOS COLORES CLASSROOM OBJECTS & COLORS 3) FOCUS AND REVIEW ACTIVATOR TIME: 5 MINS Warm up / TPR activity: Students listen to basic commands and act them out. PARATE, SIENTATE, ARRIBA, ABAJO, AL FRENTE, ATRAS, SALTANDO, BAILANDO, MARCHANDO, DANDO LA VUELTA, CONTAMOS HASTA 10, A LA DERECHA, A LA IZQUIERDA. Introduce and model: CORRE Sing the BUENOS DIAS song. MATERIALS: Alto and silencio signs, CD, frog puppet 2) TEACHER INPUT TIME: 10 MINS Teacher review primary colors ROJO, AMARILLO, AZUL by showing a big crayon and asking what color it is. Then, she presents SAPITO, the frog puppet to introduce the secondary colors. He pretends he doesn’t know the colors and the teacher encourages students to correct SAPITO’s mistakes. COLORES: VERDE(green), ANARANJADO(orange), MORADO(purple). Invite students to raise their hands if they are wearing something with that color. Sing the song: “Baile de los colores” / Dance of colors Teacher introduces new words: LAPIZ, LIBRO, SILLA, MESA, TIJERAS, BORRADOR, GOMA, CRAYONES by taking them out of her mochila(backpack). Teacher explains the new language structure: QUE ES ESTO? Este es un lapiz, este es un borrador, esta una silla. Teacher invites students to finish coloring their primary colors booklet, if they haven’t finished yet. MATERIALS: laptop, colors and classroom objects flashcards, Promethean, ELMO, CD Language Stars, Song: Baile de los colores 3)GUIDED PRACTICE TIME: 5 MINUTES Practice with students QUE COLOR ES ESTE? Students take turns ask and answer: Que COLOR es ESTE? EL LAPIZ ES AMARILLO, EL LIBRO ES AZUL, EL BORRADOR ES ROSADO. Tell students they are going to play the hot/cold game using the classroom objects. A student is sent out of the classroom, then the teacher or another student hides an object. Once is hidden the child who is outside, comes and try to find the object, the rest of the class is saying the name of the object louder Is he or she is close, if he is far from the object, students name the object softly, lowering their voices. MATERIALS: Colors and classroom objects flashcards, realia 4)INDEPENDENT PRACTICE TIME 10 MINS Students will take turns ask and answer: Que color es este? Que es esto? Children go to their corresponding group and … Divide students into three groups to work in stations: Station 1: Finish coloring pictures using primary colors Station 2: Play game with kidspeak Spanish software Station 3: Jump to the color the teacher mentions Station 4: Watch the video Como te llamas? 5) EVALUATION Summative: Oral presentations COMO TE LLAMAS? ME LLAMO…. Listening: Jump to the color the teacher says. ROJO, AMARILLO, AZUL Ticket out the door: Say a word in Spanish that you learned in Spanish class. CLOSURE: Sing the song: Adios ninios from Language Stars CD MATERIALS: Language Stars CD RICHLANDS PRIMARY SCHOOL GRADE: Kinder DATE: October 7-11, 2013 Teacher: Beatriz Bravo CURRICULUM OBJECTIVES CURRICULUM GOAL CURRICULUM OBJECTIVE LESSON OBJECTIVE/ESSENTIAL QUESTION TOTAL CLASS TIME LESSON TITLE NL.CLL.1 Use the language to engage in interpersonal communication NC.CLL.2.1 Understand the meaning of simple, spoken greetings, words, and phrases when accompanied by visual clues and/or prompts, as needed. To introduce ourselves in Spanish To differentiate niños from niñas To recognize primary colors EQ: COMO TE LLAMAS? QUE COLOR ES ESTE? 30 minutes Soy un niño/a 4) FOCUS AND REVIEW ACTIVATOR TIME: 5 MINS Warm up / TPR activity: Students listen to basic commands and act them out. PARATE, SIENTATE, ARRIBA, ABAJO, AL FRENTE, ATRAS, SALTANDO, BAILANDO, MARCHANDO, Introduce and model: DANDO LA VUELTA, CONTAMOS HASTA 10. Sing the BUENOS DIAS song. MATERIALS: Alto and silencio signs 2) TEACHER INPUT TIME: 10 MINS Teacher review primary colors and invite students watch a PowerPoint presentation about niño y niña. She asks children to repeat after teacher Yo soy un niño. Yo soy una niña. Teacher introduces the word LA MAESTRA. Teacher explains the ATTENTION SIGNAL: La Lechuza and invite students to sing along with her. She explains that they are going to draw a circle around the person and phrase that is true for them, using a RED crayon. She passes out papers and monitor students work. MATERIALS: laptop, Promethean, ELMO, Alumbrar y Brillar book, CD Language Stars, Song: La lechuza 3)GUIDED PRACTICE Practice with students Quien eres? and invite them to answer Students will take turns ask and answer: Quien eres? Yo soy un niño. Yo soy una niña. MATERIALS 4)INDEPENDENT PRACTICE Students will take turns ask and answer: Quien eres? Yo soy un niño. Yo soy una niña. Children go back to their seats and work on their papers, drawing a circle around the person who is true for them, using the crayon ROJO. 5) EVALUATION Diagnostic and formative: COMO TE LLAMAS? ME LLAMO…. SOY UN NIñO, SOY UNA NIñA. CLOSURE: Sing the song: Adios ninios from Language Stars CD MATERIALS: Language Stars CD