Guidance for Main Roads WA Operational Efficiency Auditor Applications Main Roads WA (Main Roads) has developed Guidelines for Operational Efficiency Audits for Managed Freeways and is seeking applications from practitioners with relevant skills and experiences to become accredited auditors. Main Roads current policy requires that operational efficiency audits are conducted on all freeway projects in Western Australia, and may be required at a number of stages in the project lifecycle from traffic analysis through to detailed design. An audit team must consist of two auditors as a minimum, but may include more depending on the required expertise for a particular project. Applications may be for a Senior Operational Efficiency Auditor or Operational Efficiency Auditor role. A Senior Operational Efficiency Auditor will lead an auditing team and be responsible for submission of the audit report, and is required to have a higher level of relevant experience. Further information on the concept and process for conducting operational efficiency audits is provided in the Guidelines for Operational Efficiency Audits for Managed Freeways (Main Roads 2013) available online from Main Roads website. This document also details the relevant policies and standards that auditors should be familiar with prior to undertaking an audit. Application Check List Requirement Auditor Level Have completed the Main Roads’ training course on the Operational All Efficiency Audit Guidelines for Managed Freeways Have completed the ARRB training course on Managed Freeways, or All recognised equivalent training course in managed freeways Have minimum five years’ experience (including relevant skills and knowledge of current standards and best practice) in one or more of the following disciplines: managed freeways design, freeway geometric Senior auditor design, traffic modelling and analysis, traffic engineering/traffic management, road safety, or managed freeways operation Have minimum three years’ experience (including relevant skills and knowledge of current standards and best practice) in one or more of the following disciplines: managed freeways design, freeway geometric Auditor design, traffic modelling and analysis, traffic engineering/traffic management, road safety, or managed freeways operation Have been a team member on at least three operational efficiency audits for Main Roads under the guidance of an Accredited Senior Operational Senior auditor Efficiency Auditor. Able to demonstrate that professional experience has been kept current MAIN ROADS Western Australia Document1 28072015 Senior auditor Check Requested documentation Document Check Completed application form detailing the above requirements Supporting information (CV/resume, education/training certificates) Signed Operational Efficiency Auditor Declaration Form (refer to page 3 of this application guidance) Main Roads may contact you via the email provided in order to confirm details regarding the application, if required to assist in the approval process. Once you are approved on the list of registered auditors then you will be contacted by MRWA and client project managers to determine your interest and availability in being involved in an audit as the need arises. You are required to be independent from a project in order to be selected for inclusion to an audit team. There is no guarantee through this application that you will work on an audit team for an operational efficiency audit of a managed freeways project. There is no fee associated with this application. For any enquiries or issues with this application process please email Applications by email to the above email address are preferred. If you need to send hardcopies, please mail to: Manager Road Network Operations Main Roads Western Australia PO Box 6202 East Perth WA 6892 MAIN ROADS Western Australia Document1 28072015 Page 2 of 3 Operational Efficiency Auditor Declaration Form I hereby certify that the information provided in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signature of applicant: ………………………………………………………………………. Print name: ……………………………………………………………………...... Date: ……………………………………………………………………….. Signature of Person/s verifying experience (PERSON 1): ………………………………… Print name: ………………………………… Organisational relationship to the applicant: ………………………………… Date: ………………………………… Signature of Person/s verifying experience (PERSON 2): ………………………………… Print name: ………………………………… Organisational relationship to the applicant: ………………………………… Date: ………………………………… Signature of Person/s verifying experience (PERSON 3): ………………………………… Print name: ………………………………… Organisational relationship to the applicant: ………………………………… Date: ………………………………… MAIN ROADS Western Australia Document1 28072015 Page 3 of 3