2013 AP Human Geography Final Review

AP Human Geography Final Review
Do it….do it now!
Note: ch. 4, 5, 6, and 7 will be tested May 14 . Ch. 8, 10, 11, 12 and 13 will be tested May 15 th.
Day 1 May 14th Exam Topics
Chapter 4: Folk and Popular Culture
a. What is the difference between a habit and a custom? Give an example of each.
b. How does folk and popular culture differ from one another?
c. What type of culture varies from place to place at a given time?
d. What type of culture varies from time to time at a given place?
e. Folk culture is spread primarily by ______________ diffusion, whereas popular culture is primarily
spread by ____________ diffusion.
f. Where do folk cultures originate?
g. Where do popular cultures originate?
h. How do folk songs differ from popular songs?
i. How does a group of people maintain their cultural diversity?
j. A taboo against pork is a characteristic of what two monotheistic religions?
k. What type of culture will result in a uniform landscape?
l. How does the global diffusion of popular culture threaten folk cultures?
Chapter 5: Language
a. What tribes were included in the Germanic invaders of England?
b. Why are there different dialects in England?
c. How are British and American English different?
d. What is an isogloss? Give an example.
e. A group of people speaking the same language become isolated from each other. What effect does
isolation have on language?
f. What is the difference between a language family, branch, and group? Trace the origin of English
through the family, branch, and group.
g. What is the largest language family?
h. What is the second largest language family?
i. What is the most widely spoken language in Brazil?
j. What is a creolized language?
k. What is the most widely spoken Indo-European language?
l. Russian is part of what language branch?
m. What is a revived language? Give an example.
n. What does the survival of a language depend on?
o. What is a lingua franca?
p. What type of language has no native speakers?
Chapter 6: Religion
a. Define: Branch, Denomination, and Sect – give an example for each.
b. What is an ethnic religion? Give two examples.
c. What is a universalizing religion? Give three examples.
d. What is the world’s largest universalizing religion?
e. What is the world’s largest ethnic religion?
f. What are the three main branches of Christianity?
g. Baptists are clustered in what region of the U.S.?
h. Lutherans are clustered in what region of the U.S.?
Roman Catholics are clustered in what region of the U.S.?
Muslims are clustered in which region of the world?
What are the two branches of Islam? What caused the split? Which branch is the majority?
What are the key beliefs for: Confucianism, Legalism, and Daoism?
Which three monotheistic religions tie their origins back to Abraham?
How did Christianity first diffuse from its hearth?
Explain the Hindu caste system. What role does the caste system play in the beliefs of Hinduism?
What part of Ireland are Protestants located? What is the situation there a result of?
What war resulted in Israel controlling all of Jerusalem?
Adherents of which religion have controlled the Holy Land for most of the past 1,500 years?
Chapter 7: Ethnicity
a. What was apartheid?
b. What is the most numerous ethnicity in the U.S.?
c. African Americans are clustered in what area of the U.S.?
d. Asian Americans are clustered in what area of the U.S.?
e. Latinos and Hispanics are clustered in what areas of the U.S.?
f. What is the most dramatic change in the geographic distribution of African Americans in the U.S.?
g. What is “white flight”?
h. Define race, ethnicity, and nationality.
i. What is self-determination?
j. What is an essential component of nationalism?
k. In the U.S., what is shared by all Americans?
l. What is the largest multinational state?
m. What is the continuing ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka about? Who is it between?
n. Define Balkanization.
o. What caused the breakup of Yugoslavia in the 1990s?
p. What is ethnic cleansing?
Day 2 May 15th Exam Topics
Chapter 8: Political Geography
a. Define a state. What is the world’s largest state?
b. What is the only large land mass that is not part of a sovereign state?
c. Describe the relationship between a colony and a state.
d. What were the first states in Mesopotamia called?
e. What is it called when one country attempts to impose political control over another territory?
f. What are some reasons/motives of European states establishing colonies?
g. How were boundaries redrawn in Europe after WWI?
h. What is a perforated state? Give an example.
i. What type of state places most power into the hands of the central government?
j. What characteristics make up cultural boundaries?
k. What country generated one of the largest refugee migrations as a result of a 1979 Soviet invasion?
l. What is the primary purpose of the United Nations?
m. What is the purpose of the European Union?
Chapter 10: Agriculture
a. What is the most important distinction for dividing the world into agricultural regions?
b. Describe characteristics of hunting and gathering societies.
c. Where are hunting and gathering societies found in the world?
d. The _________ and _____________ of hunter and gatherer migration depends on the movement of
game and the seasonal growth of plant.
e. Where are important agricultural hearths?
f. How did geographer Derwent Whittlesey divide the world into agricultural regions?
g. Define subsistence agriculture. What are some examples/forms of subsistence agriculture?
h. Define commercial agriculture. What are some examples/forms of commercial agriculture?
i. Which type of agriculture occupies the largest percentage of the world’s land area?
j. How do farmland preservationalists define “prime farmland”?
k. Which type of agriculture is practiced by the largest percentage of the world’s people?
l. What type of farming is practiced most in Asia?
m. What type of climate region are pastoral nomads commonly found?
n. What do farmers in South China practice to increase crop yields?
o. Which type of farming is the most common form of commercial agriculture found in Europe?
p. What are the benefits of mixing crops and livestock?
q. After corn, what is the most important crop in the U.S. mixed crop and livestock region?
r. What is the predominant form of agriculture in the southeast U.S.?
s. What is the purpose of crop rotation?
t. What is the purpose of the VonThunen model?
u. What is the primary factor in VonThunen’s model for choosing commercial farm products?
v. What are the benefits of using genetically modified crops?
Chapter 11: Industry
a. What four regions make up three-fourths of the world’s industrial production?
b. When and where did the Industrial Revolution begin?
c. Explain the transition from the cottage system to the factory system.
d. What is a bulk-gaining industry? What is a bulk-reducing industry? How does this impact the
placement of industry? (Weber Model)
e. What are significant site factors when considering the location of industry?
f. What does the new international division of labor reflect with the placement of industry?
Chapter 12: Services
a. Why are call centers placed in places like India?
b. Which services constitute up to two-thirds of GDP in MDCs?
c. Where are original hearth(s) of urban settlements?
d. What are some reasons for establishing a settlement?
e. Of the ten largest urban areas in the world, how many are in MDCs?
f. Most people in the world live in what type of settlement?
g. What is the French long-lot system?
h. What are various types of consumer services? Business services? Public services?
i. How do range and threshold influence a service?
j. Explain the concepts behind the Central Place Theory.
k. What are periodic markets?
l. What is the hierarchical organization of settlements called? How is this calculated?
m. What are characteristics of a primate city?
n. What is an example of a basic economic activity?
o. How are world cities defined?
p. What two types of business services do LDCs specialize in?
q. What factors determine where back office services will locate in LDCs?
Chapter 13: Urban Patterns
a. What makes up the central business district?
b. Compare and contrast European CBDs and North American CBDs.
c. What kind of retail activities usually appear in CBDs?
d. Why are business services attracted to CBDs?
e. Why is the land so expensive in CBDs?
f. What led to the construction of the skyscraper?
g. Give an example of “vertical geography”.
h. Explain the concentric zone model.
i. Explain the sector model.
j. Explain the multiple nuclei model.
k. What is a squatter settlement? Give an example.
l. Define gentrification. Give a specific local example.
m. If a city is struggling financially, what would be a likely solution?
n. Why is public transportation the preferred method of commuting to the CBD?
o. Define and give an example of a Megalopolis.
p. What draws people to move to the suburbs?
q. Where does the largest percentage of the U.S. population live?
r. What does the density gradient show about a city?