This Magnificent African Cake - University of Wisconsin

HIST 111 Syllabus
Instructor: Priscilla Starratt
Office: Swenson Hall 3085
email: Phone: (715) 394-8510 (until mid-June when I will be in
NH for the rest of the summer)
Welcome to HIST 111 History of the Modern World
Our Focus will be on "Applying World Systems Theory & the Pace of
Globalization" As you might imagine, the topic of the history of the world in the
modern period [since 1400] is quite vast. It needs a focus and goals and
outcomes to be manageable. Other faculty may teach it with other foci and
emphases, but what all sections of HIST 111 have in common are a common
course description and common learning goals.
The Course Catalog Description:
Focuses on themes rather than chronology. Students follow the growing
globalization of the world though the study of themes like nationalism,
industrialization, imperialism, capitalism, decolonization, technologies, gender,
race, everyday lives, world systems, migration and diaspora. Will employ
analysis of primary documents, photographs, maps, music, films or other sources
of history and build skills of effective writing, clear presentations, use of
convincing evidence, increasing geographic literacy and placing the history of
specific regions in a global context. Aims to provide an introduction to the
discipline of history and its methods. Emphasis on learning to think globally.
Code 7. General Education: Humanities-History
The Common Learning Goals:
Course Learning Goals are set by the Department of History and will apply
whenever HIST 111 is taught. They are:
1. Clear and effective expository writing, including the ability to construct an
effective analytical essay
2. Ability to evaluate arguments on the basis of evidence and to support one’s
own arguments with evidence
3. The ability to make sense of particular world regions while simultaneously
seeing global connections.
Course learning Objectives
Students will
1. learn the theory of world systems analysis and the role of ideology to justify
the power and extraction of wealth by the core
2. apply world systems analysis to modern world history to explain the period of
the super powers of: China and the Islamic empires, the Aztecs, Spain and
Portugal, the Netherlands, Britain and France, the USA and the USSR, etc. etc.
3. will demonstrate understanding of what makes the core of world systems
strong be it military, economic or political strength
4. will understand the role of slavery and the slave trade in capital formation and
labor exploitation for European countries
5. will see that in modern history as in ancient history there were both contiguous
and non-contiguous, overseas empires
6. will demonstrate the understanding of the relationship between empires and
industrialization in the provision of raw materials and markets and be familiar with
the concept and goals of colonization and nationalism
7. will demonstrate an understanding of the origins of conflicts over resources
and territory that are justified by ideology
8. will learn what anti-colonialism and socialism contributed to the modern history
of resistance to oppression of empires and ruling powers and classes
9. will express understanding of the polysemic nature of history- that history has
many voices and many views that all share part of the truth
10. will use written documents, book page citations and film scenes as evidence
Why? [This is called Transparency- it means the reasons for assignments are
being shared with you.] These abilities are sought after by American employers.
You are being prepared as a university graduate to take a role in community and
national leadership and to assume professional responsibility in your place of
work. Employers are looking for workers who can think outside the box, who can
see the global, environmental, ethical, and gender implications of company or
agency policies, who know how to work with and welcome people from different
cultures and religions, who can extract relevant data and ideas from multiple
sources of information: web based blogs, news casts, written reports, personal
testimonies, and weave these into reports and discussions that will shape
policies. Those may be policies of your school board, the PTA, the Rotary Club,
your faith organization, your place of work, city or town government, an
environmental protection policy, a trade mission to another state or country or a
transportation feasibility study. Learning how to think, to learn, and to evaluate
many sources of information is an essential skill for a professional. Having
reached a conclusion, then you need to know how to present it convincingly with
proper citation of your sources of evidence. And to be effective as a 21st century
global citizen, you need to know how the world works and the patterns of human
interaction. Many of you are planning to be teachers. If you live in a small town,
your students will need you to help them to become global citizens. You may live
in a region with newer immigrants. Your students need you to help them
appreciate the immigrant experience in a transnational context. As a professional,
you need to be able to reach out across borders of race, gender, national origin
and religion to work with people of all kinds of backgrounds. Taking World History
helps us appreciate the diversity of those backgrounds and the patterns of
human interaction. The skills of the history learning goals are important
professional skills.
The Importance of a Liberal Arts Education
What? You don't believe me? I recently did a phone reference for a UWS
graduate to work in a Duluth company that involves the shipping and moving of
large equipment. Among the questions the employer had for me were: "Do you
think this person can work and think ethically?" and "Do you believe this person
is ready to work with people of other cultures and backgrounds?" This is what a
liberal arts education does for you. It puts your technical skills into the big picture.
We have many international students and faculty of international backgrounds
and courses that stress multicultural and diversity building skills. This course is
one of them. That student got the job. Among the reasons I could recommend
him so highly was a conversation I had with him in which I asked how a certain IT
course was going with a highly accented female international faculty member.
He told me he though it was the best class he had ever had at the university. His
response told me that the student was ready to bend his ear to hear other types
of English and that he was willing to work with and learn from people of different
genders and ethnic backgrounds and national origins. I was also aware that one
of this students' good friends growing up was African American and said so. It let
the company know that he was ready to work in the 21st century work
environment. The student had a BSc in business, got bored in marketing retail
and returned to UWS to complete a 2nd degree in Transportation and Logistics
Management. This showed that he was open to retraining to get desired
professional skills. I hope you understand now how a liberal arts education and
exposure to global and multicultural education opportunities enhances your
marketability and civic potential. The country needs educated citizens to shape
its policies and make its decisions. That why we ask you to master
communications and skills of human interaction. We are not educating you to
keep your wise thoughts to yourself. We are educating you to share them and to
exhibit leadership in your community and nation.
Required Text
Image Courtesy of
The text book Worlds Together, Worlds Apart by 7 different authors: Robert
Tignor et. al is the usual way this is expressed. The ISBN is 978-0-393-97746-2
and the publisher is W.W. Norton I have indicated the 2002 edition.
There are lots of used copies cheaply available, You do not need the latest
edition. It should not cost you more than $15 including postage. There are 18
copies at for less that $5.00. Many of them are available for only
the postage. Beware that there are many other editions out there of this title. We
will start with the Chapter 2: Crises and Recovery in Eurasia, 1300's-1500s. If
your book doesn't have this chapter, it's the wrong book.
What you need for the course
• A notebook with pockets for materials you may print off or a notebook and
a file folder
• A computer with internet connections at home or a convenient library, or a lap
top with a near by internet service like a coffee shop that allows customers
to stay and use the web for extended periods
• 13 hours a week. Students are required to spend 135 hours for 3 credits of
University coursework at a minimum- on average. Maybe a bit more some
weeks or a bit less on others. This is more than the 9 hours expected in
the fall or spring term because the summer term is only 10.5 weeks and
the other terms are 15 weeks.
• Ambition to become a professional worker or to put your current job or status
into a larger framework of understanding. Reasonable skills in college
level reading and writing. No prior knowledge is expected. Remember that
the services of the UWS Writing Center are available to you to help with
• A planner in which to write down due dates... could be electronic or paper. The
British call them diaries.
Required Technical Skills
This course uses electronically distributed materials, e-mail, and threaded
discussions (See Discussion Board guidelines below). All assignments must be
submitted via the Dropbox. You are expected to check your UW-Superior e-mail
daily and your course homepage regularly. If at any time you have technical
problems using these resources, please contact the university technology
helpdesk (telephone: 715-394-8300 or email: for help
with your account.
Summary of course work
In the future, each week, there will be a graded assignment in the discussion
board based on the course materials. Often it will be a group activity, or
occasionally an individual presentation. Each week, there will be work to do at
the drop box. Many of these are study questions or film guides. Others are
essays. There is one student research project to do as well.
Discussion Board Assignments: Part of getting an education is learning to work
well with others. So part of your grade will come from working with a group. You
will be placed in a group after the first week of class is complete. Group work will
take place on the discussion board. It will be graded according to the following
The discussion does not
follow the instructions and
shows inadequate
connection to the course
materials. It is not serious
or presented in a
sufficiently professional
manner. The
Response to
others is weak or
The discussion is
serious and shows
some connection to
the course
The student makes
some use of the
course materials to
prove assertions in
the discussion which
is adequately
written. The
comments on the
postings of others
shows less carefully
thought out
Care has been taken to
craft a serious
discussion and to use
the course materials as
evidence in making
assertions in the
discussions. The
postings are well written
and expressed, but
the responses to the
work of others is not
thoughtful or sufficiently
Part of your participation portion of the grade for the class comes from the
helpful, constructive and positive comments you make to one another each week
on the discussion board. Each original post should be done by Friday and on
The original
well done, ba
readings and
The respons
postings are
polite and ap
first and then
criticism if a
Reasons are
Sunday you should respond to at least two posts of classmates. Look for posts
that no one else has responded to for at least one of your short responses, until
everyone has been responded to, OK? Start off with a phrase like... Your posting
taught me that... Or that was a different viewpoint that I'll need to consider...
Have you ever thought of ....??
What is Netiquette?
Nettiquette requires that we are considerate of each other's feelings and
backgrounds in what we write and say to make this online course a positive
learning environment for all students. We need to respect each other's views and
opinions, political, religious, ethnic, national and gender backgrounds and show
respect for diversity in all that we say and do in this course. Where the line is
between expressing your own opinion and not engaging in hurtful or biased
speech is an ethical and affective judgment. If I see any discussion that I deem
hurtful on a discussion board, I will remove it and explain why I did so to the
author. In a university we may discuss virtually anything. Unlike most places of
work, you are not asked to refrain from discussing sex, politics or religion.
BUT, how you discuss them is the key issue. It must be done carefully and
thoughtfully. In fact, this is one of the few places in touchy, litigeous America
where you actually CAN discuss these and other controversial issues. But we
must do it in a careful and considerate way. Especially, where you can not see a
person's smile, or hear the tone of voice, we need to be even more careful about
how we express ourselves electronically. Please be extra considerate of others
who are also, like you, paying tuition to learn.
The Research Papar. Each Student will do short research paper with which to
educate the class and themselves. It is on the history of a commodity. See the
discussion board where you can choose a commodity to research.
Here's the summary of assignments and grades. Now that the D2L has been
adjusted, we can get the grade box set up for you to follow along.
Long Assignments
110 points total or 44.7% of grade
Ming China World System
Islamic Empires World System
Spain and Portugal World Systems
Northern Europe World Systems
First Draft of Q#1 Commodity Essay
Voices of the French Revolution
First Draft of Q#2 of Commodity Essay
First Draft of Q#3 of Commodity Essay
First Draft of Q#4 of Commodity Essay
My Final Research Commodity Essay
Discussion Board Assignments
66 points total or 26.8% of grade
Scholars vs. Eunuchs in Ming China
Islamic Empire Power and Prestige
Judging Cortés at the Pearly Gates
Uses of Protestant Ideology
Black in Latin America
Shogun and Son of Heaven Power
Contemporary History Will Be
My Commodity
Short Drop Box Assignments
70 points total or 28.5 % of grade
Syllabus Quiz
World Systems Theory
1421 Film
Islam as a World System
The Ottomans
500 Nations the Aztecs
Renaissance, Reformation and Beyond
The Way of the Samurai
The Will of the Shogun
The Forbidden City
Black in Latin America
This Magnificent Cake
Total War
Freedom Now
Extra Credit Films
Do up to 5 of these for an added 10% of grade
A Tale of Two Cities
The Scarlet Pimpernel
5 Broken Cameras
Unit 1 May 27-June 1st
Learning Objectives
Objectives will be established for each unit of study which are measurable and
assessable. The teacher will be transparent about why you should learn these
skills and acquire this knowledge in the commentary section of the web site for
the course.
At the end of Unit 1 students will:
Have met the faculty instructor and fellow classmates through introductions
Know the course materials necessary to complete the course
Study the course syllabus and take a quiz on it .
Locate the course text book by purchase, rental or borrowing it
Read the supplementary text on World Systems Theory and Analysis and
answer the questions on it in the drop box
• Buy a notebook for notetaking with pockets or a file folder for materials you
print off for the course
• Enter due dates in a paper planner or an electronic planner ( in your cell
phone) from the syllabus
• Be ready to start this class on June 1st with the text book and necessary
equipment and awareness of the nature of the commitment in order to
succeed in HIST 111. Be sure you have allocated 13 hours a week for the
next 10.5 weeks for this class.
• Learning Activities
• So to get going please proceed to:
• 1. Introduce yourself on the discussion board answering as many
questions as you can after reading the faculy instructor's own introduction
and seeing the questions on the discussion board. Upload a picture of
your self with your family, your dog, your art work...or something that
symbolizes you. Due by Friday the 30th of May.
• 2. Read the Unit 1 Commentary and the supplementary reading on World
Systems Theory and Analysis
• 3. Study the course syllabus. You copy it and put it on your desktop and
refer to it while you take the quiz on the syllabus in the drop box. Due
Sunday June 1st.
• 4. Read the World System Theory (Synopsis and Analysis) online
• Then answer the questions in the drop box. They are already there in the
drop box but they are also here so you can copy them to a word document
and answer them as you read along. Due Sunday June 1st.
• Unit 2 Ming China June 2-June 8
• Learning Objectives:
• To explain how the Ming dynasty of China was one of two super powers of
the day based on world systems theory.
To illustrate the role of ideology in holding together a Chinese world
system of many peoples and nations.
To explain the internal and regional sources of strength of the Ming
To demonstrate an understanding of internal factions at the Ming court
who appreciated and opposed the Ming voyages of the Treasure Fleet.
To use several sources of information to assemble an accurate picture of
the power of Ming China
Learning Activities
1. Watch the
film 1421 at and do the
study guide below. It only covers Part I. When you have aswered the
questions, put the guide in the dropbox. Since the film is on UTUBE, you
can watch it in 3 or 4 segments if you like or go back and watch it
twice. Link to 1421 YOUTUBE here
2. Next, read the text book Worlds Together; Worlds Apart by Robert
Tignor et. al. [The et. al. means there is a whole list of authors.] The
sections on China during this early modern period are: background:
Chapter 1 the World of 1300:The Middle Kingdom 26—34, and Mongol
Conquests and Connections: 34-40, Chapter 2 Crises and Recovery in
Eurasia: Ming China 59-66, Chapter 3 Contact, Commerce and
Colonization 1450's -1600: The Revival of the Chinese Economy, 80- 83,
and Prosperity in Ming China 115-116, Chapter 4 Worlds Entangled:
Asia in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries: From Ming to Ching
in China 141-146, and Chapter 5 Cultures of Splendor and Power:
Culture and Politics in East Asia 171-3 China: The Challenge of
Expansion and Diversity 173-176
As you read, make a list of factors that made China strong and a core
power ( in terms of World Systems analysis). Strong economically,
politically, regionally, ideologically, militarily... with the page numbers on
which you found this information.
3. Third read the selections from When China Ruled the Seas by Louise
Levathes. Look for answers to How was China a world power. Which
factions at court favored the trade enterprise and which opposed it and
why? and How was the Fragmentation of the Barbarian policy put into
practice? How was wealth extracted? What was the ideology under which
tribute was extracted? Note the page numbers where you find these
answers. You will find them at the hyperlinks below:
Scholars vs. Eunuchs
Extracting Wealth.pdf
Ideology of Tribute.pdf
4. Work with your group on the discussion board question. Have some
fun arguing whether the scholars or the eunuchs at the court of the Ming
emperor were correct. Should the voyages of the Treasure Fleet have
continued? First talk about your strategies with your group members.
Then do your group posting by Friday evening June 6th. Finally on
Sunday June 8th respond individually to others' posts. Can you
compliment the skills of your rivals? Do you see any holes in the
arguments of your opponents? Suggest their strengths and
weaknesses in your later responses to their postings. Exhibit courtly
5. After pondering this great Chinese venture and studying world
systems theory for the better part of two weeks, do the essay question
which asks you How did Ming China [1368-1644] become a super
power and operate a world system run by the Ming dynasty? 2-3
pages with page references to the books and scene references to the
films. Give adequate attention to both types of sources please. Due
June 8th
Islamic Empires and World Systems Theory June 9-June 15
1. Learning Objectives
1. To be familiar with the ways in which the Islamic empires of the
Ottomans, Safavids and Mughals were the other major world system in
Afric- Eur-Asia in the early modern period 1500-1750
2. To demonstrate knowledge of the sources of military, political, social,
economic, cultural and religious strengths that accounted for this.
3. To demonstrate knowledge of factors that impressed and attracted as
well as horrified and sowed fear in Europeans at the hands of these
empires, especially the Ottomans.
4. To successfully apply world systems theory again, in writing your essay
on the Islamic empires of the Ottomans, the Safavids and the Mughals.
4. Learning Activities
1. watch the films on the Ottoman Empire The Ottomans: Europe's Muslim
Emperors Episode I and the first half of Episode II dir. Gillian Bancroft. BBC
REligion and Ethics Production 2013. They can be found at Films on Demand at
the UWS Jim Dan Hill Library Item nos. 55742 & 55743. If you have a Mac
computer, the live link will download the questions in your downloads box. You
will have to click to open it. The questions are also in your drop box. You will
need to type the answers in the drop box after each question.
the Ottomans- Europe’s Muslim Emperors .docx
2. Read the text book WTWA and look for sources of strength at home and
regionally of the Islamic empires of the early modern period 1500-1750.
Background:Chapter 1 the Worlds of 1300:The four Major Ccultural Areas of
Eurasia: The House of Islam 13-21, Chapter Two Crises and Recovery in
Eurasia 1300's-1500's: Islamic Dynasties 48-58, Chapter 3 Contact, Commerce
and Colonization: 1450's-1600: Revival of Trade in the Indian Ocean and
Overland Commerce and Ottoman Expansion 83-86, and Mughal India and
Commerce 112-115, Chapter Four: Worlds Entangled: 1600-1750 The Safavid
Empire Under Assault, the Transformation of the Ottoman Empire and the Zenith
and Decline of the Mughal Empire 139-141 and Chapter 5: Cultures of Splendor
and Power, Culture in the Islamic World, on Ottoman, Safavid and Mughal
cultures, 165-171.
3. Read the supplementary texts: selections from Islamic History as
Global History 43-46 and answer the questions in the drop box on it by
Friday June 13th.
and read The Gardens of Babur.pdf in the Baburnama, p.156-7 and 349350 , Nur Jahan Mughal Empress.pdf Women in World History p. 6269, The Bridge on the Drina.pdf p. 22-27 and Ottoman Tiles and Silk.pdf
in Treasures of Islam, 172-173. What kinds of strengths and utilization of
talents do these suggest?
the Gardens of Babur.pdf
Nur Jahan Mughal Empress.pdf
The Bridge on the Drina.pdf
Ottoman Tiles and Silk.pdf
4. Make a posting on the discussion board where you write at least 1
page (200 words) about what you learned about one of the above
sources of Ottoman or Mughal power and prestige and then what you
learned about Islam that surprised you. Choose from among the
suggested topics in the instructions. The first posting must be by
Friday June 13th. Then write a response to two classmates
thanking them for what you learned from a different topic from yours by
Sunday June 15th.
5. Write 2-3 pages in the drop box explaining the economic, political,
military, religious and social strengths of the Islamic empires in the early
modern period and how they became a world system, drawing in wealth
and talent to the core. Due Sunday June 15th
Unit 4 Spain and Portugal Emerge from the periphery June 16-22
1. Learning Objectives
Students will learn the sequence of how Spain and Portugal created compact
and efficient modern nation states in the 15th century, that enabled them to
reconquer the Iberian peninsula and undertake voyages to evade the Ottoman
bottleneck on E-W trade in Afric-Eur-Asia.
Student will appreciate how man different ways there are to viewing the same
events in history when they examine the conquest period of Hispaniola, Mexico
and Peru.
World systems theory will be applied to the shift of wealth and power from
the eastern Mediterranean to be shared with the Atlantic World and
western Europe.
4. Learning Activities
1. First Read WTWA background: Chapter 1 The Worlds of 1300, the
Four Major Cultural Areas of Eurasia, The Domain of Christendom 21-26;
Chapter 2 Crises and Recovery in Eurasia, 1300's-1500's Western
Christendom 66-76; Chapter 3 Contact, Commerce, and Colonization,
1450's-1600, European Exploration and Expansion and The Atlantic
World, 86-105 and The Growth of Trade in Asia, Changing European
Relations in Asia. 110-112. Chapter 5 Cultures of Splendor and Power:
Hybrid Cultures in the Americas 186-188.
2. Then Read Worldly Goods by Lisa Jardine: selection 288-298 It
explains very well why Portugal set out to get to India around South Africa
and what the economic impact of this would have for their rivals in Venice,
[now in Italy] . Spice Trade rotated(1).pdf
3. Watch the movie from the Kevin Costner series 500 Nations
called Mexico: The Rise and Fall of the Aztecs and put the answers to the
study guide in the drop box. You can find it
at or go to Go to
YOUTUBE to 500 Nations Part 1 to 45:10 where Kevin Costner the
narrator is talking about the desert that separates the US from Mexico.
It moves on to the Aztecs. The film guide is in the drop box. But I'll put it
here too:
111 The Aztecs in 500 Nations .docx
4. Next Read selections from Malinche's Conquest by Anna
Lanyon, The Spanish Conquest of Mexico by William Prescott Broken
Spears, by Miguel Leon-Portilla, A Short Account of the Destruction of the
Indies by Bartolomé de las Casas and The Conquest of New Spain by
Bernal Díaz del Castillo and Cortés himself in Aztecs. How many different
opinions about the Spanish conquest of Hispaniola and Mexico can you
find here? ( Actually the first half of the entry marked Cortés is written by
Diego Duran, The Aztecs: History of the Indies of New Spain, 1581)
Bartolomé de Las Casas .pdf
Malinche and
Mexico Aztecs .pdf
Bernal Diaz .pdf
Cortés .pdf
Mexico Tlaxcala .pdf
Discussion Board:
You are called to the Judgment Day where complaints
against Cortés and the Spanish have been lodged on behalf of Native
Mexican people against the Spaniards for their behavior in the New
World. Take on the role of one of these individuals and lodge either a
complaint or a defense of Spain and Spaniards. Speak in the voice of one
of the people you read about: Malinché, Bartolomé de las Casas, Bernal
Díaz del Castillo, Anna Lanyon, Cortés himself , Diego Munoz Carmago, a
mixed race Mexican for Tlaxcala, the Aztec informants for the Codex
Florentino from Tlatelolco and others of the Aztec alliance, and the 19th C
American historian William Prescott. Give voice to the role assigned to
you by Friday the 20th of June. By the end of the week on Sunday the
22nd of June, go back and read the others' entries. Tell them how their
representation has enriched your understanding of the complexity of how
Mexico was conquered, and enabled you to hear their voices
empathetically. Look for individual voices. Bur first read the more
commentary below:
• Unit V Renaissance and Reformation: Humanism spreads from the
Italian city states to Northern Europe and Northern Europe Catches
Up June 23-June 29
• 1. Learning Objectives:
• Students demonstrate understanding of the relationship of the values of
the humanism of the Renaissance and the the Protestant Reformation
• The students follow the expansion of the worlds of northern Europeans as
they remove themselves from the periphery of southern Europe and seek
to create a mercantile core of their own.
• As northern Europe sought to become a core economy, students see how
this led to rivalry with Spain and Portugal that was combined with
the religious ideology of the rivalry between Catholics and Protestants.
However, when they moved into competition in areas like the Americas or
the Spice islands or East Asia the also became rivals with one another.
• They will show they see how this happened in the struggle to enter the
spice trade in the Moluccas.
• 3. Learning Activities:
• Read the Commentary for Unit 5 Northern Europe Catches Up:
1. Read WTWA Chapter 2 Crises and Recovery in Eurasia, 1300's-1500's 70-76,
Chapter 3 Contact, Commerce, and Colonization, 1450's-1600 The
Transformation of Europe:106-110, Chapter 4 Worlds Entangled, 1600-1750
Increasing Economic Linkages:120-124 and Asia in the seventeenth and
eighteenth centuries, The Dutch in SE Asia 136-138. Chaptr 5 Cultures of
Splendor and Power 1600-1750 The Enlightenment in Europe 179-186.
2. Read Worldly Goods selections 370-376 Protestantism Affects Trade .pdf
3. Read Nathaniel’s Nutmeg selection p. 16-31 and 252-261. Competing with
Portugal .pdf Dutch vs English .pdf
Did we know that Magellan sailed to find a western route to the spices for
Spain? Somehow in the "explorers literature" of elementary school, I got the
impression he sailed to figure out how to circumnavigate the world. I guess I was
naive... How soon does the competition between northern and southern Europe,
between Protestant and Catholic nations turn into a competition between the
Netherlands and England??
4. Read A Splendid Exchange: How Trade Shaped the World p. 228-240 VOC
vs EIC .pdf
5. Watch the film: in the Films on Demand Library Collection The Europeans”
The Renaissance, Reformation and Beyond-Towards a Modern Europe and put
the study guide in the drop box. Here's how to find the film:
Go to UWS website>current students> Jim Dan Hill Library>How Do I Students>
Streaming Videos> Films on Demand> History> type in The Renaissance,
Reformation and Beyond.
Here's the film study guide: The Renaissance Reformation and Beyond.docx
6. Discussion Board: Explain the use of Protestant ideology in one of the
following: After two initial posts have been made, please choose another topic.
Due Friday June 27th
justification of lending money at interest to facilitate trade
justification of trade with the Ottoman Turks in metal that could be turned into
canons and weapons to be used to advance the Islamic empire a the expense of
the Austrians, Hungarians and Poles.
justification of English or Dutch attacks on Spanish and Portuguese ships and
the seizing of the fortresses in the Indian Ocean or their islands in the Caribbean
or their coastlines in South America.
justification of the war for Independence of the Dutch against Spain
Essay: Explain how northern Europe competed for empire and trade
with Spain and Portugal. Incorporate the role Protestantism played as the
ideology for this and how was it useful for northern Europeans to gain
advantage over southern Europe? Use the examples from your readings
with page references and and your film. Due Sunday June 29th. 3-4
Unit 6 The Consolidation of Japan and the Resistance of China
June 30-July 6th
Learning Objectives:
Students will gain an understanding of the unification process of the
Japanese islands.
They will demonstrate that they know the process by which the threat of
Portuguese or Spanish domination was avoided as Japan played off
Catholic Europeans against Protestant Europeans and escaped European
Likewise students will see the strengths of the Ching Chinese system and
it's awareness of European ambitions.
Learning Activities
1. Read Commentary on Unit 6
2. Watch 3 films:
a. the Forbidden City-the Great Within by Francis Gerard 1995 Discovery
Channel The Forbidden
on the Strength of the early Ch'ing /Qing emperors, and how Europeans were
b. Japan: Memoirs of a Secret Empire: The Way of the
Samurai. 2004. or Films on
Demand at the UWS Library # 41008 The Way of the Samurai.docx
it tells the story of the consolidation of power by the Daimyo Tokugawa Ieyasu
and how he became shogun in 1603 after the battle of Seikigahara of 1600 in
which Tokugawa Ieyeasu defeated his enemies.
and c. Memoirs of a Secret Empire: The Will of the
Shogun 2004 also at Films on
Demand in the UWS Library # 41009 The Will of the Shogun.docx
it tells the story of how the Shogun Iemitsu decided to expel all European
Christians but the Dutch and eliminate Japanese Christianity from the land
Extra credit:
Kagemusha the feature film by Kurosawa which is magnificent but not on
YOUTUBE, sigh. It is in the UWS library, but not the digital collection. This is a
magnificent film- dramatic, colorful, beautiful music, stirring. A masterful historical
saga. It tells the story of how Oda Nobunaga defeated the Takeda clan at the
battle of Nagashino in 1575, only to be later assassinated by one of his own
generals in 1582. So if you live in Duluth/Superior, you can get it at the UWS
Library. Many well stocked public libraries will have it, because the director was
so famous. If you are a UWS student you can automatically borrow from the
UMD Library too. Otherwise, it's worth getting on Netflicks. It is one of the most
splendid epic films from Japan. Kagemusha.doc
3. Read WTWA Chapter 4 Worlds Entangled 1600-1750 144-149, 173-179 on
Japan and China and Chapter 6 Reordering theWorld 1750-1850 230-231 on
Ching China.
4. Read selection Giles Milton’s Samurai William: The Englishman who Opened
Japan 96-101, 110-113, & 122-131. What do Portuguese and the Spaniards do
to infuriate the Japanese Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu? What actions did he
take? Staying Independent .pdf
5. Read The Death of Woman Wang by Jonathan D. Spence p. 1-3. Why was
the refusal of the former magistrate of T'an-ch'en county in Shantung
province, Feng K'o-ts'an to serve as an official in the rebel government of his
home region in Fukien so remarkable? He served for only 2 years from 16681670. Why is he so loyal to the Emperor who fired him for refusing to
excessively tax really poor people who had suffered the Manchu invasion,
earthquakes and floods. Note that one of the strengths of the Chinese system
under the Qing was that no magistrate could govern in his own province. This
would reduce the temptation for corruption. Mr. Feng ruled a county far to the
north but was from Fukien in the southern coastal area (usually now called
Fujian). Loyalty to the Emperor .pdf
6. Read Emperor of China: Self Portrait of K'ang-Hsi edited by Jonathan Spence
pages 36-37 and 88-89. Those rebels that Feng K'o-ts'an refused to serve led
the San-Fan war that lasted from 1673- 1681. Emperor K'ang-hsi refused to take
an honorific title when they are defeated. Why? Whom does he blame for the
sufferings caused by this war? What does he caution the historians about in
their writing and how does he say the people will treat just and unjust rulers?
Remember that the Emperor K'ang-hsi is about the most powerful human being
in the world. Does it surprise you? However, Emperor K'ang Hsi was 7 when he
became the ruler in 1661. When the war broke out, he was 19 and when it ended
he was 27. What does Magistrate Feng's loyalty to this system, and the very
young Emperor teach us about the strength of the Chinese system of
government? Humility of the Ruler .pdf Emperor K'ang Hsi was to rule the
longest of any of the Chinese emperors up until that date: 62 years. 1661-1722!
7. Discussion board:
Role play a Tokugawa Shogun or Chinese Emperor. It does not have to be a
specific ruler. You can make up a name like the Jade Swallow Emperor or the
Silver Sword Shogun. How will you keep the Europeans from entering your
kingdom and controlling the trade and perhaps eventually your country, like they
did in the Philippines. Use the strategies of the Chinese and the Japanese to
keep the foreigners at bay. Do you think you will be successful in the long run?
Why? After you have put in your role play, choose two who chose the other
country and comment on them. After 5 have done one country, please do the
8. Post in the drop box the part #1 of your commodity research essay:
#1. When did humans begin to exploit this commodity? Where? How?
Write the first two (full) pages of your essay on your commodity. Be sure
to include the origin of the crop or the places your commodity is commonly
found in the world. How was it exploited in ancient times before c. 1300?
What kind of labor was used to grow, harvest or mine it. Was it associated
with any religious practices? Are there legends about its origins? Try to
locate access to at least one book and at least one scholarly article on
your commodity. You do not have to use them for this part of the essay,
but you may. I will try to help you but the reference librarian at the UWS
library will also be of assistance. Use double spacing and font 12. due
Sunday July 6th or soon thereafter.
Learning Activities
1. read the Commentary for Unit 7
2. Read WTWA Chapter 3 Contact, Commerce ad Colonization 1450's1600 105-106, Chapter 4 Worlds Entangled 1600-1750 120-136 and
Chapter 6 Reordering the World 1750-1850 200-213.
3. Loewen: The Truth about Columbus. selection p. 24-25 4. Watch one of the
videos by Henry Louis "Skip" Gates from 1. Brazil, 2. Cuba, 3. Mexico and Peru
or 4. Haiti and the Dominican Republic, remembering that 95 % of the slaves in
the Atlantic crossing went to the Caribbean, Spanish Americas and Brazil and
not French and English north America or the USA. they are available at the UWS
JDH Library films on demand and at Youtube and at the pbs Black in Latin
America site:
• or
Haiti and Dominical
Mexico and Peru
5. Based on one film of Henry Louis Gates, post on the discussion board:
What was slavery and its aftermath like in your film? it may be 1 or 2
countries, depending on the film. And what did you learn about slavery in
the Americas that surprised you? post by Friday. Really try to educate
your classmates on the slavery from this region, as they will be watching a
different film from yours. By Friday July 11th do your post and then by
Sunday July 13th read two of the other posts and comment on what you
learned form them, surprised you about the content of this posting, how it
differed from your own. Each person should sign up for one film of the four
in the series Black in Latin America by Henry Louis Gates. We will insure
that roughly equal numbers study each area, if no more than 3 people
choose any one film. Look for answers to: How was slavery practiced in
that region. What did slaves do for work? How did slavery in that country
or those countries differ from the United States? What surprised you in
that film?
6. Read the selections from the novels A Tale of Two Cities and the
Scarlet Pimernel and about their authors:
Dickens .pdf
A Tale of Two
Cities .pdf
Orczy .pdf
The Scarlet Pimpernel .pdf
7. For extra credit you can watch on YouTUBE and do the study guides
a Tale of Two
Cities 1989 A Tale of Two Cities.docx
and the Scarlet Pimpernel
1934 The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Emmuska Orczy.docx
The guides are posted in the Extra Credit section of the Course Home
Essay: After reading the text book on the French revolution and the
selections from A Tale of Two Cities and the Scarlet Pimpernel, what does
the author’s life have to do with the way the French Revolution is
portrayed in their writings? With which class of people does the author
identify? Why? Why are they different? Why are they both true? Write 2-4
pages in the drop box. Refer to both the reading selections with page
references and lives of the authors and put these together to show their
Unit VIII the "New" Imperialism, Industrialization and Nationalism July 14-20
Overseas empire and industrialization: France, England, Belgium, Germany, Italy,
the Netherlands, Japan, the USA, the USSR
1. Learning Objectives:
Students will understand the terms empire and imperialism and the goals and
methods of colonization.
Students will demonstrate their mastery of the connection between 19th
and 20th century imperialism and industrialization, whether by the
Belgians in the Congo, the French in Indochina, Japan in Taiwan, Korea
and SE Asia, the USA in the Philippines and Hawaii, Cuba or Puerto
Rico the USSR in Siberia and Central Asia, or China in Tibet and
2.Watch: by Basil Davidson: Africa: A Voyage of Discovery
Episode 6 This Magnificent African
Cake: at use
this slightly longer version 54 mins and 25 secs. Although it has a
weird break in the middle with a lot of gobbledygook, it's better
quality than the other youtube recording. This Magnificent
African Cake by Basil Davidson.docx is the study guide.
Read WTWA: Chapter 6 Reordering the World, 1750-1850,
Abolition of Slavery 213-216, Economic Reordering 217223, Persistence and Change in Eurasia 223-230, China Problems
of Empire and the Opening 231-237. Chapter 8 Nations and
Empires 1850-1914: 271-273, Nation Building in the Americas
273-279, Nation Building in Europe 280-283, and especially,
Imperialism 286-306.
Then choose one of these countries to study the imperialism of its
history: British, American, Belgian, Japanese, Chinese, or
On Belgium: Read selections from King Leopold’s Ghost on the
colonial exploitation of the Belgian Congo
158-163& 200-203 Belgium I.pdf and 232-233 & 275279 Belgium II.pdf
or from An Imperial World: Empires and Colonies since 1750 by
David Northrup
On Japan: 168-183 Japanese I .pdf and 193-198 Japanese
II .pdf
On the USA: 137-146 American I .pdf and 163-168 & 187193 American II .pdf
On Britain: 54-64 British .pdf
On the Russians/USSR: 153-163 Russian .pdf
On the Chinese 204-215 Chinese .pdf
3. Applying the principles learned from watching This
Magnificent African Cake, how many ways did the imperial
country you chose to study extract wealth, power, and prestige
from the regions they colonized? Combine information from the
text book and the selected readigs above. Teach the class in the
discussion box about the country you chose. After 3 have chosen
any country, please choose another. Try to insure that all are
selected so you get a broad education on imperialism. As you can
see, just as we would do in an on campus class, I am gradually
shifting the responsibility for some of the class teaching to you.
Choose from American, British, Russian, Japanese, Belgian or
Chinese imperialism to teach about.
4. Post Part #2 of your essay in the drop box: 2. How has this
commodity or its exploitation spread around the world?
Is it found evenly around the world or is it found or grown in
particular places and then transported around the world? For
example, The Spanish and Portuguese and Sicilians grew
sugar on plantations using slave labor. The French also grew
sugar with slave labor on Reunion and Mauritius to the east
of Madagascar. In 1493, Columbus brought sugar cane
cuttings to Hispaniola. Soon slave labor was being brought
from Africa to the Caribbean and Brazil to grow sugar cane.
The French and the British, the Dutch and even the Swedes
were involved in aspects of these trades. So were American
founding fathers who were deeply involved in the slave trade
and the manufacturing of rum in New England. Perhaps no
other crop was so deeply intertwined with slavery as sugar
and rum? (Cotton? tobacco? palm oil? maybe the same claim
can be made for many other cash crops??).
• Unit IX Competitions for Markets and the New Nationalisms
lead to WWI, WWII , the Arab- Israeli War, and the Cold
War July 21-July 272nd. Watch: The People’s Century Part
10: 1939 Total War . Here is the study guide: People’s
Century Part 10 1939 Total War.docx it is in the drop box
as well.
The film is on youtube
3rd. Reading selectively in WTWA choose a war with which
to become familiar and teach the rest of the class , on the
discussion board, what caused it, what its results were and
whether or not genocide and ethnic cleansing were involved?
If so, how and why? Choose from: When you see 3 people
have chosen one war, choose another please.
1. WWI: Chapter 10 Of Masses and Visions of the Modern
1910-1939 349-356
2. WWII: Chapter 10 Of Masses and Visions of the Modern
1910-1939 366-372 Chapter 11 The Three-World Order,
1940-1975 385-392
3. The Cold War: Chapter 11 The Three World Order 19401975 393-396 with Vietnam War(s) 419-423 and the Korean
War 394-6 and 411
4. Israel/Palestine Conflict: Chapter 11 The Three World
Order 1940-1975 406-407 and the Commentary for this week.
4th. Drop box #3, Was your commodity exploited in a
colonial situation? For example, bananas played an important
role in the colonial history of Somalia, where Italian
colonizers forced former slaves to work on their banana
plantations. Diamonds were deeply involved in the colonial
histories of Brazil and South Africa, but not Botswana.
• Unit 10 July 28-August 3 Anti Colonial and Socialist
• Learning objectives:
• Students will demonstrate knowledge of the origins of
socialism and its principles as a world shaping ideology.
• Students will explain how colonialism produced nationalist
movements and imperialism produced anti- imperialism both
nationalist, socialist and Islamist.
• Students will form their own conclusions about the ability of
societies to resist oppression using revolution or non-violent
Do the class Readings in WTWA Chapter 7 Alternative visions of
the Nineteenth Century, 239-269 and Chapter 9 An Unsettled
World, 1890-1914, Progress and Upheaval and Discontent with
Imperialism 309-344 and Chapter 10 Masses and Visions of the
modern 1910-1939 Mass Politics: Competing Visions of Becoming
Modern 361-366 and Anti-Colonial Visions of Modern Life 374383 and Chapter 11 Decolonization 397-410 and the Third World
4. Watch the film: The People's Century Freedom Now on the
Anti-Colonial Movements 1947 Freedom Now .docx It is also in
the drop box.
5. Discussion box. Choose one of the following liberation
struggles to teach your classmates about from the topics
below one of these struggles for sovereignty, independence or
freedom from oppressions. Was it nationalist, socialist or Islamist?
Become an authority on this topic and post a discussion on the
discussion board to that effect. Write 2-3 paragraphs. Due Friday
August 1. Then by Sunday August 3rd read the posting of at least
one classmate and comment on it.
Russia 1917, China 1949, Cuba 1958, Vietnam 1975, Iran 1979,
South Africa 1994, Palestine 20??: Look up the relevant pages in
your text book from the index and if you have time, watch a film
from this list that corresponds with the topic you chose:
1990 on the
Cuban Revolution of 1958
The People’s Century: 1979 God Fights Back The Iranian
Revolution of
Mahatma A Great Soul of the
20th Century
Or, the feature film Gandhi (sorry, that's been removed for
copyright. But you could rent it.) Or, the BBC In Search of
Gandhi 2007
for The Nationalist Revolution in India
The People’s Century 1949 The Great Leap the Chinese
Revolution of 1949 ( it has a wee
bit of rock star at the beginning)
The People’s Century 1917 Red Flag The Russian Revolution of
The People's Century 1975 War of the Flea explores asymetrical
warfare of small groups of nationalists against imperialist
or government forces: Cuba, Vietnam, and
Afghanistan. This is also under another name and date with an
American narrator as 1973 Guerilla Wars: Communism, the
promise and the realities. Content appears the same.
Two of the longer films are also extra credit options for this unit:
Amandla! 2003 Music and the Liberation of South Africa ( great
music!!) but it's not available freesorry.
Five Broken Cameras: the Struggle for the Liberation of
Palestine 5
Broken Cameras by Emad Burnat and Guy Davidi 2011.docx
6. Post the draft of your last question #4 for your
Commodity Essay in the drop box by August 8th Friday at
4. What is the role of your commodity in the global economy.
Does it have an environmental impact? How is its
distribution controlled? How has it affected world history and
how have the themes of world history that we studied
affected it?
• Unit 11 Globalization and its Discontents
1. Skim Chapter 12 in the class textbook WTWA Globalization
425-461. Compare it to the commentary above.
2. Discussion box: What do you think are the major issues of your
period of contemporary history: Climate Change, Jihadism, Human
Rights, Immigration, Nuclear Proliferation, Global Population, Full
Employment in a Global Economy, Any Other Issue: Animal
Rights, Religious Intolerance, ... ... . Make a case for 2-3 of these,
or any others. Refering to the contemporary readings is good
too. Due Wednesday August 6th. After you add your ideas to the
thread, comment on two classmates who had different ideas from
your own. Have they convinced you that their issues will make it
in the history books of the future? Make your comments by August
3. Deposit your reedited research paper in 2 places: the drop box
and the discussion board by Wednesday August 6th. By Friday
August 8th comment on what you learned by reading the work of
at least two others' papers