Tournament Information

February 20 – 21, 2015
Pontchartrain Center, Kenner
0|P age
Table of Contents
A. Sportsmanship ………………………………………………………. Page 2
B. General Tournament Information ………………………………… Page 3-4
 Tournament Information
C. Team Passes …………………………………………………………
Page 5
D. Guidelines for Coaches ……………………………………………
 Rules for Weigh In
 Conduct of Tournament
Page 6-7
E. Important Dates & Reminders …………………………………… .
 Seeding Criteria
Page 8
F. Thursday Agenda ......................................................................
 Tournament Schedule
Page 9
G. Tournament Schedule ...............................................................
Page 10-12
H. Pass Form .. ................................................................................
Page 13
I. Media / School Yearbook . .........................................................
Page 14
J. Skin Condition Form ..................................................................
Page 15
K. Return to Competition Form …..................................................
Page 16
L. Championship Souvenir Items .................................................
 Photography
Page 17
M. Mini Trophy and Medal Order Form ……………………………...
N. Awards Photographs ……………………………………………….
Page 19
O. LHSAA Sponsors ……………………………………………………
Page 20
P. Hotel Information …………………………………………………….
Page 21
1|P age
2|P age
General Tournament Information
I - Friday, February 20 – 9:00 AM
II - Friday, February 20 – 5:00 PM
III - Saturday, February 21 – 8:00 AM
IV - Saturday, February 21 – 6:00 PM
$10.00 per person (1 session)
$35.00 per person (all sessions)
Tickets may be purchased through Ticket Master on-line beginning February 1, 2015.
Doors Open
Friday, February 20 – 6:30 AM
Saturday, February 21 – 6:30 AM
Friday, February 20 – 8:00 AM
Saturday, February 21 – 7:00 AM
Teams – South end loading dock
Spectators – Halls A & B & C
Present pass and picture ID at LHSAA will call in front lobby and enter through Halls A, B or C.
Prohibited Items
Ice chests, coolers, food, beverages, confetti, balloons, artificial noisemakers, pom-poms, items on
sticks and laser light devices.
Media Credentials
Pick up credentials in front lobby at LHSAA will call and enter center through Hall A. Name will be
on list if request sent to LHSAA. If not, must show identification.
Media Parking
Black topped parking lot.
RV Parking
It is the schools responsibility to notify their fans of the Pontchartrain Center’s rules governing
RV’s. All RV’s must park in the West Auxiliary Lot (located in the SW corner). Parking in any other
area will cause the vehicle to be towed at the owner’s expense.
For pricing and RV parking information, please call 504-465-9985.
Permitted in the West Auxiliary Lot (SW corner) ONLY. Tailgating is not permitted in the spectators
parking lot.
3|P age
Tournament Information
Tournament Director
B.J. Guzzardo, LHSAA
Office (225) 300-4204 or Fax 225-300-4244
Assistant Tournament Director
Jim Ravannack, USA Wrestling (New Orleans)
Cell (504) 289-1750 or Fax (504)885-0051
Cliff Strider, Baton Rouge – LHSAA Wrestling Rules Interpreter
Tournament Committee
Cliff Strider, Jim Ravannack, Craig Ketelsen, Rod Cusacks and Dean Tessitore
Tournament Physician(s)
Tulane University Hospital Physicians, Dr. Gregory Stewart, Dr. Taylor Sanders (other physicians to
be named later). Tulane Sports Medicine Trainers will be the official on-site health care professionals.
(Any and all decisions of the physician(s) and health care professionals concerning injuries and/or
communicable diseases shall be final).
Playing Rules
2014-2015 National Federation Wrestling Rules and 2014-2015 LHSAA Handbook Rules.
Officials are selected by the LHSAA
Trainers will be provided throughout the tournament by Tulane Sports Medicine.
Team Bus Parking
All team and/or school buses must park in the gravel Lot (directly behind the loading docks). You may drop
team off at the loading dock entrance before parking. (Buses parked in the spectator lot will be made to move.)
Team Seating
Teams shall sit in the upper section of Hall A (West side). The lower section shall be reserved for
Video Taping
Will be allowed, however, tapes cannot be viewed on Pontchartrain Center property. Teams
cannot video bouts that do not feature one of their wrestlers.
4|P age
Team Passes
Coaches’ Floor Passes
A maximum of up to 4 passes per school. Passes will be issued at the coaches’
meeting on Thursday. This pass allows the coach to enter the floor/mat area
when he has a wrestler on the mat.
Team Passes
1 pass per wrestler entered.
Locker Room/Practice Coach Pass(to be issued from registered coaches by the school)
1 pass per coach registered with the LHSAA not to exceed 4 per school.
Team Personnel Passes
A maximum of up to 4 passes per team for trainers, managers and/or
statisticians. This pass will allow the personnel to enter with the team and in the
Lost Passes
There is a $10.00 fee to replace a lost participant pass and/or a coach/ team
personnel pass/wristband.
Spouse Passes
Spouse passes will be issued at the coaches meeting on February 19, 2015.
Name must be provided on School Pass Form. Only coaches registered with
an LHSAA/LHSCA pass may receive a spouse’s pass.
Extra Team Purchases
Schools may purchase a tournament pass for non-wrestlers at a price of $10
each. This pass is for students only and allows them to enter at the spectator
School Pass Form
The school pass form is included in this Bulletin and must be filled out
completely, signed by the principal, and faxed to the B.J. (225-300-4244) or
emailed ( no later than 4:00 PM on Monday, February
16, 2015. Passes will be picked up at the coaches meeting on Thursday,
February 19, 2015 when entry fees are paid.
5|P age
Guidelines for Coaches
Entries must be received no later than Monday, February 9, 2015. Only one contestant per weight
class may be listed on the entry form. Submit your schools entries online through the track
wrestling website. (See instructions on page 7 in this bulletin.)
Entry Fees
$15.00 per wrestler entered into the tournament. Fees should be submitted on a school check made
payable to the LHSAA along with the list of entries. Must be paid at the Thursday, February 19th
coaches meeting or wrestlers will not be allowed to participate.
Wrestler Weight Verification Forms and Seeding Information
Forms will be downloaded from the website on Sunday, February 15, 2015. All information must be
complete and accurate and put on the website (for each wrestler) by 10:00 PM on Saturday,
February 14, 2015. False or inaccurate information shall result in the wrestler not being seeded and
the school fined $100.
IMPORTANT: If you are experiencing difficulties with the website, please contact the NWCA at
(717) 653-8009 or Matt Pinero at (504) 491-2627 and they will guide you on how to correct the
Number of Seeds
Each division (I, II, III) shall be limited to a maximum of 8 wrestlers per weight class to be seeded.
Substitutions must be made to the LHSAA office no later than 4:00 PM or 6:30 PM at the seeding
meeting on Monday, February 16, 2015. No substitutions will be allowed after the seeding meeting
begins. Any substitutions made on February 16, 2015 must be accompanied with the new wrestlers’
NWCA printout (fax to LHSAA prior to 4:00 PM or bring to seeding meeting).
Seeding Meeting
Monday, February 16, 2015 at 6:00 PM at the LHSAA Office (Baton Rouge). The meeting is closed
to everyone except the committee members and their moderator.
Seeding Committee
Each division shall have its own seeding committee. Each committee shall consist of one coach from
each area of the state and a moderator all of which shall be selected by the tournament director and
assistant tournament director.
Coaches’ Meeting
Thursday, February 19, 2015 at 7:30 PM, Pontchartrain Center, in the Lakeview Terrace. All division
head coaches must attend. Entry fees not submitted prior to this meeting must be paid at this time.
Coaches’ Rule
Non-faculty coaches that have not taken the NFHS online coaching class cannot serve as the
school’s faculty representative nor coach the team. Non- faculty coaches that have taken the class
may act as the school’s faculty representative.
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Conduct of Tournament
The Division I, II and III State Tournament shall be a double elimination tournament.
All Divisions shall use a 32 man bracket when applicable and all Divisions shall use a 16 man bracket
where applicable. When a weight class has less than 16 wrestlers, a 16 man bracket shall be used.
All rounds of the tournament shall score.
Eight (8) wrestlers will be seeded in each weight class in each division. If less than eight wrestlers
are submitted to be seeded, then the number submitted will be seeded.
All byes in each weight class will receive a 4-point bye in the first round of championships ONLY.
Note: All seeded wrestlers will receive a bye in the 1st round of championships. If the number of
competitors does not permit this, the bye will be taken away the 8th seed, then the 7th seed, then the
6th seed and so on in order to accommodate all wrestlers on the bracket.
Scoring will be from the 16 or 32 man bracket, as determined by the number of entries in each weight
class, and will be normal scoring advancement points.
The brackets, for a division, shall be redrawn when a seeded wrestler is not able to wrestle in the
tournament on the first day.
Seeding Meeting Procedures
The three divisions shall meet on the Monday of the week of the State Wrestling Tournament. The
meeting shall be closed to all with the exception of the moderator and the committee members.
The committee will seed the wrestlers using the seeding criteria adopted by the LHSAA Executive
Committee. The NWCA seeding program will be incorporated in the seeding process.
The seeding committee shall be composed of one coach from each area of the state and a
moderator. The LHSAA Assistant Executive Director, in charge of wrestling, and the Assistant State
Tournament Director shall select the moderator and committee members.
Must Read – IMPORTANT – Must Read
Rules for Weigh-In:
1- Only those wrestlers entered in the tournament will be allowed in the weigh-in room.
2- A team may be accompanied by only one coach from each school.
3- Parents, trainers, physicians and other coaches will not be allowed in the weigh-in
4- Any questions about skin conditions will be examined by the tournament physician and
his/her decision shall be final.
Rule pertaining to use of tobacco products:
1- Rule 7, Section 5, Article 5 states.... “Flagrant misconduct on the part of the coach or any
other team personnel is any act which the referee considers serious enough to remove the
offender from the premises. These acts can occur prior to, during or after a match. This
includes the use of tobacco products. Flagrant misconduct shall be penalized in Accordance
with the Penalty Chart.”
2- Team personnel is anyone connected with a team such as coaches, trainers, managers,
statisticians, wrestlers, team doctors or administrators.
3- Everyone team connected should refrain from the use of any and all tobacco products while
inside the venue on the mat, in the stands and dressing areas.
8|P age
Important Dates & Reminders
Teams arriving Thursday, February 19, 2015 at Pontchartrain Center.
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM: Weight Check and Medical Check
Tournament Weigh-In and Medical Check
Friday, February 20, 2015
Division I - 7:00 AM
Division II - 8:00 AM
Division III - 9:00 AM
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Division II - 7:00 AM
Division III- 7:30 AM
Division I - 8:00 AM
When determining seeding for the State Wrestling Tournament, only the following criteria will be
considered and only in the order listed.
To be considered for a seeded position, a wrestler must have a winning record.
There will be a 20-minute time limit in effect for each weight class.
Head-to-head competition is criteria. If tied, move to next criteria.
(won/loss only – score is irrelevant)
Win/Loss record versus common opponent
(won/loss only – score is irrelevant)
Place finishes in same tournaments
(preceding year state tournament, in state tournament, out-of-state tournament)
Exceptional record versus seeded opponents
Best overall record, especially at that weight (winning percentage)
Vote by committee, if necessary.
9|P age
Thursday, February 19, 2015 – Agenda
Pontchartrain Center
5:00 PM
6:00 – 7:30 PM
6:00 – 7:30 PM
7:30 – 8:00 PM
Warm Up Mats
Weight Checks
Skin Checks
Coaches Meeting
Located in Hall C
Teams dropped off at South end loading dock
Team parking in designated areas (Behind Loading Docks – Gravel Lot)
Team weight and skin checks in weigh-in room
Team warm-ups/practice on mats in Hall C (Stay out of Halls A & B)
Coaches Meeting in Lakeview Terrace
Everyone exit facility following coaches meeting
It is every coach’s responsibility to make their wrestlers aware of the
importance to be on their best behavior while in Kenner, at the
Pontchartrain Center and hotels.
Care must be taken to keep the facility clean and leave it as we find it.
Wrestlers must stay in the floor and weigh-in areas and dressing
rooms and not wander throughout the building. Any person
associated with a school/team that is identified as doing damage to
Pontchartrain Center facilities will cause their school to be fined for
the cost of the damages and the team will be taken out of the
tournament and sent home.
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Thursday, February 19, 2015
5:00 p.m.
Facility Opens (Any teams arriving before this time must remain
outside until the arena is ready to open.)
6:00 – 7:30 p.m.
First MEDICAL check and Weight check for all divisions arriving
Thursday (Coaches be available)
7:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Coaches meeting:
1. Coaches Sign-In
2. Collect any entry fees not paid
3. Receive tournament packets
4. Rules reminders – Cliff Strider
5. Comments from Tournament directors
6. Musemeche Photography
Friday – February 20, 2015
6:30 a.m.
Facility opens (Team entrance only)
6:45 a.m.
Second MEDICAL check for Division I (wrestlers that did not get
checked on Thursday)
7:00 a.m.
Division I Weigh-In
8:00 a.m.
Divisions II Weigh-In and second MEDICAL check
9:00 a.m.
Division III Weigh-In and second Medical check
Wrestling Session I
9:00 - 10:00 a.m.
Division I
First Round of Championships
Second Round of Championships
First Round of Consolations
Second Round of Consolations
10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Division I
Division II
First Round of Championships
Second Round of Championships
First Round of Consolations
Second Round of Consolations
11 | P a g e
11:00-4:00 p.m.
Division III
First Round of Championships
Second Round of Championships
First Round of Consolations
Second Round of Consolations
Division I
Division II
4:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Wrestling Session II
5:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Weight Checks
All Divisions (I,II & III)
Third Round of Championships
Third Round of Consolations
Fourth Round of Consolations
Times will be announced when room will be open.
Saturday-February 21, 2015
6:30 a.m.
Facility opens
7:00 a.m.
Weigh-In for Division II
7:30 a.m.
Weigh-In for Division III
8:00 a.m.
Weigh-In for Division I
Session III
8:00 – 10:30 a.m.
(Approx. 8:30 a.m.)
(Approx. 9 a.m.)
10:30 – 12:00 p.m.
Fifth Round of Consolations
Division II
Division III
Division I
Division I (mats 1 & 2)
Division II (mats 4 & 6)
Division III (mats 3 & 5)
12 | P a g e
12:00 – 2:00 p.m.
All Divisions (I, II & III)
Sixth Round of Consolations
2:00 -4:00 p.m.
Consolation Place-Winners
Division I- 3rd& 4th Places on mat 1, 5th& 6th Places on mat 2
Division II - 3rd& 4th Places on mat 3, 5th& 6th Places on mat 4
Division III - 3rd& 4th Places on mat 5, 5th& 6th Places on mat 6
4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Session IV
6:00 – 10:00 p.m.
Championship Finals & Awards
Division I – mat 2
Division II – mat 1
Division III – mat 3
Note: Due to injury, defaults, forfeits and/or wrestlers not making weight,
rounds may be altered to allow for changes.
HALLS A and B – Mats 1-8
Hall C – Mats 9-10
All times are approximate after the start of each session.
13 | P a g e
Wrestling School Pass Form
This form must be completed in its entirety and FAXED to the LHSAA at (225) 300-4244 or email:
NO LATER THAN Monday, February 16, 2015 by 4:00 PM.
The following coach(s) (4 maximum) meet the requirements of the coach’s rule as outlined in Section 3, pages 42
through 43 of the 2014-2015 LHSAA Handbook.
Check Appropriate Box
Coaches Name
A maximum of four persons will be issued passes as managers, statisticians or trainers. These should be students that
have helped throughout the wrestling season. Persons acting as managers or statisticians cannot serve as coaches
and sit in the corner and are not permitted on the floor/mat area.
Number Entered on Official Entry Form: _______________________________________________
Spouses Name(s):
I certify the above information is true and understand that my school may be penalized if the above mentioned persons do
not meet Section 3 of the 2014-15 LHSAA Handbook.
Principal signature:
14 | P a g e
Media / School Yearbook
School Yearbook/ Newspaper Personnel:
Request media credentials online by visiting the Media Credential link on the LHSAA
A letter must be submitted to the LHSAA (Attn: Jacob Doyle, Phone
225-300-4205, Fax 225-300-4245) from the school’s principal (at least three calendar
days prior to the beginning of the tournament) requesting up to two tournament passes
for a yearbook and/or newspaper staff member with proper school identification.
The purpose of the “School Yearbook/ Newspaper” credential is to permit a
complimentary entrance into the event for which the person is gathering information.
The pass may be picked up at the LHSAA table located near the ticket office. Must
have photo I.D.
Photos taken during an event may not be sold or used in any capacity outside of the purpose(s)
of their school’s yearbook and/or newspaper. The LHSAA has an exclusive photography
contract with Musemeche Photography.
***Media credentials may NOT be passed to a parent or friend***
Individuals that have been issued media credentials to be on the floor of the Pontchartrain
Center for the specific purpose to take pictures on behalf of a school , shall have the credential
revoked if it is learned that the credential was passed to an individual not authorized to have
the credential or if they are taking pictures with a camera that was passed to them from a noncredentialed spectator/parent.
The two individuals involved with this infraction shall be immediately escorted from the
Pontchartrain Center.
It is the schools responsibility to make their photographers and fans, as well as their coaches,
aware of this rule and the consequences for violating it.
All media and school photographers are to stay at a distance, designated by ropes and
stanchions, to take pictures of the awards ceremonies.
15 | P a g e
Louisiana High School Athletic Association
Sports Medicine Advisory Committee
Name: _________________________________________________________
Date of Exam: ___ / ____ / ___
Mark Location AND Number of Lesion(s)
Diagnosis _____________________________________________
Location AND Number of Lesion(s) _________________________
Medication(s) used to treat lesion(s): __________________________
Date Treatment Started: ___ / ____ / ____
Form Expiration Date: ___ / ____ / ____
Earliest Date may return to participation: ____ / ____ / ____
Physician’s Signature ________________________________________ Office Phone #: ______________________
Physician’s Name (Must be legible) _______________________________________________________________
Office Address _______________________________________________________________________________
Note to Physician’s: Non-contagious lesions do not require treatment prior to return to participation (e.g. eczema, psoriasis, etc.). Please familiarize yourself with
NFHS Rules 4-2-3, 4-2-4 and 4-2-5 which states:
“ART. 3 . . . If a participant is suspected by the referee or coach of having a communicable skin disease or any other condition that makes participation appear
inadvisable, the coach shall provide current written documentation as defined by the LHSAA, from a physician stating that the suspected disease or condition is not
communicable and that the athlete’s participation would not be harmful to any opponent. This document shall be furnished at the weigh-in for the dual meet or
tournament. The only exception would be if a designated on-site meet physician is present and is able to examine the wrestler immediately after the weigh-in. Covering
a communicable condition shall not be considered acceptable and does not make the wrestler eligible to participate.”
“ART. 4 . . . If a designated on-site meet physician is present, he/she may overrule the diagnosis of the physician signing the physician’s release form for a wrestler to
participate with a particular skin condition.”
“ART. 5 . . . A contestant may have documentation from a physician only indicating a specific condition such as a birthmark or other non-communicable skin
conditions such as psoriasis and eczema, and that documentation is valid for the duration of the season. It is valid with the understanding that a chronic
condition could become secondarily infected and may require re-evaluation.”
Once a lesion is not considered contagious, it may be covered to allow participation.
Below are some treatment guidelines that suggest MINIMUM TREATMENT before return to wrestling:
Bacterial Diseases (impetigo, boils): To be considered “non-contagious,” all lesions must be scabbed over with no oozing or discharge and no new lesions should
have occurred in the preceding 48 hours. Oral antibiotic for three days is considered a minimum to achieve that status. If new lesions continue to develop or drain
after 72 hours, CA-MRSA (Community Associated Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) should be considered and minimum oral antibiotics should be
extended to 10 days before returning the athlete to competition or until all lesions are scabbed over, whichever occurs last.
Herpetic Lesions (Simplex, fever blisters/cold sores, Zoster, Gladiatorum): To be considered “non-contagious,” all lesions must be scabbed over with no oozing or
discharge and no new lesions should have occurred in the preceding 48 hours. For primary (first episode of Herpes Gladiatorum), wrestlers should be treated and
not allowed to compete for a minimum of 10 days. If general body signs and symptoms like fever and swollen lymph nodes are present, that minimum period of
treatment should be extended to 14 days. Recurrent outbreaks require a minimum of 120 hours or full five days of oral anti-viral treatment, again so long as no new
lesions have developed and all lesions are scabbed over.
Tinea Lesions (ringworm scalp, skin): Oral or topical treatment for 72 hours on skin and 14 days on scalp.
Scabies, Head Lice: 24 hours after appropriate topical management.
Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye): 24 hours of topical or oral medication and no discharge.
Molluscum Contagiosum: 24 hours after curettage.
Revised/Approved April 2011
16 | P a g e
12720 Old Hammond Highway
Baton Rouge, LA 70816
(225) 300-4204 Fax: (225) 300-4244
LHSAA rules require a written statement from a physician in order for an athlete to
return to competition who apparently had a concussion.
“If a competitor is determined to have a concussion, he/she shall not be permitted
to continue practice or competition the same day. Written approval of a physician
shall be required for the athlete to return to competition. If a physician recommends
an athlete not continue, he/she shall not be overruled”.
The undersigned physician has examined the student athlete identified
below and gives permission for the student athlete to return to competition on
the date and in the event identified.
(Duplicate as needed)
This form shall be completed in its entirety and kept on file at the school.
17 | P a g e
Championship Souvenir Items
Championship T-Shirts
For information on personalized State Championship T-Shirts
call 337-233-9996
*All items provided by Talkin’ Tees
Championship Photographs
Musemeche Photography will again photograph all of the
teams and individuals participating in the 2015 State
Wrestling Tournament in the Pontchartrain Center.
Musemeche is the official photographer of the LHSAA and all
of its Championship events. The picture session is well organized and is completed in less
than ten (10) minutes. During that time we shoot your official 2015 State Championship
Tournament team picture in singlet or warm-ups plus individual portraits of each player,
coach, administrator and others in your party. There is no charge to either the school or
the individuals to have their pictures taken.
Orders are placed from proofs, using a simple ordering system. The proofs will be
sent to your school the week following the state tournament. There is no obligation
to order but we do ask that all proofs be returned. Please ask your athletes to not
mail their orders individually but rather turn them back to you so all orders can be
returned together.
A 10 x 14 full color enlargement of the team portrait will be sent with our compliments to
each participating school when all the orders are returned to us.
Call us toll free at 1.888.352.7479 if you have any questions.
John Musemeche & Rob Musemeche
Musemeche – proud to be the official photographer for the Superdome Classic, State Softball
Tournament, All Star Games , State Swimming ,Boys’ Top 28, Girls’ Top 28, State Wrestling, State
Cross Country, State Baseball and other LHSAA Championship Events
18 | P a g e
19 | P a g e
All Head Wrestling Coaches
Coach Bill Bofinger – Lee High School
In an effort to keep a history of La. High School Wrestling and create a
wrestling archive, I am asking each of you to please help me in this endeavor
by having your wrestlers cooperate and participate.
The Saturday night session features the Championship Matches. After each
match, awards are presented to the top 6 finishers in each weight class from
each Division. I am asking that you and any wrestlers that are to receive an
award remain at the tournament and take a picture with the weight class
receiving the award.
Those wrestlers winning the state championship is asked to stay until the end
of the tournament so that a group picture may be taken of all champions in
each Division.
I realize that many of you that come a long distance are anxious to return
home when your wrestlers have finished competing; however I believe that
this is an important part of our history. If you could please help make this a
reality, I would greatly appreciate it.
Please cooperate and have your wrestlers cooperate as well. After all, this is
a record of a memory for a lifetime.
20 | P a g e
21 | P a g e
KENNER, LA - February 20 & 21
Will be posted when it is received
1. All reservations are to be made by individual teams at the hotel of your choice. All reservations
will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis.
2. All rooms must be guaranteed. You may supply credit card information to the hotel of your
3. All changes and cancellations should be made directly with the hotel.
4. Identify yourself as participating in the state LHSAA wrestling tournament.
Double Tree – New Orleans Airport
2150 Veterans Blvd
Kenner, LA 70062
Call: (504) 467-3111
Rate: $109.00
Call 1-800-222-8733 for reservations
Sheraton Metairie
Four Galleria Blvd.
Metairie, LA 70001
Call: (504) 837-6707
Crown Plaza – New Orleans Airport
2829 Williams Blvd.
Kenner, LA 70062
Call: (504) 467-5611
Hilton – New Orleans Airport
901 Airline Dr.
Kenner, LA 70062
Call: (504) 469-5000
Contact: Brandie Jasmin
Marriott New Orleans – Metairie at Lakeway
3838 N. Causeway Blvd.
Metairie, LA 70002
Call: (504) 836-5253
Rate: $125.00
Dates: 2/19-2/21
Courtyard by Marriott Metairie
2 Galleria Blvd.
Metairie, LA 70001
Call: 1-800-321-2211
Rate: $135.00
Dates: 2/19-2/21
Book your group rate: Louisiana High School
Athletic Association Wrestling Tournament >>
Book your group rate: LHSAA WRESTLING >>
Residence Inn Metairie
3 Galleria Blvd.
Metairie, LA 70001
Call: 1-800-321-221
Ramada Limited
2713 N. Causeway Blvd.
Metairie, LA 70002
Call: (504) 835-4141
Contact: Gina Rando Abernathy
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