Seminar program in English Language

The 4th International Symposium on IRAN 2026 Vision
9-10 Feb., 2015 – Tehran/Iran
“IRAN 2026 Vision” is the largest event held in Iran. The aim of symposium is to focus on the advances made in the
Applied technologies for energy recovery from biomass and waste and to encourage discussion in these fields. The 3 rd
Edition of the Symposium, held in early 2014 with about 500 attendees. The 4th edition is actually in conjunction with
“Energy, Water Crisis, International Trade Law & Negotiation Strategies”, and there will be panels & workshops
arranged for the mentioned arenas.
Management & Sustainable Development
“Iran 2026 Vision” brings together the top experts in all areas of the field to build up a clear, optimum path to energy
efficiency, facility optimization and sustainability as well as infra-structural and innovative solutions to improve the global
return on energy resources investment and also learning more about its project implementation strategies.
The Iranian and International experts, university professors and energy technologists will gather to share the updated
achievements, engaged in participatory mapping of the science and industry, construct a future scenario and learn how the
huge project will move forward with the insights gained at the same discussion panels & workshops. The objectives of the
event are both to inform industry representatives of the recent challenges & changes in energy management systems,
guidelines and policies and to hear strategists’ views on how these changes will affect the technology, industry as well as
energy legacy and legitimacy.
-Achieving knowledge-based assistance of the Energy development management in Iran
-Analyzing the economical-cultural identity through 20 years and 1404 turning point on Energy management
-Achieving the 5th development protocol considering the approaches and restriction of the energy management in the
next edition
-Sustainable development goals for secure Energy production policy based, demand and supply and its worldwide
interactive development
-Convergence among the oil, power ministries and other organizations for macro approaches in Energy save
management in Iran
- Achieving landscaping goals of macro approaches for Energy management
-Futurism & overviews for Energy management policies along with 1404 landscaping goals of 20 years
-Futurism to improve policy making & the renewable international Energy management in Iran
-Globalization & Sustainability of Energy security for open waters on Iran Vision 2026
-Iran & the approaching role of the Energy management in achieving 1404 landscaping goals of 20 years
-Recognizing the best solutions to identify and amend the global rules & regulations
-Population trends, energy & environmental issues
-The latest achievements by Iran in the Energy arena despite the sanctions
- Comparing the energy approaching guidelines of the world’s oil industries with Iran
-Recognizing the global legacy & legitimacy of Iran’s oil sanctions
Water Crisis :
Eco-system Management
Solutions for the crisis and more efficiency
Water in the Asian regions is a very big multifaceted issue. There is scarcity, waste, pollution, inadequate service levels as well
as increasing and competing demands. There must be doable solution options and choices .The urgency to give water much more
higher priority in development plans and investment.
Water losses as a result of aging distribution infrastructure exceeds 30 percent, yet interest is focused on finding new supply
sources rather than repairing and upgrading old systems. To satisfy water demand, Iran is using more than 70 percent of its
renewable freshwater resources. Usage of 60-80 percent of renewable freshwater resources indicates a “Water Crisis”.
The present water crisis in Iran has three main drivers: rapid population growth and inappropriate spatial population distribution;
inefficient agriculture; and mismanagement and rapid speed development.
The Islamic Revolution and subsequent international pressure on Iran further strengthened the country's desire for development
in order to prove its independence to the world. Rapid development and the construction of major infrastructure with minimal
concern for the long-term, non-economic impact has created water and environmental problems.
Goals & Objectives:
To increase awareness of water issues and the best solutions
To build applied networks and global cooperation to implement right actions
To demonstrate Iran’s commitment to solving water crisis in near future
To enhance national and international engagement in helping countries meet their water agenda
Approaches :
The water threat in Iran
Achieving in decrease in water losses
Managing demands from Loss to Profit: Structural Transformation
Achieving the Solutions for Enhanced Productivity
Water Reuse: Scale, Technology, and Prospects
Clean Up Costs: Expanding Investments
International Trade, Business and Economic Law:
Strategies, Policies & Management
International Trade Law provides advices to national & international parties on establishing the legal and administrative structures
necessary to comply with their obligations specifically under the WTO agreements, as well as to advise on the issues dealing with
disputing resolutions. “IRAN 2026 Vision” intends to survey on the recent achievements in business, and professional practice.
“IRAN 2026 Vision” highly encourages academics, practitioners, consultants, scholars, researchers and policy makers to
discuss and share their updated views as a case study or even abstracts of research in progress.
To achieve new laws regulating investment
Measuring procurement laws and anti-corruption scales
To create a sustainable development & International business law
Trade sanctions & 21st Century in the Middle East
Iran & post-sanctions challenges
Analyzing the Impacts of Business Globalization
Achieving improvements on e-commerce