MIDTERM_01 - programarejava

1. Examine the following code. What are the variables?
n (*)
i (*)
2. In Java, which symbol is used to assign one value to another?
= (*)
3. Alice uses built-in math operators; they are:
Add and subtract
Multiply and divide
All of the above (*)
None of the above
4. In Alice, functions are dragged into the control statement, not the procedure. True or false?
False (*)
5. From your Alice lessons, where should comments be placed?
Above each set of programming statements. (*)
At the end of the program.
In the scene editor.
In their own procedure.
6. An Alice object can move in four directions. True or false?
False (*)
7. From your Alice lessons, comments do not affect the functionality or behavior of objects. True or
True (*)
8. In Alice, inheritance means that the superclass inherits its traits from the subclass. True or false?
False (*)
9. In Alice, declaring a new procedure to shorten code and make it easier to read is a procedural
abstraction technique. True or false
True (*)
10. In Alice, a person object inherits its procedures, functions, and properties from which of the
following classes
 Object subclass
Biped class (*)
Quadruped class
Person subclass (*)
11. A scenario gives the Alice animation a purpose. True or false
True (*)
12. From your Alice lessons, random numbers are set in the distance and duration arguments in a
procedure. True or false
True (*)
13. In Alice, which of the following instructions turn the Blue Tang fish right one half of a meter?
this.blueTang turn Right 5
this.blueTang turn Right 0.5 (*)
blueTang turn Right 5
blueTang turn Right 0.5
14. The move procedure moves an object in how many different possible directions
6 (*)
15. A loop can be infinite (continue forever) or conditional (stops upon a condition). True or false?
True (*)
16. In Alice, we use the While control statement to implement the conditional loop. True or false?
True (*)
17. A conditional loop is a loop that will continue forever. True or false?
False (*)
18. The value that a variable holds must be a whole number, not a decimal. True or false?
False (*)
19. From your Alice lessons, what can be used as a guideline to ensure your animation fulfills
animation principles
 The Internet
Animation checklist (*)
A close friend
None of the above
20. An Alice event is considered what?
A party with at least 20 people
An object's orientation
Error handling
 A keystroke or mouse click (*)
21. Besides invoking a procedure, another way to precisely position an Alice object is to enter
values in the x, y, and z coordinates in the Position property. True or false
True (*)
22. From your Alice lessons, what is a one-shot procedural method?
A procedure that is invoked when the Run button is clicked.
A procedure that is used to make a scene adjustment. (*)
A procedure that is dragged into the code editor.
A procedure that is used to launch the program.
23. From your Alice lessons, how do you add an instance to a scene in Alice?
 Select the instance from your computer's network.
Write code that places the instance in the scene.
Select the class, then drag the object into the scene. (*)
Call the addObject method.
24. When you want specific code to be executed only if certain conditions are met, what type of
Java construct would you use
 while loop
if (*)
25. What do lines 7, 10 and 13 do in the following code?
Export files called A, B, and num3.
Create a single file containing A, B, and the value of num3.
Print "A", "B" and the value of num3 on the screen. (*)
None of the above.
26. From your Greenfoot lessons, abstraction techniques can only be used once in a class's source
code. True or false?
False (*)
27. From your Greenfoot lessons, which of the following are examples of abstraction?
Playing a range of sounds when keyboard keys are pressed. (*)
A single instance displays a single image.
Assigning a different keyboard key to each instance. (*)
Programming a single movement for a single instance.
Assigning a different image file to each instance. (*)
28. In Greenfoot, a constructor has a void return type. True or false
False (*)
29. From your Greenfoot lessons, what is the parameter of the following constructor that creates a
new image, and designates it to the Actor class?
setImage (new GreenfootImage("duke100.png
duke100.png (*)
30. Use your Greenfoot knowledge to answer the question: Where are defined variables typically
entered in a class's source code
 In the defined method in the source code.
Between the constructors and methods in the source code.
After the constructors and methods in the source code.
 At the top of the source code, before the constructors and methods. (*)
31. In Greenfoot, a variable can be saved and accessed later, even if the instance no longer exists.
True or false ?
False (*)
32. From your Greenfoot lessons, when a method needs additional data to perform a task, this data
comes from parameters. True or false?
True (*)
33. In the Greenfoot IDE, which type of variable allows instances to store information
Method variable
Instance variable (*)
Class variable
World variable
34. From your Greenfoot lessons, how do you call a defined method?
 Call the method from the act method. (*)
Call the method from the defined method.
Write the method in the World superclass.
Write the method in the instance.
Write the method in the source code.
35. To execute a method in your Greenfoot game, where is it called from?
 The world
The act method (*)
The actor class
The gallery
36. From your Greenfoot lessons, to save space in the act method, you can write an entirely new
method below it, called a _____________.
 Class method
Instance method
Defined method (*)
World method
Code method
37. Which method is used to play sound in your Greenfoot game
getSound method
findSound method
playSound method (*)
importSound method
38. In Greenfoot, which method checks if a key on the keyboard has been pressed
 keyPress method
keyUp method
keyDown method (*)
keyClick method
39. In the Greenfoot IDE, what symbols indicate that the variable is an array?
 Square brackets [ ] (*)
Curly brackets { }
Semicolon ;
Colon :
40. In Greenfoot, which of the following statements could prevent an infinite loop from occurring?
 I = 100 + i
i = i + 1 (*)
41. In Greenfoot, what happens if the end to a while loop isn't established?
 The code will keep executing and will never stop. (*)
The code will execute once and then stop, due to controls in Greenfoot.
The code will prompt you to enter a loop counter.
The code will not execute.
42. In Greenfoot, in which programming task are the objects identified
 Define the problem.
Design the solution.
Program the solution. (*)
Test the solution.
43. Use your Greenfoot skills to answer the question. What is incorrect in this code?
Spacing missing
Curly brace missing
Parenthesis missing (*)
Comma missing
44. From your Greenfoot lessons, a problem statement defines the purpose for your game. True or
True (*)
45. From your Greenfoot lessons, where do you review a class's inherited methods
Act method
Documentation (*)
46. From your Greenfoot lessons, the reset button resets the scenario back to its initial position.
True or false?
True (*)
47. Which of the following Java syntax is used to correctly create a Duke subclass
private Dog extends World
public class Dog extends World
public class Duke extends Animal (*)
private class extends Actor
private class extends Duke
48. When a Greenfoot code segment is executed in an if-statement, each line of code is executed in
sequential order. True or false? True (*)
49. In a Greenfoot if-else statement, if the condition is true, the if-statement is executed, and then
the else-statement is executed. True or false
False (*)
50. Read the following method signature. Using your Greenfoot experience, what does this method
public static int getRandomNumber (int limit)
 Returns a random number less than 10.
Returns a random coordinate position in the world.
Returns a random number between zero and parameter limit. (*)
Returns a random number for instances in the animal class only.