Tier 5 (Government Authorised Exchange) (Funded Research Rrojects) A sponsored researcher is someone: Employed by an overseas higher education institution Undertaking ‘funded’ research as part of a formal research project hosted (but not necessarily funded) by a UK research institution Working (as a researcher) under the full or partial control of the institution which will directly benefit from the research Sponsored Researchers can be funded from sources in the UK or overseas. Note: Individuals who are PhD students and members of staff overseas may come under the Tier 5 route if it is clear that the employment is independent of the PhD studies (and will continue beyond the PhD studies) and that the funding provided is for work and not studies. Where one or both of the above is not clear the Tier 5 route will not be used. However, other routes may be a possibility. APPLICANT’S NAME SCHOOL/DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENT Are you employed by an overseas higher education institution? If yes, what is your job title and the duration of your employment (start and end dates if known). Is the research you are planning on undertaking at the University of Nottingham connected to your PhD research or completely unconnected? Who will be funding you and what funding will you receive for the research you are planning to do (please send a scanned copy of your funding letter)? Give details of the funded research project that you will be working on. Are you registered for a PhD? If yes, what stage are you at with your PhD studies and will you be suspending your studies for the time that you will be in the UK? Completed by: DETAILS OF HOW YOU MEET THE REQUIREMENT