Architectural Conservation Award Program

80 Gore Street East
Perth, Ontario K7H 1H9
Phone: (613) 267-3311
Fax: (613) 267-5635
January 28, 2016
Call for Nominations for the
Heritage Perth Architectural Conservation Awards Program
Heritage Perth is pleased to announce the 3rd annual Architectural Conservation
Awards Program for properties located within the Town of Perth. The purpose of the
Awards Program is to recognize, promote and encourage excellence in heritage
conservation in Perth, Ontario, for recent work completed in recently.
As Perth has reached a huge milestone in 2016 celebrating 200 years, this Awards Program
serves to recognize the stewardship and pride of ownership that exists within Heritage
Perth. Many original features of the community still exist today as Perth continues to
grow and change amongst the backdrop of its early buildings. Adaptive re-use of
heritage buildings has been a key to Perth's success even though the function of the
properties may have changed over time.
Perth Town Council will award one or more projects in Perth to a deserving individual
or group in 2016. The award categories are:
Education- Related to Heritage Awareness
Criteria for eligibility for the awards are available online at . If you would
like to nominate a property for this award, please contact or 613-2671947 and complete a nomination form. Deadline for nominations is February 15th 2016.
-30For more information contact:
Karen Rennie
Heritage Tourism Manager
Town of Perth, 80 Gore Street East
Perth, Ontario K7H 1H9
Phone: 613-267-3311
Heritage Perth
Architectural Conservation Award Program
Statement of Purpose: The purpose of the Heritage Perth Architectural Conservation
Award Program is to recognize, promote or otherwise encourage excellence in heritage
conservation in Perth, Ontario.
Award Categories: Awards (one or more) will be granted to a project, individual or
group in the following categories.
Category 1- Buildings
• Preservation, ongoing maintenance, restoration, rehabilitation, renovation or
adaptive reuse
• Demonstration of creative solutions to design problems or construction techniques
in upgrading or rehabilitating a heritage structure which contributes to the
retention of a heritage feature
• In exceptional circumstances new buildings within a historic streetscape will be
considered for recognition based on sensitive integration, revitalization or
enhancement of streetscape in which it was built
Category 2- Landscapes
• Restoration, ongoing maintenance of a heritage garden or landscape
Category 3- Education (Related to Heritage Awareness)
• Promotes or encourages heritage conservation through their efforts in areas of
education, publication, exhibitions or advocacy efforts that contributes to
increased awareness of heritage in Perth
Eligibility: To be eligible for an award the project must meet the following eligibility
• Individuals, organizations or businesses are eligible
• Interior or exterior projects will be considered
• Work should have been normally completed within the last five years
• Projects must be located within the Town of Perth municipal boundaries
• Designated and Non-Designated properties are eligible
Review, Protocol and Notification: Following the submission deadline, the Heritage
Manager will review the nominations for eligibility and completeness. Nominations that
are incomplete or deemed ineligible will be returned to the nominator for resubmission.
The project may be resubmitted, provided it meets the nomination deadline for that year
or may be resubmitted the following year.
The Municipal Heritage Advisory Panel (MHAP) and Heritage Management Advisory
Panel (HMAP) will review the nominations at the January meetings and recommend to
the Committee of the Whole/Council any projects that warrant recognition.
The Heritage Panels will refer to the "Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation
of Historic Places in Canada" (Parks Canada) as the criteria by which
rehabilitation/conservation project nomination are evaluated. The Panels may consult
with the Perth and District Horticultural Society with regards to landscape projects.
If a member of a Heritage Advisory Panel is nominated for an award, or if that member
is part of a nomination project, they will declare a conflict and withdraw from discussion
on the project.
Award Certificates: Certificates will be presented at a Perth Town Council meeting in
February of each year as close to Heritage Week as possible.
Nominations: All projects are to be nominated and submitted to the Heritage Manager
no later than the 3151 of December in any given year.
Heritage Perth
Architectural Conservation Award Program
Nominator Name
Nominator Phone and Email
Project Name
Project Address and Contact
Description of Work: Include the heritage conservation aspects of the project such as:
• aspects of retention
• type of materials used
• components replaced or replicated
• duration of work
• before and after photographs
• use of local trades people
Date of Nomination
Signature of Nominator
Nominations are to be delivered to Perth Town Hall,
80 Gore Street East, Perth ON K7H 1H9
Phone: 613-267-3311 Fax: 613-267-5635
Attention: Heritage Manager