Religion Study Guide Chapter 8 The sacred place where Jewish

Religion Study Guide
Chapter 8
The sacred place where Jewish people gathered to worship God.
Where is it proclaimed that Jesus is the promised Savior, and he will carry out God’s plan of
3. Which Gospel begins with a prologue in which we read that the Word, Jesus Christ, who was
with God and is God, took on our human nature and lived among us as a human being?
4. Where can we learn that Jesus’ family were devout Jews.
5. Jesus Christ was conceived by the power of whom?
6. In which woman’s words do we find the true expression of Israel’s hope for the promised
7. Whose laws required that a firstborn son be consecrated to the Lord after his birth?
8. Who was Jesus’s foster father?
9. In whose infancy narrative do we read of the young Jesus, so interested in his faith that he stays
behind in the Temple while his family journeys home for Passover.
10. The words “In the beginning” were used by which Gospel write to signal that a great new
creation begins in Jesus Christ.
11. The accounts of Jesus’s birth and childhood found in the first two chapters of which Gospels are
called the infancy narratives?
12. The infancy narratives emphasize who Jesus is – the Son of God, descended from the family line
of David, who was of the line of whom?
13. Who was the man in the temple in Jerusalem, full of faith in the Lord, took the infant Jesus in his
arms and praised God?
14. Is Jesus true God and true man?
15. The coming of Jesus Christ fulfilled the promise made by whom to remain with his people
forever and to send the Messiah to lead and save them.
16. God’s promises to his people, which can be found in the ---- were fulfilled in Jesus Christ.
17. Consecrated means?
18. In Jesus Christ God is with us and has become one of us.
19. Choose one of the promises made by God in the Old Testament and explain how the authors of
the infancy narratives described its fulfillment.
20. Explain this statement “Jesus Christ is the promised Messiah” by telling two things you learned
in this chapter.