A Cappella UWSP Constitution - Student Organizations

The primary purpose of A Cappella UWSP is to create a collaborative environment for
UWSP students to experiment with the fundamentals of A Cappella music.
Article I: The Name of the Organization
The name of the organization is A Cappella UWSP.
Article II: Membership
Membership for A Cappella UWSP is open to all UWSP students without regard to age,
race, creed or religion, color, handicap, sex, national origin, ancestry, sexual orientation
or political affiliation. Additionally, it is open to students of any major or minor.
Members will retain their membership so long as they remain a UWSP student, stay in
good academic standing, and pay their membership dues. Honorary membership may be
extended to other persons on a limited basis.
Article III: Officers
The officer positions of president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer shall be
determined annually by a majority vote of current members via blind ballot. The election
shall be held during the spring semester by the first week in April. In the event that any
officer must leave his/her position for any reason, a special election will be held to fill
that position at the next available meeting. Officers must be full or part-time students in
good academic standing (cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above). Officers should attend all
organizational meetings. Officers will meet at least once a month during the academic
school year.
President: The president will direct the organization's meetings. The president will be
responsible for organizing officer meetings and organization meetings. In
addition, the president is required to attend the re-recognition meeting held at the
beginning of the fall semester. The President must also attend the annual budget
request meeting with SUFAC.
Vice-President: The vice-president will direct the organization's meetings in the absence
of the president and to assist the president in his/her other duties.
Secretary: The secretary will take attendance at each meeting, record meeting minutes,
and will be responsible for distributing agendas, meeting minutes, and other
information to the organization’s members. The secretary will also keep a record
of each ensemble’s membership.
Treasurer: The treasurer will be responsible for the organization's funds as well as
keeping an accurate record of the organization's income and expenses. The
treasurer is also responsible for each ensemble’s budget. All Student Organization
treasurers are required to attend a Student Government Association Treasurer
training. The treasurer must also attend the annual budget request meeting with
Article IV: Meetings
The organization will meet at least once a month during the academic school year.
Article V: Finances
Section 1: Dues
All members will be required to pay $10 within the first 4 weeks of the new
semester. Those joining after the first 4 weeks will gain membership upon paying
$10. Members joining within the last 4 weeks of any semester may choose to not
pay the fee provided they do not perform at A Cappella UWSP sponsored events.
Fee waivers may be permitted based on financial need.
Section 2:
In the event that the organization is dissolved, * any funds not returned to the
Student Government Association will be donated to the Department of Music at
the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point. *Note: Funds received from the
Student Government Association will be returned to Student Government
Association and remaining monies will be donated to the Department of Music at
the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.
Article VI: Amendments
Any member of the organization can propose an amendment to the Constitution by giving
the proposed amendment to the organization’s secretary or other officer. The proposed
amendment will be reviewed by the officers. If approved, it will be included in the next
meeting’s agenda under new business. The proposed amendment must be approved by a
two-thirds majority by all standing members. If the amendment is defeated, it may not be
proposed again until the next the following semester. All members of the organization
will be notified, in writing, of any pending amendments.
Article VII: Ratification
The constitution shall be ratified by a two-thirds vote of approval by the members.
Article VIII: Bylaws
Section 1: A Cappella UWSP: Ensemble Recognition Form
Section 2: A Cappella UWSP: Ensemble Funds Request
Article IX: Amending Bylaws
Any member of the organization can propose an amendment to the bylaws by giving the
proposed amendment to the organization’s secretary or other officer. The proposed
amendment will be reviewed by the officers. If approved, it will be included in the next
meeting’s agenda as an action item. All proposed bylaw amendments must be approved
by a two-thirds majority vote of standing members.
Article X: Member Resignation and Removal
Section 1: Resignation
A member may at any time resign from his/her position in the group.
Section 2: Removal
If any member fails to do his/her responsibilities which have been assigned to
them and is considered to be unfit for the organization by the advisor, an officer, and the
two-thirds majority of all members, that member may be removed from the organization.
Article XI: Divisions
A Cappella UWSP will support its members forming ensembles.
Section 1: Ensembles
Any member of A Cappella UWSP may form their own ensemble provided they
meet the requirements stated below:
 Abide by this Constitution.
 Have a Leader and a treasurer.
 Consist of at least 4 members.
 Complete the Ensemble Recognition Form included in the bylaws of
this Constitution.
 All members of ensembles must be members of A Cappella UWSP.
Section 2: Forming an ensemble
Ensembles have full autonomy on how membership is decided. Once an ensemble
has been formed, it is their duty to contact the secretary of A Cappella UWSP, in
writing, so that they may be recognized.
Section 3: Ensemble Officers
Leader: Responsible for organizing rehearsal times, completing the Ensemble
Recognition Form, keeping an up-to-date record of ensemble members. The
Leader of the ensemble will serve as the liaison between A Cappella UWSP
officers and their ensemble.
Treasurer: Responsible for creating the Ensemble Budget Request, keeping
record of the ensemble’s budget, and submitting Ensemble Funds Requests.
Section 4: Ensemble Budgets
Ensembles may include an itemized budget request in the A Cappella UWSP
annual budget request. Ensembles requesting a budget must follow Student
Government Association guidelines when preparing their budget. Ensemble
treasurers are not required, but are encouraged to attend a Student Government
Association Treasurer training. Ensembles must submit their completed budget to
the A Cappella UWSP treasurer prior to submission of the A Cappella UWSP
Section 5: Requesting Ensemble Funds
Ensembles may request additional money from A Cappella UWSP’s accounts
using the A Cappella UWSP Ensemble Funds Request form included in the
bylaws of this constitution. Ensembles will submit their completed form to the A
Cappella UWSP Treasurer. A Cappella UWSP Officers will then meet with the
ensemble to review the request at the next officer meeting. Upon approval, funds
will be distributed from A Cappella UWSP accounts or, if necessary, a further
request may be submitted by A Cappella UWSP to the Student Government
Association. If denied, recommendations will be given so that a following request
may be approved.
Article XII: Date of the Constitution
This constitution must be reviewed once every three years.
Current Version: 1.00
Written: March 9, 2015
Last Update: March 9, 2015