Stage 5 year 10 Unit of work Days of our lives

Target Group:
Stage 5 – year 9/10
Unit Description:
Personal Profile
Days of our lives
Indicative Time:
5 weeks
Students will develop their ability to talk about their daily routine and their school life.
Students acquire vocabulary, expressions and language structures within this context. Student activities relate to developing the outcomes and form the basis of the unit of
work. Students listen to, read and respond to texts and learn to incorporate modelled linguistic structures in order to produce original text.
Assessed Outcomes:
Listening and Responding 5UL1
Speaking 5UL3
Language and intercultural concepts:
1. School life (school subjects)
2. Talk about what subject you like ( adjectives, intéressant, ennuyant etc)
3. School time table (time, numbers revision)
4. Daily routine (reflexives verbs, regular verbs)
Students learn about:
5.UL.1 Ways of identifying relevant details when listening for specific
5.UL.3 responding to factual and open-ended questions
5.MLC.2 meaning conveyed in words
Language Functions and Structures:
School system in France
Les matières scolaires
L’heure (12h or 24 h clocks)
Reflexive verbs (Je me lève, je m’habille…)
Verbs ending in -re
Students learn to:
 Identifiy purpose, eg to inform, persuade or entertain, and
distinguish between main points and specific and supporting details
in spoken text
 Make judgments about the relevance of detail in understanding text,
eg extracting ideas and issues referred to in text
 Reconstruct information from a range of sources, eg summarizing
information (talking about their daily routine)
 Make linguistic choices to enhance their intended meaning, drawing
on a range of linguistic structures
This document has been produced by Anne Bentley at St Columba Anglican School with funds provided by the Australian Government through the School Languages
Teaching & Learning Activities (including assessment):
Opening activity
Bring French stationary in class (cahier de texte, un cahier, un classeur
d’exercises de classes primaires, French school workbooks) ask questions in
French eg Qu’est-ce que c’est ?...
Powerpoint les matières scolaires.
Create quizlet set of cards for school subjects
Students to write their own time table in French
Activité N p 34 Activity book 2 – Quoi de neuf
Culture : Quoi de neuf 2 – student book p 21
Read Le système scolaire français. Compare the French school system to the
Australian system. Write a table in books
The time – L’heure
A quelle heure? Tricolore Total 1 p92 and 93
Listening : Version originale p70 Quelle heure est-il ?
Evidence of achievement and Ongoing Feedback:
Written analysis of student-designed survey conveys accurate information
about the survey results.
Written feedback from the teacher on the ability to convey information and
ideas, using appropriate vocabulary and structures.
Oral feedback from peers on accuracy of body language in self-introduction.
Teacher observation and oral feedback on linguistic features and
identification of cultural influences.
Students discuss objects and find what they have in common: school.
Student are introduced to new vocabulary of school subjects. Watch
powerpoint and answer questions orally.
Quizlet vocabulary charts created. In work stations students use ipads and
quizlet to practise their vocabulary, play game and test themselves
Students will write their timetable in French and use the vocabulary they
have learnt. In addition words such as “récréation, salle de permanence” are
Student will read description of school subjects (in French) and write which
subject it is.
Students will discuss the French school system. In pairs, they will draw up a
comparison table with the Australian system. When finished the whole class
will compare answers. (Use paper from a French cahier and pilot pen to
write in the cursive way.)
Students will learn to read the time in French.
Listen to the times listed and numbered them in the order they have heard
This document has been produced by Anne Bentley at St Columba Anglican School with funds provided by the Australian Government through the School Languages
Students will go to website and work on the
time activity (eg match the clocks etc.)
Speaking: Talk about your own time table, subjects and time.
Introduce new vocabulary for describing school subjects.
Listen to dialogue about school in Quoi de neuf 2 p 18
Students pick a day of the week and talk about the subjects they have on the
day. Eg le lundi j’ai maths à 10 heures. J’aime les maths parce que c’est
Quoi de neuf 2 – student book p31 activity book p.36
Un peu de lecture
Read the text in class and answer the questions in activity book.
Elimination draw with school subjects.
Discuss Results. Questions in French. Talk about your favourite and least
favourite. (J’aime le français parce que c’est…)
In pairs students will make an elimination draw with school subjects.
Subjects will have been already listed by the teacher so all students start
with the same worksheet. Discuss results “ Pourquoi le français est
premier?” “Pourquoi avez-vous éliminé le or la…?”
Student are introduced to new vocabulary of school subjects. Watch
powerpoint and answer questions in printed booklet. Listen to the time and
write answers in booklet.
Read the grammar point on reflexives verbs and do the activities p 66.
La routine power point
Reflexives verbs and time
Listening tasks + writing
Allons-y 2 p68
Les verbes pronominaux. (present time)
Allons-y p66
Write your own daily routine (using reflexives verbs and time)
In their books students will write about their daily routine using the
reflexives verbs they have learnt. For each activity they will also write the
time. Teacher feedback in class.
Une journée en semaine – Tricolore total 1 ! p94
Pictures and text have been cut into cards. Match the pictures to the text.
Pair activity. Match up the picture to the text. Then read text as a class and
ask questions in French eg “à quelle heure se lève Olivier?”
Fiche A Fiche B
Students ask questions to fill out their part of a table and collect information
Students in pairs are given a table each describing 4 characters and their
daily activity. Their table is different to their partners. They need to ask each
other questions to obtain the missing information on their cards.
This document has been produced by Anne Bentley at St Columba Anglican School with funds provided by the Australian Government through the School Languages
about people.
Make your own table.
There is a blank table that they can fill half each when finish and ask
questions to their partner to find the other half.
Assessment task
Listening & Responding (5%)
Speaking Task (10%)
Students will listen to a cd where people are talking about the time and
their school subjects.
Students will prepare a speech and talk in French about their daily routine
Quoi de neuf 2 – Pearson
Tricolore Total 1 Nelson thornes
(unit 8)
Text Types:
Diary entry
Script of an interview
Create and present a power presentation (with photos describing their or a
celebrity daily routine).
Cross-curriculum content:
 Information & Communication Technologies
 Difference and Diversity
 Gender
 Literacy
 Multiculturalism
 Numeracy
Les matières scolaires
Evaluation & Variation:
La routine
This document has been produced by Anne Bentley at St Columba Anglican School with funds provided by the Australian Government through the School Languages