Chapters 9 & 10 Study Guide The verse “All things were made by

Chapters 9 & 10 Study Guide
The verse “All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was
made” (John 1:3) most directly supports Biblical Creationism.
People who promote the theory of intelligent design believe that life shows evidence of
The verse “One day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day” (2
Peter 3:8) is sometimes used to support the idea of the long-day theory.
The term global flood means that a flood of water covered the ENTIRE earth.
Some problems with long-day theory include;
o The word day in the account of Creation literally means 24 hour day.
o Plants need sunlight and pollinators to live.
o 2 Peter 3:8 means that God is not bound by time.
Genealogies include;
o “begat”
o “son of”
o Family history
The process by which most fossils are believed to have been formed is sedimentation.
We know that Job knew something about leviathan and behemoth.
Used generally, the term evolution refers to the changing of a thing to become improved or
more complex.
The argument that building your muscles will not cause your children to have big muscles
could be used to refute the theory proposed by Lamarck.
According to De Vries, the organism capable of the most evolution mutates easily.
Of all the gene mutations man has observed in organisms, the vast majority are harmful.
Three points Darwin made in his theory of natural selection;
o More young are produced than can remain alive
o Individuals in a species compete with each other for available resources
o The individuals with the best characteristics to obtain the resources they need will
There is no complete and uninterrupted fossil record.
Biblical Creationism is the belief that the physical universe was created by God.
Evolutionism is the belief that the physical universe developed by chance.
Long-day theory is the belief that each day of Creation was a long period of time, maybe
thousands of years.
Literal view is the belief that each day of Creation was 24 hours long.
Gap theory is the belief that the “first creation” was destroyed during Satan’s fall.
Old-earth theory is the belief that the earth is millions or billions of years old.
Theory of intelligent design is the belief that the random direction of evolution is incapable of
causing the level of complexity we see in nature.
Young-earth theory is the belief that the earth is about 6,000 years old.
Progressive creationism is the belief that God created new groups of species at widely spaced
Creation and evolution are both accepted by faith.
Rain fell for forty days and nights during the Genesis Flood.
Those materials that settle to the bottom of a river are called sediment.
The word dinosaur means “fearful or monstrous lizard.”
Industrial melanism is the theory that organisms change to a darker color because human
activity causes their surroundings to become darker.
The islands where Darwin observed animals were the Galapagos Islands.
An evolutionary family tree is a diagram demonstrating the supposed stages of biological
Homologous structures are similar structures that evolutionists say are best explained by
common ancestry.
The whale is the modern animal that supposedly descended from Pakicetus and Ambulocetus.
The gradual change of one kind of organism to another is biological evolution.
Evolution-mutation theory states that the changes in an organism’s genetic makeup account
for evolutionary changes.
Cutting off the tails of many generations of mice disproved the theory of the inheritance of
acquired characteristics.
A genetic change that can be passed down to offspring is a germ mutation.
The HMS Beagle is the ship that Darwin sailed on.
The theory of natural selection is the idea that the environment destroys organisms that are
less able than others to live in the environment.
The mutation-selection theory is also known as Neo-Darwinism.
An organism that evolutionists claim has different groups of organisms as its offspring is a
common ancestor.
An organism that probably never existed but is needed to fill out the evolutionary path of
other organisms is a missing link.
A record of past living things is a fossil record.
The Archaeopteryx is an extinct bird.
Man was NOT created in the same way as plants and animals.
God’s creation has degenerated because of man’s sin.
Noah’s ark was more than 5 times larger than Columbus’s ship the Santa Maria.
“Survival of the fittest” is most closely associated with the theories of Darwin.
Scientists have NEVER created living cells from nonliving materials.